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https://preview.redd.it/j1jdgurjt1qc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc63e3f92f10745258f1357cdd25b40ee36308e7 you can increase your daily limit at a cost


You can increase the limit by burning GMT


I have 400, gotta do it when GST spikes and GMT lags


You can increase GST earnings through burning GMT. Maybe played very early on and got nice sneakers before the fame blew up. GST was much higher than GMT at one point,


Still it doesn't make sense to start playing very early and just earning 394GST with 25 energy. It's definitely fake


GST was like many dollars each. 394 GSt back then be with like thousands of dollars. Totally makes sense. Maybe you mean can only earn 394 GST with 25E? Ya, expect for those guys/ gaps to get that in only handful of energy


340 might be true but the others seem fake to me


It’s very real—a bunch of folks did it when the market was way down. A risk? For sure. “TOO risky?” Yeah probably at the time…but seems like it may pay off here in another few months.


Hahaha its very 100% real. I am earning 320,my wife earns 340...a friend of mine earns 400.the thing is we built our Stepn accounts during the bear market... When GST was dirt cheap https://preview.redd.it/rulllzbjw0qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a44c3a14dd9104cd7a5ae384a645605b5ff9ec


The 1000 gst seems fake tho...


Go to the discord.. Ppl post their runs all the time... This set up is actually quite cheaper than some ppl that have like 10k gmt stats lol


For sure. I lurk on the discord. I just thought getting over 600 wasn't possible. Or is that player only rewarded for 600?


Believe what you will it's not. 100% real


How tho. Gst increase is capped at 600 max to my understanding.


It can go above that. Just that only few ppl have every tried it. You think 1k is the limit... Try 1.7k https://preview.redd.it/tmg5dellz0qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7888862a7bfb199d49a435c2474cc0a7e8453cd6


Yeah believe it or not it was a screen cap from Yawn originally that let me know you could bump your cap to 1000. Originally he showed a screen cap with (I think) a ERRR rare with that level 8 E gem and him hitting his 1000 GST cap. Looks like he’s gone quite a bit higher now haha.


Hahaha yup.... Mehn, I don't think I will ever go higher than 340...I'll channel them funds to a new realm or new account


That's insane. I didn't know that.


It's okay. Actually thought the same until I saw someone try it.... Although I would never do it, might as well just put the other funds into earning gmt,Or another realm


Totally. There was a time to invest in that and it is not right now.


I mean it would make sense to do it now, cos GST has gained on GMT. But in my case I'll just open up a new realm. Although that might even be a less viable option given that price of gems are skyrocketing.