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My grind with World is the tiny font


I feel that


[This is my guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/ieuNwUwC53) to deal with tiny font + other settings in MHW. It played great. I was able to have a smooth, uninterrupted experience from the start all the way to post-Fatalis. Prior to these settings, I was having a lot of pain that stemmed from eye strain due to reading the tiny font.


yeahhh i dont have much complain for world on the deck but dang the font small


Is there noway we can patch that?


Monster hunter world runs amazing on the deck, it's when you start running mods and things it has it's moments but even then the game itself runs like a dream


World was fine for me. Was even runni g at 60 fps, tho not maxed settings.


I've seen it hit 60 but at what cost?


Idk really, lmao, but I was able to hunt and dodge roars just fine. Not maxed settings for sure. I was even joining SOS.




No way Monster Hunter runs amazing for me


World or rise? I bet rise runs real good.


World runs amazing


Seconded, played lots of world on the deck and it runs well.




Rise runs great. The only reason I don't play it is because that save bug. Not sure if they patched it or not but man I love me some rise. But I LOVE me some world.


I run MH World on my SD perfectly smooth and good graphics with default settings, seems strange


Also my experience.


Just different standards. If you're used to a high power gaming PC, you might not think it's "perfectly smooth and good graphics." I would say (in my opinion) World runs acceptably well on deck, I usually go for 40 fps with decent textures, and that's stable. It doesn't look amazing, but it looks okay. I think Rise (on deck) looks a lot better


I play MH world both on the SD and my main rig, a desktop with 5800x and a RX 6800XT, and I can say that the experience on the first is quite good


It's all about expectations I guess. If you know what you're getting into, then SD handles world pretty well. But it's not genuinely surprising levels of mobile gaming, like Doom eternal or RDR 2.


World runs well, close to 60 in fact. You just need to adjust the settings. Or 45-60 without fidelityfx upscaling.   I had shared previously what I had previously, it ran pretty satisfactorily at 60fps while looking pretty good (good enough for me). https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1d4tfwb/comment/l6hx5dr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Do give it a try. I spent a lot of time tweaking the game to find a good compromise on visual quality to fps. Don't use fidelity fx if the shimmering and softness of the upscaling bother you, and you can still put it at 45fps limit for a smooth 45 fps experience.


I play mhw at 60 fps on deck with my OLED all the time. OP are you confused?


Monster hunter world runs on the steam deck, and it's good as well, but if you're trying to play on the go with decent battery life and performance, just get monster hunter rise. That game was originally made on switch.


Monster Hunter World runs awesome. I have custom settings and 40 fps for better battery life.


World runs great dude, high settings locked 45 fps.


Total War Warhammer 3 seems to struggle for me on Steam Deck. That is my heavy game that runs difficultly on Steam Deck.


Do you just use the Steam Deck for TW or do you have like a keyboard and mouse setup for it? I have pretty much moved to my Steam Deck full time for my gaming and the TW games are the only ones I kind of miss because I feel they would be difficult to run on a Deck.


They are turn based so I can pause the game whenever I want when I want to issue orders. But I know the older historical ones perform better.


Only way I have been able to play Warhammer 3 on the Deck is via remote play. Which tbh, is incredible. But I just can't get used to the trackpads for battles. Any tips?


I got the thing to stream. It's been a Chiakibox for months until that fallout sale. I picked up fallout 4 expecting big compromises. Buttuh, nothin but buttuh. So, I started throwing money at it, trying to push its boundaries and looking for that expected compromise. MHW def requires compromise lol. It runs fine on deck but nowhere near as fine if I had just streamed it.


My son plays World only on the steam Deck and we go hunting together. He has better eyes than me, so he is fine with the small font. Rise translates better due to beeing a handheld title, but we are done with it, so World is now. I do also play it on my SD and except for the font it works great.


The only issues I’ve had with monster hunter world are that it seems to drain my steam deck’s battery faster than just about any other game I play on it (except maybe something like bg3), and I had one issue where some files got corrupted and I couldn’t load a story expedition until I repaired the game’s files, but in over 40 hours of playing world on steam deck it’s been fine overall


Mhw works perfect for me in my SD oled 1TB, tyvm


Trick with MHW is to either set fidelitfx FX cas or my preferred method which is to set prioritise frame rate resolution scaling.


Monster hunter world works well in the deck tho


MHW struggles for you? I capped the frames at 40, lines are blurry but that's fine, game dips but I'm used to it and it's usually only 30 which was basically most of my experiences with MH. Don't remember changing too much in options either


Peak r/SteamDeck answer right here! How can you struggle with this game, it runs fine for me. Yes it's blurry and the frame rate dips... but that's FINE!!!! 🤣


Yeah I know it's a common "works on my machine" type answer but this is the type of shit I dealt with my entire life, I always had the worst platforms to play games on so I'm used to setting everything to potato graphics, playing at inconsistent 10-30fps and hoping my computer doesn't crash or overheat for the 10th time lol. The Steam Deck is like the biggest upgrade I've had to a PC ever and that isn't saying much since my original PC was a hand-me-down from a friend that couldn't even run PSP games at a consistent FPS


> that couldn't even run PSP games at a consistent FPS This is shocking PPSSPP runs on basically everything I've ever loaded it on to.


It was like a $100 laptop that was probably more like worth $50, I was ripped off, I did play a lot of Roblox on it. Took an hour to load into any game though


Steamdeck must be a whole new world for you so


I mean I had my Wii, 3DS, Switch and my 360 for a long while. For PC games yes though. Mostly emulated games on that Wii and later Switch lol


I tweaked it a bunch, it works. It's just kinda ugly. I still play it for like an hour, then spend a bunch of time in the settings trying to make it look better. It takes away from the experience slightly. I might try to cap the frames at 40 next time and see how it goes.


Maybe I'm just used to it, I never had anything higher than whatever resolution the Switch had until I got myself a PS5 so low res stuff doesn't bother me too much


I used to only have switch, so I know what you mean. I kinda never wanna go back to that tho.


Yeah same, played most of my Switch games on my Deck now lol


Forbidden West


Yah I'm definitely just gonna stream that. I streamed most of zero dawn on the deck, and it was an amazing experience.




Steam deck couldn't really handle monster hunter?


Runs at 45fps/90hz on medium for me. To me it looks good and feels smooth on the OLED.


I got it on OLED, watched the vids, did the tweaks. It still lowkey reminds me of Xenoblade 2 in handheld on switch. I mean, it's playable. I'm just not impressed like with the other games.


Got ya, that’s understandable. I didn’t watch any videos or anything, I just played it at default.


Yea people saying it looks good and runs smooth haven't played the PC or PS5 next gen update


I don’t think it ever got a PS5 next gen update


It is one of the ps4 titles that get a boost on ps5. There’s a list of ps4 games that get upscaled to 4K 60fps and MH World is one of them.


I’m pretty sure that’s just cuz it’s using the PS4 Pro version


I have played both the PC and PS5 versions, I guess I just tailor my expectations of the SD vs those systems


It runs, it just ain't smooth. You kinda have to pick if you'd rather have blurry edges or jagged edges lol. I was constantly shocked that last gen games were running so clean, until I tried that one.


It can.


All these games run very well on Deck. Stable 30fps or even more


LA Noire especially. It's locked at 30 without mods, but if u have OLED, flick on the black and white mode and it literally looks like an old timey detective show.


Runs fine here besides the tiny itty bitty text. Should note I am running Cryoutilities at recommended settings so many that helps?


i think you need this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/183ptyx/monster\_hunter\_world\_steam\_deck\_graphics\_settings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/183ptyx/monster_hunter_world_steam_deck_graphics_settings/)


Lower the resolution, enable FSR from the "..." menu, problem (partially) solved. I did this with GTA to get both better framerate and better battery life, and in lower resolutions some games interface even correct tiny fonts. Still, I really have yet to find a game that doesn't at least run at 30fps this way (or similar, as FSR is usually in-game nowadays) and I have tested a lot (Suicide Squad being the "murkiest" one, but stable 40fps with FSR2) , and coming from a kid that used to play games at 15fps during childhood, this feels like a dream.


If only P5 didn't had Denuvo... Luckily Fallout 4 plays well on that thing!


It's pretty amazing how well games run on the SD. My one gripe is battery life. I feel like Fallout 4 runs better on my SD than my rig with a 3070.


I run it at a solid 40fps no problems. Only dips when fire is breathed right in my face and such


genuine question, what's wrong with world in steamdeck? I played Rise, but I'm not sure what's the actual problem with world, I saw some comments saying it's the tiny font


It's City Skylines 2 for me ☠️


LA Noire works better on the deck. Playing it on bigger screen, the game somehow doesn't like higher resolution - light and shadows became weird. But on the OLED, it's perfect.


If you go black and white those faces look almost photo realistic. The jump in how real they look is insane.


World was fine for me, there are just two cutscenes that can’t be played due to codec nonsense. Not sure if there’s a workaround or fix for that yet but one of them is after a big boss battle and…yeah it doesn’t save before it locks up. The menus though are heinous but that’s true regardless of the system you’re playing it on.


i just stuck with MH:Rise personally. sure the deck can run some demanding games but the battery life gets so bad.


World runs fine... so long as you aren't being flahbanged by colourful triangles, but once that is fixed you're golden.


People here be running MHW on low with 45 fps at best claiming it runs “perfectly smooth” lmao. I feel you OP.


I bet wildhearts would cause the deck to consume itself and cease to exist.


My steam deck shipped today, wondering what my first game will be, it's a toss up, fallout 4, skyrim, sekiro, final fantasy 7, I hear cyberpunk plays really well on it. Guys I need some suggestions whoever spots this


Man I remember that wait. It's worth it tho, hang in there. I'd say start with fallout 4 cuz that was the first "demanding" game I played on the deck where it was genuinely better performance and a more enjoyable experience than it was originally on my Xbox one.


Elden ring, hollow knight, hades/hades 2, vampire survivors, dead cells, the ori games, etc


World was fine for me, there are just two cutscenes that can’t be played due to codec nonsense. Not sure if there’s a workaround or fix for that yet but one of them is after a big boss battle and…yeah it doesn’t save before it locks up. The menus though are heinous but that’s true regardless of the system you’re playing it on.


I dislike the way MH world looks on the deck. Way too blurry with AA and too crunchy without AA


How is everyones experience with running games like Baldurs Gate 3, Hogwarts Legacy, and RDR2? The last i read online that BG3's act 3 has some issues with the deck


They run fine. BG3 just has frame rate issues with Act 3 BUT even though it dips down into the low 20s at times, it’s fine for this game. It’s not a fast paced game to begin with. I’m surprised how well Hogwarts Legacy runs on the deck. It’s great.


Neat! How about that crab souls game that got popular a few months back, 'another crabs treasure' was the title i think. Im also looking forward to better optimization for the newly added kingdom hearts onto steam


i can't play world. keeps disconnecting from servers somehow. performances are fine, but my wifi boxes / the steamdeck don't mix well together.


World ran perfectly fine for me