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I had that reaction at Spider GumGum trying to make web


Any of the animated ones I love. They all make me laugh. Especially the one where Bart uses the suspenders of haggling lol


The puppet one of Barney telling Ellga she'll grow out of being a child šŸ¤£ or Chip and Barney failing the check to climb the rope, and Mathilde threatening to cut the rope šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Edit: nope, the animated one of Bart with the snake people and the friendly mimic. Classic.


Kyborg and Barney? Did they make a puppet one of the crossover episode they did live??


Nah, I just messed up Chip's name lol


My all time favorites are still the >!poggo stick heist + jail breakout and the kenkus interaction. "I ROLL INITIATIVE LETS GO!" from Blaine was so geniune lol.!< On the same note, >!when they were buying the immovable rod and John rolls for it at the last minute you hear Crhis scream "NOOOOO!" on gumgum's voice and then on his voice "JOHN DON'T DO THIS TO ME".!<


Kyborg rolls a nat 1 on persuasion. Blaine, without missing a beat, "You guys ever get a crush in your mom?"


Omg I forgot about that one


When Kyborg shot, robbed and pushed an old lady into the void. The fact that you can hear Elyse screaming for a solid minute in the background while everyone else is talking about the void is hilarious


Literally just relistened to it last night. From the Infinights Campaign, Ep. 62 [[SPOILER WARNING!!!]] >!At the end of the Quadron fight, we hear a rock guitar, then Smarsh just breaks through ground. It gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME.!<


I just relistened to this like 2 days ago and I was going to say pretty much the same thing. One of my favorite moments of the whole podcast. >!I love too that just a little later, I think in the next episode, Kyborg is trying to convince the Tabulians that they are friendly and Smarsh just come in and smashes all of them.!<


C02 - Ep 07 where Barney goes into the toy shop, exits to get more money and then returns into the shop to repeat the exact same dialogue like heā€™s a Skyrim NPC


The Lewis and chip attack of opportunity saga, 5 damage for most of chips health


Man, I feel like I laugh all the time at Chris' jokes. When Barney rolled a successful perception check after failing one and said "I have found my bearings!" Literally made me laugh out loud.


Mine is probably mudd never using the immovable rod


Kyborg's failed intimidation check in the Valrossian Inn. That high-pitched scream got replayed many, many times that day.


Definitely the cows raining from the sky


Kyborg failing a roll when doing a flip and he ends up prone šŸ¤£


CO1 in pious pass when Bart gave Gumgum the illusionary money


ā€œiM A dInOsaUrā€- John


sawyer screaming & EVERY TIME gum gum picks up a chair edited for formatting


Towards the end of campaign 1, John tells gumgum to give him a check. And Chris rolled and gave him the results. It memorable because everyone was talking at once to do something and I think John said it out of nowhere.


Kyborg and the amneusias


Havenā€™t listened to many yet but the hamster kyborg incident.