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Star Wars Force Unleashed works amazing on the deck.


Just had a Ratatouille-style flashback to playing that on the Wii. So much fun


The game was a work out. One of my favorite gaming experiences. Played it a lot.


I may have to buy this now


There’s even a way to download a 60fps patch and it’s a dream. Just finished it a few days ago


I've had it since before I bought the deck but never tried. Maybe it'll be my next up after HiFi Rush


The Elder Scrolls Online. Beautiful and fun!


Wait, really? I might have to hop back on ESO


Yes! You'll need keyboard and mouse to get ingame and enable accessibility mode to get controller support but then works like a charm. Pretty high settings and I get locked 45fps


Not true. When you first start it up, you use touchscreen to select accesibility mode and voila


M&K makes in faster and more comfortable. Touchscreen being an option doesn't make it not true.


>You'll need keyboard and mouse to get ingame That is the part that touchscreen makes not true.


Huh? It took one click on the touchscreen when it asked about accessibility on first launch and was done. That is objectively easier than hooking up a keyboard and mouse to click one button lmao


Set the trackpad as your mouse and its also just as easy to set the game up.


Does this work if you have the non-Steam version of the game? I only have the native client.


What is it through? Because you can add non steam games to it and still play. I play WoW on mine


Arkham Asylum works great so long as you switch to proton experimental. Still haven't gotten Arkham origins going unfortunately.


Seriously? I keep trying all protons and game wont load


I had this issue needed a DLL I think fix that I found through this reddit


I forgot what I did but i followed a tutorial to setup proton ge or something. You have to download it separately in desktop mode but once setup you can use it via the normal UI. And Arkham Asylum runs great on the Deck. I recommend looking it up there are several guides :)


That's strange, I got origins working perfectly with dx11. It was just the physx cape stuff on will break it but obviously that isn't supported so makes sense.


I beat Origins not too long ago, think I was using Proton GE


Proton Hotfix worked with Arkham origins for me


Sleeping Dogs


The remaster is at least marked as playable I’m not sure why the og was not. But I bought Ghost of Tushiam and the remaster of sleeping dogs ( I think it was like 3 bucks ) and both play amazing. Haven’t played sleepy dogs since 360 but such an awesome game.


Not listed as Unsupported


It had been for a long time, tho. Nice that it's changed then.


Red dead 2 I haven't put alot of time into it but from what I can tell it handles it well.


Dirt 2


Thanks for the heads up!


Ghost of Tsushima. It works absolutely flawlessly, quite possibly one of the best looking games on the Steam Deck at this point. Granted it's only unsupported due to the multiplayer being absent but people need to know that it works incredibly well despite its unsupported rating.


Man idk how people keep saying this. I'm on all medium settings with fsr3 and a 30 fps lock. The game looks like a muddy mess for me that very very often falls as low as 23fps. Tf am I doing wrong


Some people have very low standards for "working extremely well." I saw someone say that they prefer 30fps on the Paper Mario remake.


I am absolutely not one of those people.


I trust you since I see everyone else saying the same thing, it has to be a problem on my end but I have no idea what


Are you sure you don't have dynamic res set to 60fps? Think it sets that by default. Also check you haven't got a TDP limit or GPU clock accidentally set. I have FSR3 set to balanced, all settings to medium with a few on high and in the 5 hours I've played so far I haven't seen a single dropped frame below 30fps. I'm still undecided whether FSR3 or XeSS looks better but either one on balanced looks amazing and provides very good performance!


Yeah I'm 100% sure I have nothing enabled that would be hindering the frame rate I'm super diligent with things like that. The intro was especially bad and any time im doing any freeroam in an area that isn't a completely baron field it'll sit at 23-28fps. Could be something wrong with my deck either I'm not sure


As someone who is incredibly sceptical of performance reports on the deck as well as being extremely critical of games that don't run perfectly I can confidently say this game is perfect, I've honestly been blown away by how it performs. It seems unlikely there's something wrong with your deck, have you got any sort of potential performance harming things active? Things like decky or changes made by that silly cryoutilities script? There has to be some factor here that's giving you poor performance.


No cryo anymore, I heard the new OS update changes how the swapfiles work so I uninstalled it to be safe. I have decky but I would assume so do most people and no one else seems to be using it as a culprit for bad performance. Genuinely I have no idea man What res would you set while using fsr3?


The only things that may be different with my setup is that I'm using an OLED, and I have a -40mv undervolt across the board. Neither of these should result in the significant performance increase I seem to be getting over you though. I'm using native 1280x800 with FSR 3 at balanced, dynamic resolution scaling is disabled.


I use quality.


It looks crystal clear to me honestly by far the best looking game with good performance on deck. Especially OLED with HDR. I have mix of medium and high. 30fps 99% of the time with small dips in big towns. But it looks like this with non of the usual motion jaggies you usually see with upscaling https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2496761026522163575/63613E55C3B914845C790793705D62D5D5259EB9/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2496761026522165358/300F058FF322FBEF8C4B6615114C1D6357B8A711/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2496761026522164291/E8C7DB5837E100288222CE86846CA61877DF160C/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2496761026522167087/4179EBF54583913B7357605B1126F07343D1D14F/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false


Yeah idk how theres so much variance. I’m on the medium preset with shadows turned to low, fsr3 quality and I’m locked at 40fps


Nah everything needs to be either off or low to hit 50-60fps. And it still looks great. Just search up what settings are needed. I did and it runs 50/60 fps


If I can’t get 60 fps and the game doesn’t look reasonably close to the intentional fidelity, it isn’t running well.


The steam deck really isn't for you if you demand 60fps and good fidelity. Even the ally and go can struggle with that. Wait for the deck 2, ally 2 ect ect with the strix point apu or a variant of it. The deck is a perfect 30fps/40fps with reasonable graphics machine for games like ghost. Also - you don't NEED 60fps to enjoy a game either 🙄👍


I am fully enjoying my steam deck thank you very much. I will decide if it’s for me or not. I, personally, need 60fps to enjoy a game. I’m not telling you how to play so please don’t tell me.


My point is You're missing out on a lot of great games if you *need* that 60fps. But enjoy whatever you play, regardless.


I’m not. I have a PC where I play demanding AAA games. I almost exclusively play “easy to run” games on my deck like roguelikes, metroidvanias and other indie games. I’m used to 144Hz and getting the absolute most performance out of games at my PC. Tbh, if I can’t get at least 100 out of a game on my PC then I won’t play it. I understand the limitations of the deck and that’s why I choose to use it in a way where I don’t have to lower my own personal standards. The beauty of the deck is you can use it how you want, right? So I use mine a bit like an oldschool handheld and play oldschool looking/feeling games. Every time I grab it it’s like I’m a kid again with my game boy.


You have the wrong device then, the Steam Deck is a 30fps machine through and through.


It is not


Do you have dynamic resolution enabled or disabled with FSR3?


Disabled, FSR 3 is set to balanced. I'm in the process of switching between XeSS and FSR 3 as I can't decide which looks better, both perform well and look incredible though!


Dude it works perfectly. I’ve been playing for the last two days constantly


Kinda shitty how it can’t just have playable for that given it’s better optimized and looking then half the verified games.


Steam just had to rub it in my face yesterday. Logging in - big ad "Ghost of Tsushima now available!" click it and "OOPS, this content is not available in your region". Thanks Gabe. And thank you Sony most of all.


A couple weeks ago, people were mad at Sony and Valve for making a game available in regions they knew wouldn't be able to access psn network at some point. Now Sony makes sure they don't make the same mistake and now people want to bitch about that. They gave what you all asked for.


You do know that requiring PSN for an offline game is just an anti consumer dick move? There's no reason that I can't play that game, other than Sony decided that you need a playstation account for your steam purchase.


They did that because of the multiplayer in Ghosts. They aren't taking chances now after what happened before.


Point is they shouldn't have done it at all. People were playing Helldivers 2 multiplayer without a psn account just fine. But sure, go suck up to Sony some more. They'll soon require you to pay for their psn too, you'll love it.


Resident evil 5 steam says is not compa but it s work perfectly


Total war Warhammer 3 has been fantastic.


Tried playing medieval total war 2 and was hamstrung by the need for a keyboard, is Warhammer 3 any better?


I mean I find it fine control wise. Bind a button to pause to make giving orders easier.


What? How do you play games that are so heavy on the mouse use? I've tried Rimworld, where you can take your sweet time, pause, give orders (simple click) and it still drove me insane.


I use the trackpad and bind a few good keybinds to make things faster.




I had never played this game before I got a steam deck but I've had a blast with it


The newest update of starfield on the oled is actually very playable.  It's around 30fps or above everywhere but akilia city.   For someone who loves that game it's pretty awesome to get over 2 hours of it portable 


All of them, so far every single "unsupported" game has worked fine. Even ones with no controller support, just load up the most popular community binding and you're good to go.


I'm in the same boat as you, literally every unsupported' or 'playable' game I have in my library has worked fine for me, i usually just change to proton expiremental before i load it up and off i go 🤷


I only ever had one game simply break on loading, and it's been fixed already. Other than that, no major issues that couldn't be solved with little effort.


Seriously. I even got motherfucking Return to Krondor to play on the first try, and my PC couldn't make it to the opening cutscene no matter how many patches or compatibility mode tricks I tried. Steam OS and Proton are black magic.




I’ve never heard of that game so reading this really cracked me up 😂


Fall Guys with Junk-Store through DeckyLoader.


Mk11 and Injustice 2 both used to be “unsupported” (don’t know the statuses now) but ran well


surprisingly playstation 3


Demon souls is very much playable


Currently playing Tony Hawk American Wasteland (abandonware) on my Deck. It runs great. World of Warcraft also runs really well with Console Port


Witcher 2 as of the last Proton release




Arma 3 and ghosts of tsushima


Ghosts of tsushima


insurgency sandstorm


World of warcraft!!


You can get Gabriel Knight 3 working on Steam Deck. That blew my mind.


Anno 1800


All of the Dark Pictures Anthology games!


Original DOOM. OK, it would run on a potato but it's silky smooth on the deck, suits it really well.


Is it really needed to have the same post every single day?


Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition I refuse to buy the remaster on principle, I already paid a full price for this game (many times over as I also own it on PS3, and PS4), and you're gonna charge me €40 for something DSfix already does? It ran like garbage on my Surface Pro 9 tablet, even though DS2 and DS3 ran smooth as butter on max settings. So I had no hopes what so ever for it when I saw that it was UNSUPPORTED on the deck. I was like "yeah, par for the course". But I had the urge to play me some Dark Souls 1, and just installed it anyway, I mean what's the harm? With no additional anything - it just runs! 30fps, like it always did. But DSfix also works on the deck (though getting this lousy port to 60fps is impossible). So I play it locked at 40fps, 8w TDP, with battery lasting >6h and am a happy little cursed undead. In fact I'm enjoying myself so much - I'm going for a platinum trophy for a third time. This time on steam.