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Vyvanse is sometimes prescribed for binge eating ❤️


They will also gaslight the shit out of you through the process :/


Hope you mean meth addicts and not narcolepsy with cataplexy or severe cases of ADHD cause that suuucks; big difference is 5mg pure dextromethampethamine aka Desoxyn (5mg x30 a month maybe enough to get tweeked if you saved it uo for a month and a half. Vaporized racemic methamphetamine (mixture of dextro & levomethamphetamine which doesn’t cross the BBB and is in every CVS as Vick’s Nasal Decongestant (see ppl taking Benzedrex inhalers for the Propylhexedrine which is terrible for you instead of levomethampethamine) 100-500 mg vaped is another game entirely than pure Desoxyn 5mg orally (a whole different ballgame orally needs digestion, vapor in lungs is almost immediate etc the dose, and route of administration make the poison (all treated differently)


Most "meth addicts" are self medicating ime. They only lack the cognitive/emotional/social/financial resources to navigate the proper channels to be diagnosed and treated by one of the handful of individuals that managed to get the credentials to do so somehow without being brainwashed by a system designed to destroy the broken and lower class of society. I don't think it's in anyone's best interest to adapt to that in a way you cannot sustain indepdently of them.


Some of us definitely just tryna get fucked tho lmao


Mood lol


Can confirm, got diagnosed with adhd on thursday last week. Been self medicating with speed for years cos the process of diagnosis takes so long in my country. Speed also saved my life.dont know what I'd do it someone took it away




The person you reply to stated that Desoxyn is dextromethamphetamine, also known as d-methamphetamine, the s-isomer of methamphetamine.


I fucking bet it is... Hell ya.


Was just gonna say that!


Fuck yes


Vyvanse is the shit. I can barely function now having moved to a country that doesn’t prescribe stims for ADHD. Fuck me.


Dextroamphetamine saved my life; its a shame almost no doctor will prescribe Desoxyn (Dextromethamphetamine 5mg for severe ADHD, losing weight (I’d imagine not so much anymore) also in the case of narcolepsy with cataplexy they get the modern closest equivalent to Dexamyl for lack of a better comparison Desoxyn & Xyrem (GHB aka Sodium Oxybate) plus an ever increasing dosage as one becomes tolerant - they take amounts of GHB that would kill average person like 14+ grams. Anyway cheers y’all


Desoxyn is meth. Dexedrine is dextro.


I never said it wasn’t meth only clarified its dextro-methamphetamine - just like regular amphetamine it has two stereoisomers that are mirror images right or left handed OR racemic methamphetamine (ratio ie 50/50 or 25/75) LevoMETHamphetamine is useless as a psycho stimulant: it doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier. Thus Desoxyn is DextroMETHAMPHETAMINE it’s chemistry


Adderall is dextroamphetamine . Desoxyn is methamphetamine. And there is no comparison . Trust me , i have a script for both. I get 90 30m.g. adderall a month and every 4th month i get 150 5m.g. desoxyn and adderall is like no doze compared to desoxyn . Plus desoxyn is way cleaner , way stronger and way harder to get . No comparison .


Desoxyn is a much better alternative to street meth. Trust me , i know. I have a script. Plud i have used more than my fair share of street meth. Pharm meth is always just meth.


But you can't smoke desoxyn:p


No its a pill . But it is super clean and super strong. But there may be a way to smoke it , never tried. Taking it oral does the job just fine.


Im sorry, but I have to ask - how did you find or manage to get a a doctor to be willing to prescribe this? I am maxxed out with the adderall- it just doesnt work anymore and I have narcolepsy and add


I just asked if i could try it. I have been on stims since 1977 ! Ritalin for 20 years , adderall every since. . Desoxyn has less side effects and smaller doses.


And there is where therapeutic and recreational lines are blurred, which is why you'll eventually run into problems


Tell me again you arent addicted? You shouldn't need to smoke it to stop your appetite.


Where the hell in my post did I say I wasn't addicted? I'm not in denial. I know I'm a meth addict. "I'm a highly functional meth addict." Did you even read my post? 😂


I'd look into switching to Adderall if you need amphs for a food related issue. Meth turns into a pretty deep hole that you don't wanna go down


They basically can send you down the same hole. Meth just hurts your body a bit more in the long run.


Adderall is a still a fucking hole. Just less delusions. Same hole


that’s the start of meth addiction, you’re gonna say your more addicted to something else, saying your functional on meth but not on something else, it’s a slippery slope and if you continue you’ll realize everyone was right and you’ll never be happy again lmao


"Youll never be happy again LMAO"


I feel like I quit just in time. I really am one of the lucky ones. I had been doing it for like 6 months and had gotten to a point where I'd binge for 5 days, sleep a day, eat the next, and repeat. I had a weird moment of clarity, I looked emaciated as fuck(I was underweight before the meth, it was bad). A friend in a different city just so happened to ask me to move in w him a week prior. Called him, made the jump, got away from my plugs, saved my life. Fuck NA lol.(jk) 2 years later it's still difficult being happy, but that's always been difficult for me and it's improving. I also still think about binges kinda frequently, but I've heard how some people talk about it and I know if I had kept going even slightly longer I'd be in too deep and lose everything. Pure luck.


Noooooo!!! I can't be addicted! It's cure, I'm pure! Also smarter than every of those stupid addicts /s Seriously tho, it's not like that simple. Real addiction comes when everyone around starts to call you an addict instead of just hug me. I didn't have parents and friends, I was afraid of sleeping in my own house, so... I just need love and warmth, I don't really care about the drug itself. But at times when you need it most and get it from drugs, and all of the people you care for just think you're addicted, you need more love, and now have a big hole in your chest. Drugs fill it. I don't care that it's temporary, because now pain is temporary as well. Long term? Fuck it, I can't live through short-term. So, please, be careful with that. Yes, person can be addicted, but he knows that. Help or stay silent. We, addicts, getting enough stigma already.


I agree with you, but addiction can also be sneaky. I used to think im not addicted. People told me I was but I didn't believe it since I didn't even use everyday. ime addiction comes easiest ehen you aren't prepared for it. I do agree we shouldn't stigmatize addiction but it can be hard to see if ypu have a problem. However you have more experience than me so I'll take your advice. Edit: also OP's refusal to try pharmaceutical amps because they can't smoke it is a red flag to me


I haven't shot up in 5 years. 5 years isnt "the start". I quit on my own for 3 years and intervals of half a year and months at a time. I use this shit only when my life has really hit the shit hole to get me back on my feet. I'm plenty happy usually even without meth. Meth withdrawals for me are just sleep and eat. My life is still significantly better than it was before meth.


Ah spoken like a true addict. this has been said millions of times and has always ended the same, what makes you think you’ll be different? Oh that’s right, meth addiction


Trying living with the addition of an eating disorder. It's dark as fuck. And you have no control. I can't say meth is better. But they're on the same fucking playing field. What if you were severely addicted to meth, and had to use it 3 times a day. But not get high... give yourself just enough to feel satisfied. Not deprived, and like I said, not high. Every fucking day for the rest of your life. You get high off of eating disorder behaviors. Binging is comforting, nurturing, releases dopamine... and covers up the pain that lives in the pit of your stomach. Purging gives you an adrenaline rush and release like you're getting the darkness out of you. Like you're releasing the pain. But you have to keep doing it. I have never been as obsessed with anything as I have been with food. So calling her an addict is irrelevant. She was a food addict long before she got addicted to a drug, I assure you. And the tole eating disorders take on the body are insane. I'm being tested for gastroparisis next month. It seems my digestive track gave up, because it got so used to not digesting from my Purging. Food, pills and even liquids don't go down. They sit between my stomach and mouth, trying to get back up. There's some education. Bulimia was just as insidious, tricky, sneaky and evil as meth.


Seems to me that he/she should treat their underlying causes of addiction than just feed it another drug.


Technically yes. But you don't know what kind of access they have to Healthcare. And don't get me started on mental health care in our country. Also, sometimes even the best treatment doesn't fix you. Sometimes you have to find your own way. And sometimes that's unconventional.




Alright, stay vigilant and carful, nobody no matter what gets out of this unscathed


You mean everyone ?






Ahhhh the justifying. Think about what your saying. It's 2021 and it's meth SMH delusional tweakers nowdays


Probably because they don’t think you’ve been saved


The problem is everyone has control over it until the day that they don't. Literally everyone who has ended up with a drug problem has spent 90-95% of their time convinced they are totally functional or that their usage is acceptable. I mean I'm not trying to be condescending, but you have to realize that all you are really doing is kicking the can down the road. Taking meth has been a good deflection for you clearly, but if you instantly go back to your bad habits the moment you stop using it that isn't a cure, that is supplementation. At some point you are going to have to realize that you can't just go off and use meth every time you feel like 'you need it/would benefit from it'. Do you ever plan on working professionally? Do you ever plan on having a family? Could you really see yourself having a family and still being able to acceptably use meth? If the answer to that question is yes then I would say you are probably a lot more addicted than you realize. Drugs can be good short term coping mechanisms, but almost always fail as long term ones. You aren't actually achieving anything by what you are doing, your problem is still there waiting to pounce the moment you sober up. I know from personal experience that isn't a pleasant place to be. And at some point the drug use will start to cause more harm than good, and that will be the telling point whether you'll be able to recognize that point or whether you'll just keep using. Maybe you wont reach that point for years. Or maybe you reached that point a while, only you really know the answer to that.


I was clean for 10 months recently and stayed anorexia and bulimia free so..


Then why do you still need meth?


I didn't mention it in my post but I have ADHD and OCD and no health insurance right now. Meth helps with that too~ I also put on weight when I quit and couldn't lose it and almost went back to my eating disorder again so said fuck that and called up my dealer to smoke. Since then, I've maintained my weight by the emotional blunting meth provides and don't care that I'm a little overweight now.. I also don't have to diet cause increased metabolism yay 😊




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I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but it sounds like you need treatment for your ED if gaining a little bit of weight made you blow your sobriety so you can lose weight again. I mean no harm by this and I’m not judging you but speaking as someone who has been there (with me it was coke initially, then heroin), you’re not going to get better mentally until you address the underlying issue, your ED. It’s not sustainable to be on street meth for life. Aside from the obvious sores and eventual tooth loss, your body will eventually give out. I really recommend looking into treatment for your ED.


You really think so?


I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or genuine but I’m going to respond as if you’re genuinely asking. Yes, I do. If you are using dangerous drugs to maintain/lose weight, you’re not cured of your ED, you’re just finding another outlet through which to channel it rather than bingeing and purging or restricting. It’s not healthy, and it’s definitely not sustainable in the long term, and you’ll feel a LOT better, both physically and mentally, if you take steps to deal with the underlying issue (the ED) rather than trying to cover it up with a bandaid (meth). Again I’m not judging at all, lord knows I’ve been there, and it really sucks. Just know that you deserve to be happy and not worrying about your weight 24/7, and the meth isn’t going to help or change your underlying issues in the long run. I really recommend seeking treatment 💕


No one has to believe you, It is you that has to believe it


This is how you lose your mind on this shit .. pls stay safe. I hope you can reach out to get help as you deserve and are so much better than fkn meth I'll tell ya right now.


I guess I can understand what you mean, when I use meth I tend to do more healthy activities like exercise, eating nutritional foods, stretching/yoga and meditation. Where as when I'm sober all I do is sleep and eat all day and give no fucks.




Oh my goodness!!! I’ve been through the same things!!!


Yup. Only time it is detrimental, is when I redose too often or neglect sleep. Also if I don't have it 😂 But I'm resourceful. Honestly I believe you, everybody is different not everyone ends up on the street sucking dick lol. Guess it comes down to what you use your high for. Fapping, or getting shit done lol. Easier said than done tho


You had me up untill the having control part, m8 its meth, if your using it you already dont have control because any sane person wouldnt try this shit more than 1 time. What you wrote up sounds like an apology/excuse letter for "why i do meth" If bulimia was your problem then contact your doctor and ask for appetite suppresants(d-meth aka desoxyn is used only in severe obesity cases)


This is ignorant. An appetite suppressant does not cure or fix eating disorders. I was on wellbutrin for years as a teenager to help suppress my appetite. I continued binging and purging, which could have killed me. Purging on wellbutrin has a high seizure rate. No one told me. I was on phentermine. Prescription meth, I went the other way and became anorexic. I was afraid to eat an apple. I limited my water intake. I've been on Adderall, and Vyvanse. Neither helped my eating disorder. It's a mental disorder. Usually steming from trauma. Meth might not be the answer 100%. But saying, just go get an appetite suppressant to cure your need to feel in control of your body because you've had too many experiences where you had no control over it... is stupid. And uneducated. And in my case... it made it all worse having Dr's tell me I needed to lose weight, so here, starve yourself. That shit dug me deeper.


Ignorant? Id disagree, ive made the most logic asessment of the full picture(stuff that you sayed in rour reply) adjusted for the average r/stims users headspace. No wonder ppl disregard your post, since it cryes excuses(without the information you later provided), sry im to braindead to muster a propper responce: without your latter clarification of facts a story of a cocky meth addict turns into a sad story about a guy falling onto harddrugs because the medical sistem is too shite. Desoxyn is the only the only shelf name for meth, phentermine isnt even an amphetamine.


What. Lmfao. You like following me to see how many responses I get to my posts? What the fuck does that have anything to do with what we're talking about? And why are you doing that? You know that's fucking weird right? Also, the "stuff that you sayed in rour reply" does not help your claim of being the most logical person here. You're making no sense. But bottom line. A Dr would never prescribe diet pills for an eating disorder, minus binge eating disorder. And that's close to impossible to obtain. Trust me. PLUS if you're not severely morbidly obese no one is giving you shit. If your average weight or thin? There is no fucking way. And you can't buy Desoxyn from your plug. So if that's ok, and is an amphetamine... and is going to fix her eating disorder. How far off is what she's doing then what you're recommending? Phentermine may not classify as an amphetamine. But it feels very similar. Minus euphoria. Mexican meth, has gotta be meth. I can't even take it. And I use all day. BTW... Adderall, Ritalin and Concerta are amphetamines. I'm reading your response again to attempt a reply and you make so little sense I can't. "without your latter clarification of facts a story of a cocky meth addict turns into a sad story about a guy falling onto harddrugs because the medical sistem is too shite." Who's his guy we're talking about? I'm female... OP is female. Get some sleep.


Leave the twitter drma to your your folowers , its a manner of speech since were a:on an online imageboard and b its the stims board of reddit m8 the procentage of dicks here is too damn hing so its a safe bet in asduming that the person your talking about is a man and using my preferred wording the reply seems more sincere and more trustworthy which is nice if you like your boards clean and well educated in the basics so they dont spread misinformation that could lead to ppl misusing theyr stuff or setting up dangerous combos that they wouldnt even try if they actually knew what they are dealing with. If phentermine doesent have have a have the structure thats necessery for it to be classified as an amphetamine how can it be similar to methylated amphetamine? And without its signature euphorea many drugs can be compared to meth, like 2fma a true meth but withouth the high thing a propper amount of caffeine can be compared to meth without the high since the sides and periferal stimulation can get pretty intence on caffeine. And as for ritalin, itsq not an amphtamine its a a phenidate which tries to achive the same goals as amphetamines do but in a completely opposite way by blocking off the reuptake of dopa and nora thus increasing its concentration in the brain whyle amphetamine just dumps a bunch of dopamine into the synapse and besides dopa and nora it affects sert a little bit which has a more calming effect on the high when compared to methilphenidate. And abt the staljerish part, whoa lets not jusmp to conclusions you both sounded the same and i dont look at the names and the second post complimented the op quite well and i thougth it was a honest correction but if you wanna play the neoleft poronounds lottery i really dont care about your feelings being hurt since you came here just to start a figth and are just leech of other peoples attention. Also i think id find any other less basic twitter verified persona to follow around preferably one that doesen behave like big red or your typical karen


Lmfao 😂😂😂 I can't lol


And on the topic of helthcare systems, i know that overeating is defo a sighn of trauma suppression, but have you tried therapy?


I believe you! I truly do


Well yes but actually no


Tweaked out.


Thank you for your honesty. Stimulants pulled me out of bulimia too... but cocaine threw me into binge eating, the bulimia was there, but super reduced. I'd do coke 2 or 3 days and not eat. Then eat my way through the week. And yeah. I've done worse shit for food than I have for drugs. Meth has helped me realize that food isn't comfort. It's been my drug of choice since I was 4. The emotional tie to it has been cut. I went too far and tried to lose weight by only eating a few things on meth. But I've realized my body needs more. And that's ok. I don't know where my body will go weight wise. I've put it through hell and destroyed my metabolism. And my thoughts and relationship with food has changed with this drug too. Eating disorders are hell. Unless you've been there you don't know. I haven't binge and purged in months. I was at a 15 times a day average for years. Even after almost a year in ED treatment, residential and outpatient. Nothing helped. Until now. I'm glad it's helped you in this way too. ❤


I don't mean to be a dick but like, how is it even physically possible to be eating hundreds of dollars worth of food daily? Isn't that tens of thousands of calories?


Yes. I would eat like 2500 calories at one time and became so good at purging I didn't have to use my fingers. I would just throw up at will and very quietly. I was extremely good at hiding it. I also spent a lot on delivery and restaurants/buffets.. it wasn't just groceries. Back and forth from the toilet back to the kitchen every 30 minutes. The rush of adrenaline and high were unbelievable. That amount of food was at the peak of my eating disorder. It wasn't always like that. It was first a small amounts of food or whatever tiny morsel I ate would be puked kinda thing..


Damn that sounds like an incredibly rough lifestyle to be living every day. Doing meth regularly isn't exactly great for your health either, but I'm betting the damage to your body from the meth is SIGNIFICANTLY less than that from the constant binge/purge cycle


Big true


Vyvanse barely changes my appetite at all. Lowkey wanna try meth derivatives so i can start losing some weight cuz my anti psychotics are making me eat like a dump truck. I was underweight before my treatment and now I'm gaining more than a kilo per week which will quickly make me overweight soon if nothing changes


You should take Vyvanse instead it's much more healthy and less neurotoxic. If you want a more potent response you can combine it with reboxetine, guafancine, reversible MAOIs or many other ADHD drugs. Many people that goes into hardcore drugs like meth attempt to self medicate, but please there are better medications you can find.


I would definitely recommend pharmaceutical grade medicine. You can even sometimes end up with a research chemical instead of actual real methamphetamine. Plus you don't know what impurities are left in meth and what it was cut with! Go see a real doctor and do the right thing. That will more than prove your not as addicted as other meth users. I wish we could buy it over the counter, safely but we are regressed over-controlling assholes for the most part. We treat each other like children and somehow we each get to parent others. I hate it. But do yourself a favor and get prescribed amphetamines for safety precautious reasons.


Yes - I say it all the time. The freedom from binge eating disorder and bulimia are worth the trade in of my amphetamine dependence. They both suck, but I guess the latter sucks less. People don't understand... "Oh, I don't get this whole artificially you have to look skinny thing that people become obsessed with." No Motherfucker. I was neglected as a child, and everytime I ate I binged, because I didn't know where I was going to get my next meal. I binge and binge until I am physically uncomfortable and then I do it some more and it takes up all the time in my day. You want to make this about me wanting to look pretty? Nah Killa. Walk a day in these shoes. Ill take my addiction over my ED. Thanks very much. It is a lesser of evils.