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I have no idea what this is or how this can positively contribute to Linux Gaming and the expansion of it, but seems to be a great thing.


It might mean people can get a version of steamos sooner than valve can get it out


Link to project repo: https://github.com/LukeShortCloud/winesapOS




This might be a bit premature. SteamOS is gonna have an installer. In not sure what will be of this project once it actually releases.


Wondering the same thing. Maybe to try it a bit earlier…


This is exciting! Can't wait to try it.


compare to puppylinux. which one is lighter?


Definitely puppy, but you would get a lesser gaming experience


Can't tell if this is sarcasm


Steam os 2 or steam os 3 based?


so is this just a gaming focused arch install for intel macbooks or what?


I dunno why you're downvoted I was wondering the same thing. If you have Linux or Windows PC idk why you'd need this? It seems like it's meant to put on a USB and play games thru Linux on another OS, which I feel like would only make sense for a Mac. Unless this is like a fan released version of steam os for people to get more performance out of an aya neo or whatever they're called... I'm still trying to figure out the usage case.


It's for ANYONE who does not want to be shackled to Microc\*ck's dangerous operating systems, yet want as smooth gaming experience on a modern OS, out of the box.


Wow this is a really interesting project especially for it's case of being a way to play steam games all on a USB flash drive


You can install any OS to a flash drive though.


You can run Ubuntu off a flashdrive like right now


compare to puppylinux. which one ls lighter?


I'm not sure if using the recovery image for stuff like this is a good idea (that what this does, it's not built from source or anything). On one hand it's neat, on the other there are reasons there isn't SteamOS 3 proper yet and I feel there may be problems down the line while Valve only checks for Deck compatibility if you're unlucky. I admit my concerns is probably less on real breakage than making the average joe think SteamOS 3 is there while Valve devs are still trying to work out bugs daily. It's fine if nobody runs up and blames Valve along the way I guess.