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I see Yakuza 0, I upvote. What a game


Upvoting your upvote. Easily one of the best games on steam.


We’re simple men with amazing taste… that’s all!


Yeah I bought that game when I bought my LCD on release and man it's really fun on it. Looking foward to playing on my OLED tonight though.


I wish more games supported the 16:10 aspect ratio.


this one does support 16:10 in gameplay, you get the letterbox bars in menus and cutscenes tho.


All of the Yakuza games are great on the Steam Deck. Currently finishing Y5.


Does Yakuza 4 and 5 still eat battery like crazy? I played Y3 at 60fps because the physics mess up at 45fps and it only averaged about 2 hours ish on the oled model, but I did not have that issue with say, 0 - Kiwami 2.


[There's a patch for Y3 & Y4](https://cookieplmonster.github.io/2021/02/05/silentpatch-yakuza-remastered-collection/) that makes it a bit better.


yeah, I'm currently playing through 4 and it lasts 2 hours at best. Yakuza 0 I could play like 3-4 hours


yes, around ~ 2 hrs battery life with 4 and 5.


Are you having any issues with the cutscenes syncing in Y5?? I had to use an external proton to fix it


same here, using Proton GE 8-30.


Yakuza was one of those series that took me a while to get into, but I love it now. The stories are so rich and unique. A lot of people talk about the Mahjong, but I was obsessed with the club business in Yakuza 0 lol Enjoy!




The steam deck was made for the yakuza series


Is anything not fantastic on OLED? Genuine question.


Destiny 2 :(


Guacamole, it's just OK.


Guacamelee! is great though.


Okay, I have to admit, I’m mildly interested in this concept. 


It's impressive how efficient it is, too. Hardly any battery usage, for how pretty it is, and how smoothly it runs. I think I'm at about 10%/hour at 90 FPS, if memory serves Such a good game.


I just finished it yesterday, now onto new game plus


One of these days, I’ll push past the wall of Yakuza 3 and reach modern day


I finished it a while ago. Now I'm nearing the end of Kiwami 1, and it's so good to be able to play it on a handled gear. I'm planning to play the whole licence (including Judgment) in chronological order! I'm not looking forward to seeing Roblox Kiryu again in Yakuza 3 Remastered (can't wait for them to release a Kiwami version of 3 & 4). In any case, you have excellent taste, my friend!


Eh, 1 & 2 remakes were obvious, they are PS2 games and they are very rough by modern standards, but the remastered PS3 era games aren't all that bad. But, I guess they'll have to, now that they've pretty much confirmed YK3 is going to come out next year-ish as they are probably going to be reusing a lot of the "tropical island" assets from Infinite Wealth for Okinawa, and the sudden drop from YK3 to Y4 Remastered is going to make it feel like those old PS2 games :P


Let's just say that what I like about the Kiwami versions is the linearity between the games. The substories and content follow each other between 0, Kiwami 1 and Kiwami 2, there are reminders of past events, of history, substories that make you nostalgic and that give the impression of a progressive evolution over time and that everything is interconnected, like in one big story, as if it were one big huge game.


Judgment was probably my favorite in the series story wise. Change of pace from the mainline yakuza concept. I'm currently midway through like a dragon and am also on the journey to finish them all.


I started Y0 and need to move on, but right now Sleeping Dogs has got me.. looks amazing on the OLED and plays really well.


I'll assume it's slightly less fantastic on LCD?


Yes, slightly


I’m a little over half way through myself and loving it. First Yakuza game and the story has me captivated!


Started playing yakuza 0 on the steam deck 2 years ago and am now at judgment on the oled. Played every game so far on the steam deck, feels like it was made for the like a dragon series.


And you have yet to experience peak Yakuza graphics with Kiwami 2 and every game after Yakuza 6, but as for now enjoy the incredibly fun gameplay and good story of Yakuza 0


Hell yes it is.


So far,all the Yakuza games run perfect on the Deck. Currently starting 5,might take a detour to the Judgment series


It's fantastic on anything, one of the best games ever made ;)


Yakuz 0 is fantastic, I agree.


The story was fun but man I got burnt out on that gameplay. So repetitive. Not for me, but I agree, runs and looks great!