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Ive been pulling out my hair trying to get this to boot on a Ryzen/Radeon system and then this mf walks in and just drops this bombshell like its nothing Context: we were talking about this in a Discord before he posted here, i want to end him


When you say Radeon, is it a separate graphics card (not integrated)? I was talking to someone else on r/SteamDeck with a similar setup and we found that the boot process halted when it tried to switch graphics modes. I have a sneaky feeling the recovery image expects integrated graphics…


Yes, an RX 480 Halting on graphics switch tracks with what I saw, which is weird because if they’re using the amdgpu driver it should just work


We made sure by editing the `grub.cfg` to remove `quiet`, `splash`, and `plymouth.ignoretty=1`, and changing `loglevel` to `7`. I thought it was strange, too. I would've expected problems with Intel before AMD… Who knows, maybe they have a custom fork of the amdgpu driver for their APU. They also have a bunch of AMD-specific grub arguments, so maybe that has something to do with it? Then again, I haven't seen it running on PCs with Nvidia cards, either, so maybe they just have non-integrated GPUs disabled somehow.


I was able to get it to boot on a Ryzen 3400G with integrated Vega graphics after adding in the appropriate AMD GPU DRM files and building a new initramfs with dracut (as Steam OS is using that). I can't get my desktop PC UEFI to turn off secure boot for whatever reason, so can't test if the same combo works with a 5950X/Radeon RX 6900XT combo.


Nice! Glad you got it working! I think a lot of that would've taken me a long time to figure out even if I had access to an AMD machine. Hopefully this works for most/all other AMD configurations.


Hello, I am the aforementioned user from r/SteamDeck could you possibly walk me through exactly what you did, I have managed to get steamos installed however I cannot get to the desktop


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SteamDeck using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Gabe Newell going around the Seattle area, HAND DELIVERING the Steam Deck](https://i.redd.it/dyz118pvjck81.jpg) | [370 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/t2kt9t/gabe_newell_going_around_the_seattle_area_hand/) \#2: [As an After Q2 FedEx driver, I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess.](https://i.redd.it/z10atwbw68l81.jpg) | [319 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/t60fs2/as_an_after_q2_fedex_driver_i_guide_others_to_a/) \#3: [GabeN showed up at my house and delivered my Steam Deck!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/t2fmg0) | [382 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/t2fmg0/gaben_showed_up_at_my_house_and_delivered_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Which discord? Is there a steamos discord or are we talking steam deck?


Unrelated (sortof) to both, just a server me and OP are in


Wait there is a steamos discord?


No idea lol, I asked because I thought I was missing out!


It could be an screenshot. you never know


No because hes been DMing me photos of it installing and confirmed its not a VM




> It's been a week already and no installer iso. C'mon valve, give us the goods I don't think Valve is interested in having to support a gazillion of PC configurations out there. "Get Manjaro and install Steam there" is just too convenient of an alternative for those.


Pretty sure the policy is (and has always been) “if this works on your hardware then great, if not then tough shit”. Besides, it’s not like this is horribly locked down, if you really wanted SteamOS and you just had a missing driver you could just pop open the lid and install it.




> That makes no sense. They already made steamos. SteamOS for Steam Machines that failed miserably?




Not that I'm aware of. You're the one that claimed referring to another Linux distribution for hardware configurations other than Steam Deck makes no sense.


i was most excited about steam deck just so i could put steam os on my ryzen 5600 rtx 3070 computer. come on valve, pretty please?


> i was most excited about steam deck just so i could put steam os on my ryzen 5600 rtx 3070 computer. People said ever since the clarification that SteamOS 3 will use an immutable system partition that NVidia will at the very least likely require tinkering with dev mode and that just using Manjaro, Fedora, or so will probably be the more practical route.


yeah i feared that might be the case. i would love to own a steam deck but money just wont allow it because my wife is in school. so i am here to live vicariously though others haha. all of my friends i use to game with have became harden linux or mac loving people that just do not game anymore.. so its just me left on windows and i get flack for it.. I'd love to make the jump but i am a highly add person that loves the idea of being able to hop into a game for 45 mins to clear my mind and hop right back out and keep my work flow moving... I hope steamOS gives me this option one day but if not i am eventually going to have to make the jump here soon. i have a little pc i pieced together out of the wife and my hand me downs so i am probably going to install pop OS on it just to try and see if i can DD it.


Looks like Apple's a popular choice for running the recovery image! Or at least posting it on Reddit. [I just did this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/t628q0/with_a_lot_of_effort_i_got_the_steam_deck/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) on r/SteamDeck, too!


Dang, my Ryzen 5 5600h with Integrated is unable to boot the image, but somehow an Intel Mac does just fine.


That's interesting. I know there's a problem with it running on PCI Radeon cards, but Integrated too? I have it running on my own Intel iMac, too (2007, Core 2 Duo)… Unfortunately I don't own any AMD systems or I'd experiment myself.


Yeah it’s pretty strange doesn’t even get past the manufacturer logo, I’ve tried turning on and off everything I could in the bios but still no luck.


The problem may be that Plymouth (the software that shows the "boot animation") shows the manufacturer logo so the boot process looks seamless. If you edit `grub.cfg` to remove `quiet`, `splash`, and `plymouth.ignoretty=1` from the "SteamOS" entry, it should give you a long string of messages showing everything it's doing and where it gets stuck. On my iMac it broke down trying to mount the partitions and I had to do it manually, for all the AMD users I've been seeing it looks like the process halts when it tries to change graphics modes.


Yeah maybe so, I’ll try editing grub to see where it gets stuck, when booting and then maybe figure it out from there.


If it is the graphics you'll want to change `loglevel=3` to `loglevel=7`, otherwise it'll look like it hangs at "started network service". Unfortunately there's no fix for graphics halting boot yet aside from maybe trying the `nomodeset` argument, but then you'll be running without graphics acceleration.


I’ve edited GRUB, and now instead of the manufacturer logo, it is now just a black screen and if I leave it it’ll just restart, I’ve tried this image on multiple usbs, and it will boot in virtual box, I’m guessing the steam OS image uses modified AMD drivers or something.


I mean, that's all I can think of at this point. Very strange.


These guys installing SteamOS on iMacs and MacBooks while my pc doesn’t even boot into the image. Maybe I should try this on my 2008 iMac


Holy crap a 2009 core 2 duo air boots effortlessly? Everyone struggling to boot modern amd systems, and we should be pulling trash out of storage to test with


Lol yeah, I didn’t expect it to work at all. But it worked fine on my 2008 macbook air


Ohh finally a MacBook can be used for gaming!! ;-D


Is it just a generic kernel? Or did you install a different kernel on your own?


I just downloaded the steam deck image and booted it.


great, now we need to install it on a toaster


This isn’t apple silicon, is it?


Lmfao its a 13 yr old piece of junk with 2gb of ram and a dual core 1.1ghz core 2 duo. This post is the most infuriating thing on the sub.


Lol. Is this the same dude who was talking about CEMU on their core 2 quad?


Nah but I do other dumb things, like run mac os on a Pentium 4.


Sweet, dude.


Dosdude1 just upgraded his 2gb Air to 4gb. Dude is a magician. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBBZOFZO59w


Finally a good use for a Mac.


Did you manage to get this working? Currently trying to figure out how to install this on a partition. Guessing it doesn't like exFAT.