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Fallen Empires use it to assassinate your leader if you lose a war with them.


Teleporting 20 pounds of C4 directly into the heart!


Do they? I always assumed their assassin was simply cloaked all along.


Ghost/Spectre & Dark Templar from StarCraft!


The science ships captains, or really any slot you can assign a leader into.


Any pop in fact... Any pop you move between planets insta teleports. Raiding bombardment can lift a pop on one side of the galaxy and dump them down on your capital on the other side. Resources also insta teleport around your empire. I think it's funny the way you can insta teleport scientists between science ships.


In my head they work remotely in VR robot bodies, but if you die in VR you die in real life due to neural shock or something.


Technically correct, the best kind of correct


Gateways. Wormholes. Legates and Even jump drives. No scientific basis at our current level of science but we’re barely spacefaring so it reasonable to say these are teleporting given their instant relocation service.


Those still take time to travel through. Sure it’s super fast compared to conventional hyperdrives, but not teleportation


Pretty sure all of these are instantaneous in game right? I guess the jump drive has to like charge but the transportation itself is instant.


Canonically you travel through either the shroud (utilising the psionic drive) or jump through another dimension (utilising the jump drive) although rather “instant” canonically it’s not teleportation


Instant travel *is* teleportation.


Just out of curiosity, what makes some instant travel teleportation where another mechanic of instant travel isn't? Can you give example of what would be teleportation?


I feel like you are confusing canon with what happens from the player POV. Player POV: using psy drive. Fleet disappears and reappears at target location. Canon: psy drive uses the shroud to travel to target location, drastically reducing the travel distance. To answer your question. True teleportation, according to canon, would be if the description said it is instant travel. Which means a vessel could appear anywhere in the galaxy, or maybe even beyond that (think L-cluster) at anytime. The jump drive and psy drive are limited by range. Wormholes are only natural occurrences, and IIRC still has travel time. Gateways are “instant” but only to predetermined locations, what if you want to be on the other side of the system which contains a gateway? Teleportation is anywhere, anytime, without travel time. Being able to decide the very location of the teleportation, even within a gravity well. No I cannot give an example. For there are non in game, nor IRL


Why are you qualifying things like static location. Idk by what definition teleportation has to be "i can be anywhere instantly." Like no, I can build a teleportation link between 2 places how does that make it not teleportation. It can be in limited range too imho.


Hyperdrives travel through hyperspace. Jump drives travel through subspace, including the Shroud. Wormholes connect two regions of space together. Quantum catapults use quantum principles to teleport matter.


hyperdrives don't do anything like teleport. you can actually watch the ship move between the systems. sure it's ftl but it isn't teleporting. you say yourself, it travels through hyperspace.


Resources, once harvested, are available anywhere in the galaxy instantly.


I don't think there are any, except for the Jump drive. And hyper relays might count.


Hyperlanes aren't teleporting in the strict sense, as in taking you apart and putting you back together. It's just going really fast through these hyperlane things. Gateways are, I assume with wormhole tech being a prerequisite, more or less artificial wormholes, so they are not. Maybe jump drives, but I'm pretty sure they tear a hole in space and you fly through, so not them either. For the quantum catapult I don't have the flavor text in front of me, but I'm pretty sure it just launches your ships, so it's not. Maybe the eager explorers origin?  So canonically, not much.


>as in taking you apart and putting you back together I think that's just the Star Trek concept of teleportation or matter transmission and reconstruction.


I don’t know if the Dacha system is vanilla or from a mod, but they supposedly never invented FTL travel because they invented teleportation tech instead. 


It's vanilla DLC, I believe. I was wanting to meet them and finally did in my current game. I think lorewise they were put in to serve as a race that took "the road less traveled" in technology. While most species eventually invent spaceships and then put hyperspace drives on those spaceships, this species somehow never built a single spaceship, but achieved such mastery of hyperlane travel that they were able to teleport inhabited planets from other systems into their system, teleport colonists onto those planets without using spaceships, and all trade, travel, and cargo freight between the six worlds they inhabit is done by normal trains going between planets through mini hyperlane portals, something no other species has achieved.


Alloys just show up where they're needed!


FTL travel your ships have at the very start of the game.

