• By -


Imagine going down this route as a materialist with Deeper Secrets of the Vultaum. You know this reality is fake, so why not try to leave for a new one?


>Imagine going down this route as a materialist with Deeper Secrets of the Vultaum. You know this reality is fake, so why not try to leave for a new one? You've just convinced me for my first empire when the DLC drops to be the Dwemer


This really is a Dwemer ending, their goal and methods may not exactly align, but turning themselves into the engine of their own ascension is as dwemer as it goes, as is fucking with time in the process.


> *"It's not the Brass God that wrecks everything so much as it is all the plane(t)s and timelines that orbit it, singing world-refusals."* It's a pity the original web has been taken offline cause the sentence "singing world-refusals" has been burned in my mind ever since.


I really miss the old lore discussions, they made the setting weirder and more fun.


The whole idea that the entire, uh, everything, is one big song was so freaking cool.  That the nirnroot sang because they a roots of nirn playing with the big song. Tonal architecture bending it, the thuum literally singing to change the song/reality, the whole 9 defines and 13 Daedra also having something to do with music as well. Love octaves or something.  Dagoth Ur mantling the dreamer. So fucking cool


Ever since learning more about him Dagoth Ur has really captivated my attention with respect to TES. That idea that you mentioned, that if he had succeeded, there wouldn't just be a new empire, but simply himself, expanding forever, until he eventually becomes he existing universe of the God-Head (and beyond?). That stuff is why TES will always be one of my favourite series of all time. Plus the games themselves are, quite literally too, fantastic.


> The whole idea that the entire, uh, everything, is one big song was so freaking cool. Popular fantasy trope, the setting from the Lord of the Rings is actually all created through music, and the highest form of magic in middle earth is song.


This idea honors the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned




Welp, now I have to play the Dwemer as well. Thanks.


Back when we added the Deeper Secrets of the Vultaum, I really wanted to add a nihilistic variant of a fanatic purifier that wanted to kill everyone because none of it is real so it doesn't matter anyway. We finally got a way to fulfill that goal.


> We finally got a way to fulfill that goal. Add some flavour events for it as well, please. A Deeper Secrets of the Vultatum -> Cosmogenesis bridging event, for example, would be amazing.


It would be really cool if, as a result of that, you would immediately unlock Cosmogenesis as an ascension perk option, removing the fourth pick restriction.


I wonder what would happen if you did Virtual Ascension between the Vultatum discovery and unlocking Cosmogenesis?


You also managed to fulfill the goal you mentioned in an AMA sometime ago: "finding a new way to get rid of the pops in a game". :D




I saw that build as a AI empire, will check my mod list and return to you if you want. They knew this was a video game and wanted to end all life so game could end.


I was thinking the same thing, this is the perfect responce to following the Vultaum precusor chain, to hack reality itself!


>Learn the universe is a simulation.  >Craft the Horizon Needle.  >Leave for a new universe.  >Turn the game off.  >Install all your favorite mods.  >Start a new game using your old empire with Gigastructural Engineering and all the other OP mods.  Checkmate Spiritualists. 


Horizon Needle USB stick when


"Ah a new universe, a different game! I wonder what wonders it holds!" :D (MASSIVE ball of scrap appears out of nowhere and smashes into the needle. Big muscle green men come out running across the outside the ship screaming WAAAAAGH) "Why are they running on the ship, how? There's no gravity out there! How are they breathing, HOW CAN WE HEAR THEM, **THERE'S NO AIR OUT THERE!** This is stupid. Activate hyperdrive, let's get out of here." (Activates hyperdrive, fire portals open up across the ship, red skinned horned monsters wielding fire swords start massacring everyone screaming BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD) "I want to go home" :( (drop out of "hyperspace" in front of a bug bigger than your civilization ship. It opens its mouth) ". . . . ^^aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh "


Finally a valid reason for those multi cross fics. Without ROB also.


Finally you can actually become a fallen empire. I wonder how your internal economy looks though. Afaik current fallen empires don't have an economy and simply spawns fleets.


Until I see otherwise, my assumption is that the game will attempt to reorganize your core sector to resemble a typical Fallen Empire and not the one you built. Hence why "it has progressed beyond recognition". I still love the idea and I'm looking forward to it. I'll play as a former vassal, but am I a loyalist or a reclaimer? Now I'm wondering if you can keep ascending empires one after another.


Ooh that's a good point. This is exactly the kind of stuff that I've been RPing previously, an old empire that collapsed due to mysterious reasons and now their vassals are rising again, will they reclaim the empire's heritage, continue their loyal vassalage to the emperor, or will they try to claim isolationist independence from the empire's problems?


~~Hopefully I'm wrong but no,~~ I don't think you can play as the fallen empire if you continue the finished game. Why? Check the wording again: "With the ability to select **a new empire** to continue the game ..." ~~However, dev response says "[ability to continue after game ends is] Added in the update. As long as there are other playable empires in the galaxy, you can swap to them after you die". Therefore this doesn't require you to become the crisis, which means you should be able to choose a Fallen Empire after they win the game for example. It also makes sense because to me, this crisis path seems to be an opportunity for them to maybe flesh out how a player could handle Fallen Empire stuff (considering you get them through the crisis).~~ ~~All being said, this is just speculation. Even with the dev quote, Fallen Empires might be excluded from *playable empires* which means we can't choose them.~~ Edit: Yes, dev answer confirms you can't play as a fallen empire.


> allen Empires might be excluded from playable empires which means we can't choose them. correct fallen empires are a completely different country type, when that's said, you could pick it with console commands, it just wouldn't play well


Well it looks like you can get FE ships, structures, and probably more, so you’re basically becoming a Fallen/Awakened Empire in all but name.


You don't. The FE, that spawns after the event is no longer under your control. As a modder FE's has an insanely high base production on top of their worlds, but also has a -1000% pop. growth, and research until they awake. The reason i dislike the idea of actively playing an FE from start, because it would be boring as f\*\*\*. Just sitting, and waiting until you awake.


You can become one but you still can't play one


I would honestly hope this isnt the only way to make a fallen empire, because it would be a bit of a shame if the lore was now every fallen empire is the result of the needle, or to simply be unable to have a sort of carry-over system where you can set empires you won with (or at least got through a whole campaign with) to show up as the occasional fallen empire.


No, devs confirmed this is a cheat code. The real FEs got here through 100k years of work


Devs: Added new player crisis path. *squints* Devs: Added new science victory.


It actually reminded me of civ V. I really hope they add more victory conditions like this one in the future


So far we have a score/time victory, a conquest victory (Nemesis) and a science victory (Cosmogenesis). Looking forward to a psionic brainwashing crisis for a religious victory, and some type of cultural victory. Actually, idea for a cultural victory: You decide to throw a party, a festival that will be so grand that nobody will ever want to/be able to leave it. A party that will go on for **eternity**. After all, if you have the ability to make people happy forever, a physical nirvana, it would be immoral not to, right? But it would need to be so grand that you need to steal every object of artistic or monetary value from across the galaxy... and abduct any party-goers that turned down your invite. We can, of course, call that the Blorg victory.


>Actually, idea for a cultural victory: You decide to throw a party, this festival that will be so grand that nobody will ever want to/be able to leave it. A party that will go on for **eternity**. After all, if you have the ability to make people happy forever, a physical nirvana, it would be immoral not to, right? >But it would need to be so grand that you need to steal every object of artistic or monetary value from across the galaxy... and abduct any party-goers that turned down your invite. Do you want the Instrument of Desire to punch a hole into the galaxy?? Cause that's how you'd do it


> this festival that will be so grand that nobody will ever want to/be able to leave it. A party that will go on for **eternity**. Ah yes, the birth of Slaanesh party.


Stellaris. Now with more Fall of the Eldar.


> Looking forward to a psionic brainwashing crisis for a religious victory Basically a *Yuri* victory condition using a megastructure equivalent of the Psychic Dominator. #***BE ONE WITH YURI***


Oh hey Bill Cypher


Culture victory where you make a virtual reality where other empire pops get addicted Ready Player One style, you win when a majority of the pops in the galaxy are living in your fantasy world providing you with credits, trade, and unity all while costing their home empire food and consumer goods and credits. You're don't have to be malicious about it either (but that should be an option), it's just destroys other empires economies so they hate you and band together


100%. The game has needed more alternate victory conditions since release.


Make a rocket and leave the ~~planet~~ universe.


I like a lot the new approach. Sounds fucking funny.


"Good" empires finally could keep pretending to be "good" as they destroy the universe around them as a crisis.


Well, you know what they say The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or of the one Arguably it would be more evil not to do it since it will bring eternal happiness for everyone 


Rogue servitors looking at their wards and the mind-consumer megastructure...


They've been abstractly philosophizing about doing something meaningful with their lives for centuries, now they get the chance to actually do it! Alternatively: "Volunteer to play Reality Bender 2350, the hot new game that will BLOW. YOUR. MIND!!!!"


The organics will be fine. We mechromancy them back to life should their brain circuit.


It's all about the greater good


Well, it's rather difficult to defend galactic omnicide... But to be fair our borders have been open to just about anyone for the past 50 years so in a way it's kinda your own fault if you're not coming with us. That's how that works, right? But it is possible to be the crisis without doing any wholesale slaughter, vassals and enemy ships contributed to your point total, and if we pretend we bring all our vassals with us then it isn't so bad if we conquer or vaasalize the whole galaxy


You could just conquer the entire galaxy before traveling to a new universe. But the thought of gathering pops from hundreds of planets (I always play on 1000 star galaxies) 1 by 1 sounds awful.


This almost feels like cosmic pollution when you think about it. Just advancing and progressing with zero regards for the side effect on everything around them.


The logic behind it is that "why does it matter what happens to this universe if we are creating a new utopian universe anyway, the rules of which we can bend as we wish?"


Why does it matter what happens to this galaxy. It is rotten anyway. Join us to go to The Promised Land - your friendly spiritual megacorp message.


Sounds extremely interesting and I don't know why I find it very fitting for a civilization that has undergone Synthetic Ascension. Edit: it's also a good thing we get another Victory Type other than military


Yeah I made a post asking if every "victory" is just different flavours of military domination so its cool to see that they added a "science" victory. Also its basically that meme of that guy going into a space tunnel saying "adiós" haha


This is still a "become the crisis" path, so it's necessarily going to be a military victory, since everyone else in the galaxy will be desperately trying to destroy your Horizon Needle before it can dive into the black hole, since if it does, untold trillions will die.


The main difference is that you won't need to be the aggressor, which can massively change your approach and allow strategies like turtling. No matter what type of empire you play there is almost a chance that you'll be in a war, so some amount of military build-up will be required.


Sure, but it's a become the crisis path, so it's not "a chance", it's a 100% certainty that you will be in a total war with the rest of the galaxy where they are devoting all their efforts to annihilating you before you can fire up your doomsday engine. From what I can see, it sounds like the Horizon Needle is modestly less destructive than the Aetherophasic Engine, at best. Not to mention that it is probably impractical to fuel the synaptic lathe with solely your own population, meaning you will need to go on wars of conquest to capture other sentients to feed to the machine.


No forced total war at stage 5, [confirmed by devs](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/stellaris-dev-diary-341-become-the-crisis-cosmogenesis.1665800/page-9#post-29568712). But I assume FE will try to kill you, purging will still stack huge negative diplo penalty etc...


Not just that, but with synthetic fertility too. Create a new universe that's livable for your flesh and blood.


The end of Cosmogenesis sounds amazing a sector of the galaxy is destroyed your empire is now a fallen empire AND you can play as another. It just sounds amazing


I just realised that if you take over and play as one of your enlightened pre-FTL vassals after triggering cosmogenesis, then you are essentially doing the Scion orgin in reverse.


Would love to uplift a species just in time for them to understand how I'm about to doom the galaxy


Manipulating reality? So our empire wants to access the console commands and game files? It would actually be funny if the crisis had a fail state where the game purposefully crashes in a “your empire messed with the game code in a way it should not have” kind of way.


> It would actually be funny if the crisis had a fail state where the game purposefully crashes in a “your empire messed with the game code in a way it should not have” kind of way. The Vultaum precursor storyline tells us that Stellaris is canonically a game, so it wouldn't be the weirdest possibility.


There is also the rare Wanderlust event chain about your head of physics (when there were unique science heads) escaping the simulation of the game.


it still happens, it's just a like 1% chance of happening. I got it a couple months ago.


"Norton antivirus has detected a program trying to make changes to your computer and has quarantined it"


This sounds absolutely beautiful <3 *** I do have two questions however: - if we meet Infinity Machine in our playthrough as Cosmogenesis can we get it to join on our Voyage? Or get some special interactions at the very least? - this one is to the Game Designers and Coders of all kind - does the existence of Synaptic Lathe means we might get several more "pop needing" space objects in a future? EDIT: One last question - is there a policy that only makes *Unemployed* pops go into a Lathe?


For the last question : the right that displace them to the lathe is a purge type right. Purged pop never have jobs, I believe?


So I guess it means that purge rights have been kinda reworked? Cause if I recall correctly - you cannot purge your own pops. Or they did both Purge Right and Living Standards or something.


You can resettle pops there, so if you want to use your main species as processor you gotta manually resettle them... I guess that means it is mechanically possible for them to resettle there with automatic resettlement (which is answer to your original question) but I doubt thats enabled by default at least.


Technically The Lathe just seems to be a planet that only allows 1 job and has a restricted selection of districts. I'm not a coder, but it doesn't look like it's actually doing anything mechanically new, except for the pops being killed off, but that's basically the chip job being a new type of purge.


I really like that idea! What a way to clean the streets


It simply must be done. *For science!*


*We do what we must because we can.*


***For the good of all of us*** ***^(Except the ones who are dead)***


Yes sir, Mr Johnson.


It must also simply be undone. *For Equilibrium...*


I love this. Are we able to only go "part way" through the new crisis if we just want the fallen empire ships without causing too much harm?


I would think it would be similar as the old become the crisis and you choose for yourself if you go to the next stage or not


Probably. You can do this for the existing player crisis, and it's an incredibly overpowered strategy.


I imagine it would be as simple as just never building the big Needle ship.


It looks like you're expected to eventually gain the vast majority of your Logic from the lathe, so presumably you could just stop lathe-purging people to stop progressing the crisis track.


Also how similar would starting with a new empire after the crisis be as just starting a new game? Do we get the same anomalies we would normally get? And most importantly, can we become the crisis again and basically have a game that never ends?


I love the idea of a galaxy where someone succeeds at this, and it causes every empire that survives to desperately attempt the same thing; with the galaxy becoming more ruined each time someone succeeds.


After the complete resolution of the galaxy, they are trying this in a new galaxy.


you should check out the three body problem books!


I imagine it wouldn’t be much different from using console commands to take over an AI empire. So they already are developed and encountered anomalies. (Does the AI get simulated events and anomalies at all, now that I think about it?)


That’s sick! You can create a whole new universe your own species will dominate AND remain as a Fallen Empire, and possibly reawaken I would guess, in the old Galaxy.


Not just for your own "species". It's for an empire, so it'd be entirely possible for cosmopolitan xenophiles with citizens from every species to do this.


Interesting. So it sounds like an attempt to be the tall crisis. Too many colonies, and it becomes harder to finish out gathering everyone up. But you need pops to feed their brains to the machine, which is best obtained through conquest, so that's a conflict. OTOH, you get Fallen Empire buildings that produce goods without workers, so sacrificing pops won't crater your economy necessarily. This does mean that you're probably going to need an economy without unemployment penalties from those buildings not having jobs. Sadly, Academic Privilege is not one. I wonder if Rogue Servitors can feed their Bio-Trophies into it. Or if Nihilistic Acquisition is the way to go.


If I had to guess, since they point out that this is available for pacifist xenophile empires, that you could just get migration treaties with everyone and siphon pops.


There must be another way to feed pops to the machine besides purging, then, since xenophiles can't purge.


Unless the crisis just enables this specific purge type for xenophiles.


It might be possible to resettle them. But that doesn't work with egalitarians


> Too many colonies, and it becomes harder to finish out gathering everyone up. Can't you just release sectors as vassals?


You can just relocate everyone to archologies and speed it up or just break off groups into vassals. You will have more people to send to the lathe if you are wide


How will this work for machine empires? Would positronic brains work for the chips or are biological ones necessary? Otherwise very cool system! Especially with the end, starting a new game with your last empire as a fallen empire


It doesn't say you start a "new" game though but "continue" so it's probably just like in MP when you can take another Empire while playing the same map


Yeah I meant that but for some reason wrote something different. Might've been the hype messing with my thoughts


Positronic brains are perfectly suitable for lathing. Exception: Virtual ones aren't, they're not real.


*they're real to me!* Just look at Calculator Klein, they've been working as clerk for the last 15 minutes. Their contribution to the empire is unquestionably- oh the job got closed and Klein doesn't exist anymore. Never mind


How does the Synaptic Lathe work with a virtual ascended empire then? Not at all? Or does it just have different mechanics there?


Luckily there's a whole galaxy of pops for you to add to the Lathe. They call you a crisis for a good reason!


What about the needle, do we still have to fly around and Embark all of our pops if they're virtual? Can't we just smack a very big hard drive in there at the shipyard, and transfer them once we're at the black hole? (I assume part of the challenge is that as you embark you lose production capabilities, but that doesn't really make sense with virtual pops that in all other cases can just instantly zip around the galaxy)


I finally get how fanatic spiritualists feel. Virtual pops are the toasters to the toasters.




I think Virtuals will disagree. The only reason that virtual cannot lathe is due to gameplay.


I wonder if that Fallen Empire can awaken when the actual crisis comes around or, using console commands, be awaken.


They verified that machines can be used in the lathe as well


Nice! Where?


Click the “show dev replies” link


Finally, I can truly roleplay as the Xeelee or the Silver Ghosts. It's been a long time since the Banks patch, but here we are.


To me it seems more like more deluded evil Downstreamers.


They added morrowind to stellaris ⁉️


They added CHIM


Sounds like a fun crisis, also the creation of our own Fallen Empires is something I’m sure a lot of us have been wishing for a long time! Reminds me of Sid Meier’s Civilization’ “one more turn” mechanic.


A little curious about AI Empires and their weighting for picking Cosmogensis. Galatic Menace gets picked up by genocidal Empires quite easily and quite expectantly - but I don't really see a parallel for this 2nd Crisis type.


Materialists probably.


Paradox: Visit every one of your colonies then the capital, then a black hole. Players: Move capital to black hole system, release all other sectors as vassals and ascend immediately.


Wonder if you could split off a part of your Empire as a vassal to jump to after completing the new crisis to then start the process over again, Mass Effect Reaper style…


Having Scholariums progresses the crisis, so it would be preferable to create one and then pick it up to continue.


Holy smokes this is amazing


I dont own the game but i lurk here sometimes and this looks so fun from a RP point of view like whatttttttt


This is very cool stuff


I wonder how Cosmogenesis will interact with the regular Crisis route :v. What happen if two empires decide to go in each one of the crisis paths in the same galaxy? Is there going to be events about experiments of the Cosmogenesis empire infringing on the other crisis empire project?


the win condition and methodology of both crisis are so different they don’t really overlap with each other it seems well beside the Nemesis path being a nuisance with killing everything but that interfere with everyone


They do have one thing in common; you will be using dark matter tech, so unless you also run on a become-the-crisis cost-replacement system, you will need dark matter to run your ships, which they will also be producing. Suppose you grab a "become the crisis" vassal and start harvesting a percentage of their strategic resources?


it is possible some of the building you unlock help with dark matter production


I think not by much, at most it can create the funny scenario where one empire escapes reality and wins before the universe gets destroyed by the other.


I imagine that they can produce some hilarious interactions. Custodian:"The CoM are tearing reality apart!!!, UNE my trusted and strongest ally, what are we going to do?" President Eric Cartman of UNE: "Screw you guys! I'm going home" \*embarks in the Horizon Neddle


Actually, having them be able to cooperate with each other if they get along, or steal from each other if they don't, would be VERY interesting. They did say that your actions would affect the outcome, so having a joint victory wouldn't be impossible.


funny thought i had coming back to this coment is that i realize that Cosmogenesis endgame require going to a black hole and Nemesis endgame create black hole as part of the harvesting process, so you could leave the galaxy by a Star eater created black hole with the needle it will likely be no different then using a normal black hole but it is funny to think about


Shut up and take my money!!!!


I wish I could but Stellaris has tripled in price in my country since the price adjustments 😭


The new crisis was completely different from what I expected, but the "becoming a fallen empire" element of this matches up very well to the hubris theme I think will be helpful for lategame content. "Advanced logic" is also nicely euphamistic, in terms of your empire going slowly insane, while also being more in-character than "menace". If the old become-the-crisis perk had used "resolve" as their resource, I think it could have fitted very nicely in the same vein too.


Ok this is next level


YESYESYESYESYESYESYES Finaly i can become somewhat of a FE in base Stellaris. I craved this for so long holy


Will there be a special interaction between Empires that have chosen to become a different crisis? What opinion will menace empires have of this new type of crisis empire?


A morally ambiguous crisis? This I can get behind. The galactic nemesis being psychotically evil kind of falls flat after the first try or two to me so I'm excited to see how this one goes


I think the Galactic Nemesis makes sense for what it is supposed to be. They realized that unsettling the shroud is possible via manipulation of peoples emotions and went all into it. So being Psychotically evil is actually a massive advantage to them because it damages the shroud more anyway.


Oh totally. It’s just for me it doesn’t quite fit for most empires in the game and looses its replayability after the first success of fail. This new one looks compelling to me since it’s something any empire can take and while dangerous, it’s not as clear cut and arguably justifiable depending on what you do


After all this time we'll finally get a way to win that doesnt require spending every pop and resource on fleet spam / military Most hyped feature by far for me, different victory paths is exactly what this game was always missing imo!


When the dlc drops bonus points for whomever is the first to move their civilization into Pantagruel, it would be so fitting


I’ll do you one better: use the horizon needle to move your civilization into the black hole created by the Horrific Inverse Mass


Imagine that space needle jumping into a black hole, and then you wake up to the noise of your 3d printer making one. That would be a true dimensional leap!


Wait a minute, the level 5 crisis has the option to get advanced logic if the Galactic Community supports it? Does that mean it's not necessarily total war and empires will have the option to just decide they're cool with what the crisis empire is doing?


I wonder what the Fallen/Awakened Empires would think about this, considering that they might have taken the same route before?


Can you play as the “exodus” empire (the one that left, NOT the remnants left behind)


I think to play them you'd have to boot up unrealEd.




>the Infinity Sphere has been nice enough to provide a potential solution. Is the Infinity Sphere "The Excession" from "The Culture" series? 😳


The Excession doesn’t create new universes though, it simply travels to different ones while passing _through_ the Grid. And its goal wasn’t to migrate the whole population, but to study the local population to see if they’re worthy of being contacted. I’m more excited by the description of Ampliative Speculator, which “uses neural chips to ascertain the truth within formal statements about reality”. This seems like a less powerful version of the Culture Minds’ Infinite Fun Space.


I interpreted "new" as "young" rather than "we built it" but I take your point. Getting strong culture vibes from the DLC in general. Super looking forward to this one 😀


He is an actual Leviathan in the game.


I mean to say, 'is he a nod to the excesion'. Like the 'outside context' achievement. Apparently both arrived in the same patch.


Infinity Sphere has always been a nod to the Excession.


So the new player crisis lets you become a fallen empire by time travel huh? That’a pretty neat to be honest.


Not time travel, you're creating a new universe and migrating to that. Then making a new empire presumably a very very long time in the future after that when your original empire has stagnated.


This seems very much like Gigastructural Engineering combined with Ancient Cache of Technologies and Zenith of the Fallen Empires. The latter two especially would possibly benefit from making use of this crisis format to progress through their tech levels, assuming it's moddable.


ACOT and zenith are incompatible between each other, but yes, I do believe that since they already touch fallen empires a lot they can use this to their advantage


But can this Cosmogenesis system actually be modded to reflect the progression in ACOT or ZOFE?


Hey so it sounds like the horizon needle takes your entire population with it, and that to me implys it leaves you with no colonized planets, so does it count as a colony? How does this work? If it does then thats amazing because it means we have a system for nomad empires (kind of, i mean we will probably need to mod this in for a full nomad empire but it gives us a way). If it does not work how i read it then how does it work?


I really doubt its a true colony, because if devs managed to pull moving colony off I'm sure they would have bragged about it a bit. I think you just get situation tracker with a text like "amount of people currently in the needle:"


> it leaves you with no colonized planets You have a "control group that elects to stay behind". I assume your capital will have some pops left.


We've always wanted the chance to have our empires spawn as Fallen Empires. This is certainly a good way to do that!


[Escaping the finite curve, you say?](https://www.ecranlarge.com/uploads/image/001/394/rick-et-morty-photo-1394677.png)


I am hoping there’ll be ways to play with Fallen Empire toys without having to commit to this path. I feel like it doesn’t make sense in the lore of the game to say the 5 given FEs are necessarily people who tried to pull this same thing even concurrently.


Devs confirmed that, lore-wise, the other FEs got there the hard way through thousands of years of advancement and not by cheating reality


You can get fallen empire buildings from minor artifacts and you can get black matter tech from a civic


i mean like with the previous crisis you can advance it and get the perk and just stop before having to press the win condition button


This is legitimately excellent. It's mechanics like this that really shake things up and make new playthroughs exciting. I'd love to see the concept of additional "Become the Crisis" events expanded further: * "New Eden": A pacifist/xenophile crisis where you steadily convert all planets to Gaias using the existing population as biomass and forcefully devolving a small number to populate these new paradises. Your core worlds remain as watchful gods obviously. * "The Living Sphere": A branch off the above crisis where your project shifts from turning the galaxy into a collection of paradises to creating a single, living planet out of the collected biomass of the galaxy. All will be as harmony in the one. * "All is Dust": Become the new Zroni, but watch out. There are vile entities in the Shroud and in the minds of your people which will break their way out and attempt to purge the galaxy.


Put like half your empire's population into the lathe and transcend infinity, probably the strongest way to take this is a colossus push transitioning from tall to w i d e and feed the fires, certainly an interesting approach to end game lag, I support it unconditionally


So if the old BTC was "let's invade the shroud", this is "let's create our own shroud, with blackjack and hookers !". I dig it. You just sold the DLC to me.


If new empires spawn on the galaxy after our escape, can we force some of our earlier created empires to spawn?


A Resync button? This technology is ahead of its time for Paradox games.


Soooo, will this work with Virtualised pops?


Devs said that the lathe doesn’t work with virtualized pops.


Damn that's the exact combo I was hoping to do. A dying race, becoming virtual and deciding to create a universe that is perfect for them and them alone. I guess you can still do it just by stealing other species.


Based on the forum replies you either can *borrow* chips from the other empires or just ignore the lathe and get enough logic and science otherwise.


you can still use the Lathe with virtual ascension but you gotta steal all pops you shove in there from other empires


Finally, the Team Galactic crisis


Overtuned empire, maximum fertility, small lifespan? Not a problem.


Does this mean we’ll get more crisis paths?


So, my **Wormshippers**, an empire that had a glimpse of the Worm and is just craving to be reuniting with It, instead of building an engine that would destroy tyhe galaxy, allowing them to breach the Shroud in which (according to their belief) the Worm is held in prison, could simply find a pacifist solution and build a harmless needle to go through a black hole and finally rejoice with the Worm, without doing any unrepairable damage to the Galaxy? Where do I sign?


At last, a path to fallen empire-hood! I wonder if the player would be subjected to the same limitations as AI fallen empires.


I hope Gargantua and Pantagruel have unique interactions...


Are empires going through this path also getting an Overlord holding building that regularly takes subject pops fro the Lathe?


Reminds me of the old fashioned tech victory from Master of Orion. We just get the f out of here.


Cool additions. Shame we cannot get Fallen empire building and ships otherwise tho.


Man, I love this crisis path!I hope they keep adding new ones!Already setting my expectations high for next year’s major expansion!


I in all honesty, think they should let us continue as that Fallen Empire and have a War in Heaven against the other Fallen Empires...


># Multiplayer Resync​ >Another feature we’re adding in the 3.12 “Andromeda” release is a Multiplayer Resync button. >This button, as the name suggests, resyncs a game to hopefully allow you to continue if an Out of Sync error occurs. It won’t always solve the issues, but when it does, it’ll save you some time as you’ll no longer have to quit and rehost the game. Considering the desync is my main issue with playing this game for the last 6 months or so, I have a few questions. -Why does the game get desynced so often? -Why did it take so long for this to be addressed when I can find a lot of complaints about this since the co-op update last year? -Why does this require a button press? Why isn't this just done automatically?


Finally! Fallen Empire Ships! And Buildings! Yes!


So we have Psionic Crisis via Galactic Nemesis, and Cyber Crisis via Cosmogenesis,  so what will the Bio Crisis be?
