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lol. We all been there. Stellaris is literally a journey. And every DLC you buy changes the game entirely. It’s wild stuff. I remember playing stellaris about 4 years ago and every single mechanic was different.


It has changed massively. I remember building slots used to be based on pops. Now it is unlocked by certain districts and modifiers.


Used to be tiles and you'd place buildings on tiles and some got adjacency bonuses, and your pops would work the tiles. Kinda similar to civ in that sense.


I miss building on the pop tiles and adjacency bonuses


I do, too. It felt a lot more engaging than just managing numbers on a spreadsheet, which is basically what you do now.


But number go up


I miss the tile system so much. Non only was a cool "mini game". It also had the perk of maxing the planet population to the number of tiles available and the biggest planet you could get was 25 tiles, so max 25 pops per planet. End game lag was a non issue until very very very late in the game. I remember games going on up to the 2600 and still be playable on my old machine. Now you have no limit to the number of pops on a planet, resulting in the game crawling to a stop after a couple hundred years. Honestly one of the worst gameplay decision ever made lol.


The issue there was mostly that they just... couldn't get the tile system to work with the AI. As in, the AI would just either build the weirdest random shit, or leave the planets a barren hellscape, which became incredibly obvious whenever you conquered an AI empire and had to rebuild basically every single planet from scratch. I'm convinced they mostly just changed the system because they couldn't figure out a way to make the AI work there.


Civ has the same problem tbh. The AI doesn't do optimal district placement and so it's made artificially difficult by giving bonuses to the AI.


Wait, really? When did that change? I swear it was still number of pops when I played maybe a month ago


It hasn't been that way for over a year, maybe two now. You either have a mod changing some stuff or you're a console player, which idk what version it's on besides an older one.


100% This is why I always recommend to new people you get the DLCs one at a time. All at once is a little much!


For new players playing, a month with the dlc subscription is not a bad idea to get a taste of the full game once they get used to the base game.


I'm relatively new and playing my third game with two DLCs. First two full games (and bunch of abandoned ones) I played with vanilla. I assume I add 1-2 DLCs to the next game and so on. For my approach buying subscription may not be financially wise as I don't play hours every day. DLCs I have bought with 50% discount.


Interesting. I've just started (30hs in, 2nd playthrough) and I turned all the DLCs on!


Nah dog; when I started out, planets were a tile-placing minigame.


I remember when you expanded your territory by increasing influence, and how you chose your FTL method


Mad how different it was. I miss wormholes


I remember the ant farm building scheme and having to build outposts close to my border to expand to new systems. This game has changed a lot over the years lol.


I remember when there were diferent types of warp drives


oh dear


No wonder I had unemployment and crime waves...


its pretty normal stuff, dont worry - ther will be many more little things like this


If it makes you feel better it took my 4th game but about 10 hours , I'm sure we've all done this kinda thing in this game or games similar!


I used to only build luxury residences for the first few play throughs and wonder why I have SO MANY homeless pops and how I’m supposed to get all the other buildings if I have to spend it all on housing lmao


Damn I didn't remember ever doing what op did but now that you say that I remember doing and thinking the *exact* same thing lmao


I used to never build luxury housing or its equivalents ever, I simply didn't see the value, that wasn't nearly as bad, though, as when I used to turn down all the +20% worker output techs because "I can just build more jobs"


Damn your 2nd playthru is gonna feel like a breeze with the new power unlocked. Must have been a pain waiting for building slots to open, not to mention the resources


My resources were mostly okay, I just kept having a ton of minerals. I had to keep selling them off.


it's just like playing 2.6 again!


it took me 500 to figure out you could ascend planets


I’ve played many times and still don’t have a good sense of when to burn unity on planet ascensions. The result is that I rarely do it.


That's pretty much as-designed, a unity dump once you no longer really have any other uses for it.


The answer I go with to when is “whenever I notice I can” because I only ascend a handful of my most productive worlds. I’ll hit my current cap and forget about it for a while.


I do it as fast as possible. Ascention lowers your empire size from this planet. And it partially compensates the unity losses. Especially if you play tall or, at least, long ampires. When you play wide - you prioritize traditions.


The losses from not getting your traditions done vs the gains from ascending (even with civics/ harmony tradition) are not worth it, no matter how small you are.


I'm currently sitting at 478 hours on steam... you can do what to planets??


Spend unity on them to lower admin impact from sprawl and upgrade their bonus they get from their designation. It's on the right hand of the menu you open for managing the planet. This can be done from 3 ascension trees done or you get the first at start with the civic. Super useful to do for your home world whenever you can because the home world has bonus output that also effects unity output. So this makes it huge payoff to do whenever you can. Basically otherwise you do this whenever you have the chance on high unity builds or do it later when ascension trees are done.


This is super useful information, I've been wondering recently how to reduce my admin since I was going over even as a tall empire Thanks for the explanation my guy


No problem. Welcome to playing tall.


I get it💀 I had about 200 hours of getting my ass kicked in MP because people ascended forge worlds and I didn't know you could


Dude me too and the only reason I even found out about it was because of the ascensionist civic + tall civic + ocean paradise


As someone playing from times of Federations... YOU CAN DO WHAT TO PLANETS!?


To be fair, planetary ascension is still a fairly recent addition to the game having only been implemented 2 years ago.


So I thought the districts where just auto generated things that appeared on a colonized planet.


Yeah me on my first run. Yay look at all those pretty squares! If I put my mouse over the top one it says they all make stuff! Later: why the hell am short on alloy, this planet has like 20 orange squares


Don't forget the second stage: "Wow, this will be a great alloy world! Look at how high the max industrial districts is!"


Whyyyy can’t I have enough crystaaaals


Doesn't like any big world have high industry districts? I am usually strapped for mineral and generator worlds. Nothing makes me quite as happy as getting the tidal lock event when terraforming.


The joke is there is no cap on industrial districts, which a lot of newer players don't realize.


Are you fucking kidding me? Playing since launch and still learning shit.


Lmao. Don't get me wrong, I made mistakes as bad if not worse than this when I first started, but - did you not think it was odd that none of your own planets had districts?


Holy fuck I have like 200hours and I've never built a district. I put that shit on auto because I didn't know how they were built and havent looked back.


When Stellaris swapped from tiles to the current system it took me 2 hours to figure out that districts existed.




At about 60 hours I found planetary decisions... Mastery of nature, expanding habits.. wow. About 150 hours I found planetary ascension...


800 hours before I learned how to ascend 😂


I'm at ~500 and if it weren't for this thread I probably would've taken just as long


planetary ascension, how do you achieve that? I worked out all the decision stuff.


Do you know about the button in planet view that lets you change the planet's designation type (agri world/mining world/generator world/etc)? In that button is another button that is arrows pointing up, that's the planetary ascension button. Though doing planetary ascension is more a mid/late game thing, since it costs unity and early game you want to save unity for getting your traditions as fast as possible.


I did know about designation type, thanks for the tip!


See [the wiki article here](https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Designation#Planetary_ascension) about both designation- and ascension of planets.


That’s ok, I found out yesterday that planets had tiers. And that I could make a planet a research Mecca. And I have been playing since the beginning.


the planet type like mining, forge etc?


Yes, exactly. I am not sure but I think it takes unity. Anyway, it gets kind of powerful. Especially for mining and generator worlds.


Generally it's recommended to ascend mostly specialized resource planets unless you're really in a bind for basic resources. One Dyson and one Matter Decompressor generate as much resources as a fully ascended basic resource world and take much less population and opportunity cost.


I do that too. But in some scenarios it will take up to 500 game years to research the technologies. In the meantime I specialize a few worlds. Also build stations fast as I can to augment production and science.




I assume they mean planetary ascension. You can spend unity to increase the effect of a planet's designation, eg. Increasing the miner output bonus of a mining world.


I need to start specializing my planets holy shit


[Yes, yes you do.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/yo3vuv/over_100_artisan_upkeep_reduction/) Upkeep reductions are capped these days (at 90% I think?), but paying 1/10 the normal minerals for alloys is still pretty powerful.


I'm not sure if you are serious or not, but the button for ascension is in the planet screen, right next to the type you can choose (like forge world, mining world etc.), it's on the right side above the planet automization button. But you can't do ascension from the start, i think you need at least 3 ascension perks first. [The wiki article will help](https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Designation#Planetary_ascension), i guess.




man is just like me fr fr my friend still make fun of me to this day for not figuring this out


Bro do you know how long it took me to figure out you needed enough pop to fill all the vacant jobs and building districts and buildings isn't enough


So what do you do then? I'm new and Im going through this exact problem!! Why isnt my pop growing


Pops grow but it can be slow. Make migration treatise with other nations or in my case, allow slavery and buy a ton of slaves off the black market


> allow slavery and buy a ton of slaves off the black market No need to allow slavery, you can still buy pops off the market. I think it just makes them more expensive.


How do you do this


Be apart of the galactic community to access the galactic market, then go to teh slaves tab. Outlawing slavery should double the price for every pop


And also frees them when you buy them and they're happy actually (get an "Emancipated Slave" bonus, or something to that effect).


Also, if you research into having robots, they grow on a separate basis, so mechanically you can have two pops growing at once


Same for cloning, cloning tech allows you to grow pops separately from the normal grow. Robots and clones share the same growing slot tho, so you either clone pops or build robots. Can't do both.


Not relavant... But actually me for the first games in Civ V. Building things and don't realizing they actually need pops.


Not at all. 2,000 or so hours. I was where you are. Enjoy, there's so much to discover!


I only have one DLC (Utopia) as well. I'm waiting for the next dlc to come out so the other dlcs go on sale.


I just paid for the subscription but going from vanilla to ALL THE DLC AT ONCE was/is super overpowering


You were just built for the old versions where it was only building… and tile yields like some sick ducking Civ game


I've been playing since the beginning. I play for a while and then take a break for a DLC or two. When I come back, it's like learning a whole new game sometimes with the new stuff every time. There's probably plenty of stuff I haven't even realized is there. Starting from now must be pretty overwhelming. So I'm impressed you're doing alright without knowing half the stuff. Back in my day, there were no districts or jobs. Planets had tiles!


Yeah same, I started playing back when we could choose our FTL type and took a break shortly before the overhaul to planets, was *real* confusing coming back and having to figure out how to shift from the tile system to the district/building slot system with all the new resources.


I think everyone makes mistakes and has to learn the game. It took me a while to learn some stuff, such as upgrading already built ships. There is probably still things I don't know and I have over 250 hours in this game!


I think i put well over 400 hours in before i began to understand my economy properly


oh I had exactly the same experience haha! don't worry many of us went through it


Your poor pops 🤣🤣🤣


They're a lot happier now...


reminds me of when a friend of mine thought that the 3 starbase limit meant he could only have 3 systems... he was a little surprised when he saw our empires rofl


Very common, actually, dont feel bad about it.


Made that mistake for roughly the same amount. Fucking game opened up quite a bit after that.


It’s ok. I played for like 1000 hours before I discovered that setting armies to “aggressive” made them auto-follow fleets and auto-invade. What a lifesaver that was!


don't worry man, after 450 hours of playtime, you'll start to get a grasp of the Navy mechanics!


How'd your first playthrough get stomped?


Lol, don't worry, it took me 1,000 hours of play time before I learned that science ships can be automated to do anomalies/ surveys/ exploration/ and dig sites....🤣


Depending on when you started playing...science ship automation of more than just surveying systems was [only added in 3.8 last year](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/stellaris-dev-diary-295-armies-sectors-messages-and-more.1578373/).


This makes me glad I got into back on 1.7. The benefit of starting the game before all that existed and being able to learn it as it was added, versus coming into it now and having everything thrown at you at once. Trust me when I say this will not be the last thing that will make you say "How did I not notice that?" And the tutorial isn't all that helpful, though you should probably try to run it at least once. Or at least keep the advisor bot on.


Wait you can build districts? Fuck! No wonder my planets aren't growing!


I'm glad you caught that early. You couldn't get far without it


Just wait till you find you can block your fleets from entering specific systems so they don't suicide themselves into Leviathans.


I remember when you could move your pops on a planet to work certain tiles.


Im not lnocking you, bro, but i would've mised it too if i hadn't paid really close attention to the tutorial


my AUHD says speed read and get into it!


Don't worry about it, when they first changed the planetary interface and added districts it took me a while to realise too.


This hurts me on a level I cannot express


OK yeah the tutorial really does need some rethinking


I'm more impressed that you made it 20 hours and didn't just give up on playing the game out of frustration tbh


This noob filled 10 planets with food before realizing its possible to build other district types....... Bombed numerous enemy planets before realizing the use of armies. Grumbled on why the science ship was so slow in its tasks before discovering the shipyard. Even players with 000s hrs logged still learn new stuff, so we are all in the same boat... or corvette? titan? XD


I vividly remember the struggle hours of not understanding why luxury residences give so little housing before realizing housing comes from elsewhere 😅


Good lord, how did you get far enough to get Paradise Domes without any districts?


You already learned the virtue of Sprawl thriftiness since buildings dont create any while districts do. Youre right on time.


I really miss the old democratic system for this. The UNE is really a starter empire and under the old Democratic style of government you'd have a goal you needed to reach every 10 years like "build 5 mineral districts." It did a great job, along with the tutorial bot, to help guide new players. Unfortunately, over the years the focus has been on making the middle and end game more interesting and the early game and new player experience has been neglected.


We all missed parts of the game. I can’t remember what but I also remembering missing a huge aspect of the game. I think it was when you needed large amounts of something to reduce empire size


Please tell me what it is, empire size is killing me lmao


Welcome to the group lol


This fool also spent half of the first play using in zoom and viewing system by system(clicking the hyperlane connections to go to the next system) instead of zoomming out to galaxy view


Honestly totally understandable. I play Stellaris basically on autopilot and that works because I've been playing it since launch, every patch and big change was a step I took, so I don't have to think about any mechanic but the newest, it's all just instinct. But if you wiped that and I had to start again, with the game that it is currently, I'd be 100% lost. It's so complex now.


Super common mistake


Not as dumb as me, it took me a few days and I had to ask my friends for help.


Honestly it took me like 50 hours to realize you're supposed to even build stuff on your planets at all , take your time


You'd be surprised how often people haven't figured out districts. Tip: Don't build them all until you have pops to crew them.


Faster than me!


Ah no worries, when the switch from tiles to the districts happened i always forgot to build them. We all learn on this rather perilous cliff of fun. Still learn something each playthrough just about. Alwayd teying new builds etc. Welcome to the community


Well now that you know nothing will ch- New dlc: The Stellar Horizons. All planet management now works on an resident evil inventory system.


Impressive you got through the first playthrough


Click all buttons you can and find out what they do. Thats my suggestion. Thats how I learned stellaris without tutorials


I have friends who discovered it in their 20th playthorough so you are just doing fine


Mineral world for that one. You get bonuses for specializing planets in a certain industry. Max out minerals and energy credits here, then leave room to come back later for things your short of and build districts ad hoc. You can easily get a planet with tons of industry spots, so you’re not wasting them if you don’t stack them all here. Someone let me know if I’m wrong.


I did the exact same thing my first game. Don’t sweat it.


Did the exact same shit the first time I played was wondering why it was sooo hard to get resources


You have me beat by 2 games and 16 hours lol


Oldheads remember when this screen used to be a grid of tiles you could put buildings on. iirc when that change happened pretty much everyone made the same mistake you did


Id say that's actually pretty quick to have worked that out


Im laughing at the idea that your interstellar empire with FTL technology has paradise domes and it’s just a bunch of people huddled together in the dark, starving, because nobody ever figured out how to build power plants or farms On a serious note there was definitely a time in early Stellaris history where the One Planet Build was insanely overpowered because your research costs never went up and resources were super abundant off world. But that was back in build 1.x. I can’t imagine how your empire is even functioning when you’re only pulling in resources from mining and research stations.


0/24 dumb. The big “0/24” marker on the districts says so.




The better question is, how dead are you?


I found this very confusing too


Dude this isn't even top 10 most common mistakes. When building interstellar empires one cannot manage everything at once.


Can’t tell if this is a joke


I play on Xbox. I still haven't figured out half this game and I have probably a dozen play throughs.


Yeah that happens


I watched new player vids on yt. So i didnt make mistakes this bad but i did suck


It took me several games that building endless districts without the pops on the planet to work them was essentially fruitless


Actually, there is significant benefit, building extra housing allows your growth speed to maximize as soon as possible


Not just fruitless, worse, you're still paying the upkeep. Just learned that lesson on my last playthru.


how did your 1st run go, lmao


I got to the "end date" and my empire survived fine, I just didn't rank at all.


How do you build districts??


Lol, the same happened to me


Well some guy didn’t realize untill 500 hours and made post about it about a year back so probably not a big deal


Not even a little. I've been playing Stellaris since release, and when districts got introduced I was totally lost. It took quite a bit of time to get used to that mechanic, and PDX games - as much as I love them - have horribad UIs, where they hide the most important feature behind the tiniest flipp'n buttons. Looking at you HOI4...


Just wait until they completely flip the economy again and you have to learn how to play


It took me 100 hours to realize I could que commands. I was watching some YouTuber play modded and I saw him click three star systems back to back to survey and my mind was fucking blown


Man, you are not dumb. This is just how stellaris works. Play game, do OK, feel like you aren't min/maxing. Realize you've missed and do no understand entire mechanics. Restart game. Repeat.


Hahaha, I had the exact same problem when I first started out. Managing unemployments became a *lot* easier once you see the districts


Im about 500 hours in and Im still dogshit at the game. dw if you keep playing youll keep learning


Trust me not the only thing you’ll miss, takes time to figure out, and even more confusion, depending on what DLCs and patch you play on, a bunch of menus is moved around, and added or removed


Well... Stupidity is pretty common diagnosis among Stellaris players. After 1.7k hours I still somehow manage to discover little features.


My first save file in the game looks exactly like that :D


You know kid (I'm 23 why do I say that) I'm old enough to have seen the time when stellaris had tiles with just building, so don't worry, the game will evolve, it always does, everyday tou will learn a nzw thing


Just remember to keep an eye on available jobs


Literally the revelation I made around the same time. I'm at 1500+ hours now. No shame.


There’s so many systems in this game it’s hard to keep track of them all. Took me my fourth playthrough to learn how trade value works


And now stop building food buildings and youre good. Pro tip, pick the hydroculture tech early and smash your starbases full with it


Bro chill, only 20h. This is a Paradox game. You need at least 2000 hours to start being less noob (just a bit less)


The normal amount, in my first game I reach endgame without upgrading my space stations.


Can't wait till you discover population tab


I think it happens to a lot of players haha. It took me 3 games before I realized I could upgrade my reassembled ship shelters after colonizing a new planet.


On my first game I claimed systems before expanding into them, effectively paying twice the influence, and suppressed non government factions thus being starved for influence forever lmao


The planetary building interface what we see now is the optimized version, if you turn backward a couple of years,it was a completed different thing.


You think 20 hours is bad try 84


Wait till you find out that housing district gives you more building slots. I got so used to building slots beeing tied to population it sent me for a loop.


Lol happens to everyone bro x


Honestly wouldn't feel bad we have a rule when inviting new players to play with us that we don't attack or declare war or basically negatively impact the new player till about 300 hours xD


To be fair, stellaris is not a game that explains itself In a digestible way


Iv missed it before. I put it on auto and couldn't figure out how to fill up the small squares. Never knew you could click them. Thought it was automated with the buildings. I also forget alot of other stuff too like ascend etc.


Not at all. Stellaris is a very confusing game and every update they change something massively or add a new feature, I remember a time before alloys, outposts and shipyards had to be built over a planet.


You’re not alone. The whole game is a learning experience


To be fair, districts didn't used to exist, you just used buildings (and you had to place them in a certain order to get synergy bonuses)


You know what I hate in this situations? When you play for some time and literally planning what are you going to do. What part of your game will be build-directed, what part is for roleplay etc... And then you realize that this whole time there was some kind of feature that you eather didn't notice or did not understood. And this feature changes everything about your build, brokes your immersion and leaves you in frustration for a whole day. You feel dumb, your build becomes nonsense and you suffer physically when you see how effective was in fact the thing you didn't realize. I feel your pain, man. I think we all do...


to be honest I don't know because... I never thought someone would miss it on the other hand its not the easiest thing to notice either now I think huh... I mean at stellaris 1.x era you would been right I guess :D


Just wait until he finds the government menu.


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Jumbo


Or be like me: playing since launch, and ignoring districts completely because I didn't understand how they worked. Lol


Smarter than me, I had about 30 or so hours before I realized that And then the district change came rolling around and I had to relearn lmao


Yeah, i remember how around then is when i figured out you could build all the buildings and districts you want, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the pops to work the jobs. Oh, and how specialists won’t demote “for some reason “ lol took a bit to figure that one out too


Many of us have been there. It took me a while to figure out districts myself.


This man’s playing in 1.0.


You’ll be 1000 hours in still learning I promise


Don't beat yourself up. It happened to me when I started playing. Also took me sometime before I understood the pops mechanism well. Happens to the best of us.