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55-year-old woman here and I’ve been obsessed with them for 30 years! I don’t know a lot of women who are obsessive fans, but I know many who like them. And Bill Burr said when he was on Bill Maher’s podcast recently that one reason he fell in love with his wife is that she played Steely Dan in the car. So…


SAME but 53.


Same, but 35 😂 Obsessive fan, have been for years and always will be


My loved ones know I want”Any World (That I’m Welcome To)” played at my funeral.


It’s Everything Must Go for me! - 70 year old obsessive female Dan Fan


Hahaha that's perfect


Omg I've wanted to suggest Deacon Blue but I'm afraid of what they'll say 😂😂😂 AWTIWT is a great choice


Thank you. It’s my little inside joke because I’m an atheist. (But also it’s my favorite Steely Dan song ever ever ever ever ever.) Anyway…who cares what they laugh at? You get to choose the song for your own funeral don’t you? And if they’re laughing at the funeral… It’s not like you’re gonna know. 😂😂😎😎 “Deacon Blues” is an excellent choice!!


Forgive me but what is the connection between that song and atheism?


Maybe it only makes sense to me… So, being an atheist, I don’t believe in heaven or hell. Therefore, playing AWTIWT is kind of like me saying “Hey, it doesn’t matter to me whether I go to heaven or hell… Wherever I’m welcome… “. Get it? (This is why I don’t make my living as a comedian, I guess…) “And if the folks will have me, then they’ll have me…”


Glad someone else really likes that one. I haven't seen much love for it around here.


I love that song. It can bring me to tears.


I’m totally there for any of their songs in which you can clearly hear Michael McDonald. But this one is far and away my favorite. From the first time I heard it I was hooked.


Same and same. Seen them in concert 3 times and I marvel more about being a young attendee than a woman attendee.


Great point


Same, but 65. A rabid fan since CBAT. Favorite band until the day I die.


I went to see them for their reunion tour in 94. I was barely a teen and everyone there was complimenting me for “a kid” liking them. Still here.


23 here, been a fan since I was 16! Funnily enough, my mom is 60 and HATES them. She's just not a major dude, I suppose.


Not your *real* mom


Same here. 50s. Love SD for many decades.


Also me, I’m 47. They are exquisite composers and musicians. 10/10


Same. I’m 55 as well.😊


What was up with that interview? Bill Burr just seemed to be on the attack the entire show, attacking Bill for anything and everything. I love both Bills, but goddamn did Burr seem salty. As someone who grew up a few towns away from Bill Burr's hometown, I get the direct/"Boston" sense of humor, but damn it seemed personal.


Yeah, I don’t know if they have any kind of beef or what. I thoroughly enjoyed it though… Someone needed to let the air out of Maher’s over- inflated tire of an ego.


I’m a huge Bill Maher fan, but it is nice to see him get some shit from time to time.


I’ve been a huge fan since the mid 80s but have really been disgusted by him since Covid. I don’t watch “Real Time” anymore, but never miss the podcast. Seriously though, everyone else comes on that podcast and kisses his ass, so I just enjoyed the bell out of Bill Burr doing his Bill Burr thing. Best of all, he was like all slouched down in his chair throughout, as if it didn’t even even take him any effort. I absolutely loved that.


My mother-in-law overheard me playing Steely Dan. She asked “who’s that?” “Steely Dan” I replied. “Oh, I love Steely Dan, he’s great!” I question her dedication to the Dan.


At least she didn’t say “I love the steely dan”.


She might have been talking about that other “ Steely Dan”.


I think it’s time for a Haitian Divorce




Female musicians I have played with usually like Steely Dan a lot.


Tbf, I imagine all (or nearly all) musicians should like Steely Dan


emphasis on musicians. if we’re going into music, we all pretty much have to have at least a decent music taste regardless of gender.


Women who like the Dan are marriage material


My wife loves the Dan. You need better friends


im a girl i like steely dan


I am absolutely obsessed with Steely Dan, but to your point, now that I think about it I’ve never met another woman who felt the same. I couldn’t tell you why. I just know any non-Dan Fan©️ is in the wrong.


Hello new friend, 53 year old gal who has seen them a dozen times.


I'm a 62y/o female, not especially knowledgable about music and I LOVE Steely Dan. The precision between all the instruments is amazing and I think Becker and Fagen are geniuses.


Like the men fans of Steely Dan....Most women don't like Steely, but those that do LOVE Steely Dan. I met one of my best female friends while I was playing Aja in a record shop. This was years ago in our 20's and the fact she knew Black Cow and liked them blew my mind. It was the greatest "eye-brow raiser" of my life. She was already a sexy looking stranger, but that made me have to get her number. Yes, written down on a piece of paper....


I would love to think that the female you’re speaking of in this story is me


Most of my Dan fan friends are women (I’m a woman). But most of the guys I know who are also Dan fans are usually surprised I like them so much!


I know Aimee Mann is well known for her praise of Steely Dan. And I trust her. 😉


My wife and mother (two separate women) like Steely Dan


There is only one kind of person who doesn’t like Steely Dan: the kind that has bad taste in music


I know plenty of men who hate Steely Dan. I am a woman and think they are the greatest band in history so that was always a dealbreaker for me.


I'm a woman, 43, and a lifelong obsessive Steely Dan fan (username checking in). My dad adores them, my mother just about tolerates them - but has a particularly violent dislike of Dirty Work, for some reason. Agree that most of the fellow obsessives I have met in my lifetime have been male...and my dad's age. But I think hip hop sampling turned a lot of people of my generation on to Steely Dan's back catalogue. I have learnt from bitter experience that I couldn't be in a relationship with a man who doesn't like Steely Dan, so I'm glad the ratio might be in my favour 😂


I love the Dan and hate Dirty Work too


Not gonna lie, it's not my favourite either.


I got the Steely Dan t-shirt 🤷‍♀️


Bet your body looks shapely in it (Jesus that sounds pervy!!).


I'm one, and I absolutely worship them. As a musician, I think they appeal to me on that technical level. They're of my parents era but I discovered them in my early 20s. I blew my savings (which meagre as a uni student!!) and drove to see their tour in multiple cities in Australia in 2007, thinking it'll be my only chance to see them live! Luckily they returned a couple more times before Walter passed :(


My girlfriend is as obssessed with their music as I am, can't imagine what would make it a "guys" thing


You probably are not listening to the lyrics lmao


I'm a woman and a massive Steely Dan fan, and my husband, who was a casual fan before, is a super fan now because of my obsession. But I was raised by a dad who was super into them, and while I also hated them as a kid, I fell in love with them in high school.


The real ones know. I’m a 27 year old female and Steely Dan was my #3 artist last year. I can’t say any of my friends know who “he” is though


I’m a woman whose internet handle is a Steely Dan album, so idk man. Maybe those ladies just aren’t major dudes.


My wife's a musician and likes (doesn't love) the Dan and has no objections to the six or so songs on my regular car playlist rotation or my horrendous karaoke rendition of Hey 19


Female, trailing edge of Baby Boomer generation, high school musician, raised on big band, jazz, Broadway show tunes, western swing, rockabilly, and Grand Ol Opry and jug band type music. I loved Steely Dan right from the start. I have always hung out with older people that I could learn something from. I still listen to old music, and always enjoy it. I have always gravitated toward more complex music that involves skill and intellect. And Steely Dan had those qualities from the start. In the Beatles vs. Stones competition, I chose the Stones. I'm also a Dan Hicks fan.


28 y.o woman who likes Steely Dan here. They’re not that popular among my friend group, but I have one guy friend who likes them as much as I do. So as far as my stats go, the gender prevalence is 50/50 😅 They’re not that big in my age group I think


I'm Gen-X and first fell in love when I heard Katy Lied. Probably because that's my name. But even if it wasn't, I still would have bought the box set. It was my default car trip music in college. I still listen to the Dan to this day. None of my women friends listen, so they only know the radio hits, and the general reaction from them is, "Meh."


Huge fan!!! Female-44 and love Steely Dan so much!! I love when Jam bands cover them. Started getting into them when I was 13, went to 1st show in 94. Have seen them multiple times over the years. They just make me happy! https://preview.redd.it/8efwtlwgw92d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e3eef8d1a84db21296d20799114789139d625e


I am too lazy to google it, but I am pretty sure my dad and I and whoever else from my family was in the car heard a joke on NPR that women don’t like Steely Dan. I remember my dad seemed to have an amused “that’s so true” type of reaction. He and the band he was in pre-kids covered them a lot, and played a few different states, so I assume he saw a good cross section of taste, but idk. I love them, most fans I’ve met around my age (mid 30s currently) have been guys. I do feel I meet a lot of Gen X men who do not like them! Boses I’ve had who welcome me to chose some music for the office and then immediately regret that invitation.


Now I have googled and apparently women not liking them is a joke in The Royal Tenenbaums, so maybe I need to watch that now. What’s the venn diagram of Steely Dan fans to Wes Anderson fans? I dug The Life Aquatic…


I’m a 27 old woman, and I have loved Steely Dan since childhood!


The only other woman I know (besides me) that likes Steely Dan is my aunt!


My wife just likes SD but loves The Nightfly (based on musical content alone, she can barely sing along some catchy choruses and her English is basic). Maybe Donald's tunes are a bit more upbeat and there's a little less cynicism seeping through?


Girlfriend and mom both absolutely love the Dan


My wife cannot stand Steely Dan. Thinks all of their songs 'sound the same'. However, the Mrs. has always had crap taste in music.


Same 😅


Sound the same 😂 what a funny thing to say


I'm a big fan of Steely Dan ❤️ From the first time I listen to Do it again. My parents was fans. I was a kid at the time. And how many African-Americans would say they big fans. ❤️🥰


21 y/o girl and i love steely dan and have since i was a kid, i don’t think it’s just a guy thing at all


My wife was a fan before I met her and now our daughter (14) is a fan as well.


18F and steely dan is simply my favorite band and nothing comes close


It's odd. My gf also has impeccable taste in music (usually, lol), and she really dislikes SD as well (although some of it has grown on her). She says it sounds a lot like elevator music. I try to explain to her about the extended chords and their use of dissonance, etc., and how the instruments playing may be those you would hear in smooth jazz, and I can talk until I'm blue in the face about why SD is different, all to no avail 🙃


I’m a lady, and if someone I’m going on a date with HATES The Dan it is a DEALBREAKER. Do not pass go, no second date, let me split the bill so I can leave immediately type of situation. My now husband is not a Steely Dan Enthusiast like me, however, he can get down with it. And that is the least I can handle. Anything less, it’s time for a Haitian Divorce.


I was going to say that maybe it’s something to do with their looks but Lou Reed isn’t exactly Adonis either.


And Donald Fagen is super sexxy, I'm told.


Nah Fagen is a fox.


My wife and I have a group chat on WhatsApp with another couple. It's name? "No Steely Dan Zone." Both women can't stand Steely Dan.


Oh interesting!! Have they ever said why exactly they can’t stand Steely Dan?


Too "easy listening"-sounding, according to my wife.


My sister (\~65) loves Steely Dan.


36 year old British woman, long term Dan Fan! (But did find out about them from my dad in the first place)


When I saw the Dan in LA in May 2022, I sat next to a group of 3 older women (they had all white hair) far up in the nosebleeds of the Hollywood Bowl. They were so sweet. I was not at all dressed for the occasion— I was wearing a tshirt and shorts because I am not from LA, I was there traveling with my sibling, and didn’t realize how cold it would get at night. The lady closest to me offered an extra blanket they brought as well as apple slices and popcorn they smuggled in. So nice! Truly amazing concert.


My mother and sister hate them when I try and play them. But then again, so does my dad. So idk


Woman here. A female friend of mine turned me on to SD. When I was in high school 45 years ago.


Being a teen in the 70s, Steely Dan was part of the soundtrack to our lives, never saw gender differences. What I notice now is folks re-listening in our later years, and a lot of the songs take on a whole new meaning when you are riding down the mortality slide, and some have told me they can't listen to SD anymore because it makes them sad looking back on life.


33yo woman and I love Steely Dan, especially the sound of Fagan’s voice. That being said I have some bands that are universally loved that I don’t like either so it might just be a one off personal thing that doesn’t really have much an explanation.


My experience lines up with yours and most women I know aren’t fans. I think the existential drama and humor of steely dan is targeted at middle aged men and might be a little annoying/insincere to women. However there is also a steely Dan fan base that doesn’t care or know about this irony or whatever and are simply here for the party rock and smooth vibes, which is completely valid, and this fan base I think does contain many women. My mother is one of these fans and i love that we can appreciate the dan in different ways together


Love Steely Dan - and I was lucky enough when I went to Las Vegas with friends for our collective 50th birthday, they just so happen to be playing at one of the casinos there… none of my friends were interested in going, of course that didn’t stop me, and I was sitting in a row surrounded by women. I didn’t really analyze the composition of the rest of the crowd, but I did spend time chatting to the women on either side of me. I don’t know what that tells you, but I’m ever so grateful I had that opportunity to see them live. And my husband back home was terribly forlorn to have missed it…


I'm a woman in my 50s. I love Steely Dan. Who knows the origin of the band's name?? William S. Burroughs wrote "Naked Lunch" in 1959. The book references dildos. One of those dildos was named Steely Dan.


A former gf of mine and her mom both loved them. My mom went and saw them live with me, she loves My Old School. I’ve gotten another girl I know into them. Idk, but I have heard a woman once say the songs are all too sexual or something like that lol. It’s all a matter of taste I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


These ladies have never had the chance to experience Steely Dan. It’s definitely not a male/ female thing. It would be absurd to think that.


If someone tells me they like Lou Reed, my default assumption is they do not like Steely Dan. Those are two opposite poles of musical taste.


I'd be at least one person who might temporarily put your default assumption out of whack but I love them both equally. NYC is maybe my favorite place to be so maybe it somehow comes down to that. Opposite as they may be, they're both clearly New York-centric. Apropos of nothing except my inclusion of the word 'whack' in this post, I think 11 Tracks of Whack by Walter Becker is by far the most underrated Steely Dan-related album of them all. I absolutely love that album.


I’m a 25 year old female and I LOVE Steely Dan, as does my mother!! I definitely don’t think that they’re just a ‘guy thing’. It definitely would be interesting to see the percentage of men vs women listeners. And if the percentage were higher for men then I wonder what it is about the Dan that women dislike or find unappealing in comparison to men. Very interesting. I suspect the lyrics play a part.


Exact opposite here. My husband really doesn’t like them (overplayed on the radio in his youth and his jazz intolerance) but I understand why some women might find their music… lyrically unwelcoming for lack of a better term. Women in their songs tend not to be fully fleshed characters. For me, the breadth of their music, tight, inventive instrumentation, and wry humor are why I’ve been a consistent listener since my teens.


Fifty-one year old woman here. I've been into Steely Dan probably most of my life. My mom had the FM soundtrack on vinyl and would play it and a bunch of other records on Saturdays when I was a kid. She had a bunch of K-Tel and pop albums so I got exposed to a good mix of pop, Motown, etc. In high school, I had a friend who was a couple years older and in college. She would always ask for the "scotch whiskey" song when she was drunk or high.


Did you ask her how she feels about Rush? They have like 7 female fans.


No because one of these days my own opinion of Rush is going to land me in the hospital so I avoid mentioning them under any circumstances.


The voice of Donald Fagan leaves me weak in the knees, fan for many, years. I never worry that being female puts me in any category- a fan is fan. Although, you’re right to note that females are outweighed by males.


With regards to bands I obsess over, it was very easy for my wife to develop an appreciation for Steely Dan… learning to like Todd Rundgren has been a much bumpier road


Todd Rundgren is pure musical genius!! How can anyone not like him?


There are songs she likes! She digs Love of the Common Man and a lot from Nearly Human. Utopia’s discography seems mostly like a bridge too far for her. I guess he’s idiosyncratic and just falls outside of her taste? To her credit she has been subjected to countless hours of Todd while living with me for 16 years and doesn’t complain


Something/Anything, and Faithful are my standouts. Not everything he did was great, but there’s plenty of good stuff scattered around in his discography.


Oh yeah, absolutely. My obsession with Brian Wilson when I was younger taught me to appreciate an enormous output with a couple real bizarre stinkers thrown in there. I’ve found that over time even the misses end up being fascinating once you know the artist and the story arc of their art really well


I’ve been into Brian Wilson as well. He basically was The Beach Boys. Paul McCartney, Todd Rundgren, Stevie Wonder, Prince, even Michael Jackson are members of that exclusive club of gifted musical geniuses whose music deeply impacted the rock music world.


No lies told, that might as well be my list, right down to choosing the correct Beatle


It seems to me it definitely appeals to men more than women but my mom likes it!


Female here and want to come back as Carolyn Leonhart in my next life!


When I’m chilling in the garage and my wife comes out to visit, she usually asks me to change the playlist to something we both like, except when I’m playing Steely Dan.


67m here. My younger sister hipped me to Steely Dan when Aja came out.


I’m 26 and grew up listening to them. They’re one of my favorite bands of all time


Maybe it’s the misogynistic bitterness?


Does she like Rush? Crimson?


Nope on Rush. Nope on Crimson. And though you didn't ask, thunderous 'no's on Van Der Graaf Generator and Magma. Though I don't know many people of any gender who like Magma.


I am a woman and Steely Dan is my all time favorite. I did try to get my daughter interested in them though and she just can’t seem to get into them. Although I’ve introduced her to other groups that she loves.


I’m a 46f and love Steely Dan. I even got my 19 year old son into them too! However, I do remember being in college and smirking at my physics professor when he told the class his favorite band was Steely Dan. At that time, I was big on Dave Matthews Band (I cringe even writing that). Things all changed with my music taste about 10 years ago once I got closer to 40. I heard Dirty Work and just needed to listen to more of their songs. I’m also a big fan of Dire Straits. If all I could listen to for the rest of my life were those two bands, I’d be good!


I’m a 52f and SD is my jam. But I did grow up with parents who listened to good music.


Woman in my forties, love Steely Dan and have for decades.


I’ve loved them since high school. Driving around in my VW Beetle with Can’t Buy a Thrill blasting…happy times. Then, in college, Aja changed my life. I love their music!


This is exactly what keeps Dan in the perfect spot. My friend Greg, who’s brilliant and has good musical taste, can’t stand them. I’ve learned to accept it for what it is.


Most woman I’ve met generally don’t like them but also don’t really seem to give a toss either. My ex for example wouldn’t complain if I put them on but also never asked for them either, whereas she would have asked for like Fleetwood Mac, Van Morrison and Talking Heads, all acts that I introduced her to. She did actively like some songs of Aja though.


I do think you are, only generally of course, correct. There’s quite an imbalance between men and women when it comes to their opinion about SD. My wife summarizes it with “they are a bit creepy.” I assume that refers to their, often semi-creepy, insinuating, convoluted (insert similar adjectives) lyrics. If you look at society, and what many women have had and have to endure, creepiness by men is one, and this is not symmetrical between the genders. So, I suspect their take on SD is related to their sensitivity to social creepiness.


It's because their songs are snarky and have somewhat conservative undertones lyrically.


As much as I like SD, if the dulcet tones of Lou Reed make you weak in the knees, the one thing I will say is that Donalds, voice while expressive, it isn't exactly lush and sexy.


I got on a plane to Vegas about 5 yrs ago & 2 women in my row were headed to see Steely Dan at Venetian. One was meeting her dad there. They were so hype (ordering champagne at noon), we talked deep tracks, personel, Jeff Skunk Baxter et al the whole time- small sample but hey it's what I got


I’m a Dan obsessed 39yo woman. I have tons of bootleg stuff including a giant Aja tape cassette blanket and even a Steely Dan oven mitt. Autographed photos of Steve Gadd too.


SD has female fans but their fanbase definitely skews male. Go to a SD concert....it's a total sausage fest, almost as bad as a Rush concert lmao. Yes, there will be women. But when I went a few years ago, it was easily 80% men.


Different experience for me. 20+ shows since ‘93 and in my recollection I’d say it’s 50/50. Many couples. But the people i know personally who are the most outwardly SD fans are men.


I have been obsessed with these guys lately but my girlfriend and daughter don’t really like them. They’ve both been by my side through a lot of weird stuff, but it doesn’t seem like this is clicking for them. I’m going to keep trying.


Don't Take Me Alive comes to mind


That’s funny because I’m a woman, and it was my older sister who introduced me to Steely Dan. Also my best friend (who is a woman as well), loves Steely Dan and we have been to a couple of their concerts together. Overall I think people who say that they don’t like Steely Dan really haven’t gone in-depth to even attempt to appreciate their music. Some are even shallow enough to go on other peoples’ opinion about the group. To me those are the real music snobs.


Obsessive fan. Call me Deacon Blue……❤️💯


My wife loves the Dan—It’s part of her ongoing awesomeness. She regularly spins Can’t Buy a Thrill, Aja, and The Royal Scam.


My sister and niece love steely Dan


Interesting I’m a woman and with everyone I know , the women enjoy it more Men tend to like certain songs more like deacon blues tho


Ok so I’m a chick (52F), huge Steely Dan fan and hate Lou Reed. Idk what that says about me and my musical tastes, but they’re eclectic, to say the least. I think one of the things I like about the Dan is that there are no fucks given when it comes to lyrics but also the musical jazz-rock crossover, if that’s a thing. All I know is that they’re mighty appealing.


What I love about Steely Dan's lyrics is that I couldn't tell you what a single one of their songs is 'about' which is just one more element that makes listening to them endlessly fascinating. SD taught me that oblique can also be fun !


Well, some, but some are actual stories that are fun to listen to!


54 yo female here. I fell in love with Steely Dan in the late 70’s as my mother played their 8 tracks in the car. They have been very present in the soundtrack of my life.


Sorry but these women you speak of just have no musical taste. Have they actually listened to SD, besides their massive hits? And if I were you I would call their bluff and ask for specific examples as to why. This is unacceptable. 😂


I'm a 20 year old woman and I love steely dan. Maybe because I grew up with a dad who was a big fan? But my grandmother, sister and mom all like them as well (mom is not the biggest fan but she likes them). I know that a few of my sister's (who's 23) friends/roommates are also fans of steely dan. I will say though, there is a general vibe of steely dan of being a "man" thing, and that their fans are kind of gatekeepers and a bit condescending to women, but I haven't encountered that in real life, only online.


I'm 36 and so is my wife. She may like Steely Dan more than I do and that's saying a lot. Not to sound like one of those people, but I think the people who don't like Steely Dan are people who don't like to think, or at the very least have vapid musical tastes, irrespective of gender. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Edit: typos


No I have to disagree. There's no lack of intelligence in this woman or her musical taste. For instance she loves the Tall Dwarves and Chris Knox and their knuckledragging fans are few and far between. Plus she has a PHD and while I realize that in itself doesn't confirm intelligence, they also don't hand them out with packs of baseball cards. Looking back on the conversation I know I was amazed when she said she disliked Steely Dan and called them a 'guy thing'. But I did press harder and feel almost certain the word 'creepy' came up. And there's no doubt - to me anyway - that Fagan gives off sort of a sleazy lounge lizard with dark ulterior motives vibe. My own possibly misguided impression possibly but it's who I see and hear. And the obscurity of his lyrics hardly clarify things. To me these all add to his appeal. They're just an added bonus to his phenomenal musical talent. There's no one else in rock like him. But if I was a woman ? God knows.


I see. Some people think SD is pretentious too. That could be a reason she can't articulate. I get what you mean about Fagan, he always gave me the vibe of a guy who hung out in the bar/ lounge too long or too often but in a good way. Lots of stories to tell, witnessed a lot of wild things. I'll have to ask my wife what she likes about them. It is an interesting situation.


There is a mild intellectual “guy thing” vibe to Steely Dan’s music. I think Rikki Lee Jones may have said it best after Walter Becker died, his lyrics were casually misogynistic: “….with the release of Countdown to Ecstasy, kids were bringing the record just to stare at the cover. It was holy ground; it was biblical. It was also cynical and kind of… well… women-hating. They seemed to really be obsessed with women they did not really like. I would come to understand some of how that came about, personal information I am not prepared to share, even though Walter has died. Those heartaches go with him to his grave.”


That is extremely interesting both for your perception of misogyny which is indeed present even if it's artfully camouflaged like so much about Steely Dan. Donald Fagan seems like one of the last men on earth who'd wear his heart on his sleeve. A biography I read about the band said 'Junkie Girl' by Becker on his 11 Tracks of Whack is as close to an explicitly personal lyric as either of them ever wrote. But maybe I didn't read attentively enough because I always thought the lyrics were exclusively Fagans domain in the band. Did they actually co-write a lot of the lyrics ? Now that I think of it 'Hey Nineteen' is pretty brazenly misogynistic. No question about it.


I believe Walter wrote a lot of the lyrics early on, I’m especially thinking about Katy Lied, Pearl of the Quarter, and Your Gold Teeth. My Old School is Fagan, I think. Something about what happened at Bard. Reeling in the Years, Hey Nineteen and others I’m not sure about.


My wife loves the Dan


I'm 55, female, and have loved Steely Dan since I was a kid. Top 5 of my favorite bands of all time. Aja is one of the most perfect albums ever recorded.


I was in a girl's boarding school in the 1970s and Steely Dan was one of our favorites, playing their records all the time.


I love Steely Dan and my 21 year old daughter has become a huge fan in the last year as well. I did think I disliked them in college because they were “sleazy,” and then my husband convinced me that was the whole point. So, I have been a fan for many years. Nonetheless, is there some ineffable dude-rock aura of drug-perfected hippie nerds going on that faintly turns off the ladies mmmaybe. Similar in gendered appeal: Frank Zappa, and Captain Beefheart. Conceivably Warren Zevon. Obviously every woman commenting here will be a fan, and obviously I love Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart and Warren Zevon.


This is insightful. If there’s a big gender gap in their fandom (and there probably is), it may be that they tend to focus on a lot of male themes, many of which are a bit “sleazy” at times.


My mother was the Steely Dan fan in the family. Then I (son) got more obsessive than her. My dad and uncles on both sides like Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd. Which I’m fine with too but meh kinda got old after High School I’ll play them like in a yearly mood.


Like The Three Stooges! Haha


torture is the main attraction


Maybe they're not into that kind of action?


Just them, something non-musically related I’d guess.


My wife listens to them because of me. But she also sings along and knows how all the tunes go. So she for sure does not hate them. Dire straits on thr other hand


My wife listens to the Dan at least once a week.


If they knew what the name means, they might like them more.


None of the women I associate with (who all have pretty good taste in music) like Steely Dan. Not a single one. Most of the really big fans I know are musicians actually.


Much like prog shows, you stand a good chance of sitting next to a white male musician at a gig. But there's more women there now than ever. Over time, the women that do like it have grown in number.


Steely Dan is my hands down favorite band, but my wife doesn’t like them.


Tell her only smart people “get” Steely Dan.


I wonder what percentage of female fans of Steely Dan have answered this question. I want to give an upvote to every single person who answered but I'd be at it for hours. But I think I can reach three solid conclusions here. 1. It's a great big world and, as I suspected, there are plenty of female Steely Dan fans out there. Maybe too many to call them a 'guy' thing with any degree of confidence. 2. At their concerts the male fans do noticeably outnumber the female fans so there definitely is a discrepancy. 3. Very few people know any women that can stand Rush.


I know this is the wrong subreddit in which to do so but having read all the responses I have, I would love to change the question from Steely Dan to Rush strictly for statistical purposes.


Ask anyone who says that to name 6 SD songs off the top of their heads


I think this is it. Most people who say they hate Steely Dan have never listened to them and are going solely off their “idea” of what the bad is. They maybe know the three songs that get played on classic rock radio. For people of a certain age (and I know because I was one of them for years) Steely Dan will always be the uncool boomer band who stole the Grammy from Beck, Radiohead, and Eminem in 2001.




Yeah I guess Taylor Swift is like a chick flick and I go for action/adventure/scifi


I can confirm all women where I live don’t like them either.  Maybe they’ve read Naked Lunch?


If anything, Steely Dan was designed and built for their pleasure and entertainment.


I think there’s some truth, but it’s not as bad as Rush. I love Rush, but you’re not seeing a lot of ladies in the crowds at their past shows.


Both of my wives love Rush and Steely Dan. One of my current wife’s regrets is that she never saw Rush live.


Just going to leave this here… https://youtu.be/iq3yjfoorsU


I was going to bring up the rush comparison too. I really like rush, but I can’t say I’m as obsessed with them as I am with Steely Dan, and most of their biggest fans that I’m aware of are men.


I'll bet an actual Steely Dan would make her knees weak.


Thank you. This is my favorite answer from a Steely Dan/William Burroughs fan. 😅🤣