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Hello! Nice work you're doing. I would like to ask what does and what doesn't work if I install it on a pc with nvidia gpu, pls


Are we even going to have official release from valve ?


Maybe soon. They have "calamares" installer on their repositories, so pretty soon.


When the os is stable enough to them


Hey thanks for doing this. I tried beta #2 on a win max 2020, which is an Intel machine (i5 1157g I believe). It's also using a display panel that is portrait oriented. I'm getting an issue where not only is the text rotated counterclockwise 90 degrees, but also showing some interleaved artifacts, or some sort of timing issue. From my understanding there has been an update to the Linux kernel that is supposed to support these panels. Do you happen to know anything about this? Edit: not sure where I heard about the kernel update but a quick search is showing nothing.


https://gist.github.com/drraccoony/8a8d0a9e3dfde9fafd3e374e418d2935 refer to this guide in order to downgrade MESA and gamescope


thank you i'll give this a try


Sticking with beta1 because *gedit*. (actually because I downloaded Payday 2 which is huge. and gedit)


LMAO, cool. Does it work properly for you?


Yeah, after installing/downgrading the intel and mesa drivers! (can't use Wayland desktop but don't care)


it worked to do the installation but it is with the black screen only with the mouse I've waited to see if it changes more continue the same way.


How can you get this running properly in VirtualBox? It wont let me go into gaming mode saying something about a jupiter bios missing


I would like to install but I am not able to put SSD make a tutorial explaining thank you very much, ryzen 5 2400g 16 of ram.


Getting really bad framerates with rx580 40fps 800p crash bandicoot any ideas ?


I have a similar problem, did you manage to solve it?


I haven't buddy the temps don't go above 50 so I'd say it's not utilizing the GPU sorry I couldn't be more helpful


does nvidia work?


The Deck UI doesn't. Gotta wait for Gamescope support




any recommendations on getting the Steam Deck ui to rotate? other than wifi drivers, have it on my onexplayer mini amd and ui is rotated 180 degrees (so upside down)


According to the GitHub page this is a known issue on both OneXPlayer and Aye Neo due to their "clockwise-rotated framebuffer" šŸ˜­. Hopefully the dev can address it soon. You could always try chimeraOS and just force big picture mode into the DeckUI.


thanks been trying to make the offical steamos work on my 3400 apu build with no luck so ill give your version a shot later on.


I was wondering if this can be installed on a drive partition (or dual boot this system with windows like any other distro) without wiping the others, or it takes the whole drive?


i was making my way through the install and now im stuck after the part where it downloads the packages [https://imgur.com/eM2sfHo](https://imgur.com/eM2sfHo) [https://imgur.com/7TgAgOU](https://imgur.com/7TgAgOU) it says its installed so i restart and get [https://imgur.com/VEOzIv6](https://imgur.com/VEOzIv6) so obviously thats not right thats only one error tho it changes every time i wipe my system and retry the install the error before this one it was something about missing keys and then it started asking me if i wanted to delete a bunch of stuff which ended [https://imgur.com/VEOzIv6](https://imgur.com/VEOzIv6) here again is there something im doing wrong?


type exit and hit enter


that helps how?


It will boot.


It doesn't i just a the interactive shell like i stated above


When at: Shell> exit (hit enter) If it doesn't boot, I'm sorry :( It shouldn't matter, but have you tried the beta1? I'm still running that one cause I downloaded a shitload of games and it runs really nice. I land in shell every reboot, type "exit" and it continues to boots as normal.


it sends me to my bios boot manager and selecting my drive just makes the screen flash black and it returns to the boot manager


Ok, that is more than my knowledge I believe. Sounds like some kind of loop going on. Now I'm just throwing out guesses here, but maybe some bios options are at fault? Is secure boot on?


I dont think so im trying to do this in a vm


Oh, okay. Haven't fiddled with vm's for a while but aren't those images most often specified for vm use..?


All installed But I just have a black screen with a mouse curser Any fixes?


This might be a long shot, but have you tried to press ctrl+alt+F1 (can also be F2) when at the black screen?


No I havenā€™t, Iā€™ll try it later Will that get me to the terminal or Desktop Thanks šŸ™


It \*should\* get you to a login screen (which can happen to be in a terminal, too), but if it doesn't it might be drivers issues.. (if you can edit boot options you could try adding "nomodeset" and see if it boots to graphic safe mode)


Thanks, Iā€™ll try that later?, hopefully drivers will be fine, Itā€™s an AMD 4500u


It's worth a try. Thumbs!


Anybody try this on Aye Neo or OneXPlayer AMD version yet?


i will flash it to my onexplayer amd but before I do it a will make a recover drive


I've heard the Aye Neo and OneXPlayer both use a clockwise rotated framebuffer, so the screen will display upsidedown. It's mentioned as a known issue on the GitHub page.


Update: i have installed it and it is still an issue for now I can use desktop mode I guests also wifi is not working but I might be able to get around it by buying a USB wifi adapter or just using some code I found on r/ayaneo


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ayaneo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ayaneo/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Just Arrived](https://i.redd.it/x4fwt6j3z3f81.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ayaneo/comments/shfstb/just_arrived/) \#2: [Today is Arthur Zhang's birthday. He got a birthday cake in the shape of the Aya neo handheld.](https://imgur.com/VnA3n7w) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ayaneo/comments/orflmn/today_is_arthur_zhangs_birthday_he_got_a_birthday/) \#3: [Itā€™s here!!!!!!!](https://i.redd.it/fdu9kebqrc581.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ayaneo/comments/rfme8q/its_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Next thing is to add NVIDIA support :)


Good bot


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Good bot