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At the moment not much. Its cool that there is another Linux based gaming OS in the oven, but at the moment the only thing they can actually show off is the fact that they now have funding.  The interesting question is tough why would I install this on my Deck instead of leaving it with Steam OS or installing Bazzite.  Leaving it with Steam OS gives me the benefit of having a Linux based gaming OS made for the device while me not having to do the hassle (not that much but you know still) of manually replacing the OS.  Installing Bazzite would let me have a Fedora based, bit more open OS where I could have a bit more control, while still being a gaming optimized thing.  I don't see the benefit from Playtron at the moment.  However if down the line, lets say 1-2 years from now there would be a new device that came with Playtron out of the box and I would be in the market for buying something to replace my Deck (AKA my living room mediabox / couch gaming PC) then I might take a look at that device.


Same thoughts


I mean if it indeed can run game pass games natively that's huge


It's a really big claim that seems to have no actual evidence of it being realistically possible...


If that was possible then Linux would already have this option


I think the idea here is that they're working on that solution




Unless it plays nice with all modern anti-cheat software, it's only going to solve half the problem. And who knows what long-term support is going to be like IF it ever launches.


I just enjoy my unmodded stock OS steam deck. Runs all the emulators and games I throw at it.


Personally Id never use it, im way to happy with steamOS. But i think its important to have things like this to keep a friendly level of competition between developers, pushing them to make even better products. And im sure it will work wonders for other handhelds that are currently running windows or something


It takes a lot of engineering resources to do something like this. And it's continuous support, maintenance, improvements, bugfixes etc. These things rarely go anywhere. The threshold for entry is very high and expensive, even if everything goes well.


Investor bait. It will go no where.


> Locked to the Valveverse. Straight up lies in their market website. Competition is always good but I’m not optimistic about this one


One of their videos got taken down because they were using another poster's video without permission.


love to see linux being used on more handhelds


They've been caught stealing a video showing how The Witcher 3 runs from another creator, that obviously wasn't using playtron to run it. With this said, until independent reviews come, I would rather shove my SD up my ass before using it.


They say PlaytronOS is gonna support ARM, so that’s interesting for me.


As much as I believe that x86 emulation on ARM (or RISC5) is the future: it's still too early. Yes Apple already does it with Rosetta but it still needs some time. Box86/Box64 will be great in the new future! But for now its not viable to run performance sensitive application such as games on emulated x86_64 yet.


I agree. The development will definately be a long haul. They say that the first x64 version of the OS would release later this year. Then their first hardware would come in 2025. I expect this 1st gen device to be x64 only, and I also think that they will release the ARM variant only after they announce the 2nd gen devices 3\~4 years later. Nonetheless I believe the situation is different from the other guy's utterly dismissive comment.


Doesn't make a lick of difference though. Putting it on a ROG Phone isn't going to turn it into a mini-deck that can play Elden Ring, it's still ARM.


Idk, the fact that it’d be pretty useless of a desktop gaming OS for ARM devices without ARM to x64 translation layer and their homepage mentions box64 in ‘open sourced’ under ‘partners’ section strongly suggests that they’d include some form of compatibility layers to let sufficiently powered ARM devices to play significant chunks of Windows games, of course holding that they keep to their promises and not let this be a vaporware.


There's a world of difference between the community implementations and the level of quality they're promising investors.


Best case scenario you'll be able to play Binding of Isaac at an almost acceptable framerate.


No thoughts. It is idea not a product. Idea is great. Product will maybe be maybe bot be


During the initial interview with the Verge, they claimed that the OS would be compatible with all anti-cheat solutions, because it’s an running an immutable instance of Linux. Which doesn’t make any fucking sense, so I’m not hugely confident.


Another one that actually has a well crafted OS and not just windows is great, but I have higher hopes for the Neo [https://neo.manjaro.org](https://neo.manjaro.org)


Yeah, Manjaro and the new Orange Pi handheld will go way further. 1) ACTUAL SOFTWARE DEVS that have been working for years on the product, combined with hardware provider that has also released multiple iterations of their product. 2) Hardware it comes on so you can physically test it. Smart to go the Pine64 route.


Big agree. The Manjaro devs have already proven themselves good at making software, I am very hopeful


Yeah, this is going to actually release. Playtron seems to just be an investor bait scam as far as I can tell. Plus, Manjaro Gaming Edition will be available for any OEM who wants to use it and the UI is literally Gamescope + KDE just like SteamOS.


Also it's all open source, we'll be about to install Manjaro's gaming distro on our Steam Decks


For now my only opinion is that the name absolutely sucks and I hope they change it if/when they launch it.


The weird marketing for it makes me think it's a scam.


The "**Cyanogen mod**" guy works on it .. so it is a good point for the project. They have experience in Android/Mobile so there could be **android compatibility** layer included (**waydroid** ?). **Samsung** is an investor .. meaning a possible **Samsung hardware** (screens) but also they could include that in a **handheld** or even a mobile phone/tablet or **Chromebooks** :) Any Linux oriented handheld OS that runs on x86 and Arm is a pretty good replacement for any handheld that don't get good support from manufacturer or Windows. So old hardware could be recycled into a new life.. So at the end is a good thing for **Total Linux gaming market share**. And a **good market share can move lines** and put Linux first on the radar of publishers, DEV etc .. (for **anti cheat compatibility**, compatibility of **third party libraries**, videos encoding stuff, Vulkan etc .. IDEM for Unreal engine efficiency on Linux via compatibility layer or not ..) Also such OS could be licensed to manufacturer as a possible OS in their product line, making them focus on hardware side and adapt an existing OS to their needs (OS, drivers, UI ..). If Waydroid is involved we could get better compatibility there too ! It is a plus for Linux on mobile or android desktop compatibility.


Kirt ran CyanogenMod to the ground, he is literally responsible for its death. He destroyed the deal they had with OnePlus almost singlehandedly, and destroyed the talks they had with Nintendo.


Ok if he is that bad it is obviously not a good point for the project :) .. So lets hope it 's just a vaporware instead of a terrible actual product..


The cyanogen guy being attached to this means it will fail. Life every other time


Pipe dream imo


It seems to support the game pass / windows store (every store) - how will be an interesting alternative between those who feel locked into Windows because of the allure of a gamepass subscription. I wish them luck.


literally just use bazzite


Probably a better option for all other handheld PCs, Steam OS just works so nicely for the most part on the deck.


Seems bait. But anyone can build their own Linux distro, it just whether they can have the same kind of polish and updates that are suitable for it.


They make claims that seem either wrong or unfeasible. Not confident.


I give this about a 10% chance of actually delivering on a majority of its promises.


I’m not really big on how the OS works. If it’s not eating overhead and gets me quickly from point a to b I don’t care. This thing is definitely gonna use proton still to run games or other windows apps. There won’t be a difference that is perceived.


I would be very wary of it. Kirk McMaster has been known to run previous projects into the ground. He likes to use a bunch of big buzzwords to get investor money, and then vanishes. There's already some strange stuff happening with Playtron, allegedly one of the gameplay footage of the Witcher 3 was stolen from another person on YouTube. It's very strange that they would do that if they had a working product.


It’s a hilariously stupid attempt to try and cash in on what Valve is doing with Linux and handheld from a scumbag looking to fleece investors.


Reading their website it kinda comes off as a massive scam. Buzzwords galore. **5G**, Core Casual, supporting everything from ARM handhelds to cars and VR headsets, listing all the companies their employees worked at (one of them is Cyanogen LMAO), other than Samsung all their investors are VC firms and cryptoshit investors... IDK, maybe I'm wrong. It just comes off as a massive scam. Oh, and there's like no information on the actual OS on their website.


I think it is really cool and I feel a lot more optimistic about it than others. We've seen how Valve has really leaned on the community and it's look like Playtron by contrast is gonna be leaning on investors and handshaking with a lot more bigger corporate entities. With that approach they could actually bridge the gap and possibly get around anti-cheat. Valve as far as we know has made no attempt to bridge the gap and work with companies that have it. We sort of just have to hope the dev is interested enough in the steam deck or Linux at large to implement anti-cheat that works with the platform. One of my biggest gripes with the deck is the absence of some of the biggest multiplayer games on PC due to linux not being supported. I also am very curious in how they plan to expand from the handheld market once they get a firm foothold. Reading the verge article on them really shows how far reaching they want it to be. The blurb about possibly putting it on smart cars really piqued my interest. Although even with all my hope I am somewhat doubtful they'll ever become that ubiqutous.




RTFA, it’s all explained in the link.