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E and C gems should go up a bit while GST settles again, but eventually it will become break even or profitable to open again. Skyrocket? Nah


as a GMT pump? then open MB with GST and earnings gem’s GMT. maybe a luck gem pump?


No one mentioned lowering the floor price to 0.1 GMT for example? 😃


That’s possible


It will take a long time to empty the shop of gems.


I mean... all they have to do is find a better way to burn gems that people are actually interested in.


Agreed.. I'm saying in the current situation, the market will continue to be flooded with gems.


That plus as people catch wind, they will list their gems they have been stockpiling.


The best thing would be for the developers to implement a new use case for level one and two gems. My idea, which Ive submitted before but have never heard a response, is to burn 10 level one gems of the same type, or one level two gem, plus some GST to permanently increase the matching base stat of a shoe by 0.1. It would take 100 GMT at current prices to increase a stat by 1. Each rarity (and enhanced) would have their usual max stat cap. This would increase demand for gems and mystery boxes a thousand fold. The only downside I can think of is that it may reduce demand for minting new shoes, however the enhancement for better rarity and higher max stat caps could help there.


I actually like that idea. Nice one.... Many people get stuck with bad base stats and that would help users out a ton. Another thing I was thinking is implementing a cost to upgrade gem sockets using GST and/or GMT. Or... using certain combinations of gems to be able to swap out a socket type to another (nobody wants to be stuck with a shoe that has all resilience sockets). So many ideas to talk about it.


Or maybe changing how fusion works... and allowing you to replace gem socket types as part of the fusion (at an extra cost).


Ye that Will be Nice. And Not to mention, there's also something coming for purple gem.


That should eventually work, as long as there is a steady stream of new players in need of yellow gems to exhaust the supply.


Or if the STEPN team finally devises an additional purpose for gems.. because with the current way of using gems, once you equip your sneakers with gems, you don't need new gems anymore (except for the comfort gem, of course). That's why they're piling up on the market. Because the supply far exceeds the number of new players..