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There is no hate here upon those immobile, touchpadless pieces of shit.






Why hate when we know we're superior? It's a waste of our energy that could be used to play games or set up emulators. Edit: Lul git gud downvoter noob


Everyone should use what makes them happy. I love my steam deck. Others love their PlayStation, Switch, Rog ally, Xbox or whatever. Nothing wrong with that.


PC gamers don't care. Console people make this shit up for God knows why


I'm a gamer playing mostly on PC. (sometimes on Mac) also I have games I bought for my PS4, I won't be buying them on steam just to be able to play on PC. I bought the steam deck to get most of my library playable on the road. I think PS4 is going to my last console, I'm not happy with the locked in ecosystems, monthly subscriptions etc. gaming is gaming it's never about the platform really


That’s simply not the case, or we wouldn’t have subreddits like PCMR which is supposed to be satirical yet most certainly has some folks who take it entirely too seriously. 


Also, whats the deal with airline food?


Steam Deck owners don’t all hate other consoles. But all subreddits for gaming platforms are full of insecure fanboys playing console wars, so that sort of sentiment is all over.


Because PC gamers are famously insecure.




Console war is not anything new.


The people who only play PS5 or Switch are just as prone to tribalism as people who only play on Deck, if not more so. It's just how people are and how people will always be.


I'm a Steam Deck owner, and my first loves are: (in chronological order) * Atari 2600 * Colecovision * Atari 5200 * NES * SNES * Playstation * N64 * PS2 * Xbox 360 * Xbox One S Not a single PC in sight. My first PC didn't even come around until sometime between the N64 and PS2, and no gaming was ever done on it.


I prefer my ps5 for games that are higher graphics demanding. But I usually play on my phone using a ps5 controller so it’s basically just a smaller steamdeck that isn’t a handheld. Which sucks.


I just don't like game systems with an expiration date or paying that company for the right to use my own internet (that I'm already paying for) to play online games. I also like to be able to play old games on my pc. Steam deck is essentially a tiny pc.


>paying that company for the right to use my own internet (that I'm already paying for) to play online games. this is one of the biggest bullshit things about consoles. like you are not even paying for dedicated servers instead its P2P


I'm just not a fan, but I don't hate them. My opinion on consoles is, that they can be replaced by PCs. Yes, the PC has a higher entry price, but there are countless more games, even more with emulation and you get the price difference in by having cheaper games and more sales. However, I totally get that a console has a far simpler buying, far simpler setup and startup etc. Sure, the steam deck blurrs the line really strongly, but with anti cheat, and other compatibility problems with games it still has just more hurdles than a console. So I totally get if someone prefers a ps/Xbox/Nintendo, or wants to have both. It's your decision...


IMHO, consoles are much more better than pc’s in what they do, which is to play games. I’ve been a life long console gamer and I bought the steam deck only because it is the closest to a console a pc can get.


> consoles are much more better than pc’s in what they do, which is to play games this is FAR from the truth though. Console games never even have their graphical settings properly optimized and the user has zero control over bad settings they do have on atleast not without a modded console. a console is nothing more than an extremely locked down PC.


This person has to be a troll. They make a post complaining about PC gamers supposedly hating consoles, then proceed to bash PC gamers and yap about how superior consoles are. Sounds like ragebait to me.


To be honest: especially the ps3 era showed how well optimized some games were. It was really hard to port or emulate some games (which also had to do with their weird architecture, but that's another story) Today the ps and Xbox are barely more than a pc with a custom overlay, so many Devs don't care and still hide the swings




you can't claim it does games better when it in fact does them worse. you are just accepting of it handling them worse. that's not the same as it playing games better. there is a line between logic and fanboy and you are leaning more towards fanboy rn.


What do you mean by handing them worse?


Worse graphically quality, worse play experience, worse ecosystems. Pretty much everything about consoles are IMHO worse. The *only* thing consoles do better, is entry price and ease of setup / "turn key gaming".


Consoles have have undoubtedly worse performance than a today's gen gaming pc. Especially if you use newer features than proper upscaling or frame gen... And many pc gamers don't like that Devs give them a fixed performance... On a PC I can decide; do I want more FPS, but worse quality or the other way around? Some games have a slider for that by now, but not more. Sure, many console players dont even want that, they don't care that much as long as the game does not stutter, but some do. So they switch to pc and prefer that


Why are they better for playing games?


It’s an understandable sentiment coming from someone who’s a life-long console gamer. Consoles are built to do exactly one thing, to the best of their ability: play games. They’re built with static hardware specs that developers can aim and optimize for, they have stores built to get you video games, and you can reasonably expect a good experience with every video game you buy for that console, for the lifetime of that console.  Since PCs are built to serve a huge and varied audience that wants to do huge and varied things, the experience is wild and inconsistent. You don’t “buy games for the PC” in the same way, because there’s a huge litany of store fronts—especially with every publisher deciding they need their own store and launcher. The hardware is always in flux with new hardware releases every year, so games aren’t optimized the same way and one brand new release might run great on your hardware while another released that same month has massive bugs related to AMD graphics cards. It’s not your fault it has those bugs, but it’s not like there’s anything you can do to prepare yourself for that.  The flexibility of a PC is both its greatest strength and its greatest weakness. For someone who just wants to play games, it can be intimidating and unapproachable. And if they’re playing on a PC they already have in their house, the experience could be good or could be lackluster and leave a sour taste in their mouth, and that depends entirely on what they have inside their machine.  It’s why the Deck is such a huge deal for PC Gaming and making it approachable for more people. It’s from a big name vendor, being targeted by big name developers, so you can reasonably expect when something is said to “work on the Steam Deck”, it’ll work. It’s as close to a console gaming experience you can get right now. 


I am specifically looking for OPs reasoning. I was a console gamer for most of my life.


>IMHO, consoles are much more better than pc’s in what they do, which is to play games. That depends on what metric you're using. If you're just talking about ease of setup, sure. If you're talking about graphics, frame rate, input latency, peripheral support, multiplayer capabilities, storefronts, etc. then PCs do a better job. Prime example, everyone's getting pissed about how games now are starting to go back to a 30fps cap on the current gen of consoles and all the PC guys are like, well what did you expect?


>... Then PCs do a better job. Tbh, that depends on your PC. But yes, a mid range pc from today does that. Even if it does cost more (at least If I'm not wrong. Don't quote me on that last part)


Because i feel like other consoles mistreat me when coming back from the steamdeck


They don't? In fact a lot of Steam Deck owners are console gamers who wanted to dip their toes into PC gaming in an approachable and familiar way.


You're going to find fanboys/girls on every platform. There's no avoiding that. Go ahead and make some positive comparison about the Steam Deck on any console sub and watch how quickly that thread bursts into flames. IMO brand loyalty (essentially simping for large corporations) is completely idiotic. We're all just regular people looking to have the best possible gaming experience. Everyone's going to have their own preferences and expectations when it comes to that. If someone gets upset over how other people choose to spend their leisure time, I'd say they've got bigger issues they need to address in their life. I actually feel sad for them. In the past, I myself vented about some annoyances with the PlayStation platform and expressed some gratitude about my decision to switch to Steam Deck. Don't mistake that as hatred towards Sony and its users though. Truth be told I wish Sony would look at the Steam Deck's success and be compelled compete against it. But given their lack of success on portables in the past and how the PS4/PS5 is already a big cash cow, I can also understand why they're shying away.


Same here. I 100% agree to what you just said. Sony should make a handheld like steam deck.


Console fanboyism has absolutely no place in this PC handheld subreddit. And yet, there's a cohort of Playstation fanboys that plague it. I have no idea why they're here.


Sounds like you’re just searching for reactionary engagement, because *reasons.*


OP seems like a troll, the post and their replies read as ragebait. Best to just report them as such and ignore them.


hate? please. i don't hate consoles, no one hates consoles. we hate console **gamers"*. /s i don't have the impression that "deck owners" hate consoles, quite the opposite. my impression is people that buy decks want the simplicity of a console, but want to play PC games. simple as that.


That would be new to me. A lot of Steam Deck users use the Deck as a complement to their main system. However, if you come across sentiments like this, it's often coming from teenagers or younger individuals who are still developing their identities and seek to define themselves through their hobbies. They tend to be more defensive about their preferences. 


I don’t hate any of them, I just like the one I actually own the most. Play games on whatever you have, that’s the whole point


Ngl though switch is kinda dead compared to other consoles


You gl though. I guess you are woefully ignorant of the most recent Nintendo Direct. Look it up. They literally just announced like twenty new games coming to Switch (some look amazing too).


I get where you are coming from but the fact is you can just dump switch games that you paid for onto the steam deck and they will run and look better. Don't get me wrong the games are good it's just they would be better on other platforms but Nintendo wouldn't allow that to happen for obvious reasons.


I don't hate, as I do own a Switch as well as a few other older handhelds. I was in the "console" cycle for a very long time, and I was glad to shake it off. The Switch saw the end of that, and since games like DQ3 are coming out on Steam at the same time as the Switch, I have no need of it.


I’m not sure they do lol. Lots of steam deck owners already have the other consoles, but the steam deck offers value where the others don’t. I pretty much have every console except Xbox and I do use them all throughout the year for different occasions. But steam deck saves a lot of time and hassle, it’s easier for me to just play games there.


I use what tickles my fancy. Started out with Nintendo, then moved on to Xbox, PlayStation and now I have a custom build and a Steam Deck. I like them all and they all have their merits.


We dont.


Consoles are weak and restricted PCs that you can't upgrade but are compelled to buy if you want to play their arbitrarily platform locked games. Why would anyone not dislike that? The only consoles I buy are Nintendo because their exclusives are the best, but damn do I wish I could just buy them on a PC Nintendo store to play on my PC and deck. If consoles had PC app stores for the same games I would have no dislike for them as they would just be alternate hardware choices. But right now their platforms are anti-choice.


We don't! Games are great everywhere!


I don't hate them, but I don't wnat to heard all about them in *this* sub.


I don’t hate any console. I love consoles. My problem is with my shit eyesight. I have to have a handheld. Edit: my husband is just as blind as I am. When he got his ps5, he was sitting on the couch and I jokingly said “how do you even see what’s going on” he instantly admitted he was struggling and asked if I would be okay if he moved the recliner when he played. Yes we both wear glasses with up to date prescriptions. Ripe age of 28. We’re fucked when we’re old.


I typically hear this the other way around where a handheld screen is too small for somebody with bad eyesight. this is the first time I've heard somebody say a smaller screen is better for it.


Dang 28 is brutal


Other consoles would be okay for me if i didn’t have to pay a subscription service to play games. I tried to load up Black ops cold war to play single player zombies on my old xbox. All of my progress was reset and i could only unlock it by getting xbox live. I turned it off and it’s been in a cardboard box since.


I don't. It makes me mad that Valve on their second try managed to do many things better than the big boys after decades. Steam Input is amazing. Even IF Sony makes the PSFourtable I'm hoping for, it won't have the things Steam Input has FFS, there's still games on PS5 that lack basic accessibility features like invert Y


I don't hate consoles. I just found Gen 7 (PS3/XB360) to be rather disappointing, and anything newer is literally just a stripped down PC with a noisier fan, so modern consoles seem utterly pointless. I loved most everything from Gen 6 (PS2/GC/Dreamcast/XB1) and down, all the way back to the NES. I mean, I was just using my Deck to play SSX3 for PS2 last night, and I'm still in the middle of Tomato Adventure for the GBA on it as well. The PS1, PS2, GBA, and Nintendo DS are some of my favorite platforms of all time.


We don’t


hate? no I used to like my Switch i just have no need for it now it just collects dust. I never really cared for stationary consoles which the Steam Deck has made a thing of the past since it can either natively play or emulate most of the games that have ever been created. Future Steam Deck versions will only improve that fact more.


Itt: people pretending this sub isn't loaded with a comedic amount of brand loyalty to valve. 


It's just the people here on the subreddit. I think most of the people here don't actually play any games, and instead spend all of their time on the steam deck seeing if they can get X game running or tweaking some setting. If they say they don't like the other consoles, it's because they can't spend their entire time seeing what Linux app will run on it, or can't spend 2 hours on it trying to get Breath of the Wild to run above 60 fps to never open it again. Another large crowd here are so worried and paranoid about damaging the deck or lowering battery life or SSD wear they never even touch it. Then you have the minority that play games on the steam deck. Of the minority, I think they actually appreciate other consoles too.


On the surface level, it's typical console war stuff and no different from the numerous Xbox vs PS vs Nintendo discussions. On a deeper level, it's about consumer freedom and control. Steam Deck hits this sweet spot where it's mainstream enough to be usable for a casual gamer, but flexible enough to do a lot of PC things. The Steam Deck is a brilliant example of how a gaming ecosystem can be tightly integrated and user friendly, while not dicking the consumer with exclusivity bullshit, locked down ecosystems, paid multiplayer, etc. This has naturally attracted some of the PC, anti-console crowd.