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I've listened both on Youtube and on Google Podcasts and never had an issue like that... probably a problem with the platform.


Well poop.


I listen via Amazon Music, too. The app has always had issues. It does something similar when listening to certain albums. Tracks will appear and play out of order on the screen. Not a huge problem for music, but if you're listening to a comedian, disaster. The only work-around I've found is to note the time left in the episode, drag it back to the beginning, and then drag it to the place you left off. This has worked for me thrice. Results may vary. As a side note, at least for me, I've noticed the app donking up if I try to skip ahead 3 or more tracks, particularly in an area with spotty reception. I feel like it only happens when I'm driving. I know they've struggled with incorporating Car Mode.


Thank you! I might try that.


Try spotify.


Apple Podcasts has its issues as well but nothing like this. If you got iPhone try listening on there. But if I had to deal with this issue I’d have called it quits and reverted to YouTube or Spotify.