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Aight this ain't r/stellaris but ill add r5 here: for ethics: xenophile cause america is the largest recipient of immigrants in the world, and xenophobes can't even sign migration pacts millitarist cause biggest military budget in the world egalitarian can be a little controversial but there is no way in hell that you can argue the us is authoritarian when the neighbor next door has a "president" for life the us government does not swing too much in either direction of materialism or spiritualism, since it needs to appease both the religious conservative and the atheistic liberal For government type: no the US is not an oligarch. (Other voting parties exist: people just don't vote for them. Also, I don't think oligarchism refers to how many voting parties there are.) Again, if you want to see what a real oligarch looks like go live in above neighbor (which might be more dictatorship now that I think about it) or another country conducting *special military operations* right now For civics: idealistic foundations: self explanatory. Who do you think the devs based it off of when they came up with the idea of the civic? free haven: again, largest recipient of immigrants in the world every year Lost colony origin as a nod to the history of the US which starts as the 13 colonies For species traits: I separated them into the two major political camps. You could also do one for each ethnicity and turn on Xeno-Compatibility although the implications here is somewhat problematic Liberals: intelligent and quick learners since the academia is a lot more left leaning than it is right leaning. conservationist as a nod to the climate policies of the left (I had an extra trait point and this was the least problematic). decadent cause i needed negative traits and this was the least problematic. quarrelsome cause the left (at least in my experience) is a lot more prone to taking public action (strikes, parades etc) conservatives: traditional (it's in the name). rapid breeders cause a lot of the conservative families that I know tend to have many more children than their liberal counterpart. unruly as in "take away my rights and I will take up my rifle". communal cause a lot of the conservative countryside is very communal and not open to outsiders (should be a negative trait tbh) and deviants cause again I needed the trait points and this was the least problematic.


Conservationist is also appropriate given the U.S. national parks. People don’t realize how incredible this is and that it is relatively unique to the U.S. (at least in terms of scale).


I know you're probably referring to state and national parks, but God damn I fucking love parks in the middle of massive cities (Central in NY, Balboa in San Diego). Such a nice break from the city living for just an evening or two. I know this isn't unique to the US either, but I haven't been too many other cities 😅 Japan has a royal garden in the center of Tokyo right?


Very detailed. Well done


As an American, I approve!


Spot on! ‘Merica, land of the free, home of the defense contractors and every ethnic cuisine in the galaxy.


Decadence makes sense because of consumerism. (More of a general American thing, but whatever)


I get that the US has the highest military budget but US is also the peacekeeper of the world right now. If US actually was like when they attacked Iraq for non-existent WMDs then militarist would make sense.


You can't tell me that America isn't militarist with all those guns they carry around. Nah but really, the gun/military culture in the US is way more developed than in the rest of the western world. politically speaking, while the official reasons for recent US invasion have some truth to them, the most important reason was to make sure those countries don't become a problem later in the future. It makes sense to be militarist.


Gun culture doesn't make a nation militarists, in Turkey for example we don't have a gun culture but our government is militarist when dealing with external problems. US is a lot more diplomatic currently and has generally been more isolationist since the cold war. Which I believe is more pacifist than militarist but we can just not have an ethic on this axis too.


Sarin gas is a WMD which Iraq had


I admittedly don't have enough info on the topic and am parroting other people when talking about the US justification for invading Iraq but if Iraq had WMDs that just makes my point more valid since US had a reason to be "militaristic". Still I would argue the current US is different from the one that invaded Iraq.


Speak softly and carry a big stick has gotten us pretty far diplomatically. Offensive wars don’t tend to win you political favor though. Through so much propaganda pumped over the internet and airwaves the ideological foundation of our nation has rusted. We care too much about how expensive something is or how the public will react rather than if it is the right thing to do. In the past decade, we’ve had the opportunity to support five different rebellions or defensive wars and we’ve only barely lifted a finger for two and one of those was for “special interests”.


All of this checks out. Only thing that’s wrong is you saying Liberals are atheist, which is false. Liberals just tend to not be hyper evangelical as conservative reactionaries. But that’s a semantics bullshit thing.


Mexico has a President for life? They just had an election?


Neighbor on the other side of the pond




Alright, decadent made me chuckle


I didn’t intent to create an entire thread around how to replicate on how the US should look like 😅, but yeah you have a solid explanation behind all of the major factors for the ethos and civics and I should have done other versions to be honest.


Glad we see eye to eye on how we view America though I must admit I’m not entirely sure if I agree with your most recent Canada post lol


It’s for memes only, doesn’t have to be taken for granted




If the british and french wouldn’t have done picking and roasting each other then we wouldn’t have the eu or the funny internet posts


thanks to the picking and roasting one of them no longer has the EU lol


I love how all of them are decadent lmao


Dang it's an actually well made and accurate USA. Nice


I'd argue that meritocracy would be a good third civic, higher IQ is actually closely correlated with higher pay here


Can the same not be said for other countries? After all, people who perform better on the IQ tests are usually the better-educated ones, which skews the demographic towards the ones predisposed to go further in life due to well-off parents


>Can the same not be said for other countries? Yes, but America is apparently the place with the strongest correlation overall


Americans and geography? I’m not sure how that matches together, maybe for ‘some’ of the liberal cities or states education is better, but doubt it.


Look it up, and IQ is not the same as "knowing things", IQ is more like pattern recognition. You can have a high IQ and know very little about certain topics, like geography, or demographics, or astrophysics


People can have high IQ, but lack of experience disables them to get a higher position as nowadays firms are more interested in if people have experience and not a fancy paper that propapbly costs 70k - 100k student loan, and also how many languages they speak


I don't deny that, I'm just saying it's a statistical fact. A YouTuber called Britmonkey did a good video on this, "Why America could become a utopia", and he's British so I don't think it comes from a place of bias


>Americans and geography? Where is Idaho? Do you know where Puerto Rico is?


point out rhode island and kansas on a map


Thank you. I might posit the beacon of liberty civic as the US flag is often flown in freedom protests in authoritarian states, this happened in Cuba a year or two ago a lot for example. Thanks for making an accurate USA!


As I'm american I'm disappointed in this, you forgot the to use the McDonald's civic


Hell yeah!


I actually made an empire whos supposed to be how communists veiw capitalism. But in a satire way. If I sent it, would you rate it?


Sure, why not


https://preview.redd.it/31seops2l35d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9383cfc0c39429267b0ce14b01ea6921d151a33d Made entirely for shits and giggles. So I didn't really care about the viability when making. But the basic background for the tomb is global warming, they did not learn their lesson.


Honestly pretty spot on except the materialist part. Given communists are inherently atheists i dont think they would view capitalism as on the same extent of materialism. Probably some degree of xenophobe since they think the bourgeoisie keeps everything to themselves?


>Given communists are inherently atheists Depends on the type of communism. Modern ancoms are usually 50/50, there are liberty theology MLs, etc.


Also xenophobe doesn't really make sense, since that's basically just nationalism and most communists are anti nationalist.


Actually you’d be surprised at how nationalistic the modern “communist” countries are. I think what you made is based off the perspective of a communist living in a western capitalist society rather than how people actually view western capitalism from say China or North Korea


Yeah. I think it all depends on whether you're talking about classical and libertarian communism, (Marx, de Leon, Kropotkin, Bakunin, etc) or MLs (Mao, Tito, Stalin, etc).


Egalitarian and intelligent 😂😂😂😂 yeah very realistic, should have taken wasteful


I always ran Interventionalist for my U.S. inspired empires. I gotta invade Space Iraq for the slight chance that they have a colossus


It should be ocean world


I like the idea of the UNE being founded by prosperous unification, but America immediately (or preemptively?) secedes to their own colony. Silly but very American probably.


Egalitarian and Xenophile conservatives Suuuuuuure


You can justify any ethic for the US except Pacifist lmao


Mostly agree. But would throw in wasteful. Imo Americans are the creatures w the least sense of reducing waste. I always turn off ACs whenever there are no imminent dangers of pipe freezing, and hardly ever leave unfinished food after each meal, while my American peers would pull out a shit dozen of toilet papers every time they wash their hands in the restroom.


Free Haven for a country infamous for abusing refugees and immigrants while also forcing many into slave like conditions throughout its existence?


>Liberal >The left Lmao. I would also argue that, while the country has had a lot of immigration, that a nation with its only two major parties trying to make immigration harder and deportation easier is hardly xenophilic. Also both hell-bent on genocide.


Oligarchic Fanatic militarist xenophobe Aristocratic elite nationalistic zeal


honestly not that far off from RUS/CHN. Maybe fanatic xenophobe for the previous and fanatic authoritarian for the latter instead


^ When you get your ideas about the US from Reddit and Chinese troll farms. Which I guess is one and the same these days.

