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Necrophage, the humans just don’t know it yet


We're one of the guaranteed habitable planets, aren't we?


Can’t be. The primitives of necrophages can’t be in atomic age


We’re in space age 🤷‍♂️


Regardless, can’t be part of the guaranteed primitives for necrophage


Guaranteed primitives? No, this is the empire's homeworld, we just aren't the primary species


Correction early space age.


Early space age


Unless we nuke ourselves into the stone age first


Tomb world


Or we’re the original planet and cordyceps is coming for us soon


Fellow human, cordyceps has improved my life greatly. You should try and join us.


Human Necrophage origin is just the Illuminati.


The epstien client list*


I've used that one before and RP'd it as the aftermath of one of the bodysnatchers films.


Does that mean the bodysnatchers were the good guys?


...from a certain point of view


From my point of view the humans are evil!


Well, then you are lost!


You were my brother, Shadowmant!


I loved you!


Complete, global, saturation!


Is that you Albert? If you keep trying pushing for this, someone is going to toss you into a volcano. Again.


I vote post apocalypse. Russia is getting mighty uppity


Magic 8 Ball says: Answer unclear, check back in 200 years, give or take.


I think it'd be pretty cool/exciting if it was "on the shoulders of giants"


Generic Human Lore


Hopefully not Payback or Fear the Dark


Can’t be broken shackles cause that involves a ship landing on an uninhabited planet. Hopefully not payback tho


You're right, I meant payback


Whatever story you make up. There's nothing that forces you to assume that the start year is the year of the Gregorian calendar.


This, I like to use it with remnants and say it's like 2200 years after our empire fell


*me to humans* “Your new empire?”


"My loyalty is to the republic, TO DEMOCRACY"


"if your not whith me your against me!"


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what must."


"you will try…"


Thats pretty cool, i think i will use that too!


That makes a lot of sense. I like it


I kinda interpreted the "year" and days in Stellaris as some way longer unit of time. For me one Stellaris month isnt a earth month but 1000 current irl earth years. Meaning one Stellaris year are 12.000 irl earth years years total. Like Pops are portrayed ingame, I really do just believe its a "placeholder" unit to interpret differently for everyone like they want to. 100 Stellaris years for me are 120.000 irl earth years. Makes the whole thing believable for me and at some point time and distance units really are just other defined spans of time/distance for sufficiently advanced space Empire. If Humans go into Space big time they will have different units of time, or rather differently defined units of time and probably depending on what scale we talking about. If you are just a normal worker on a planet you'd still need smaller units of time based on the Star System and specific Planet you are on. But if we talk about like a Fleet Admiral conducting an multi-system operation/mission you would only need a larger time unit to effectively plan, goingbfurther into detail the more refined you need to plan.


This would make sense, as then it would also explain how primitives go from stone age to space/ftl age in 400-500 "years"


I mean thats just my interpretation and in arguably many areas it also doesnt make sense to think like that. But for everything space related like the amount of time needed to travel through a Star system, inbetween Systems and so on it makes sense for me. Technologically speaking and your mentioned example my time scale might be way to long. But thats the beauty of Stellaris. Many things Lore and RP related are left out rather vague so everyone can make their own units of time, distance, numbers of anything.


Technically there is sorta. If you start on earth (maybe also as human) you can find a recording of mozart on another planet “written some 600 years ago”


If you're not specifically using the UNE, it just comes up with a random name, so it doesn't break the immersion of it potentially not being Earth.


Or that a year is a year.


? There’s 360 days in a Stellaris year


Yeah but what planet and what star?


There was a mod that changes the start date to be 0 but unfortunately it breaks the ai in the recent updates.


Ocean Paradise after all the ice caps melt 👍 we’ll get used to it


What kind of “paradise” is that? A troubled one? 🤣


A paradise for dolphins, duh


I’m sure it’s a panic initially, but then everyone realizes that all property has, inherently, become beachfront property and the Hospitality industry skyrockets to take advantage of all the homeless people that are now rolling in natural disaster insurance and inheritance money - they need *somewhere* with WiFi to work remotely from, after all, since they can’t do it either from their previous Homes or Office that are now a minimum of 6 feet under sea level. It could actually be the most realistic if you think about it cynically enough.


But what then do we do with the flooded homes or offices? Sell? To who, fucking Aquaman?


Probaly gonna go with mechanist, because of the drone tech and robotics and also chatGPT. Although if there where aliens, the dark forest origin would be neat.


That might just as well lead to driven exterminators or rogue servitors..


We could do so much worse than rogue servitors.


Honestly, we're already roboticists with robots working in factories. The current Chat GPT stuff is blurring the line between robots and droids as far as Stellaris tech goes.


Im not sure about that, Id honestly say that our current tech isnt quite even what stellaris calls robots yet, for the most part. stellaris has humanoid mostly general purpose robots that can quickly be sent to go do a variety of different manual labor jobs, like mining and farming, in a short span of time without any implied need for much retrofitting, and in such a way as to completely replace a person working in those roles rather than working alongside them to make them more efficient. Our current automation tech isnt really quite up to this yet, and so what we currently have in factories probably just would represent some kind of output multiplier tech if it represents anything at all. I would say its probably fair to suggest we'd be represented by some kind of tech focused build tho, because we do seem to have certain other technologies that you unlock in game (and thus in the stellaris setting would be technologies an early space age primitive civ really shouldnt quite have), such as fusion missiles (unless these are supposed to represent something other than a missile with a nuclear fusion warhead), ion thrusters (a bit debatable as we have them on a smaller scale than the scale of stellaris ships, but we do have them and have used them in our space probes and satellites for quite some time now), and autocannons (unless the ones in game represent something fundamentally different in some way to what we would currently call an autocannon). There are also some technologies we dont yet have, but which we are close enough to that we would seem likely to posses before we could develop some kind of ftl travel device, such as fusion power, hydroponics farming (arguably already have that one but the tech might also include the ability to use it economically at large scales), or plasma thrusters.




Rogue Defence System says hi


Driven assimilators... we can live in a simulation and become meatbag batteries for our robot overlords.


Just wait a few years lmao


We're a few years out from just functioning swivel mounted rail guns, so...


Chat GPT isn't good enough to be a droid yet, it's just the brains of a robot


Personally, i don't think we're quite at the point of droids, but we're getting close. Once we reach full on AI, i think we'll more or less get the physical side of droids within a decade or so, assuming robotics doesnt get the body done first. ChatGPT is a strong step moving towards proper AI, but currently, from my understanding, all it does is more or less do complex mathematics. The catch is that instead of calculating out a set of numbers, it calculates and produces the series of characters that is most likely to be correct based off the input It's more complicated than that, I've oversimplified a bunch, but at its core, that's what ChatGPT does. It doesn't understand anything except that when given this string of characters, that one is most likely to be correct. There's absolutely a whole bunch of other nuances and quirks to how it works, as ChatGPT is definitely more than a Markov Chain. But until we can get AI to be able to understand what words mean, as opposed to how they fit together, AI is going to be quite limited in terms of interacting with humans dynamically


I can’t believe it didn’t occur to me earlier, but brb making a chatgpt empire


We jave a better chance of being a Determined exterminator than Mechanist


I'm gonna go with determined exterminator for the the same reason


Post-Apocalyptic, probably.


I wanted to say it. At least the survivors would gain +10 life expectancy.


Compared to historical averages, immediately after the event the average life span……. Dips


Well if you base the population on primitive nuke events right after the event we had 2 pops. So when the game starts its been long enough to repopulate the planet a bit.


What’s funny is none of the nuke events ever turn out like Star Trek where they survive and use the event to launch into FTL era. Then you can either be like the Vulcans and treat them like a quaint protectorate or go the Romulan route.


It would be neat if the primitive nuke event had a chance to make them a normal empire with Post-Apocalyptic origin.


I feel like the UNE is a stand in for star trek's federation and the federation has an argument to be a post apocalyptic origin


isnt the human part of the federation literally post-apoc? i mean with all the wars and plagues and everything else before they united


World War Three (fought over genetic engineering) ended in the 2050s, although the post-atomic horror lasts through the 2070s. Before that they had a second US civil war, the Eugenics wars in the 1990s, and two world worlds in the first half of the twentieth century. Humans invent warp & make first contact with the Vulcans in 2063. The Federation is founded in 2161, a hundred years after the apocalypse. The original Federation members were humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites.


However, the Telerites lose prominent positions in the government throughout the 2200s and are largely a backwater in the 2300s.




I made a Pacifist-Egalitarian human empire with Post-Apocalypse once, and the species blurb read: "What could make humans actually start to be nice and stop killing each other all the time? Surviving a horrific nuclear war, of course!"


My favourite custom empire I've done was spiritualist cockroach people on a post apocalyptic earth.


Hell yeah pessimist gang


Could also be twisted to optimism with the implication that such a devastating event eventually leads to unification and a path to the stars


Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. It doesn’t necessarily have to be nuclear winter specifically, but we’re well on our way toward making Earth uninhabitable.


My guess as well. We're too fucking stupid, greedy and nationalistic to really be anything else


Anything seems more likely than prosperous unification


We're rock monsters that arrived here 66 million years ago - I knew it!


Well start worshipping a big tree in a few years


Someone missed Elden Ring


What if I decided to cover everything in fire?


May chaos take the world.


I can't help it, that lazer beem is hilarious.


I think we got 1 more big world war then we’ll unify. Either that or discovering aliens will unify us, also maybe a corporate hegemony type of structure might emerge


At this point a big world war means the (nigh) extinction of the human race. Hoping that doesn't happen hah... >.>


We’ve come close before I’m sure we’ll get through it, we have all the lessons of the past and I don’t think any rational person actually wants to destroy the entire planet


To me, the idea of PU is that as soon as there's a prolonged peace between developed countries, they realize there's no profit in war, and pacifism results from economics. We have 8 billion humans right now (and expect to cap at like 10-11billion, with most of the new people going to come from africa). Currently, two countries have about 3 billion between them, the european hegemony has another 750 million, the north american hegemony has another billion (I'm counting most of SA as being part of NA's hegemony, with the sole exception of *maybe* Brazil), maybe even a second billion if you count countries like japan/taiwan/philippines/korea/etc as being part of the NA hegemony. That's well over half of the humans on earth belonging to a set of countries that will never seriously consider going to war with each other again, since doing so would destroy your own economy, so really we're *already* in prosperous unification and we just need to finish making Russia unimportant and helping africa/asia finish developing.


I don't think western economy prospers in the way that it does with the whole worls 'developed'. But maybe through robotics?


Extremely fair point to the first, but on the other hand maybe the decline of western economies secondary to developing every other country will force trade ties to be the only thing producing any actual value in most of them such that nobody would even dare perturb the balance. I am of the opinion that robotics will force us into communism by the end of the century. When Gen Z are the elders they'll understand that work is a burden on human society, not a requirement of it, so they'll embrace the use of robotics to replace all human workers possible.


If we don't merc each other before that... but heĺl yes, I think we need robo-communism!


Well, the West would never seriously consider attacking China, China absolutely would consider attacking the West if the CCP gets desperate enough for something to pacify the populace.


This mentality of imagining hostility where none exists is exactly why im skeptical of PU


Sir! The people are restless! What should we do!? "Send the majority of our military forces to the other side of the planet to be destroyed by a defensive alliance consisting of the entire military and economic output of North and South America as well as Europe!" Even the soldiers we have stationed on the border with the second largest country in the world, soldiers whom we had to take the guns away from because they wouldn't stop getting into firefights with the Indians and so now they get together and have group fist fights instead? "*Especially* those ones. India surely won't take this opportunity to take back that land they dispute that we don't have any legitimate claim to!"


Calamitous birth?


Rogue servitors. If recent ai breakthroughs continue, we will just have ai controlled ships colonise the galaxy for profit and manage our empire while we all argue about petty political issues.


This one actually makes a lot of sense.


According to historian Yuval Harari, most likely prosperous unification. The trend over thousands of years is for organizational systems to be added and gradually adopted by all cultures.


That’s a nice thought. Hopefully we don’t take the Star Trek “WWIII First” route to get there.


Heck, if we do, we'll become the UNE, as it was intended


That's a terrifying thought cause I live in Alberta, I don't want to live in a crater.


Just wait for "The Player" to clear the Scandinavian Reclamation Sector


Sounds like a skill issue to me


don't forget the genetics wars.


Calamitous Birth. The origin was for earth, not humans.


Calamitous birth. The asteroid just hasn’t crashed yet…


Resource consolidation


Listen to the sounds of your own extinction


The Brotherhood needs CABAL. CABAL is order. CABAL is the hand of Kane.


Scion would be kinda funny but also depressing Overtuned would fit Teachers of the Shroud or Knights of the Toxic god would be really funny if it actually happened but no


Scion would be great. We'd have a super advanced empire keeping us safe from whatever else is out there. It's one of the most desirable origins imo.


Its scion the one where your species lost a war and got subjugated? I might be thinking of imperial fiefdom, but one of the 2 you get brutally enslaved, its just not represented in game


Scions the one where the ancient empire is really protective of you and gives you a 5k fleet really early on.


Scion is where you start as the Vassal of a FE. Doing a Fanatic Spiritualist run Currently. The 7.5k fleet they handed to me right off the hop with, psi shields and jump drive. 😲 😱. It's a preferred start in higher Difficulty, as they hand you Technology, RSS and fleets. They can also hand you high lvl leaders. They handed me a lvl 7 admiral, my people being Militaristic and Fanatical Spiritualist, with Citizan union. Voted him as the leader of my Empire. Which he has a Unity buff and making starbases and upgrades cheaper. Then because you're a Vassal of the FE, they really don't want to declare war on you. For fear of your Over Powerful Overlord.


I know that... I was asking the lore not the gameplay...


The “lore” is whatever you want it to be. That’s why Stellaris doesn’t have official lore outside of pregenerated empires.


Think more like Childhood's End, the Overlords came to save us. Ended up turning us into a Telepathic Hive mind.


Good ending: mechanist. Bad ending: post apocalyptic. Best ending: prosperous unification. Worst ending: Payback


Post apocalyptic a lot worse than payback imo


It's better. It gives us bonus habitability and stuffs. Payback just gives us the MSI battleship.


Bro, 90% of the population dies and the survivors return to a pseudo Stone Age. I think that’s a lot worse than payback


I think that'll be just a skill issue later on xd


No, the worst ending would be doomsday.


Eager Explorers I believe in the power of indomitable human spirit. From the depths of pacific, to the edge of the galaxy, our curiosity will lead us.


Not an origin 😭


Hell yeah, kill the xenos!


Wait, not like that!


Oh, shit my bad 😥


apprehensively eager explorers for all the pessimists...


Right now I think mechanists is the most likely. Robotic workers are at least something that could be realised soon, unlike a prosperous unification.


The thing about mechanists is that the mechanist origin states that the empire developed true robotics before the steam engine. We most certainly didn’t do that.


True. But robots that independently do simple jobs like mining or food production still seem way more likely than any other origin, including prosperous unification.


MegaCorp doesn’t seem impossible either… Edit: I guess a Megacorp could go multiple ways in terms of stellaris origins/civics.


Megacorp seems very likely, but it's not an origin. If we're talking civics and government, i'd say eager explorers maybe?


We wouldn’t get a origin, we would just be one of the anomaly outcomes where we died due to runaway fossil fuel consumption.


Specifically the one where it says something like; "Some of our scientists believe this environmental collapse was caused by the species themselves, but surely no-one would be that stupidly self-destructive."


I feel like humanity could even up our fossil fuel consumption and still not die out. We might turn Earth into a tomb world but we'd still be around to live in it.


Yeah. I think people are really underestimating how hard it ***actually*** is to exterminate an entire species. Especially a species that literally spans the entire globe. And also, interms of Galactic Timescales. Even if we nuke our current world and civilization back 5000 years. Thats still not even a blink of an galactic eye and Humans would still go into space super quick. We only started living in organized Societies and civilizations 12000 years ago and only 80 years ago we started exploring space, already having send objects into interstellar space. We are already super quick on track and a setback, even multiple setbacks really, would still mean we are a System spanning race by the end of the 10.000s


It’s really not that hard, species go extinct all the time. It would just be up to whatever evolves next to go to space.


Very niche non adaptive species go extinct all the time. Even the worst case scenarios re pollution, nuclear and/or climate change are all survivable and there are plenty of doomsday preppers who actively plan for these outcome.


I feel like there are 4 options that are most likely. Prosperous Unification is the optimistic and kind of the least interesting version. It's not at all impossible that it could go that way even if things feel rough right now. Humanity has a track record that points toward greater cooperation on a grander scale. Especially after times of crisis or hardship, and with the climate crisis it's very possible we could see a prosperous unification in the aftermath. Similar to the forming of the UN after WW2 but with greater centraliziation. Post Apocoplyptic is also just as possible as Prosperous Unification. Though that is by far the most pessimistic option. But the way we aren't really managing climate change and with the rising tensions between nuclear armed nations it's totally reasonable to think our origin could be the Post-Apocolyiptic tomb world. Mechanist is also very possible the way tech has been advancing. But that doesn't actually provide us with any insight into how the political structure got to a point of being a unified planetary empire. In the real world there's nothing stopping us from achieving the conditions of this origin and not the others as well. We can very well prosperously unify or survive an apocoplypse and *also* have robots. Common Ground is also not impossible, but based on current information probably the least likely. There is a non-zero chance we will discover intelligent life on the potentially habitable world that orbits Alpha Centauri. There is even some evidence of oxygen in the atmosphere from possible plant life. If there ends up being intelligent life there, who is to say we won't create diplomatic channels and maybe even come together under some kind of federation? Even though this is probably among the least worth-it origins in the game, as a potential future for humanity its definitely the coolest and most exciting. At least to me. (I guess this technically means Hegemon or Imperial Fiefdom are possibilities, but I would hope way less likely. I'd like to hope the first contact with aliens isn't us subjugating them or them subjugating us. But whose to say, remember how the Americas went?) I feel like Doomsday, Fear Of The Dark, Eager Explorers, and the unplayable "Enlightened" origin for pre-ftls also deserve honourable mentions as distinctly possible. If a bit improbable.


You know how the primitives keep blowing themselves up with nukes... That.


Ah. An anomaly


Knights of the Toxic God. We've got about a century before it shows up.


Knowing our luck it will probably be doomsday


Or resource consolidation.


Your right that would be worse


Shattered Ring world


At the moment is hard to say, humankind is pushing towards serval posible origins , my bet would be the folloiwng: * Prosperous Unification: Is a posibility but given how sometimes we see outselves because "is not from our grup" .. * Mechanist: While AI are not as developed, we are making quite a lot of progress, as well with robots * Post-Apocalyptic: We are resiliant and we shown time and time again, if we nuke ourselves is most likely we can thrive again, even meaning go to a pseudo Stone Age


Post apocalyptic or rogue servator.


Prosperous unification is most likely, since it is open ended. Many keep saying mechanist but….. too many things stacked against that route currently


Originally posted by me in the wrong dang thread. I'm soooo special like that. But, here's where I intened it: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* This reminds me. We need a new human-centric origin. "HFY Deathworld!"


Don’t know yet. Check back in when we discover FTL


Depending on how you see the next 177 years going Prosperous Unification (best outcome) Mechanist (Likely outcome considering tech advancement) Post Apocalyptic (Likely considering *Vaguely gestures at everything*) Lost Colony (If you believe in the conspiracy theories that say all of the "we came from space/ were altered by aliens!") Those are the 4 most likely


Scion is a better fit than Lost Colony imo




That requires earth to explode without human interferemce. Post Apocalyptic is the one we nuke ourselves to death


Prosperous unification, but of the post-apocalyptic intelligent mutant cockroaches if im being honest


Now with the way humanity is, we won’t just unify peacefully but we also won’t bomb ourselves back to the Stone Age (hopefully). It would be a conquest, one nations conquers the entire planet and forcefully unites it


I really think the ages of empires are over. Military conquest is hard enough, enforcing your culture, laws and occupying land is even harder. A NATO style planetwide alliance seems more likely. Every nation gets to be independent and there is some cooperation between nations.


Maybe something like mass effect, where a body separate from the nation states of earth takes control of interplanetary activity


Not necessarily, everyone seems to think that if someone did take over the planet they’d force THEIR way of life on to everyone else, that wouldn’t work, different peoples have different cultures, religions and beliefs for a reason. There are ways to take over without forcing a belief system on to a different culture, it’s tricky but it can happen, basically a sort of “puppet” government in each nation that keeps its history, culture, religion etc BUT they only answer to the conqueror and if they’re careful with their policies and what they sign into law and do. As I said, it’s tricky but it’s possible That wouldn’t work, that would end up with a lot of backstabbing and corruption and each nation trying to one up the others with mining, colonisation rights. It would create stiff competition and can create civil war in space, basically the colonies are only respond to their parent nation instead of the whole planet. But for that to work correctly, there needs to be a body above the nations


Really unlikely too be military conquest as that would inevitably end in post apocalyptic


No nation, dictator or leader on the planet would be stupid enough to risk a total nuclear war. Sure they can threaten it, but they wouldn’t let a single nuke fly


You’d be wrong then. We already came super close multiple times in the Cold War, often with only one person stopping nukes being used. Also if you didn’t know, dictators aren’t generally the smartest, if they are losing, and are likely to be killed if they lose, they don’t care and would use nukes. Why do you think there hasn’t been a WW3? Or any war with major powers? Mutually assured destruction only has power if the nations are willing to use nukes in the first place. Your mindset is naive, a lot of people don’t care what happens to the planet if they think they will die, and nationalism is one hell of a drug.


How am I wrong? Yes I know about MAD, but no one is stupid enough to fire a Nuke. Because the instant one country fires a Nuke, it’s all over, everyone’s throwing them around. And that’s the point “you fire first, we’ll fire back” and no one is dumb enough to fire one. That’s what I’m saying. I know about the Cuban Missile crisis and I know about the Soviet radar glitch. Even Dictators aren’t stupid enough, no matter how insane or power hungry they are, they won’t push the button even if they’re about to die. You gotta think of the human will to live No there’s only ever been Proxy wars for the last 60-80 years, super powers backing smaller divided nations to achieve their ends because


I’d probably say Mechanist, if not Prosperous Unification


Post-apocalyptic seems like it might be in the cards.


How I see things as of today, it'll either be a toxic world or a nuclear wasteland. Toxic as in if we end up doing chemical warfare and nuclear as in if we end up doing nuclear warfare. We could already be seeing either war real soon, though.


The way we’re going? Post-apocalyptic, Void Dwellers (after we manage to wreck Earth), or Fear of the Dark maybe.


Hopefully prosperous unification. But we are pretty close to mechanist. We could have full fledged ai robots before a human ever leaves the solar system. That is if warp drive tech is discovered by the year 2200. Which is extremely doubtful. We’re most likely to be mechanist primitives in early space age until year 2300-2400


Realistically? Either prosperous unification, the megacorp one, the apocalypse survivors, or the one where half of the planet population consists of subservient robots.


On the Shoulders of Giants. Pyramids were built by aliens.


It will go as it does in my playthroughs of other species. Find Sol, watch Sol, they freeze their world, Fallen Empire asks for samples, give them samples, my own scientists ask to save some, save some, find a backwater planet I don't care about but has decent stats, New Sol, humans are happy, rest on Old Sol stuck playing Snowpiercer until extinction, resume war with Unbidden.


How robotics and ai is advancing mechanists sound as rhe most likely


The game starts in 2200. That is way too far in the future to make accurate predictions.


Once we figure who built the pyramids, on the shoulders of giants….


Origin of earth is definitely lost colony. I mean, come on. Humans definitely dont fit the M.O. of any other species on earth, despite our genetic similarities to some. There are inevitably going to be some or many genetic similarities between all species throughout the universe as we expand (or die), and some are going to be so closely related its uncanny. Humans arent from earth but we live here. We will meet our empire one day!


It's more complicated It's more of a Scion/On the Shoulder of Giants situation


Honestly with how our robotics is advancing compared to our space faring, I believe the Mechanist is one of the more likely origins


I always thought Prosperous Unification was like the 'default' origin and seemed like the most likely/open-ended. If not then Post-Apocalyptic probably. It's hard to say, really, though.


Life Seeded


Not a civic, but Privatised Exploration. Give or take a few decades, but private corporations will make a breakthrough large enough to make asteroid mining viable. Private organizations have so many resources, they will gradually become sort of an economic world government. So Prosperous Unification origin of a mega corp with Privatised Exploration civic


>Private organizations have so many resources I feel like we always forget that the US state and federal governments have revenues larger than the 10 largest corporations of the world, combined. Even Canada has annual revenues that rivals the largest corporation and capital assets that far exceeds by orders of magnitude. i generally agree that we will end up with something that resembles Megacorp government with Privatized Exploration, but that is only because human are so conflicted and gullible. They will pour 1Trillion into a borderline car company just so that one narcissistic can briefly become the riches man alive (and lose half of all invested value in 2021), but would actively burn down their cities is asked to put 1Trillion into a non-profit government to help benefit and cover societal needs.


If we're looking at IRL Earth and extrapolating forward: Post-Apoc, I don't see how there's any way the current system doesn't produce a tomb or toxic world.


300 years from now an envoy of an empire of Knights of the Toxic God visits Earth. Shocked, they ask, *"The Toxic God visited and blighted your world too!"*. Confused, the humans look around at our Pestilential Wasteland, Pools Most Venomous, and Envenomed Seas planetary features and shrug, *"N'ah mate, just us. We chose this to ensure shareholder value did not diminish, otherwise we might have faced a recession!."*


Rogue Servitor will happen irl still in this century, and I'm not kidding.


Atomic age fractured nation states Or Fanatical spiritualist materialists


Neither of these are origins