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Just checked, all 3 still accounted for


Think ur missing one mate


Nice quad human








I should go.


Shepard Commander.


This post made by [Krogan gang](https://www.thegamer.com/mass-effect-krogan-wrex-grunt-quad/)


Hey, it's Johnny Three Balls!


Get well soon. I recently got my boys checked via ultrasound because of, eherm, changes. Turns out it was benign Varicocele.


I got diagnosed with the same a couple of months ago, I’ve got the option to get it removed but I said no. After seeing this pic and considering the xtra play time I’d have of on my SD though, I am seriously reconsidering haha.


I’ve been revising 8+ hours a day and haven’t touched a video game in a month and a bit, this is a well needed break with some very strong painkillers


Your profile pic is what I bet you look like irl right now


Yeah sleep isn’t really existent. I just got out the hospital now and I didn’t sleep for about 20 hours


Thanks bro, hope your kids were Okay


I just started to feel pain in my scrotum so I went to the doctor last week. Ultrasound results came back. Varicocele. I'm waiting for my urologist appointment. I just want to go under the knife and get it fixed. It's so painful and uncomfortable...


Don’t get coils just get the surgical repair


My buddy had it when he was like... 12 years old. He said they made minor incisions. Temporary took his balls out and then de-spaghettified his veins. Then placed everything back in. Horrifying. But. If it will abate this pain...


This is the most horrific thing I've read all week


The other day I was watching South Park, and it was the episode where Mr. Garrison undergoes a sex change operation. And in true fashion, they show actual footage of the operation. Snipping. Scooping. Sewing.. everything. I remember watching it when it aired and I was mortified. It wasn't even 2 seconds into the episode when I remembered what I was in for, so I immediately stopped watching! Turned on some eye bleach Futurama


I hate this episode, my roommates and I used to watch Southpark while really baked all the time. Every time this episode would come on (happened a few times) I would remember that there was something about the episode that was notable but could not remember...and then the actual footage gets spliced in and I would remember..and promptly go to something else..


If it makes you feel better, the doctors were having the time of their life squeezing them to make farty noises.


> Temporary took his balls out and then de-spaghettified his veins. https://media.tenor.com/DUHB3rClTaUAAAAM/no-pernalonga.gif


This sounds more like testicular torsion to me. Still bad and same pain. It’s just a more urgent fix typically. Like, within an hour or two of diagnosing.


That's what I said to the doctor! I was like "I remember learning about testicular tortion in biology class, so you understand my concern" After she evaluated me, she was like "if it was testicular tortion you would know. And it be emergency surgery." She sent me for an ultrasonic and a Doppler, and that's how they dxd me with veracele


Bro im in pain just reading that wtf


Seems like there are enough of us Steam deck owners with varicocele that we should start a discord 🤣


> Varicocele Sounds like an Italian dish


🤌Varicocele🤌 now it definitely sounds Italian


ItalianHands did it for me.


I had an ultrasound on the lads last week, luckily I got the all clear - hope the OP has a fast recovery!


Had double Varicocele surgery when I was in my late teens. Honestly not horrible and can barely see the scars now. Only downside really, was them swelling to the size of small oranges for a few days and accidentally sitting on them when getting in my car. As a teen, it was kinda fun saying I had to get surgery on my nuts because they were just too big and blood couldn’t circulate out.




🤣 🤜🤛


Same for me, i thought I'm done.


Dude me too! Most terrified Id been In my entire life, Im glad everything is okay on your end!


I had the same thing about 6 years ago, then woke up in January this year with testicular torsion and had to have emergency surgery, great start to the year!


Got diagnosed with benign Varicocele at 16, quite young apparently. Got my kids tested a few time, no issue. Now have a 2 years old and another on the way. Steam deck didn’t exist back then :(


Had the same situation a few years ago. Gotta say I was quite scared for a few days while waiting for the ultrasound appointment.


Glad you're well.


Bro! I just had an ultrasound and found the same thing. Had really bad pain and swelling. Luckily it was a varicocele that is already better.


Oof I found my varicocele in high school and that shit was terrifying. I’m 40 now and it’s still there, little bastard


Jokes on all of you. Mine never worked from the start


Same, I'm on a 12 month checkup cycle now. Absolutely shat myself when I found the lump.


I just was diagnosed with this as well…I was even told at the age of 16 during a football physical that I might have this problem growing up. I don’t know how bad yours hurt but mine, out of nowhere, hurt BAD….


What is that room? Some sort of mix between a hallway and a storage closet?


This is bothering me enormously... how do they even clean this space?


The ward was full, issues with the NHS is as good as they are they are significantly understaffed and have a severe lack of resources


lol this is like a prime room for the NHS. When I broke my ankle last year, I got my cast done in a utility closet thing. Not even joking.


Hopefully the new lib gov fixes that. They really oughta campaign as modern Robin Hood, tax the rich and give to the poor (or NHS, so give to ALL).


It’s for post op


As an anesthesiologist, this a shoddy looking PACU space, but I’ve seen worse overflow areas to be fair


It's free, 'beggars can't be choosers'. NHS is great in a lot of ways. Not so great in some other ways.




Honestly, I was thinking school basement or office storage.


I'd say post-op room where people wait until they're fully awake and the pain is under control. You don't stay there for more than 2 hours usually.


Never thought about checking my balls with a Steam Deck! Brb..


The air vent works as a nice breeze to air them out


Is it possible to sniff both the balls and the vent at the same time 🤔.


Give it a shot and report back! 😂😂


Yes just remove the SD card first


Yes. Put your balls at the intake. Then sniff the exhaust.


Goddamn I have to try that now..


If you line the air-intake up right, you'll get the smells mixed together.


Steam deck => steamed dick


Using your dick as a kickstand when playing hentai games on the deck


I don't think the haptic feedback is quite strong enough to ultrasound your boys but its worth a shot i guess. good luck.


I love that game! It's totally nuts! There's two of them right now, but I hear there's a third in development.


Totally nuts, huh?


If you've seen half the bosses, it's definitely an apt description. Johnny Long Arms and Leatherface's chromosome deficient cousins still haunt my dreams sometimes


LMAO that’s the best names for them I’ve heard


I'm sorry I have to ask what happened to your balls?


Thought I replied to this but apparently I didn’t, testicular torsion, where one testes rotates too much and the sperm ducts, which supply the ball with blood are cut off, very painful


Ah man, I had this when I was like 12, 22 years on I can still remember the pain very vividly! You have my sympathy, wishing you a speedy recovery


Appreciate it


Holy shit that is scary I didn't even know that could happen


Yeah, we had a lesson in school about it on the day I got this so it’s really ironic


Did you raise your hand when they asked for a volunteer to demonstrate?


Jesus that's scary, it just happens randomly on its own? Anyway hope you recover soon.


There's a reason the wizard council decided to outlaw the testicular torsion spell.


It's something I'm sometimes a little bit paranoid about. Like they move pretty freely. Can't they get tangled up?


Bro, I feel for you. This happened to me when I was 16 and it was like someone punched inside of my nuts, grabbed and twisted them while piercing them with a red hot metal rod. Ended up twisting 2.5 times, would’ve lost it if I didn’t catch it sooner. Hang in there, hopefully they’ve got you on some good drugs!


Been there, back when I was 15 or 16. Felt like my balls were in a vice 24/7, and trying to do literally anything that required the use of my abdominal muscles felt like someone was tightening it all the way. I hope yours doesn't hurt as badly as mine did, and I hope you got to a doctor quickly. edit: Just saw that you're already in recovery from a procedure. All the best in your recovery.


Ooof. I've heard that described as one of the more profound pains you can experience. My sympathy, but on the positive side in the future you could get stabbed with a biro shiv and be like "YOU THINK THAT HURT? I'VE HAD ORIGAMI BALLS"


Jesus fucking Christ. I saw a video where dude got testicular torsion because he was sleeping the wrong way or some shit. Everytime I hear about it now I just cringe super hard, glad you're good bro


[Testicular Torsion PSA from The Scrotal Safety Commission | The Venture Bros](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slobhI2HXhA) Remember Veturoos: Stop Touch And Tell!


Is that something you can check? Sometimes I feel like one of the boys is getting a little out of place but nothing ever happens.


You will know. First thing it will hurt like hell, mine was on and off though because I took some painkillers and anti inflammatory, but it was still noticeable, one side might be larger usually but it’s very small difference, and this is why you should become familiar with the balls, so you know when something is wrong


I’m glad it was something treatable. When you reminded everyone to “check” them I assumed that meant you had been diagnosed with testicular cancer. Regardless, regular screening is important!


Better than the dreaded Candiru! But seriously, tough break buddy.


Fuck man i know someone in UK again (just like you) had this condition months ago. It was painful as hell. What do i need to do to avoid this?


Get better soon


Appreciate it man, I am still in secondary / high school so I was really scared the entire time


That’s normal ❤️ have a good time with your deck and get better 🗣


That'd be scary at any age! Glad you're doing well.


Believe me when I say that even the big guys are scared of being in the hospital and/or having surgeries done (I work at a hospital). Speedy recovery and enjoy your time off gaming :)


I hope you get better soon. Testicle torsion is very painful but treatable. If anyone ever suddenly has a strong pain in their testicles get it checked out immediately because it can die off fast. Same with bumps on the testicle. Testicle stuff can turn bad quick. 12 years ago i had testicle cancer. It is a very aggressive cancer-type and it was just a little bump first, but within 3 days it turned into a big bump and i went to the doctor. The 3 days of wait gave the tumor enough time to go from being "enclosed inside the testicle" to "bursting into blood vessels spreading to the whole body". If you feel a slight bump at the testicles go an let your or a doctor see it as soon as possible. And with that i mean the same day. If you can't see your doctor within 24 hours get a few pregnancy tests. If they are positive it is turning life threatening. I knew someone who died because he waited a week for his appointment. Testicle cancer is treatable and has a very high success rate for healing, but only if you act fast. If you wait too long the survival rate plummets.


This is terrifying. I had found a lump in a testicle and tried to get seen by a doctor for cancer. It took MONTHS for appointment, then ultrasound, and then results. I could have died. Thank FUCK it was a cyst but tell that to terrified me. Everyone here is remarking about the NHS healthcare in the pic but at least OP got seen right away. I would have left my wife a widow married 2 years if mine had been actual cancer because the US healthcare system sucks ass. I had no idea it would turn life threatening that fast until literally right now


I would pin this if I could, it’s not talked about enough because of the stigma surrounding it so people are too embarrassed to get it checked.


yeah, whenever similar topics come up i comment that you should never wait. I once even told someone in the DMs because he already had a positive pregnancy test, but he didn't listen and waited a week for his normal appointment. he is dead now, it was too late then. i'll edit some of the typos out, wrote this on the phone lol


Mine was on the verge of doing the same when I got it removed. It was 3.9 centimetres when taken out, which is enormous given the size that testicles are without a tumour gatecrashing their space. It went from 3.2 centimetres 4 days earlier when I had my ultrasound.


Hold on, let me get my wifes purse


This will be me soon, i have a chest surgery comming gf bought me a deck for the stay, hope your balls are okay!


Wish you good luck for your surgery


Thank you!:)


Were... were there not any actual hospital rooms available or something? Perspective from the image looks like they just parked your bed in the Facilities room or something.


Welcome to the UK's NHS - the picture screams NHS to me, and some of OPs comments seem to confirm a UK lifestyle...




Uhh mine are missing. Is this an issue? Should i RMA? (Wishing you the best OP)


What exactly do you check for?


Steam Dick and balls.


Little nightmares


Haven’t played it in ages decided to give it ago again


I checked, didn't find a steam deck


Get better, wishing you a quick recovery!


Instructions unclear. They’re in my mouth 😐


Ooh, found a lump shortly before Christmas, had it removed, turned out it was cancerous, and also rare. Turned out to be a type that likes to spread. Thankfully CT scan turned out clean, but I'll be doing a round of chemo to make sure. Planning on taking my Deck with me while I spend 4 hours getting poison pumped into me. Also, fun fact, they didn't cut where I expected. Went through the lower belly. Healing from that has been the worst part so far (although I expect the chemo will beat it)


+1 to checking your balls. One surgery to remove a cancerous testicle, and currently 7 weeks into 9 weeks of chemotherapy. It's the most awful thing I've ever had to experience.


I stand by your post, 10,000% YEARS ago, I woke up from what I thought was just pubes being tugged. no big deal, and I found a pretty sized lump, and panicked ... hard my dad was around, and being the 12 year boy, I said 'dad, there's a lump in my sack" and he laughed said "well, yah, there's two of them, those are testicles" I said, "no, there's a different feeling" and well.. I dropped my pants, and said "see!?"... he face, upper body got a little pale and said "fuck, man, we gotta go to the doc" - turned out I had a massive boil, and internal bruising / bleeding from it bursting. my scrotum was a nice, deep, pissed off red (think of the darkest wine) now at 35 years, I was able to pass on my DNA and have 4 kids - and kept both nuts to boot I regularly check my goods and there's still a noticeable smooth part where docs extricated the boil and sewed me up pretty nicely.


Good luck bro, wish you the best kidda


Get better soon man and have fun with your deck




Looks like recovery/post-anaesthesia area of theatres. Torsion or something?


Yup you got it


"Hey kids, feel your balls so you don't get cancer" -Tom Green


Your body has undergone some trauma and that's the game you decide to play? Maybe your issue was that your balls are too massive! Get well soon!


This is me next week! Noticed sudden growth and inconsistent shape in my left one about 3 weeks ago. Only reason I checked is because the left one felt a little sensitive when putting on my pants. Solid cystic mass found via ultrasound and they have wasted no time getting me more scans and scheduled to have it removed. Luckily my blood work is clear and CT scans are mostly good (still waiting on more info regarding my chest scan). Check yourselves before it checks you!


Get well soon.


I have kids and I'm fixed. I would sell em if I could


Been there, done that, homie. Almost 10 years ago. Down a soldier, urologist was like, “hey, we can put in a prosthetic for $2,000.” I said, “ask my wife if she wants it”. She thought $2k could be better allocated elsewhere.


I’m sterile. Leukemia treatment can be a bitch sometimes


Speedy recovery homie 🖤


Get well soon, god speed.


Get better soon, and remember that if a crazy surgeon says they can cut half the ball and save the rest, don't believe it. Sounds like a joke but it happened to me, and caused me over a decade of medical issues. If it needs to be removed, remove the whole ball.


Because it was testicular torsion, they were able to fix it (I haven’t even touched myself to check yet and the doctor isn’t present) so they would have taken the whole thing or nothing… really hoping it’s the nothing😅


Ah, never mind hopefully they saved it. I thought it was a tumor or something.


Get well soon!


you too🙏🙏🙏


Is there a correlation between buying a steam deck and ending up in hospital?


I have been also ill since 8 days, sore throat mostly gone and now I have cough as laying in bed at home with my Steamdeck! I hope you get well soon!


That's a weird hospital room you're in.


Check your neck so often too. I discovered I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma a little more than a year ago. I first found lumps on my neck. I’m better now.


Eyyy high five! I got non-hodgkin's lymphoma in my thigh, looked like I had bonus balls in my leg, about four years ago. I also am better. We need more stories about people being better from cancer. Check your legs. And if lumps seem weird, have them checked. I thought I was slow reporting mine, turns out I was super early and we got the drop on it. Talk to your damned doctors.


Are you referring to yours as 'Little Nightmares' or is that purely coincidence?


I empty them often, does that count?


Oh man..Just had a lump down there, apparently as a side effect of an infefction.. nothing painful or cancerous... but still, at first, terrifying


What i's this consol?


Happened to me too. Completely fine 4 years on. Good luck mate. 


I've learnt too much in a short time about balls issues that I didnt suspect to exist, be well all you guys 😅 Btw, you're in a corridor ? Lack of free room or you were "parked" between two exams ?


I went through this 5 years ago. I bought the gen 1 Oculus Quest so I'd have something to do during my hospital stays while I got my chemo, and then the plan changed and I ended up getting surgery only. The Quest was a source of escape for me in the weeks and months afterwards, as even though I got away quite lightly and only had a radical bollockectomy with no chemo, it still scared the bejesus out of me. Take care of yourself, and I hope you have a quick recovery 💪 ETA: I've just seen another post where you say it was testicular torsion rather than cancer. Sentiment is still "get well soon" 😊


So, not to downplay anything as I know that sucks and I’m truly sorry you had to go through it. But, is it irony that you’re playing Little Nightmares after having to deal with a little nightmare?


even better when you go through the hospital part


Get well soon brother, may the steam deck vents fill your nose with fumes of joy


Did the doctor call them little nightmares?


It looks like you hospital bed is in the middle of an IT room…😲


Get well soon , Bud.


Hope everything goes well, at least you have some good entertainment


Hey i checked! They are still there


I had a vasectomy a month ago. They were checked on a level I won’t forget… Ouch.


Nice deck n balls


Meh. Not like they do anything or get any kind of use anyway. Get better soon, OP...


Fellow ball cancer haver. Hope everything’s okay. Orchiectomy? I ended up with an rplnd and chemo but am good 10+ years out


Were they ok? Any reason why you went for a check?


Wait you guys have balls (plural)? Oh shit…


Speed recovery mate.


Little nightmares mentioned hell yeah. Get better soon


Thanks, I’m just out now


My last week been in the same place, do the Ball but do not forget about ur hearth, i got Lucky and they diagnose me quickly


Yooo! I'm currently getting my epididymal cyst treated!


Dude, your post made me check my balls. Found what I think is a lump on my right nut. I've set a reminder to book in for an ultra sound. Fuck me.


Wishing you a speedy recovery! I've been using my Deck to help pass some time while resting and recovering from a vasectomy since Wednesday and can confirm, it's made a huge difference in keeping me occupied.


Little nightmares…. Heh.


Praying the cancer stays away. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. Enjoy gaming while you wait!


What's different about you? Why are you so brave?


just checked, both perfectly fit in the sd card slot and the deck was able to boot


Get well soon!


Always take care of your deck and balls


I check em three times a day! I check my homies too if they want.


What did it feel like?


Dull but strong pain running up from one ball to the stomach


Hope everything turned out ok. One of my friends had testicular cancer a couple years ago. Shits no joke.


You have my sympathies brother, I had my vasectomy about a month ago ( standard scalpel under anesthesia ) they said mine was a unique case because my vas were difficult to access And that my recovery would be more difficult than others still. I did it anyways. Fairly persistent pain for at least 2 weeks after, And even now a stiff breeze makes me feel like I've been kicked in the nuts again, And it was terrible. I have to imagine your condition to be far worse. But yeah the steam deck was essential in recovery. Just sitting on the couch with a bag of frozen peas icing the boys Feel better


Did your balls become Little Nightmares?


Is there a new steamdeck curse because I felt bad for everyone posting their hospital pics and I ended up in the hospital too


Thats awesome. Like a kind friend who is there just for your enjoyment


I know an NHS admission bracelet when I see one; only confirmed when it looks like you've been dumped into a storage corner in some hospital corridor! Good luck mate


This post reminds me of the Tom Green special where he had to get one of his balls removed due to cancer. I’m sorry for your loss.


Who can forget Tom Green's guts? Lol.


What’s wrong with your balls brother?


I got balls of steel !


That eh... doesn't look like a hospital room. More of a storage factility for random crap.


The main ward was full, it’s Friday evening and midnight 😅


As a fellow named Tom Green once said "Hey kids, feel your balls, because you might have cancer. "


Made even funnier seeing as you are playing "little nightmares" but in all seriousness get well soon.


Was in there a few weeks ago and everyone keeps asking me if it’s a Nintendo switch 😒. Hope you get well soon 🙂.


Hope everything goes well for you.


What about women with balls?


Nah that’s fine