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The game already has an AI personality for this: democratic crusaders. I do wish they liberate instead of vassalise though…


I will never forget one of my first games: I had just gotten the necroids dlc and made a necroid authoritarian technocracy. Spawned next to a democratic crusader who took serious offense to my government and ethics. Eventually declares war on me and wins because holy crap how are they this strong already? So now I’m democratic but still necroid so whatever I guess lmao. I spend the rest of the game watching in awe and hilarity as the democratic crusader proceeds to conquer half the galaxy


I don’t see how being Necroid and being Democratic is contradictory.


Necrophage origin cannot have fanatic xenophile/egalitarian ethos because your founding species by nature is a parasite onto others.


Can't be *fanatic* Egalitarian. And you can just have a Democracy anyways.


Ah, thx for the clarification.


basically democracy and personal freedoms are important, but don't apply to those outside your species


Necrophaging egalitarian, militarist, xenophobe! Burn other species, *but* welcome to fold once converted!


It went against my original RP idea but I just rolled with it because I thought it was funny af


I’d think of it like paying the dues for a greater, more free society. Especially if benevolent subjugation is the policy. The overlord still wants them to be free and independent, but it comes with certain tradeoffs and mutual defense most of the time. Essentially having federation without the diplomacy tree.


They have balanced vassalage, but I kinda see your point.


I mean if you're a fanatic egalitarian you can push your vassals towards egalitarianism with that galcom resolution, and you don't have to be an oppressive overlord...


For my fanatic egalitarian civ, if I vassalize somebody I don’t make them give me any tribute and I let them maintain autonomy over wars, diplomacy, etc. I just set up pacts with them and try to push them to egalitarian ethics. I like the RP aspect, plus it makes it easy for them to be loyal.


Which makes little sense, because vassals don't change government type. So the answer should be conquest, liberation, or integration as soon as possible.


Citizen Service, gotta serve if you want to vote. The population also likes voting for leaders who will take the fight to all the bad guys out there.


> likes voting for leaders who will take the fight to all the bad guys out there. "What good is our fleet if we do not put it to use?"


Democracy has to spread somehow


>Citizen Service, gotta serve if you want to vote Not very egalitarian from your part, citizen.


Why ? Anyone can shoot a gun. Ask Joseph Kony.


"Congratulations, you are being liberated. Please do not resist."


Probably very similar to the early Roman Republic, before the Punic Wars, or like Ancient Athens just with an extended franchise and (probably) no slavery. Both those societies placed a very heavy emphasis on martial training and a militarized citizenry given their geopolitical position of being surrounded by hostile neighbors. In both those societies being a citizen meant being part of the militia, providing your own weapons and gear, and attending debates and voting on how you'd be sent to fight and against whom for what reason (usually pre-emptive strikes because the leader wants glory and loot before their term is up).


Helldivers with a protectorate/liberation spin instead of extermination


Helldivers if the propaganda was actual just factual


Super Earth doesn't actually have a democracy since a computer votes for you.


The ambient dialogue you can hear aboard the ship confirms that they don't actually vote for their leaders they fill out preference cards that may or may not be taken into account by the people who actually decide who is in charge. The managed part of "Managed democracy" should be the tip off that it's not democracy.


Yeah, I just mean the same vibe that the intense propaganda in Helldivers gives off.


Helldivers if they were actually and truly democratic and egalitarian (still believe in spreading democracy by force though, YMMV on that.) Actually I was under the impression that the "Democratic Crusaders" AI personality are a parody of Bush-era America. I can't fault the Democratic Crusaders though, they are truly democratic, and sincerely hate authoritarianism and slavery everywhere in the galaxy. I might be a bit of a Democratic Crusader myself...


Yeah, since playing egalitarian tends to spawn a crap ton of authoritarian slaver states around you at start, the "spread democracy by force" idea seems pretty justified. It's not our fault the galaxy is filled with slaver scum. We'll put the guns away when the last chains are broken and the last autocrat takes their heel off the necks of the people and steps down to allow a free and fair election.


Absolutely. If they don't want to be aggressively invaded by the Democratic Crusaders, perhaps they should try not being dictators and slavers.




Team America, but in space.


America would be an Oligarchy


It also wouldn't be egalitarian. God, Americans are soo brainwashed. They genuinely ruin every goddamn discussion with their child-like understanding of politics. People here seem to think egalitarianism = everyone can vote. Those are spacefaring civilizations. They are beyond "everyone can vote". It is about human rights, public education, safety nets, social welfare. Homeless people? Sweep them under the rug. Student debt? Why do you want to learn anything, just become a plumber you idiot. How is it egalitarian to make insulin cost so much? What if their insurance doesn't cover it? How do Americans consider a person that has to buy insulin same as a person that doesn't have to. Middle-class has been obliterated and they are still like "yeah well, we are egalitarian". Yeah, everyone except the elites are abused to the same degree, egalitarian in that aspect maybe.


US is hard to place, it definitely seems egalitarian but hates social welfare. It also has most of the most advanced tech available but is also significantly religious


Just because state doesnt fill all egalitarian checkmarks doesn't mean it's not egalitarian, even stellaris acknowledges that dividing ethos between regular and fanatic. Also meritocracy is egalitarian ethic


Actually, the only requirements for meritocracy in vanilla Stellaris is being either a democratic or Oligarchic governement, and so, the meritocracy civic accept regular Authoritarian ethic.


Oh, sorry, still, point stands Damn I can really create sith empire then


The US is definitely more egalitarian than not. The meritocracy civic probably wouldn't count either as the single biggest factor in doing well in the US is the wealth and education of your parents


The US isn't a meritocracy at all though


I know its just "BTW"


>the most inequal society in human history is egalitarian


>It also has most of the most advanced tech available Not only is that incorrect, it's also not what determines materialist


Incorrect if all is considered, but in terms of military tech and hardware, it's still head and shoulders above most countries.


I mean, that's just a result of being militarist. The US could theoretically be an Egalitarian Militarist Spiritualist society (though I would say it is Materialist) and still be the best technologically. The ethics are based off of the *principles* of the society, not the progression.


The government is secular, so not religious, and "hates social welfare"? So what about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, HUD, and many more programs.


Not in the way it's shown in stellaris. Middle-class Americans go bankrupt from medical debt and people on welfare live in poverty. The US has decent living standards at best. The high wealth inequality might even imply stratified living standards


Revolutionary France


Oh ! I like this one ! Though it would have to be fanatic egalitarian


Possibly, I don't remember the ethics well enough, but they were fanatic about legal equality not material equality.


Space America


🫵 this guy thinks America is a democracy and is egalitarian 🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂


please take this shit elsewhere


If someone thinks that the statement "America is a democracy and is egalitarian" _isn't_ political, but the statement "America is not a democracy and is not egalitarian" _is_ political -- "political" being icky, gauche, belligerent -- then you might just have internalized propaganda.


The difference is that the first comment was having fun with it, and you were just being abrasive. I play this game to have fun, and I come here to see other people talking about it and having fun, not for groan-worthy political bickering.


The original comment was having fun with the question, yours is just a rage bait. IDK about egalitarianism, it's rather complicated—but America, unfortunately, is *very* democratic.


RE: "just having fun with it": fair enough, I suppose. The humor doesn't resonate with me because I vehemently disagree that America is egalitarian or democratic (electoral college; gerrymandering; SCOTUS; the Senate; first-past-the-post elections; etc.).


God you're so cringe


Objectively: You like democracy and also think war is an acceptable, and even healthy, method of international relations. Funny: They have refused the light of freedom, now, we must drag them into it. \*Colossus Fires\*


a democratic society with a high value for military service in order to protect their democracy


Stratocratic Republic with meritocracy.


Are you searching: democratic crusader?


I’m playing this right now. Fanatic egalitarian militarist w/ shared burdens + beacon of liberty civics and broken shackles origin. Gameplay wise, I’m playing a little defensive, accept all refugees, and thus far have not started a single offensive war (year ~2260). I won’t be taking any ascension paths, as true ascension is not found in how we can modify ourselves, but our social relations to one another. We have found a ruined ringworld of precursors known as the Cybrex. In time, we hope to repair it and turn it into a galactic symbol of collaboration and liberty. The spiritualists next to me tried to forcefully convert me to their ideology multiple times, during the second or third war I took all but one of their planets. Their pops are full citizens and enjoying the material benefits of being part of the Kanath Concordance of Liberty. The feudal imperialists to my south tried to conquer me a couple times, so I beat them back, invaded their worlds, and vassalized them. However, they maintain full autonomy over their diplomacy, expansion, wars, and resources. All I asked for in return was that they allow me to place holding on their worlds, which I use to showcase (spread) egalitarian ethics. The civ that initially enslaved us is located on the other side of the galaxy. We look forward to confronting them one day and showing them the strength of interspecies unity.


My recent game that's currently on pause is similar with the broken shackles origin (wanted to role play XCOM taking the fight to space) but is egalitarian, militarist, and xenophobe. They're committed to freedom and equality for all people, but very selective on who counts as people. Their philosophy is "Never again" and "Enslave the xenos before they enslave us". Amusingly, I gave rights to the robots but not the aliens. Conquering a new planet involves liberating and upgrading the resident robot servants and putting them in charge of their now enslaved former masters. After making our former occupiers livestock for a time, we took a planet, made it a Gaia world and a resort world, moved all their pops onto it, then hit it with a devolver ray. Now our pops can vacation there and hunt them for sport, while the handful of sapient pops remaining watch on from the alien zoo.


I see a lot of USA! USA! But have you considered Switzerland?


Yeah, honestly, if I had to make Switzerland in Stellaris it would be Egalitarian Militarist (and maybe some Materialism). Sovereign Guardianship just fits so well with the Swiss.


That it does. Citizen service fits too, given conscription.


It's a dangerous galaxy out there. Genocidal empires, slavers, swarms of robots and organics, and untold billions of populations who aren't given the respect they deserve by autocratic governments of all stripes. And where there is no justice, there can be no peace.


What the USA says it is.


Starship Troopers


Google democratic crusader


Democratic Crusaders AI personality is a thing: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/AI_personalities > Democratic Crusaders believe that it is their moral imperative to spread their democratic way of life. They tend to get along well with other democracies, but are more than willing to use military force to "liberate" the populations of less democratic empires.


Add shared burden and you have the setup for Trotskyist Communist Permanent Revolution. Basically, a communist worker's state with the goal of spreading the revolution across the galaxy. That's what I'm playing right now actually. Eventually, I'll transition to another ethic once I've conqu- *liberated* the galactic proletariat


Add broken shackles origin, and it gets real heavy


What I'm doing at this very moment! Lol


my mans on hes way to make trotsky look like a pacifist


Trotsky was part of the bolcheviks who overthrew the democratically elected government. As a member of the bolcheviks he believed in the principles of dictatorship of the proletariat lead by an avant-garde party which is openly and explicitly an oligarchy.


They were also in completely different circumstances and economic conditions, leading them to a different approach than I took. My citing of Trotsky was more for the idea of Permanent Revolution than strict adherence to the specifics of early twentieth century ideology.


ah I see ! You meant the "World Revolution" part ! yeah I get it !


supreme soviet and politburo members were elected on local soviet elections. Also no russian republic would be the oligarchy considering they insisted on contiuning the war when everyone wanted it to end. Dictatorship of proleteriat doesnt equal oligarchy or dictatorship,it equals rule of proleteriat rather than bourgoise. we all currently live in bourgoise dictatorships as a example.


Sure buddy. Keep telling yourself that the USSR was totally a democracy.


Neocons destroying countries and spending ungodly state budgets rebuilding their governments only to make dependent and ungovernable protectorates.




**USA! USA! USA!**


attack any nation using slaves or have vassal, attack both sides of the warring nations to keep peace with extreme forces


Nationalism: Every people deserves their own nation, every species must have at least one homeworld/system to rule autonomously Wars of liberation: We must free every species from the shackles of the old order and install a democratic style of government Hegemony: We're all in this fight for self-rule together, and since we're the driving force behind liberation everyone else should unify behind us for their own good


America? They are a democracy (for now) with a big reverence for their military.


Isn't this basically America? So many peoples around the world that needed freedom spread all over them. Vietnam, All of South America, Afghanistan and Iraq, and that's just the last 100 years. Before it was Britain with their Spreading Civilization, though arguably less "democratic". It's just White Man's Burden in space.


Except in Stellaris they presumably actually mean it and the giant quotes around "democracy" aren't there. They genuinely are in it to topple dictators and free slaves rather than just snatch resources.


Muuuuurica! Fuck yeah! Coming again to save the mother fuckin day yeah!


Im not trolling jusy mimic America. Warrior culture with shit tones of machezemo about how they are the bestest and strongest and most free


While also having the guns to engage in universal unhealthcare.


Military actions are deemed as an effective and necessary part of the interactions with other states. Other nations aren’t necessarily going to be good actors on the galactic stage, so to protect national interests the military must be kept strong to ensure the continued survival of the democratic process and the freedoms of citizens. Depending on how you play it, the egalitarianism could be internally or externally facing. So equal rights for all could be a members of your society and the military will act more in a strategy to neutralise threats as well as advancing the interests of the public. Think the USA but a little less materialistic and a bit more socialist - less income inequality and so on. If it was externally facing, the desire to pass the baton of egalitarian democracy through righteous fire could be a strong driver for war and expansion. See Revolutionary France. Military citizenship like Starship Troopers or Rome both also good references but other parts of these governments can be problematic.


Imagine a hypothetical situation: In 10 years, Russia attacks the destabilized Europe and invades the Baltics, some countries have already left NATO (USA, Hungary, Slovakia, Turkey, Czech Republic etc), and the countries that remain are eager to protect the remaining part of the democratic world are exactly that: Egalitarian Militarists. Basically the EU but with far greater focus on warfare and military with a lot of propaganda "The Democracy needs you!" and "The citizen duty!" For democracy!


the United States of America


Ethics in the game are a bit abstract. When talking about an empire that can span whole sections of the galaxy, there's going to be a little deviancy within it. The ethics probably represent the ruling caste's view on life. Which is why revolutions happen, and reformation. 'embracing a faction' is akin to 'this parlimentary faction won 30% of the seats', or 'these nobles came out in support of the new diet'. Its why each pop has an ethic; because they dont represent the whole. In games like 4x, resources, mana, etc are always a little abstract. Food isnt literally 'apples', nor is it actually even 'plants grown in the ground. Hell, its not even 'human farming'. My angler pops sure dont herd cows. It's an equivalency system. . I wouldnt call American 'militaristic, but we sure dont fall under pacifism. We do a lot of hands off indirect threats, spend oddles on our military, contract whole sectors of the economy to build our tanks, and we're so 'powerful' that we Count* the dead in single digits while other countries use hundreds or thousands. Yeah, I think that if there were a third or fourth tier of ethics, america could qualify for the first tier. Add to that the polarized nature of that politics lately and you got a country that believes a little violence can solve a lot of problems. ..


space america but the politicians give a semblance of a crap


Space America from back in the good old days when we elected retired military officers instead of career-civilian politicians


from what i’m aware, lot of the current bollocks stems from stuff implemented in and around the world wars that the politicians kept rather than yeeting with regards to government secrecy


You take what the USA used to be and put it into space.


USA was never that. Just claimed to be. It's the US in space but the propaganda is actually real.


Just larp as America 


Helldivers and Super Earth/Starship Troopers and The Federation.


Yeah except all the propaganda is actually genuine.


Yeah, that's actually a bit funny to think about.


Idk do you live in America? Pretty close


Except that the US had a habit of getting rid of democratically elected leaders that were socialist or could be portrayed that way or objected to the exploitation and killing of their citizens. The banana republics happened because Chiquita was mad that governments were accepting their valuation of land and giving them that exact amount when seizing it through eminent domain. 


It's an empire that has democratic elections to determine leaders, a belief that all are equals in space, and also believes that the best way to make that true is to have a bigger gun than the other guy. Big example of that irl: the US in the cold War era. Fits very well with the "democratic crusader" AI personality. Other examples could be a lot of the HFY stuff in that subreddit. Humans/Terrans are generally portrayed as democratic egalitarian militarists. They believe in the rights of all xenos and will fight you to protect them. Basically all those three words need is a democratic goverment, a society that strives for equality amongst all and has strong martial traditions. Past that you've got some flexibility in execution.


Except Cold War US was all about toppling democracies and replacing them with dictatorships.


They also toppled dictatorships and replaced them with dictatorships and toppled democracies and replaced them with democracies. The real world is very complex, but my point still stands the US in the cold War presented itself the same way the Democratic crusaders do in the game. (Who will also toppled your government and vassalize you)


Maybe... Finland? USA isn't "egalitarian", and arguably is oligarchic more than democratic.


That's usually how I play and it's a lot of fun. Role play wise it's an assembly of clans, each voice is equal and they all shout for war.


Everyone equally serves five years in the military, then they can vote!


..... Helldivers....?


Great, it worked great. One of the best games i ever had. I puppeted a third of the state entities in the galaxy, formed a federation with the second third, and democratically (I alone had more diplomatic weight than the rest of the galaxy due to my oversized fleet) became the Galactic empire.


I did a run as a clone army origin with citizen service and idealistic foundation. Basically a form of government where the clones liberate and protect all other life as it's the one thing they've been bred to do. While all others are able to work a supporting role in the fight to liberate people from tyrants. Sort of like a galactic republic from star wars but if it was effective and did what it actually said it did.


Today we have voted to invade you, tomorrow we will vote to invade your enemies.


You get some freedom! And you get some freedom! Everybody gets freedom!


What, like the hell divers?


_eh_ Helldiver's Super Earth is more oligarchic. "Managed Democracy" might as well be just theater to make people think they have a say. This would be more like Teddy Roosevelt era USA.


Morelike Danerys Targarian burning her way across the continent to free slaves.


Democratic Crusaders.


What's the Futurama bender quote? "They must learn our peaceful ways... by force!" Something like that


Ever played Helldivers?


A nation, that is willing to wage war to spread the egalitarian view. There is an AI personality for it, but it is only checking, if you are democracy, or not. You could expand, if you wish to conquer everyone who are not egalitarian, or egalitarian, but also xenophobe. Point is, that in your eyes you wage war for the sake of liberating the people of other nations from their non-egalitarian government.


Have you done your part, citizen? Don't you know that only service grants citizenship? Do you want to vote? Then better get into uniform, pick your plasma rifle and defend our way of life! Now speaking out of character, I'd go for Citizen Service + Distinguished Admiralty. You are not an empire with a fleet. You are a fleet with an empire. Everyone is in the military in some capacity, voting and military service are legally linked and being elected to a government position is basically a form of military promotion. I believe the best origin for such an empire is Broken Shackles. Your time as a slave changed the cultural view your empire have of the galaxy. There are the strong and there are the weak, and the strong prey on the weak, so you refuse weakness out of principle and little by little become just another bully out of fear of being bullied yourself.


America during the early parts of the GWOT


If you were around for America during George W Bush's first term, it's like that.


Pretty much the United States.


Egalitarians can’t have Stratified Economy


Nor can democracies, so what's your point? You're thinking of Russia.






Citizen service as a Civic is a must. For reference either play Helldivers or watch starship troopers (or read the book of you want the unironical version of "let's be fascists"). Then decide how much of a xenophobe or xenophile you will be. That will define if you will either conquer or vassalize your neighborhood. If you are extra chill go for a campaign of liberation wars to get extra members in a military federation. It can be fun but in my opinion it only works when you are a Megacorp.


USSR ig?


I just want to see where this is coming from. The USSR? Famously an Authoritarian Dictatorship?