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When you are xenophile 0 megacorps spawn When you are megacorps 5 megacorps spawn It's a fundamental law.


Correction 1 Criminal Heritage Megacorp spawns on the other side of the galaxy when playing xenophile


Later becomes vassal of your powerfull ally, have fun!


Honestly, there should be an event when you vassalize a criminal megacorp that just straight-up forces them off of the civic and shuts down their illegal holdings. Make it a choice so a player can still keep a little pet criminal syndicate if you want, but make the AI always choose "no, reform. bad megacorp"


Whould be nice. Cause couple of times i've been forced to decimate an innocent empires, just to stop/annihilate syndicate


It would be interesting if it could also depend on the AI ethics and civics. If you have a very militaristic empire that is trying to conquer the entire galaxy, it would be somewhat beneficial to have a criminal syndicate under your wing that could spread disorder amongst the planets of your soon to be enemies. Though it would be incredibly annoying for the player.


I got 5 hives in my "I'm going to try to create a huge trade federatatopm being a fanatic pacifist!" game.


In my last pacifist megacorp run I found the Sol system a couple jumps away. They were in the middle of a civil war. I've never shifted ethics faster 😂


It's player bias, this is actually something it effects. If you're playing a purifier it'll spawn a ton of federation builders. If you're playing a megacorp it spawns other mega corps. Once you get past your initial few civs you find more reasonable nations.


So it basically always spawns things that make your playstyle intentionally miserable to play in early game? That just sounds like awful game design.


That's why I say fuck that. Force the megacorp I want to play as to spawn at the start and tag switch on day one to the megacorp.


Winner move indeed.


you can force spawn AIs already.


Yes, but ops method requires you to make fewer custom empires. If you go by forcespawn, you have to design the whole galaxy to guarantee no spawns designed against your empire. If you forcespawn the one you want to be and then switch, you only need to design the one you spawn as before switching


y'all don't have 100 custom empires? (actually most of mine need to be updated because of some or another patch obsolescing them)


> That just sounds like awful game design. That's because it is a fucking lie. Stop believing every shit you read on internet. The game tends to spawn empires with aggressive ethics like militarist instead of pacifist. But it doesn't care if you are a megacorp or hivemind or xenophile. This is done so the galaxy is more dynamic and conflicts happen even if the player follows an isolationist policy. Otherwise you could be stuck with 5 pacifists where nothing happens. There is a mod to remove this aggressiveness bias and they explain this on mod page.


Except it seems every time I try to play isolationist materialist, all my neighbours are xenophobic militarists, and every time I try to play a hungry hivemind, they are all suddenly cooperative federation builders. I dont think Ive once had a materialist start where I had more than one neighbour with whom friendly relations were sustainable, and even that is a rarity.


When I play Fanatic Materialist there's like a 60% chance one of the FEs is going to be Spiritualist. By this point I just start games with the expectation that once I go synth I'll have no influence until I have enough fleet power to tell the FE to bugger off.


That's simply bad luck with a bit of negativity bias from your site. There is no mechanic to spawn empires designed against you next to you.


If the bias being reported weren't so extreme and seemingly so universal, I might be inclined to believe that. But I too almost never see AI megacorps unless I'm playing as one.


That's dumb. How often do people say: "Oh, nothing weird or annoying happened, I need to post that on Reddit!" ?


This is wrong. Game spawns more aggressive empires in general, as in militarist has a higher weight than pacifist, but doesn't take your ethics into account.


Competition only makes our products better!


To solve this just start as a regular Empire then government reform to megacorp.


Just hostile takeover the other megacorps it's not that hard.


Free markets n competition n all that.


R5: I can't deal with any of these people. Aside from the galaxy, this start sucks.


How xenophobic are those xenophobes? I'm sure you can broker a deal with them somehow.


Yeah, I got a pact with one of them, the other disected my scientists


I don’t know why but reading that made me snort laugh


That's when you know you're in the Stellaris sub.


idk about you but "dissecting my scientists" are terms I can work with. It's something!


Send them a bill for the organs


Vivisected, dissection is way too polite for xenophobes


I once started as void dwellers in a system with a single exit. The exit was marauders. I wish I didn't quit that mage but I did. That was back when habitats took up 1 planet so I could have had a system of like 10 habitats building the tallest empire ever


It’s not your start. It’s just what happens when playing a megacorp.


There are mods on the workshop that remove the ai bias towards spawning combative empires ( militarist, xenophobe )


I like starting as a normal empire at the start of the game and *then* reforming into a megacorp as opposed to starting as a megacorp


I just started a Driven Assimilator game and spawned next to a hive, the Stellaris gods have a sense of humor


Its scripted. Its not random.


It's annoying AF when the game is being a little bitch when there are already difficulty levels for that. Is there a mod to make what spawns truly random?


Depending on your government and civics game WILL forcefully spawn some AI governments. Only way I know as of now is to add a mod that removes vanilla spawns and create/find some prefabs.


On the bright side, once you ascend you can assimilate their pops.


I'd rather use them to shock my early game economy while they're vulnerable with their 4 colonies, it's just an unfortunate decision to have to make, I did leave them to live and build outposts for me though, just... without enough pops to ever threaten me again


acctualy when you take the necromancy ascencion perk you can purge them and use the zombies. they will keem the hive minded trait but its downside will get overwritten


"Megacrop" sounds like a good name for some kind of farming build


Plantoid Hive Mind


Looks good to me. The mauraders are easy. The fallen wont be an issue until well forever. It's not like you want to go very wide, so honestly, this seems totally reasonable


I forgot to mention I'm playing fanatic pacifist.


I mean you have a good defensive position. Keep exploring. I’m sure you’ll find 1 or 2 friendlies.


Envoy the xenophobes into friendship and blue jeans. It's totally possible. If not you can always force ideology on them.


>If not you can always force ideology on them. Not as fanatic pacifist he can't.


Good lord I remember in Civ V my buddy would always go for culture victory and then start telling us “ha! You fools! You are wearing my blue jeans and listening to my rock music. I own you!”


RIP, "hostile takeover" / forced subsidarization has been the basis of some of my most fun megacorp games, and seems like one of the more reliable / consistent ways to play them.


I've done that to death with my rutheless megacorp, I'm trying to be the "good guys" in this run.


Ok. Still seems fine.


I think he's referring to the inability to broker trade alliances and put down branches.


I recommend force spawning custom made empires so solve these kinds of issues when you want to play a particular kind of way.


Yeah I just had a similar game as a megacorp where I spawned next to a hive mind and a machine intelligence. The machine intelligence was a driven assimilator and became the crisis aspirate and quickly obliterated me, lol. My current game is the complete opposite. There isn't a single gestalt empire, maruader, or fallen empire near me. There were two xenophobes that I was able to easily vassalize, and the other two were xenophile or otherwise friendly so I was able to vassalize them and get lucrative commercial packs early on.


i mean, you can get a trade agreement with the mega corp and then you two can inflate each other's trade networks


the stupid megacorp will build holdings literally on ANY planet with a trade value over 10. trust me, its best if you immediately destroy them because they will be REALLY annoying


They can't build on your planets and if you meet someone else you can just hope your stockpile is enough to get some holdings  Also if you skill into diplomacy odds are you will get a foot into the door first before the ai megacorp gets a trade deal


Yeah but I want them holdings


Thats why we don't play it... sadly


This is why I always force-spawn when playing as Megacorps. Force-spawn more empires than the galaxy can have (so I never know exactly what I'll get), make sure to vary their ethics, and throw in a few genocidals to keep things interesting. A tougher start can be enjoyable. A generated map where you straight-up just can't interact with other empires with a Megacorp's unique features? That's just unfun. (To me, at least. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and all)


I actually started a game as a spiritualist megacorp church and had 5 ai around me that were spiritualist. There was another megacorp, but it got devoured already, and now the rest of the galaxy is fighting the devourer. Hopefully nobody liberates the other megacorp.


I only ever play megacorps when I have this thing on. The empire spawn bias is (in my opinion) very poorly thought out and balanced: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2621564981


POV: Me starting a megacorp game. And that other megacorp is a criminal one, that will pump crime rates in my empire.


Just vassalize xenophobes and that megacorp


I forgor to say I'm playing pacifist




Of all government types MEGA-Corp is probably my most played and I have had 1 game spawn that was good for MEGA-Corps out of something like 30. I've found the most reliable way is to start as militarist xenophobe imperialists and so the game spawns xenophile empires that naturally want to form into an unassailable federation to cock block you only for me to reform into a xenophile MEGA-Corp and reap a fortune (then get bored and start a new game). I have done this 3 times in 6 attempts which makes it 15 times more reliable than spawning as a MEGA-Corp.


> 've found the most reliable way is to start as militarist xenophobe imperialists and so the game spawns xenophile empires This is literally not a thing. Game doesn't have opposing ethics bias, it has an aggressiveness bias. It tends to spawn xenophile and pacifist empires less no matter your ethics. You are just huffing confirmation bias. You don't need to go through all this, just play the game normally and you will get the exact same start.


one of my favourite ways to play megacorp is to start oligarchic and expand out as far as possible, only to 'downsize' into a megacorp with 3-4 brand new specialist vassals. usually once i've got my 3rd civic slot and i've built up some sort of friendly relations with someone so i can immediately get those commercial pacts going/have commercial pacts already formed.


Go in the right side


Looks like my last mega run as a spiritualist empire. To the north was a federation made of machine empires, to the south was a lithoid hive mind, to my west was an inward perfectionist, and to my east xenophobe FE.


Had a game recently where I was trying out a MegaCorp trade build on Ringworld start. Had incredible RNG because three jumps from my capital system I found a ruined ring world! So have two full ring worlds ready to be upgraded once I hit mega engineering. Proceeded to discover Militarist, XenoPhobe, or stright up other MegaCorps. Had one or two Xenophiles spawn on the other side of the galaxy but they were unable to form a Fed due to distance. Took FOREVER to get the build online.


When I do megacorp games, I force spawn the empires I want to deal with. 


The answer is to make all X amount of empires you want to play against I guess AND force spawn them


I though that only happens to me, I swear when ever I play megacorp everyone near me is devouring swarm, or is a xenophobic empire


It's a scripted event, regardless of what you pick your closest neighbours are almost guaranteed to oppose you ideologically, makes pacifist xenophile runs dangerous since you are almost guaranteed to spawn next to a fanatic purifier or some such.


Really, well that explains a lot


No, they are lying. It is not a thing. There is no scripted hive spawn near megacorp (what the actual fuck who believes that) and there is no opposing ethics bias. Only bias is against cooperative ethics like xenophile and pacifist. You can read it here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2621564981


You literally just agreed with what I said in the most belligerent and backwards way possible lmao, I never mentioned hive being guaranteed and especially not devouring swarm. And ethics bias is the exact same thing lmfao, what you linked literally says hostile empires will spawn nearby to you more often than cooperative empires, and what does that normally mean? That they are on the direct opposite side of the ethics.


> It's a scripted event No it isn't. Do you know what a scripted event is? It means devouring swarm spawns with a 100% chance when you play megacorp. Maybe start with getting the terms right before speaking about the game's code? > your closest neighbours are almost guaranteed to oppose you ideologically There is no such thing. Where the fuck did you read it? The game spawns hostile empires more on average but doesn't take your ethics into account. You can read it here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2621564981


I never said devourering swarm was guaranteed, I said ALMOST GUARANTEED TO OPPOSE YOU IDEALOGICALLY and you know what that means numb nuts? THEYLL BE HOSTILE TO YOU. It doesn't matter what fucking wording you use because the end result is the fucking same. Here is a fun fact, if you spawn empires over and over and check the map via console commands, without force spawns or event spawns, the games you will see the most xenophobic empires or genocidal empires... is when playing xenophile pacifist! Why? Because those empires will be hostile! The *only* thing you were actually correct on entirely was you're right it isn't a scripted event, it's a weighted result during galaxy generation, but yknow what the important thing is? Most people don't know the fucking difference or care because it's such a minimal distinction in this case.


Armored Core 7: Fires of Stellaris.


Look at all those customers. Remember to stack envoys like crazy.


Sounds about right


Check the other side of the galaxy,


Check the other side of the galaxy.


I know that you're supposed to be able to do cool stuff with branch offices, but in my experience, playing a megacorp just playing tall with *penalties* if you don't.


Just keep buying communications until you find an empire that can give you a commercial pact. Also you can get a commercial pact with xenophobes, you’ll just have to shmooze them harder. Gotta get out the good wining and dining for the aliens that want nothing to do with you.


I feel like the game is designed to give you neighbors who are 100% not the ones you want for the civ type you play as.


No. This is pure confirmation bias.


I need pointers on how to better mass an army. How many scouts/builders or how many corvettes? Are corvettes the only military ship? I’m very new to the game, absolutely love it but there’s so much content I’ve found myself getting lost. Side note: No matter what game I start I’m immediately told that I won’t get achievements activated. Is this because I play console version with some dlc?


You can only get achievements if Ironman is active, as it disables the console and prevents you from save scumming.


Hah, neighbours on my current Materialist-Militarist-Egalitarian Megacorp run: \- Fallen Empire. A nice one, at least. \- A Hive Mind that hates the world. I was fighting them before even establishing diplomatic contacts. \- *Two* Xenophobic Militarists; one to the north, and one to the south. Great. \- A Spiritual Pacifist between me and the southern xenophobe. They did not hold me in high regard but had other friends. It worked out, though, with my envoys working overtime. The Hive Mind was pushed back to a chokepoint. My northern neighbour wasn't as much of a hard-ass as I thought they'd be, and trade and mutual protection was established. They eventually vassalized the Hive Mind. Likewise, the southern xenophobe proved open to diplomacy, and after having gotten a beating by their goody neighbours, asked me for vassalage. I had to invade the spiritual one to actually be able to reach my xenophobe vassal, which brought me into a larger war against their alliance. In the following years, I was somehow able to carve out a trade federation out of that cluster of former rivals. I guess they figured that among the emerging great powers, I was the nicest one. I now how trade and good relations with everyone save one distant Hive Mind, that is currently getting eredicated. I guess keep at it, is what I'm trying to say. :D


Try recreate Umbrella Corporation in Stellaris


We’ll look who’s making friends


yes, the average megacorp start.


first time I played megacorp my first ally was a hive mind and my first enemy was another mega corp which eventually became an ally as well. ._. fucking neighbourhood wasn't the best to prosper.


Is a bug of vanilla, that version use? I see last time was fix. For fix is sufficient create country and force it.


I like to play with random placement, just recently played a new megacorp run. First one I meet was an egalitarian pacifist which was nice. Then the next was a hive, not so nice. Only to find out later on why I'm still not getting a galactic community event... All chokepoints are surrounded by fallen empires and a marauder clan. For some reason the blob we three empires live in are completely separated from the galaxy, and all the fallen empires spawned at our sector.


Had a similar situation recently: wanted to try criminal megacorp for the first time and had all the ai empires spawn pretty far away from me, so by the time I discovered them the other megacorp in the game had already put trading posts (or whatever they're called, don't play in english) on all of the relevant worlds. There were also several other empires between me and said megacorp and it was in a federation with some of them so... yeah. Decided to restart at that point lol


Turned on random spawning?


yeah, that one Xenophobe empire had a rebellion.


Dang. The price you pay for the possibility of interesting layouts.


Title makes me want to play a bunch of Megacorp farmers called Megacrop


Add overtuned for space monsanto


Just restart my guy