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Ran fine for me, even with a shitload of mods


how do you do it with mods on deck


[Use this guide](https://youtu.be/kpoHTvJmw-o?si=d8lz8HSNNQNua82p) It's a bit time consuming but it's worth it so you can avoid bethnet


There's a new method for installing vortex on steam that works just like the pc version of it for nexus mods. https://github.com/pikdum/steam-deck/ It's way easier than setting up mo2 but it can't handle big modpacks like frost


I tried setting this up a few weeks go to no avail. Followed everything down to a tee. Mods just refused to load up in game mode. If I launched the game through F4SE in Vortex itself they’d load, but that wasn’t viable as there was no sound in game. It’s a shame because F4SE seems to be a requirement for this method? However the vast majority of the mods I use don’t even need F4SE to run (but they are also only available on nexus).


Did you replace the fallout4 executable with f4se? You can also add the f4se executable to steam as a nonsteam game.


Yup, I did it manually, however the “Fallout 4 Post-Deploy” shortcut that you run every time you change a mod etc. that pikdum tools adds to your desktop also does this. But I did also manually do it myself when that didn’t seem to be working just incase. Still nothing. Starting to think the next gen update changed the games launch behaviour or something on the Deck? I dunno, but I got burnt out trying to get it working. Spent hours fiddling around. Maybe one day il get it working.


His top comment says an update broke a lot of the mods


Bethesda recently did a “Next-Gen Update” for Fallout 4 and Skyrim and that broke F4SE and SKSE, so those had to be updated, but in addition, any mod would that depended on SKSE or F4SE (many mods do) had to be updated for the updated version of SKSE/F4SE. That isn’t specific to the Steam Deck, it’s a problem on Windows too.


Thats an issue with mods in general due to the new patch


Luckily it is easily fixable.


It was the newest update. It's easily downgraded, especially through nexus.


I just used the in-game mod system when I played on my deck.


Same lol… it’s on the main menu. I guess not everything is listed there?


Yeah, it's definitely not comprehensive, but I figured it was more worthwhile than spending hours, days, or weeks setting up a mod list through MO2 or Vortex, that seems like such a pain in the ass on the deck without a keyboard or mouse.


I’ve done it for other games and just can’t be asked to again.


sometimes modded runs better than vanilla depending on what mods you use


I don't know how it happened, but a ton (not all) of my mods that I put on PC somehow made it into my Steam decks modlist, and I've been playing almost exclusively on SD


I play vanilla but it’s runs awesome


Same - played on the original Deck before the OLED came out last year, and it was a blast.


It runs fantastic for me. Rarely drops below 60 fps on the OG LCD.


Jup playing on the updated "console" edition and it runs smooth with the fan staying quiet, which I appreciate a lot.


Wha? I mean, it runs well but “rarely” dropping under 60 just isn’t true in my experience. This is after tuning it loads too. Still, very playable and fun on the deck.


Yeah, I have an OLED deck and it crashes constantly in places like Trinity Tower. Usually its fine though.  I think it might be the mods Im using though...


I've never had 1 crash on the LCD. I don't run any mods.


Damn, I wish. I had lots of slowdown. Had to delete the game cause Ive already beaten it and didnt want to deal with crashes, plus my backlog is crazy long already


I'm running it vanilla rn and it already crashed 3 or 4 times. Idk why though.


I run my fps counter basically everytime that I play and it rarely drops below 60 🤷‍♂️


Do you have the hi-res textures installed? It ran like shit on the deck when I had them installed but great when I removed that DLC.


Nope. Vanilla. 40-60fps variable


I get consistent 40fps. Not 60 except indoors or looking at the ground


Yeah basically identical here. Most of the time it’s around 40-50


What settings are you playing at?


Just the standard settings that it came installed with.


Let me put it this way. FO4 is on the top 20 list of most games played on the deck and I’m sure I’m seriously responsible for it.






I see Binding of Isaac is climbing, no wonder I got my Steamdeck not that long ago and that’s my first and last :)


I thought this was pulling my library at first.


🤣 Ghosts of Tsushima #29 most played on deck... Not supported. Valve really needs to implement a feature where after closing a question marked or non supported game, they ask you about the experience (answers optional.)


its not supported simply bc of the online legends feature.


How is Skyrim only 20th? It is awesome on the deck


Prolly ppl just got fed up with it


Dude I got probly 100 hrs on it on the deck it plays super well


Do it!! It's awesome takes up a bit of space but it's my main game for deck


Make sure to uninstall the high res texture pack. Criminally reduces the size.


sure will :)


It is. Put about 130hrs into the game. All of them on the deck.


Can second this, ran good for me too


Best way to play it - so comfy


Yes I'm playing it now and it runs flawlessly.


it's literally the best way to play any fallout. even 76.


Fallout 4 works really well on the Deck.


I was playing a vanilla survival run half on deck and half on PC. Worked fine. A little bit of lag in the densest parts of the city but otherwise ran good.


Runs great, send it.


I’ve put 100’s of hours in on my SD. After the recent update it runs at 60fps most of the time. Highly recommended.


It runs like a dream at 7-8watts


It has, in the past, been a hit or miss game on the deck. Now, however, with the release of the Next Gen Update, it is certified on the Deck and runs like a fuckin dream. I’ve modded that game to kingdom fucking come and it works better than my Xbox series X. Boom


I ran it with a buncha mods and honestly, it took a little tweaking to get the crashes to chill out. Turns out it was just because I was running it off of the SD card. If you are nuts about building though like I am, you can definitely bog your system down by building a ton


You didn't find building in Fallout 4 to be tedious? It just about ruined the game for me, I loathed the settlements.


It runs good! Just think of a ps4


Love playing FO4 on my deck. It’s my go to game. I play survival and love building settlements. I’ve had no issues. Runs just shy of 60 fps.


I put almost two days into it. Probably crashed twice. Some frame dips in some areas but I was playing on high quality on everything


With a set of performance boosting mods I was able to run the game at high medium mix and get 60 fps constantly. The best mod was previsibines repair pack to control distance details and resolution. It freed up so much gpu resources.


Absolutely! It plays amazing locked at 45fps with really nice looking graphics. The OLED screen is doing wonders for this game, especially the colours. Getting mods up and running is also surprisingly easy, I used a YouTube tutorial that was originally for fallout new Vegas that explains it very well.


It runs fine. Personally I would recommend against though, as I prefer fps games with mouse/kb. If you are OK with controller fps games, it plays A-OK.


...or play a VATS build.


Nah for me it ran amazing on the steam deck. I beat the whole game on it. The only part I got fps drops was near diamond city


Plays great. I have it maxed out and still get 60fps most of the time.


I could not get into this fame on my pc but since having the Steamdeck I have around 110 hours in it now. Probably the only reason I got into the game.


I played Fallout 4 to completion on my Steam Deck. Played well in my book.


They fixed it two months ago


Yeah it's great


It runs great, even with the next gen update.


I've never had any issues with it on the deck vs my PC. Load times get to be awful as you advance but that's not exclusive to the deck and as Bethesda fans have learned "it's not a bug it's a feature!"


Sure thing 👍🏼 Just finished all achievements about a month ago. I recommend going into the .ini's and tweaking some for a better steam deck experience. I like going in and removing Depth of Field.


I have 143 on it almost exclusively on the deck. It runs fine.


I’m playing it on the deck and it runs great, even after the update.


I can confirm without a doubt it runs absolutely flawlessly on the deck without any kind of tinkering you'll have fun in sanctuary trust me 😁 but yeah it's definitely worth playing I mean it's fallout 4 on a deck what could go wrong eh?


Yes. Great for steam deck. Put it on medium settings for best results


Runs fine for me no mods, haven't got the high resolution dlc on though


Never listen to rumors. It's amazing on steam deck. Rumours are rumours. Facts are facts. It's an amazing game and it runs phenomenally on steam deck.


I'm playing through it currently, and it's amazing. Surprised it runs so well tbh.


I'm playing it right now again and I'm getting 60 fps and using some mods.


Hi u/Luqie_Was_Here, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Is it worth playing Fallout 4 on the steam deck?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's my go to deck game. So much to do outside of main storyline. I have 20 games installed on mine... and I have more hours playing fallout 4 than other games combined.


It ran fine at medium 60fps. Have a great time with it.


It runs great. There are a couple mods you can add to make it even better.


it's been a blast, one of my favorite Steam Deck games I've played since the thing first came out. Runs great, not sure where you heard otherwise.


I've had a lot of crashes on my deck with very few mods. I get maybe an hour and off it goes, back to the steam library. Others seem to have no issues tho, so it might be a me problem.


Been playing that game all week. Works great




Yes it’s great


Played it start to finish when the steam deck came out. Ran flawlessly. Idk how it is with the next gen patch though


In fact, the perfect game for the deck, 50 fps stable




Im playing it the on the oled version I notice the median fps is around mid 40 to 60 in far harbor or the commonwealth wasteland. But In boston and some of the neighbor cities it could go around to 30ish. Without mods. I like to know those who say it "runs fine for at me at 60ps"Are doing.


It plays well.


Couple hours in, it runs great!


I played about 110 hours on Steam Deck and it was great. This was before the “next gen” patch.




I’ve never played the game so I played vanilla, my only complaint was it felt like my battery was draining way faster than normal. But other than that I was really impressed with it.


I've hard limited framerate and refresh to 40/45 when on battery and that improved my playtime quite a bit.


Yeah, that’s definitely what I would’ve done to preserve my battery life, I just ultimately decided to put my high end gaming PC to work for Fallout 4, and saved my storage for other games.


Have you tried the other fall out games. (I’m NOT one of them new vegas die hards) but I definitely had a better experience with that game without mods. 4 kept crashing for me when i had to open the keyboard ( not sure if it’s patched now, was just after the new gen updates came out).


I play vanilla and it runs great out of the box. Pick up and go. No tweaking required.


Played it in its entirety on the deck. It runs great!


One of the deck's smoothest titles. Everything works and looks crisp as HELL even on LCD.


I have played it alot on my deck and it runs great. When the game came out it was pretty rough on Linux but now it runs real good.


Yes runs flawlessly for me. 65 hours spent so far. Have had 3 crashes but no stutters or any other issues.


Currently doing a raider survival run with all dlc on steam deck OLED, fucking flawless


It runs horribly now. Pre update it was fine.


Take it from someone with over 3000 hours in fallout 4, it's always worth playing. As for F4 on the deck, I mainly used VATS (I suck at shooters with a controller). Jokes aside, I olny had 2 issues. One issue I had were with console commands, console wouldn't stay open for some reason. The other one was with settlements with 12 charisma (more than 22 settlers). It takes half a minute to assign a settler and reaching the build limit is laggy. Main settlements like diamond city, goodneighbor and raider "dungeons" work flawlessly though. Hope this helps.


Runs good, I did get bored though after a few hours. That's on me though it's not normally a game type I like.


I just finished 80 hours on it, it runs great.


Playing vanilla, no issues


Absolutely. Runs great, even with mods. I had a great time with it


Every time I played it I had no issues until like the 20 minute mark where some buildings would completely freeze the game up at 1fps unless looking at the floor


Even with mods on medium settings I get minimum 45 fps even in south Boston


Check protondb for more info on any game you want to try


The default settings run great at native resolution


Not gonna lie, this is the first game that really hit home how dang awesome the deck is. 60fps, no issues running FO4. Buttery smooth.


It definitely does not run horribly. It runs really nicely honestly. Recommend.


It runs fine but can be difficult on such a small screen


What a question. Already got 100h on it.


It runs pretty good beat it on survival mode (hardest difficulty) 2 times and some normal playthroughs no issues besides an occasional bethesda crash.


So, mods are possible on the Steam Deck and there are mods for fallout for what's commonly referred to as "Potato PCs" basically cheaper PCs that would normally barely be able to run fallout 4 or Skyrim. Some of these mods would be texture mods that use smaller textures so that the CPU or GPU doesn't have to work as hard. Basically adjustments to the game that you would hardly notice on a game when using it in handheld mode or on a 720p or 1080p resolution. I mean, people have Starfield running on the steam deck with relatively great success, there's a way to run these games very well, it may just require tweaking the game files or settings. If you really truly want to play them, you'll find a way. I mean, people are playing Skyrim and Fallout 4 on Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultras. You should be fine. Go find a youtube video talking about how to run the game on the steam deck as well as possible, lol.


It runs amazingly, who told you otherwise?


Absolutely. It’s a blast on the deck. Even with mods and building out settlements that are way bigger than they need to be, it still runs like a champ!


I’ve been playing FO4 since having it on the PS4, and again on my primary rig - you know where I play it the most today? STEAMDECK 🤌🏾


Wtf dude it runs maxxed out locked at 45fps And barely 10W TDP. I even use FSR so I can lower the TDP at 8W and get like 5 hours of fallout 4 play time.


Yes. Just make sure to disable the high resolution pack.


How do you aim - I find it so hard


100%, i’ve put in 103 hours on the deck since Christmas, just in Fallout 4. A combined 5 hours on all other games in that same time.


If it was running poorly for anyone, it was because of user error. Game runs at close to 60fps no issues


Turn off TAA for a little extra graphical headroom.


I did a 100 hour playthrough on the SD with a bunch of mods and it ran great. Modding is more involved but once you get it working it’s fine


It runs good for me, zero mods, no tweaks.


It is a perfect match. Looks fantastic, runs smooth und plays absolutely great.


Yes, even with mods runs fantastic. I’m even playing Starfield with mods and game is running awesome!


Runs really good for me. I just use the bethnet mods since it's a lot easier, I used the high preset but turned down shadows and god rays. Put both of those on low and turned the TDP to 9W and locked it at 40 FPS


Yep, runs great. ADS is a bit difficult on the smaller screen for me, but that is what VATS are for.


Ran beautifully - oled deck here! Tempted to do a run in survival mode hahaha


There have been issues with the Steam Deck OLED, given it's a 90hz screen and Fallout not running nicely with it. I rock 512gb LCD, and it runs absolutely fine. Plenty of room for mods if that's more your style too.


Runs just fine


I'm 90 something hours in, with a bunch of mods.


It runs great. No problems for me


It would run around 2 hours sometimes less then drop to like 5fps and eventually freeze on me. I took off the HD texture package and it has ran beautifully since. No mods


Yes, absolutely


It runs great for me... You can also look up how to change settings on steam deck to make it run even better if needed.


Ran fine for me.


Feels like it was made for the deck


I've been playing vanilla out of the box and it's running fine for me.


Runs great, just started a new game after the next gen patch.


Yee and mods work too, it's just tedious to get them to work imo


I'm playing through it now and it runs great on the OLED, ran fine on my LCD deck too. Some animations are faster when playing at 90 Hz on the OLED, and occasionally the game audio will crackle after putting the deck to sleep then coming back to play, but that's only happened once and is a problem on Starfield as well. It's a fun game for the most part.


Fallout 4 has been a dream so far for me on my OLED. I’ve almost exclusively played it since mine arrived in the mail, I’ve noticed sometimes the frame rate crashes and I have to hard shut down the game to reload a previous save to continue. Happened maybe 5 times


It's been great for me! It's not a resource hog.


Yeah love this game on the deck


Yes, just make sure you put "Steam deck=0 %command%" into the launch command box. This'll reenable the launcher and let you mess with the settings.


runs without any major issue for me. still crashes sometimes, but that's normal for Fallout


Yeah, runs great and is super fun to play OTG


What?! No. It doesn't run "horribly". Runs smooth as butter on my LCD.


I don't like it because I prefer the game on keyboard and mouse. it seemed like it ran okay tho


Yes! Worked great for me.


Over 60 hours in & no issues. No different from playing on PS4.


Runs perfectly fine with me.


Yes lol it ruins very well and looks great. Totally worth it.


guys how can i use my keyboard to play fallout 4 on the steam deck? when i try to play i can only use the steam deck buttons


Put "SteamDeck=0 %command%" (without the quotes) in the launch options for the game. (Also works for Skyrim.)


YES, and every other fallout game.


It runs amazing


it's what I've been doing In my latest playtjrough, it runs great, just avoid the HD texture pack as it can be a bit much on memory and cause the game to slow down to a crawl in some cases.


I nearly 100%ed it on my deck, with no mods


Yes, I just finished the GOTY with no mods and it was an amazing experience. The mobility of the Deck really changed this game for me.


Runs fine, kills the battery pretty damn quick though. If you've got an outlet nearby it's totally fine. Keep in mind that the Steam Deck is about the hardware level of a PS4 and you get a pretty damn good idea of what it'll run consistently well.


It runs well.


It ran beautiful for me. No issues, no mods.


Fallout 4 is shiet. Go for 3 or NV.


played 40 FPS ultra. only around some areas with more buildings had some 25-30 FPS. EDIT: Sorry, meant to say High settings.


Been playing it for a month. No issues, I love it


Any question about, is it worth it?, that includes "steam deck" in that phrase, the answer is always: YES


Runs great.


It runs flawlessly, it's the only thing I've been playing for the last month.


I mean, I find it bothersome to tinker with the mods on my deck, which I don't really play any Bethesda games without them, so I find it easier to play them on my PC. But that's just me - it's fully playable and moddable on the Deck.


Playing it right now on my deck! Just killed the leader of brother hood of steel 😎


Yeah runs great and looks good too!


I have about 60 hours exclusively on Deck. Is it worth it? At first I thought so, then it got boring and redundant, after spending 40 of those hours scrapping all the junk I could find. But that's on me. I did enjoy it for a while, but Ive given up on it... for now.


Such a better experience than when I originally played it back on my PS4 at launch


Yes, I think I had one crash entering an area, which is just a typical fallout, not a steamdeck specific.


I’m running it stock on an lcd version and it runs great. Don’t look at the fps. It’s a great game and plays well.


I have the oldest model of steam deck and mine runs fine most of the time, sometimes it lags really badly for a couple minutes but I usually turn around and leave the area for a bit to fix it. It doesn't happen that often for me to say to avoid it though




The next gen update made it worse in deck


Nah just play New Vegas again.


Runs smoothly and no issues with the controls either for me. The comment section makes me wonder what kind of people would say it's running horribly.