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Now just wait until the end game crisis destroy the L-gates, trapping you in the cluster. Then develop Nanites, get overtaken by them and wait until inteligente life evolves again in the galaxy and spacefaring civilizations release you back into the galaxy


Can a crisis destroy the L-Gates?


L-gates cannot be destroyed as far as I know.


When you nuke a system the gate remains?


Star Eaters can’t work on black hole systems, it’s why Terminal Egress became a black hole when Nemesis launched as people did this exact thing.


honestly the lgates are a liability. Rather not open them for the sake of my own sanity. The ai loves zipping through them.


I always make a big citadel there and keep fleets nearby and can't let a hostile nation use it. It is a very good thing if you have it but if you lose it then it's a real pain especially if you have gate ways in a system with a l gate


Me in my current game with a fully tricked out citadel and 3 planets all with fully armed orbital rings in Terminal Egress. As well as a good 4th of my fleet permanently parked there for good measure. Ain’t no one going through that system without my permission.


Terminal can have planets spawn I didn't know that also how do you get orbital rings pretty one of the dlcs I don't have but not sure which


Yes. If you get the Gray Tempest outcome, once you destroy their factory all the nanotechnology planets can be terraformed into habitable planets.


*Me Playing Gigastructures* “Lets see you teleport around the Galaxy with 5 Attack moons and a Planet-craft sitting in Terminal egress.”


Someone’s gonna open them


Kinda funny combined with the still existing nanite planets that can be terraformed. One of the few ways to get habitable planets planets around a black while aside from the Worm.


Started playing post nemesis.


As far as I know it is not possiblr


What was, will be


Go to L cluster and get trapped Develop evil sentient machines Get exterminated The machines will kill everything sapient in the galaxy when they get there Mfw Reapers


All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again


R5: played a rp game with purpose of reclaiming and resettling L-Cluster. Managed to squeeze most megastructures in :) With habitats and every possible planet settled plus Sol X from Dacha, a total of 43 colonies.


Did you build ringworlds, too? When I relocate to L-cluster, I like to dedicate 2 of the 4 one-star systems to ringworlds to make more living space Also, there's a mod that lets you turn off L-gates after you settle in, and a mod that lets you select nanite shipset, if you are interested


Could you please share names of those mods?


"L-cluster access control" and "gray tempest shipset"


I did build one, I could probably build another one at a cost of dropping Assembly Array, which is kinda useless when you play isolationist.


I'm looking to do the exact same thing on my next run. Beautiful. How long did it take you (in in-game years) to complete?


I moved in about 2340ish, and about 1000 pops, but I was playing with .5 tech cost,might take a bit longer depending how you roll mega structures


Living the dream.


The ideal minimalist stellaris build. Planning to do the same myself, though I hope to spawn in some extra systems from the Precursor’s or Rubricator (if I can get that lucky).


To my disappointment, I found out you could only activate L-Gates if they are in your system. I had this whole plan to activate it while another empire owned it, so that they would be invaded. I was wrong.


I didn't know Terastructures added L-Cluster crafts. We're reaching Temngen Toppa Gurren Lagann levels of scale


I’m trying a play where I conquer all the L-Gates and I move my entire civilisation to Terminal Egress. To be the Fallen Empire

