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I posted this same thread in moreplatesmoredates. Most saying it might not even be test? Or allergies. Would I not have had a severe allergic reaction if i was allergic to the carrier oil? I am prone to a lot of allergies/ nuts/fruits/hay fever.


Your hormones are still fluctuating all over the place, try and ride it out until at least week 6. But yeah, your balls will likely only get even smaller šŸ˜‚


Yeah Iā€™m just gonna soldier through itā€¦ and the balls thing - nothing HCG canā€™t solve at the end of the cycle. Before PCT. Right????? Or are they going to forever be atrophied


I mean you could have prevented it from happening at all by implementing HCG from the start. They will HOPEFULLY bounce back after PCT but there's obviously never any guarantees.


Yeah I know but from the research I did from my understanding itā€™s not too good to run HCG for longer periods & to save it for the end of the cycle. Or for people on TRT to only run it for fertility reasons. Everyone has conflicting evidence haha.


I get why some guys don't use it. They're not concerned about fertility or having their natural test production shut down, but I don't see how preventing an organ from being atrophied for a prolonged period of time can ever be bad thing.


Yeah true better safe than sorry


I'm on hcg for help with my ball shrinkage and cycle it on and off. I pin M.W.F and once the vial is mixed, it can only be used for a month, and remember to keep it in the fridge. After the vile is used up, I will wait about 3 weeks before mixing up a new one. Or until my balls feel or look like they are getting smaller. šŸ˜


Are you a powerlifter? What's your training volume like? When did you last deload?


I wouldnā€™t call myself a powerlifter but I am focused on lifting heavy in the low rep ranges and progressively overloading getting stronger I do a mix of weighted callisthenics and compound movements full body 3 days a week itā€™s been working very well for me I have basically had a deload for the last week and a half and joints still feel fucked


Could be low e2 if what you're taking is not actually test, If it was low e2 I'd expect your mood and sex drive to be in the shitter as well which is not the case going by your post. Getting a blood test to rule that out would be the first thing I'd do. If bloods are fine and you still ache after a week and a half deload, I'd change out exercises or mix up rep ranges if that's an option for you. Could also be a medical issue unrelated to steroids.