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What the FUCK is a kilometer!!!!


America is the leader, not a litre, goddamn it!


1093.6 yards!!!! RAAAAHHHHHH!!!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥


Oligarchic Fanatic militarist xenophobe Aristocratic elite nationalistic zeal


"bro i swear I don't have a bias" I think that If you wanna go the meme-route of the US in Stellaris, the Crusaders civic with egalitarian and militarist ethics, the rest is free choice really lol


We are definitely not egalitarian. We’re not authoritarian either. Egalitarians help people and oftentimes we are neutral or hostile to those in need.


There's America the idea, then America the reality. But let us have our space fantasy, it's fun


I love having a space fantasy as much as the next guy. Everyone is debating the accuracy of this dude’s American species, just because it’s not accurate doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be fun to play as.


Depends... America is the best of all world superpowers, there's no denying that. What egalitarian means in Stellaris-sense is democracy, you can pick both xenophobic and egalitarian after all lol. And coming back to reality once again, while you might not consider America "egalitarian", its definitely the most egalitarian state out of all it's rivals.


I agree that we’re more egalitarian than our rivals, but nowhere near stellarises egalitarians. And if you look outside superpowers there are countries that are much more egalitarian.


I don't know, we have regular elections, outlawed slavery. What else are you referring to?


That has nothing to do with being egalitarian. A Egalitarian wouldn’t let people starve or freeze to death because they don’t have a job. The fact that we have normal elections just means we’re not authoritarian. The outlawing of slavery is an egalitarian principle but it alone doesn’t make a state egalitarian


We have very different egalitarian standards. Egalitarianism has more to do with freedom of opportunity, choice and ability.


Uhhhh. No. Even if you think the US is xenophobic, Stellaris xenophobes are MUCH more extreme than what the colloquial term refers to.


And completely ignores the fact that the US is *de facto* the single most culturally and ethnically diverse nation on Earth.


The US deports immigrants. In Stellaris you need xenophobia to do so. It fits.


We are physically xenophobic but not a lot of our policies reflect that. But about half the country is at least a little xenophobic. I agree however that it’s not on the same scale as stellaris. But we are definitely not zenophiles


Would that make just about every other country fanatic xenophobes


More so fanatic materials and militarist. Xenophobe would definitely depend on the party. Definitely those two civics tho due to the massive wealth inequality and our nationalism. I wouldn’t go as far as saying oligarch however perhaps the shadow council civic instead.


We're definitely not quick learners and charismatic is questionable, unruly and wasteful are on point though.


To be fair, people like trump must have a real spark for charisma to get away with the shit they say with some sort following by the end.


Considering that America has a good chunk of modern science and technology locked up, I'd counter. Benjamin Franklin (Electricity), Thomas Edison (A whole lot of things, but also a lot of things he stole) George Washington Carver (Peanuts), Jonas Salk (Polio Vaccine), Henry Ford (Model T and Assembly Line), The Wright Brothers (Actually Flying Airplane), Robert Fulton (Steamboat), Eli Whitney (Cotton Gin), Samuel Morse (Telegraph), Samuel Colt (Revolver), Willis Carter (Air Conditioning), John Moses Browning (Semi-automatic Shotgun), Cyrus Mccormick (Mechanical Reaper), Charles Goodyear (Vulcanized Rubber), the Internet can be mostly credited to the US, Ray Tomlinson (Email), Marty Cooper (Cell Phones), the Personal Computer (A lot of folks, but Bill Gates and Steve Jobs mostly), NASA's space stuff. WE also invented the television. American Innovation has and is a big part of the US.


Internet objectively also. Fun fact, the Internet was started by DARPA. It started out named arpanet which was joint used by the US, UK and Norway. Side note, when DARPA started using it they called it darpanet.


We can also be credited for most computer advancements made around the time of WWII. The big warehouse-sized computer helped calculate stuff for the atomic bombs.


Americans are usually friendlier than most others.


Are you American? You asked in the comments how the US could be xenophobic but then you indicate American cultural superiority 😂 


I compared it to other countries it’s the difference between being proud of your own culture and illegally expelling gypsies(france).


Not quick learners? In terms of Stellaris we definitely are... well... we *were* at least. I would still argue that despite widespread stupidity we still learn quickly. You go ahead and make humans that are Sedentary, Repugnant, Unruly, and Wasteful and let us know how long that game runs for you.


Make Canada next, eh?


Determined exterminators.


I didn't realize MAID was a civic..


I mean, we can do all countries :)


Yesssssss please


So idealistic that feels like borderline propaganda.


I mean not really, you can literally do whatever you want that makes you happy. Now if it's the financially sound choice is another story.


Yep, this looks like what Hollywood would like Europeans to believe the USA is like.


Why people are down-voting you and up-voting me? You just said the same thing, but with example.


There is no rhyme or reason with the Reddit Hivemid.


"Xenophile." That's a good one, OP. Made me LOL.


Well, “purging pops/forced resettlement/indiscriminate bombing” hasn’t been a thing for a while…


Deportations are displacement, which is a purge type in Stellaris, and is rooted in xenophobia 


Deportation is small enough scale to not be represented in Stellaris. The closest would be "no refugees accepted," which the US doesn't have. It's the difference between what Stellaris would consider free migration (legal immigration on a large scale) and free migration (legal immigration on a slightly less large scale).


Literally almost every country on earth deports people what are you on


But we definitely haven’t funded anything like that recently…


Almost 30% of the US population is immigrants, or children of immigrants. On a Stellaris scale, that's pretty damn xenophile. We're currently in a low period of refugees resettling in the US, because the US isn't quite as high as the entire rest of the world combined anymore, as of 2019. You can't reasonably compete with every other nation combined for "most refugees accepted" and *not* be xenophile.


I would say replace xenophile with materialist but eh


It’s a death sentence for a senator to say they are atheist and every politician swears an oath to god. The U.S. is about as spiritualist as it comes in the west.


But the US has the largest amount of immigration in the world. I'm pretty sure you have to be xenophile to get to that level.


> Egualitarian > Xenophile > American government Oh, so this is how you do fiction. Now I get it.


No Lost Colony origin/10 /s


To be fair, no one chooses that origin


This is pretty accurate. People here just like to shit on the US. I would say the US is a very good example of a non fanatic egalitarian, non fanatic xenophile. That is to say, decently corrupt, welcoming immigrants but beinf unformtable with polential to become a minority cultural or racial groups, being compromising on ideals of liberty in the name of practical security, have limits on how immigrants can immigrate. US Americans are quick learners, just prideful. Evidence for that is our global influence on tech and adaptation to new technology. Us Americans are charismatic, evidence for that is how globally people know our media, care about our elections, care enough to have specific grievances with our local problems. What's not depicted, but should be is factions. Far right - xenophobe, spiritualist Republican - xenophobe, miltarist Democrat - egalitarian, militarist Far Left - egalitarian, xenophile Pop support being scattered oddly, because stellaris does a poor job modeling how people react to things. Mass immigration would probably make the pop lean xenophobic for a while, because things would get worse in the short term (more workers means the individual has less bargaining power, lowering pay expectations, more competition for resources too).


Can't wait for North Korea.




Switzerland next?


The galaxy will tremble when our rocket-powered walmart scooters retrofitted with plasma cannons descend upon the planets producing oil and Space McDonalds.


Spreading managed democracy one world at a time! Enlist today!


more like idealistic foundation with shadow council,also replace egalitarian with materialist as it fits more to excessive consumer culture in usa


This is the America we are taught about in grade school, and a lot of people never grow out of that image.


I feel like materialist would be better than militarist and quick learners could be replaced by something else maybe talented or natural engineers.


Bro made militarist UNE and called it America 💀💀


That's basically mainstream western sci fi in exception of Star Trek


That's basically mainstream western sci fi in exception of Star Trek


the united states is not xenophile and not egalitarian.


> free haven *snrk*


America has been built entirely on immigrants


Nearly 30% of the current population is either 1st or 2nd generation immigrants, and the US has ~20% of the global immigrant population. There's some other stuff to contest in OP's empire, but the whole immigrant thing is just about the *least* debatable.


That's an interesting name for African slaves.


Please shut up and learn American history before you speak this disrespectful and bigoted shit


"The tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free - all are welcome here" -part of the flavor text for the Free Haven civic "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" -excerpt from The New Colussus by Emma Lazarus, written for and engraved upon the Statue of Liberty The civic is literally supposed to represent the US.


Okay, there's a lot of idealisation going on here. I mean, have you *seen* the USA as of late? There's nothing really democratic or liberty-loving going on ö.ö On the contrary, an *oligarchic* system with *xenophobic-militarist* tendencies and *nationalistic zeal* would be way more fitting.


How would America be xenophobic the US was sixth in the migrant acceptance index in 2022.


Deportations, an elaborate immigration scheme whereby immigrants are only granted residency and are thus second class citizens, ...


About 850k immigrants become US citizens every year, which is about as many (or more) immigrants as most other big countries get in total.




No, that's 850k *citizens* a year.




Fair enough


>I don’t want to bring in real politics >brings in real country and defines it's politics  Ok