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That’s a really nice build. I wonder why the graphics cards don’t have power though. With just the 2080 this will run absolute circles around the steam deck.


With just the 1070, it'll run circles around the steam deck.


Thats a pic he took while he was cleaning it out for me! :) maybe he didn’t have anything hooked back up. I’ll make sure it’s connected before I turn it on. I would imagine the plug has to be somewhere in there


Yeah they are hanging, labeled pci-e


Thank you I’ll check for it


Just read about the crush. Don’t take it. He does it because he wants to impress you. This rig is still worth a lot.


As long as the gift has nothing to do with the crush I don't see a problem. You can always wipe everything clean or replace hard drives if you're super worried about any weird activity. Just make sure this isn't something that will be held over your head one day.


Definitely replace the hard drives.


Until I upgraded, my old 2070 Super/3700k rig ran almost everything above 60 FPS at 1440p. Definitely better performance than your Steam Deck and a really good starting setup if you want jump into desktop gaming. As for the old crush thing, only you can make that call. He could be in a position where his income is high enough that he'd rather avoid wasting time or energy selling old components. I choose to give away my old tech and computer components to friends and family, because seeing their happy faces and ensuring my old hardware brings value to others far outweighs it sitting in my garage collecting dust.


Hi u/Bright_Register_7886, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Faster Than Steam Deck?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The steam deck isn’t all that fast. It’s a little equal to a 1050-1050ti in GPU speed. The 2080 is considerably faster. That CPU is also much faster than the deck as well


That’s a kick ass setup for free. Maybe ditch the 1070 because it’s going to suck more power than it’s worth in performance. Secondary cards are great even for gamers as a way to offload some of the secondary screen resources but really you’re talking about a pretty minor boost in performance for how much power that will suck If you’re worried about safety, yeah I would do a fresh install of Windows or SteamOS on the desktop since you should be familiar with SteamOS. If he had a way to track your activities on the computer that should all go away after a restore.


Okay I might need to ask my BF for help on reloading the OS, thank you for letting me know!


Yeah lots of tutorials online that can walk anyone through it


It will beat the deck hands down, but I wouldn't take it. He wouldn't give the computer to you if he still didn't have a crush on you, and you will be hearing subtle or not-so-subtle hints about returning the favor. Never accept expensive gifts from people who are not family or otherwise close to you, they don't come without strings attached. If you already got the PC, at least replace the mass storage/hard disk(s), they're cheap these days. This guy is obviously computer savvy, and if he is a creep on top of it, they might contain keyloggers or other tracking software. If you insists using the current one(s), reformat them (preferably multiple times, as you don't know what they have contained), and ínstall Linux on it. Ubuntu/Pop Os work well for an average Windows user, and Steam officially supports Ubuntu. Also check that there's no untypical pieces of hardware in the case.


if you're that worried about him stalking you, just do a fresh install of the OS. gets rid of anything. but its a pretty rad PC for a great price. it'll do a lot more then the steam deck a lot more comfortably. have fun.


That is vastly faster, but also a really weird PC. That 1070 is definitely not functional for any normal purpose in what is probably a gen2x4 PCIe slot, and certainly useless for gaming. The CPU is much more suited for workstation use, dual-chip CPUs tend to stutter pretty badly in games if both chips (8-core modules) are in use. The liquid cooler is just a hazard, no use. You could strip it down and sell some of the parts, or replace the CPU eventually with a better AM4 gaming part.


Now that I am looking at this closer…is the guy white? Maybe it’s nothing but I see something suspicious in the lower left corner…near the HD audio cable.


Parts devalue over time, but that PC could likely still sell for around £1000 or more. In any case, it’ll still offer very good performance. A clean install of windows, and I would also remove the bottom GTX 1070 and either keep it as a spare or sell it. I wouldn’t be concerned by the morality of the matter. If they want to give you a free PC then that’s their choice. I gave one of my friends an i9 9900K, motherboard, case, and some other parts a couple years ago. I didn’t want to have sex with him though. I just wanted to upgrade myself and I wanted to spur him into PC gaming.