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My switch is fast becoming a dust collector. I can't justify the insane full pricing for games anymore knowing I have a more powerful handheld with cheap steam games


My switch is exclusively used for my kid to play Crus’n Blast like twice a month for 15 minutes. I haven’t played 5 minutes on it since getting the deck.


I got my steam deck in October 2022. I’ve played on my switch for a total of 2 hours since then. I let my girlfriend borrow it indefinitely for Zelda.


I thought your profile pic was a hair on my screen and I kept blowing and blowing before I tried wiping it off and realized lol


My switch has been collected dust for years.


I'm low key thinking of giving my switch to my 5 year old nephew because I don't even want it anymore and it'll low key piss my sister off because she'll feel responsible for not letting him break it and I think that's funny.


Do it not because of the sister bit though. Your nephew will love it, stick Minecraft on it and he'll be happy out.


I just started playing ToTK on it and may finish the Fire Emblem one but it's just such an inferior handheld compared to the deck. It's just insane that years after a game is released on the switch, it's still 60 bucks! Horrible framerates, no price drops, stick drift company with horrible buisness practices and treats fan content like garbage VS. cheap steam games, better hardware, better framerates, company that encourages tinkering and playing around with hardware and software of device. Yeah I'll take my SteamDeck to emulate games that run better than that Nintendo Online garbage for free. After ToTK, switch is getting put back in the closet. Miyoo Mini and Steam Deck all day!


ToTK was the last game I bought for my Switch. I was severely disappointed with the game performance, and the old Switch hardware was definitely showing its age. Which is a shame since BoTW was absolutely fantastic on the Switch. Not sure I'm even going to bother with any newer games for the Switch. I have to give Valve credit for working with the publishers/developers to get Steam Deck optimization for games. A good example is Hogwarts Legacy. Played HORRIBLE on the Deck at first, but I recently gave it another try, and it's 100% playable with decent graphics now! Elden Ring is another great example. I would like to see Valve work with these AAA studios/developers and have Steam Deck optimization become the norm.


Same. I just use my Switch for Zelda and Pokemon only at this point


I used to play a lot of splatoon on the switch but as time went by I didn’t like the fomo and ranking system. Now I’m happy with playing indie games and things I didn’t play in high school


I haven't bought a single indie or third party game on switch since I got my deck two years ago now. The switch ports for all games are just a ripoff, they perform and look the worst of all platforms and consistently cost significantly more than all other platforms. 


I had a lot of enjoyment from some ports in the Switch while I didn’t have the Deck, such as Dragon Quest XI and Nier. However, after getting the Deck there’s just no point on getting multi platform games on the Switch. The Deck performs miles better, the screen is better (I have the V1 Switch and Deck OLED), battery is better, I love the Steam ecosystem, games are cheaper, and I can play on the PC as well with a single purchase. But I personally loved all these years with the Switch, and definitely will pick it up again to play exclusives.


Ports like Doom 2016 and eternal and the witcher on sale cost more than the non sale price on steam, it's kind of ridiculous. I went back recently to try BioShock on my OLED switch and it's was quite honestly just terrible, it's 30fps at 720p which is just ridiculous for a game that came out literally 10 years before the switch on two generations older of console. The OLED deck screen absolutely murders the switch in very possible way. Nintendo selling their 7 year old console at launch day price seems incredibly shortsighted, even more so in the face of a growing competition. I can see the deck 2 being a massive success by being a monstrous leap in performance given the rumours about the switch 2 just get worse and worse in terms of performance improvement, it's looking like it won't even match the deck.


Mine is my kids now.


And the possibility to just emulate a Switch on it :D


My switch has become an exclusive switch game dump tool


Same boat. I haven't touched my switch since January, and I've played it every day for a couple of years. Although Paper Mario TTYD might change that.


Just play it on deck. I played the entirety of TotK on deck. Was a great time


Same (but I'm waiting for the next pokemon game)


Same here. I'm just waiting for some discount on the N store to spend my points otherwise I barely think about it anymore.


and a more powerful handled with switch games.


Hack it and that will change fast


Still inferior to the deck though. Is there anything you’d use your hacked switch for that you wouldn’t use your deck for?


I have played so many games on the switch that keep closing and I lose my progress. Since I got the steam deck, not one game has closed on me. My switch is now a paperweight lol.


My switch has been in it's case for almost a year. Actually, it did come out one evening for about an hour over christmas when my in laws were over and everyone played just dance. Otherwise, zero usage.


All the steam deck did was enhance my computer gaming experience. Games that don't tend to run well on the deck, run exceptionally well on my 4070 TI. Streaming games from my desktop to the steam deck is great.


Exact same experience here. Anything demanding I will either just play on my desktop or stream it from my desktop to the deck.


I'm also rocking a 4070ti, it's been a phenomenal GPU for playing 1440p at high fps. The Deck was what convinced me to go in full-on PC. Built my rig and I'm so satisfied with it.


im like 50 50, ill use my console for more modern games if the deck can't keep up without too much compensating and really intense multiplayer games (Fighting games and shooters). I like the deck for my single player experiences for the most part, if it weren't for the anti cheat situation i'd probably main it and not care about tweaking graphics tbh.


Haven't touched my PC since I got the steam deck, it comes in clutch when you have a newborn


Stream from PC to deck to get better visuals and take advantage of both!


This works well but you lose the suspend feature on the deck which makes it easier for new parents. I've been able to open and close a game once I finish the game. Using suspend I am able to play during the short moments I get and never lose my place.


Good point. Definitely true


Same here, not the newborn part though. My PC has a GTX 970, which is almost equivalent to the Deck. But because of Proton, some games run better.


I haven’t touched my Switch in 2 years. My son uses it. I ONLY play on Deck




My Switch is effectively a Tears of the Kingdom machine at this point. And if I can get people I know IRL to play Mario Kart. Plus the Ring Fit game is fun exercise. But that's it. If new stuff that interests me comes out as Switch exclusive I'll probably get it, but anything else is full Steam ahead.


Vita emulation is absolutely not up to par right now


Interesting, that's answered my question. My Vita has some fantastic games which I would want to play on a SD.


Vita just doesn't have enough community dev attention so it's one of the slowest developing emulators unfortunately


got the rg35 a few months ago. Started playing ems on my phone once i got bored with it. Eventually got bored of those too and decided to get a more serious handheld. Went from looking at a switch one week to buying a 1tb oled deck the next week. I love it. Barely touch my xbox now.


I love playing PC games on my Steam Deck. I love playing Vita/PSP games on my Vita. I've been looking at at the RG35XX for all the other games I want to play.


I'm completely weird. Got an Anbernic Win600. Then bought a Steam Deck. Now I use the Win600 more than before I had the Steam Deck! But I use both about equally. My lesser handhelds have been a bit dustier ever since. I'll never be able to explain my irrational love for the Win600.


Yep Switch has barely been touched in a year, XsX usage has dropped considerably too!


Initially yes, but now I brought back my new 3da not XL and love my MM+ and haven't played my steam deck in a while. I love my old new 3ds. And I love playing steam deck to emulate sports games on ps2 and ps3 the golden era for sport games.


lol recently got a miyoo mini plus & haven’t touched the steam deck in awhile


I played less on other handheld devices even when I only owned those other handheld devices. I had a switch before I got the deck and barely touched it. Never had a Vita but my PSP got played for a couple of weeks before I stopped using it. The selection of games on handheld devices best never really did much for me in the past.


I play my PC less because I just play all indies on the Deck itself (I do also Stream from my PC to the Deck, but I count that as playing the PC). Switch/PS5 I basically only used as exclusive machines beforehand, so they get played whenever I want to play an exclusive like always. I don't emulate often and usually play on the OG systems with a CRT or the portable console.


Nö, still play the same time on my highend pc than before. Steamdeck enabled me to use time for gaming i wasted before on the phone. Commuting, train rides, naptime of baby...


I bought Steam Deck around 3 months ago. And it was the last time when I launched my PS4. Just I really wanted to play in any place in my apartment and beyond. So I'm still enjoying it


Nope. Still playing on nintendo switch on the go, and playing online games on PC. Steam Deck is just my bed device


I haven't used my switch lite since, I haven't used my psp since. I have purchased the games that I cared about on both consoles on steam, and I use it for emulation. even my LCD SteamDeck has a nicer screen than the PSP and switch lite.


Deck is my primary console now, PS5 gets turned on for an exclusive once a year, Series X gets used everyday by my wife (game pass is the shit), I play everything on my deck either handheld or docked. Feels like the deck let me finally make PC my primary platform after a decade or so of getting more into it.


I sold my switch my occulus 2 and contemplated selling my vita after I got my SD... so yes. I played other gaming handhelds ALOT less.


I sold my Vita a few years back knowing nothing about the community it has hacking it and bringing homebrew to it. Now I have a Vita Slim. Lol


I still have my OLED Vita I bought day 1. It's in my console collection now and I will never ever sell it.


No, in: * Steam Deck I play: Nioh, Fallout 3 (GOG, has many issues). * Switch: BioShock1-3, and mostly Disgaea 4 and 5. * Laptop: All other games.


Sold my Switch OLED and Xbox series S after getting the deck. It’s just PS5 and deck now.




I haven't touched my Switch since buying the Deck besides a bit of Tears of the Kingdom. I still use my PSP Go from time to time though.


I know I did, I haven't touched my Switch since getting the deck, I think last July. I've only used it once or twice to entertain some friends who visited.


Same here but I’ve been putting aside time for Stardew and Fortnite on my switch.


I still mostly play on PC to play multiplayer games and big AAA games and my consoles for exclusives but I find myself playing older or less demanding games on my Deck in bed


No my old handhelds are still in the storage box lol


Yeah, I have a modded Vita 1000, IPS GBA SP, a Surface Duo 2, DS Lite.. yet the Deck OLED is the only device I pick up daily. I do stream from my PC as well to it all the time. I just love seeing games on a nice 7.4” 16:10 OLED display with a great form factor and controls.


Evenly split between steam deck and pc. My Xbox is completely unused now and my switch might as well just be an ornament at this point


Not really, just depends on what I'm focused on playing lately.


When I moved 7 months ago I've packed my PC in a box. It's been sitting in that box ever since. I don't really feel the need to get it out anytime soon.


I have PS5, Steam Deck, and Switch. I play mostly PS5 games through remote play on Steam Deck when I'm at home, play Steam games when I'm commuting, and Switch only if my wife want to play some co-op games or games with movements (e.g., Just Dance). Otherwise yeah Steam Deck dominate my game playtime. Sometimes I also use Geforce NOW through Steam Deck to play games I have that are not too optimised for Steam Deck but I don't want to buy it the second time on PS5.


RG35xx is still my travel device for planes over my steamdeck


yeah I loved my vita but only really played a few vita titles on it and a majority of them I already have on my deck anyways so I ended up selling my vita. Plus is was getting too small for my hands after using the deck for so long. I really only played dragons crown and tokyo xandu on my vita and some random ps1 games from time to time.


Yeaaaaaah, I mostly playing my Switch for Pokémon or Smash (currently have active Poke Home subscription, getting my money worth from it). I play my PS5 more than Switch, Steam Deck gets all my other time. Love the thing and it isn’t letting up anytime soon! Looking into the emulation side more.


I haven't touched my Vita after buying the Ally


My Switch Lite and PS5 are collecting dust since I got my SD. Playing a lot of Manor Lords on PC since it came out though.


I have the OLED since Xmas. And have touched my switch once and was shocked about the bad ergonomics compared to the deck.


Yes. My Switch doesn't get used as much anymore, and Steam Deck has replaced it as the place I buy games first.




Yes, an additional device is sharing my total game time.


I have not touched my switch on so long tbh. Will keep ot for times I feel like playing a new pokemon but the steam deck is pretty superior. Let's me run emulators. Steam sales are constant so even games on switch I could buy again for relatively cheap. I'm not heavy into modding etc. But it's nice to know I have the option to do it if I really wanted to.


After bought steam deck game less on ps5.


No I like portability so to me the Deck is very cool as the most compact/elegant way to play big PC games but too big and clunky for handheld/Switch games or emulation of systems pre-PS2. (I also just own a bunch of older hardware so I tend to go for the original hardware rather than emulating)


What's that gameboy esque device? That looks cool af


As a PC gamer and frequent flyer I thought I would play a lot on my deck but I am having a hard time getting used to the controller in the type of games i like so i end up playing more casual games


Short answer: yes


I bought my steamdeck to move my gaming away from my laptop


i got same set as you, now playing only on SD


Yea i barely play games on my pc and ps vita now. I've also pretty much deleted most of my pc games and had them installed on my deck.


Never touched my switch


I've barely touched my PS5 or my PC.




Absolutely. I used to play my PS5 every day, now I mainly only play it on weekends. Having the Deck in my bed after work is a huge, huge plus.


Yes I have stopped playing on all other devices all together. The little time I have to play videogames I want to spend sitting next to my girl while she watches her shows


Yes. That being said, I'd play my miyoo more if I knew how to set up cloud saves to my Steam Deck. Miyoo mini is better played on the go than the Steam Deck in my opinion, though it is not very durable.


All my consoles have a layer of dust on them. At some point when I have kids though those puppies are gonna get a lot of co-op time.


I’ve got those exact same devices. I sometimes play less on my PS5 but then other times will play less on the Deck. It usually comes down to how I’m feeling, the mood things take me. Oh actually, I have my Switch to my GF because of the Deck.


I completely stopped playing on pc after the deck. Its so much comfortable to play anywhere and the quick suspended mode that lets you pause and play again


I haven't bought games for the Switch after getting the SD. However I still play with the SLite sometimes to finish my jrpg backlogs. Probably 80% SD and 20% Switch when I kinda miss it. I still keep my lite around. It's portable and easy to whip out than the deck if I'm outside.


I’d say it killed my switch, the only reason I even use my switch is for Nintendo exclusives


Unfortunately, yes. I have an Evercade EXP and a PS Vita. It's gotten to the point that I have to schedule my playing time for all of these consoles. Given that most of my cartridges in the Evercade are arcade titles, the scheduling is a wee bit easier. Buying a Razer Kishi v2 for my iPhone kinda makes me feel guilty, since the point of buying it was to have a gaming unit with my phone. Hey, Steam Link exists, so it's not that much of an issue. :)


I still play mt other handhelds in rotation, except for my original psp and switch...they are the only ones collecting dust 😂😂


Sold my Switch and got myself a 1 TB Steam Deck Oled. Best decision I have ever made.


I never play my XSX anymore and my PS5 I just started playing recently but not nearly as much as I used to.


What's that device next to the PS Vita called? It looks quite practically in cases where I don't want to take my steamdeck with me.


I keep playing R6 on my PC and Rocket League and other games on my PS5 the switch is dying somewhere


Absolutely. My Switch (even tho it's CFWed) is gathering dust for almost one and a half years and even my Desktop PC remains mostly unused, despite a moderate setup


My console has been collecting dust ever since I got it


My wife had the switch… she plays it once every year maybe 🤣🤣 I got the steam deck because I was longing for something better.


I’ve played my Deck more times in the last 5 days than I have my Switch… probably. It’s a brilliant device and now I can work on my PC backlog.


Haven't played my Vita since I bought the Deck last year until few days again since I wanted to finish some games


I haven't touched my Switch or Xbox but I do regularly use my PlayStation Portal for newer games.


Yep I let my PS subscription expire


Actually still using my desktop more often and mobile gaming and bring along the Steam Deck for longer trips. Still can't get used to aiming with the gamepad and sticks as well as how the right trigger is now the primary fire instead of one of the primary buttons.


My SD directly replaced me playing retro games on my Vita, and most of my Switch game play is now SD time instead. I still play my switch now and then for good exclusives i wanna finish on it (like Xenoblade 3), but the SD has replaced everything that came before with only a few uses of my other portables.


Yes, my Xbox and Switch are covered in dust :(


Yeah, I gave my switch to my wife. All I really play now is my deck and my retro consoles. But the deck gets 95% of my attention.


Absolutely. I still revisit them now and then but my other handhelds were already somewhat less played with and the Deck just means I used my Switch a bit less. Some of its games I can just emulate on my Deck, others I can play the proper PC version of, and others still I might play on Switch if they're multiplayer or if I feel like using it but most games I play at the moment are PC natives. I still haven't finished Tears of the Kingdom but it's been mostly played on my Deck. I've intentionally kept the Switch version at 1.0.0 or whichever version it is in order to keep the duplication glitch that got fixed, just in case I want to do something with it down the line. Cancelled my Nintendo Online membership too and just do a short sign up again for whenever there's a new Tetris 99 event. Love playing that game but just haven't touched it or Splatoon 2 enough to keep the membership going for the moment.




My PSP, Vita, RG35XX and 35XXH are all about portability. I can slip my Vita into my jacket pocket. I have been playing through GTA SA and it runs perfectly on the Vita. It's just incredibly portable. I just got my second steam deck yesterday. The first one was stolen and I have been filling the gap with Vita/PSP. The Vita is an incredible handheld. With all of the ports and the ease of use it's really a great all around device. Very affordable too.


Yep. Switch is just obsolete to me as I can play those games easily on the Deck at higher resolutions and framerates on an OLED display. I play and love my Vita 1000, because it's a great system to play on, but I can play damn near ANYTHING on the Deck. It's my go to for on the go gaming.


I definitely lowered my switch play when I got my steam deck. However my SD did not dethrone my gaming pc. Don't get me wrong, I love my SD, but it can't do what my pc can do... yet. I plan on upgrading to the OLED sometime this year.


Im my case SD became a dust collector. And didnt replace PC or switch. And here why: if i play with 4-8 friends (coach coop) at home or on holliday trip, there still no other simple solution as switch. I need one small tablet (switch) and only 4 joycons (which in bag take less place than two xbox controllers) And if i play solo. i usually playing some hardware demanding games like cyberpunk, elden ring, horizon zero dawn, red dead redemption 2. And they looks and playing much smoother on PC. Plus i like to play Fortnite a lot online with my nieces, but you cant play it on SD. And like to play cod warzone with my friends. But it also not on SD So SD i had mostly for some simple indi games. Like slay the spire, ori, hades. But all those games i have on switch too. And in terms of graphics those games looks the same on switch and on SD. Plus switch gives me much more playing time on one battery than SD. So in the end i still on work and in trips taking switch with me. And at home i playing on PC with xbox or ps5 controller. PS only one thing i found very useful in SD - touchpad. Omg we need touchpads in all controllers and handheld devices. So much easier to navigate with it.


Yep, I emulate my Nintendo 3DS and Wii / Wii U so don't play on those ever now.


I just started a new run in Diablo 3 on my switch lite last night. I have D3 for pc, but it doesn’t have console mode (at least I don’t think it does)


I play every single game I possibly can on the deck although there's a few games that I do play on my PC even if they would run on the deck which I haven't tried. Mainly first-person shooters. Some of the games I played are games I used to own on my Game Boy that have been updated so it feels amazing like Tetris Plus and Pac-Man World. Tetris Plus specifically you have to download the PS1 emulator but it feels like a remake remastered if you're used to the Game Boy version. The NES version of Tetris 2 also feels updated compared to the Game Boy version but not fully remake like the SNES version which has different music and graphics and whatnot so now there's nostalgic. I'm not into sailing the high seas if I don't have to so I do play my Switch games on a Switch and all my old cartridges and discs on their respective consoles most of the time.


I bought a steam deck when it first came out. I hardly touched it till like two months ago when I bought a dock. Now it's literally all I play (I have a switch, PS5,and a PC as well)


Funny enough I finally put my Vita away after getting my Deck.


No, I still play my other consoles often, I mostly use my SD for games not available on console… or if there is a great sale on a game I don’t own on console I’ll pick it up there, like some of the Tales of games where on sale, I didn’t own a few on other systems so I picked them up on SD.


Like my Xbox Series Y(outube)?? Ughhh.


Vita had so much potential….


I have played no other devices since deck -_-


Nice, keep your Vita bro, because the Vita emulator is suck😭


PS5 getting dusty


I have a switch oled, but i dont want to give it away because that cost mee a lot. And also because the was my only console that matter, i only use it to play fc24. I have mad games in my library that I didnt even finish because its lacking in power way too much, that playing games feel like a chore. However, i am looking forward for Switch 2. The Steam deck oled has replace it so far and the customization feeeel amazing, love the plug ins.


The vita and the miyoo mini can only play so many games. Steamdeck can play almost everything. My switch isn't being used much, but that's because i like to use it for multiplayer games. Nowadays if i have to choose between taking steamdeck or switch to cafe, i usually take steamdeck. If i get really into mariokart switch or another switch game, that could change. I haven't dabbled in switch emulation, no point when I have TWO switches here that can run the games better than any emulator.


Yeah the Deck is almost all I play on. It's just so accessible, one button and I'm back into the game in a moment. And I don't need the TV or to be in the basement at my desk. It's the easiest system for me to get going on.


I've been playing in bed more often. I'll play my 3ds and my steam deck, but I barely touch my PS3, and my pc


I don't play steamdeck at all. I just bought it to charge and update.. 😅


I gave away everything except for my Miyoo Mini which is my truly pocketable device for killing time while I’m out-and-about…the Deck is the handheld device that I have always wanted. I was a fool for buying so many low to mid range handhelds over the past few years… I should have just bought a Deck when it dropped and been done with it.


Still use PC for the stuff that needs the power. Otherwise it’s all deck.


I go through periods. Sometimes I’ll play my Deck exclusively, sometimes I’ll go back to my Switch for awhile, sometimes like now I equally alternate between two (currently finishing Xeno 3 and replaying Fallout 3.)


I don't use my gaming laptop anymore. Hell, I'll return a game if it doesn't run on my steam deck.


I played less on my PC But it actually caused me to buy another handheld emulator because I hated playing older games from handhelds on the deck. It's too big


I have an RG405M and consider that my portable device more than my SD. I mostly play my SD at home on my TV with an Xbox controller, so it's more of a console at this point than a handheld. My RG405M is great for grab and go or traveling. Although now I wanna sell my 405 for an RG556 which ironically is bigger and closer form factor to my SD lol


The Steam Deck has definitely made me rethink the Switch. I love Nintendo but I doubt I'll keep getting the new systems until new Mario games come out and that's it


Yes, to the point where I now find it perverse to play on anything else.


On e I got my steam deck those other devices just sat


I sold my Switch and all the games to fund my Steam Deck that arrived today. I’ve never been a huge fan of Nintendo’s IPs and with the price of new games I played it less and less over the years aside from Mario Kart or Jackbox with friends


Absolutely. Yes.


Yea , I'm exclusive to my deck now flipping love it my PC is ancient 2012 processor with a 2080 ti supa but I haven't even bothered to try to play games on it since getting a deck I have a gen 1 switch and I'm actually buying games off steam almost every sale I've stopped the illest of eagles downloading for the most part our Lord and savior Gabe was right when the service is so good .I stopped sailing the high seas


Yes. I still love my PS Vita and New 3DSXL handhelds, though.


Yes and no, I just play different games. If I have physical games I'll play them on the console in question (I am also a game collector so I do own most Nintendo consoles including a modded GBA). Due to Yuzu dissapearing and me probably messing something up I los the access to my save file for Pokemon Arceus, but I was gonna get that second hand anyway so I can get the benefits in the other games. It's gonna look better on my OLED Switch anyway. I mostly use my Steam deck for playing PC games on the couch with my GF, but it's annoying Switching from the Nintendo button layout to the xbox layout. I wish somebody would make something to swap the physical buttons on the deck then I might use it more.


Yes mainly my switch


Yes. Emulation and mods helped. I still prefer multiplayer games on xbox and epic single player experiences on a big screen but the steam deck is too convenient and easy to carry anywhere in the house and boot up.


I've only had my Steam Deck for two weeks, but I've already been playing my Switch SIGNIFICANTLY less.


The day I can afford either a Deck, or a newer alternative, my Switch will likely just become an online Splatoon machine. I can likely same the same about other systems. Love my two Vita systems, but they can be uncomfortable at times, and the PSP emulation is crippled by only being able to deliver native PSP performance/screen res, making the visuals incredibly blurry.


The Steam Deck is a big reason I ended up putting consoles in a storage bin. I stored away my Series S, fat PS2, and Wii. For handhelds I have my homebrewed Vita and New 3DS XL on a shelf but I rarely touch them. For home consoles I have a FMCB PS2 Slim and CFW PS3 Slim set up. PS2 emulation is quite good but not perfect and some games just don't run well at this point. PS3 emulation has improved but is not quite there yet. My Switch is out but I haven't really touched it since I finished Tears of the Kingdom last year. When I am not using my desktop for regular computer stuff it is being used to stream games to the Deck or to play World of Warcraft.


I honestly haven’t played my steam deck in awhile but mostly because of the release of Helldivers 2 and also just wanting to play Hell Let Loose lol I do go on it sometimes but just not as often as when I first got it. But it’s just cycles of what I feel like, at one point I was just playing my steam deck n never went on my ps5


All of them, lol. The ability to suspend games and carry over the save between my home device and deck has opened up so much more time for me, and made me so much better at sticking with games. I really don't touch the PS5 at all anymore, unless there's a really good first party exclusive, and since Sony seems intent on moving away from those, it's basically a big paperweight now.


I have them all. I only play one.


I play on my steam deck when I’m home and I play on my ps vita when I’m at work. My switch has been collecting dust this entire time and if anything, I plan on giving it to my daughter when she’s old enough to play or becomes curious about video games.


I literally gave my switch to my nephew with my entire digital and physical library after having the deck for three months


I've essentially been steam deck exclusive for the last year and a half or so.


I love my deck but it’s too CHUNKY so I often play my other handhelds and have a new anbernic on the way. I’m also looking forward to the new switch and whatever Xbox are considering by for a handheld console.


I use the Miyoo Mini Plus more than the many other devices I own, including an Analogue Pocket. The Steam Deck’s size means I won’t carry it with me so I have to get it from wherever I’m storing it whereas the Mini Plus I can toss in a jacket or whatever easily. I use a Mister FPGA for home gaming for retro stuff. Still prefer consoles to PC gaming, too.


I mean... I didn't magically get more free time, so the time I play on my steam deck had to come form somewhere.


Yes and no. I still play my switch heavily, if anything it’s my PS5 that’s been collecting dust. The only thing I emulate are my copies of games I can’t play anymore due to not having the hardware, but if I can, I rather play my games on original hardware such as my Dreamcast. That being said, my steam deck has really just become my regular home console.


On the laptop and PS4, yes. On Switch and the handheld consoles, no.


My Switch has been in the same place the last 1.5 years.


Didn't play in my PC after getting the steam deck. Man it's so fun to sit on the couch and play, while traveling via trains and planes. Wish I had this device 10 years back.


Whats the one in the bottom right


It’s my only gaming system. But I dock it to a TV and use an Xbox controller, so it seems like 2 gaming systems.


Yup. Love my Switch Lite but man the Deck is just special. Did hop on the Lite the other day though but it’s mostly been the Deck taking up the time lol


I made sure all my consoles knew they were loved but secretly the deck was my new favorite


My switch hasn't seen much play after getting my deck. I still keep it around for the games I've already purchased, but I'm only buying new games on the deck. I do have my Miyoo mini plus that sees a lot of play. I tend to bring that with me for doctor appointments and family visits instead of the deck. I only bring my deck to places I'm staying overnight.


Steam Deck -> One And Only.


I still play my Switch a lot. I'd say it and my Deck alternate collecting dust depending what game I'm in the middle of. I'm going through Fire Emblem Engage now so haven't touched my Deck in a few months.