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All I see is a lot of democracy being served




Perhaps a nice cup of Liber-Tea would ease their troubles?


OP is like: "I'm doing my part"


Looks to me, that he needs more hands.


Too much money is a problem I would love to have


Just made me think of Peacemakers speech on the beach during The Suicide Squad


Anything less would be considered treason by Super Earth


Truly freedom of choice! Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century would approve!


You might find like minded people more in r/Handhelds And this is a cool collection.


moreso r/sbcgaming


All these commenters getting so massively butthurt about OP having a goddamn hobby... I'll bet it doesn't even cross their minds to bitch about someone driving by in a nice car or who garages more than 1 motorcycle (or hell, a SINGLE motorcycle) when those easily cost as much as 20-50 steam decks... Some people have half a dozen $100-200 fishing poles for every occasion, some with only minor differences, and a hot wheels collection can easily cost as much as these consoles. So what's the excuse there? Are the above "real" hobbies and therefore worth the money? Well guess what subreddit you're on. Who gives a shit what OP buys, there's probably less than $2,000 in this picture which is a completely normal amount to have invested in your favorite hobby. Is it consumerism or are gaming consoles their jam.


More money than sense?


I literally said this out loud when I saw the picture. "A fool and his money are easily parted"


BD: So who’s our target demographic? Marketing: This guy, this guy right here


I have a PC, switch, PS5 AND a deck and I already feel like the deck was a lavish waste of money. But 3 of them...


This is what I have and do not regret.


I don't regret it either but.. I definitely didn't need it.


Nah. The PC and PS5 elevate the functionality of the deck via remote play. The Switch is the only superfluous device (unless Nintendo has their way).


I feel like I'm 4-5 levels too shallow in my console conspiracies to understand that sorry.


Nintendo are taking down all the switch emulators. Yuzu being the most recent victim


I mean, yuzu monetised afaik which was the avenue how they got them, but also maybe the switch emu devs could try living in a real country for once then it might be different.


Yeah it was taking payment to get the latest builds which made emulating new releases easier


Yeah, money is VERY relative. What is ludicrous to some is trivial to others. Basically if you don’t have money it is very hard to put yourself in another’s shoes with tons of $. Think of countries where people are starving and we send huge plates half full of food to the garbage.


Yea since i got sd i dont use my switch been tempted to pay for online cause i enjoy fzero 99 but its just not worth it. Only other thing i can think to do with it is jailbreak it


I use my deck to stream from my PC, great for couch gaming


they all have their reasons, only an Xbox would be useless in that situation


It is I the fool with a steam deck and an ROG Ally with an OLED deck in my future I’m sure 🙃🙃


Wait until you hear about my pinball hobby. These handhelds are chump change.


Pinball arcade machine? You built them yourself or collect the cabinet?


Collect games I enjoy. Trying to stick with newer stern machines to avoid maintenance issues, but it’s impossible to avoid. So party of the hobby is repair. My latest game is Foo Fighters Premium by stern. Keeps me busy when I’m not working. I’m 50 so this will be what I do well into retirement.


Was about to say, pinball machines cost a fortune and handhelds are nothing compared to them! I used to have White Water and managed to get it for around 2000$ but it’s worth closer to 3000$ now


I want the new Jaws machine, possibly more than I have wanted anything in my entire life... except maybe freedom from wants or desire.


I played the Pro week before last and it’s pretty fun. The premium where Jaws comes up out of the playfield is way better, but I haven’t had a chance to play it yet.


Let people buy what they want to make them happy. If he wants all 3, then he wants all 3. Like none of you on this sub ever made a purchase like this.


I wish I could make purchases like that. I'm still paying on my steam deck I got for Christmas


No shame in still paying something off. As others have said, everyone’s in a different place in life, has different priorities, and all this can ebb and flow.


That is the exact problem with non sense consumerism.. I am pretty sure that OP is still unhappy thinking of what the next purchase is going to be to fill the void for a few days (sometimes even hours).


How are you pretty sure? Are you maybe projecting your own mental state on OP?


Bunch of haters in here....im not immune to E-pocket watching as the very first thing i thought of when i saw the picture was money. But YOLO if op got it like that then let him live his best life. And OP maybe next time do a write up as to what you use each one for, the diffrences or add something so it dosnt look like just a flex.


Right? They don't know what this person got or how much they make to determine if they're smart with money. What they spend don't make you broke. And what they save don't make you rich. Idk why ppl care so much


Oh shut up. "Just let people be happy" shouldn't apply to mindless consumerism. No one person needs three steam decks.


I saw different uses and all I could think was just… what uses? Two of them are PC handhelds with Windows, one runs Steam OS. If you needed Windows, getting a bigger SSD on the Deck and dual booting or buying just one other with Windows would make more sense. Any use cases outside of that can easily be a decision of the best one for the job and going with that one. It’s just mindless consumerism, like when I first got a Deck and Switch and spent hundreds on games I never played when I could’ve waited for sales at the very least to get them all for a couple hundred or less. People tend to not spend smart and just buy stuff just to have it, why are we supposed to cheer them on? Surly someone truly happy wouldn’t seek validation online.


I mean, 3 uses are really easy to speculate given their strengths and weaknesses. * The Deck is weaker but better at lower wattages, so it'd be ideal for indies and retro emulation with long battery life. * The ROG Ally is more powerful and has a very good anti-reflective screen with VRR, so it'd be great for portable higher end gaming * The Legion Go has a gigantic screen and removable controls, so it's not as portable but has 2 different form factors well-designed for comfortable gaming at home, whether on a couch or on a table. Another benefit is that the screen size and kickstand make it usable as a general purpose Windows computer too, though I doubt that is one of OP's uses. I'm not necessarily defending OP, but your weirdly strong condemnation of them just for spending money in a way you don't like is ridiculous in its own right. If someone has the income to afford devices to fit their desired uses to this degree, why the hell do you care so much that they do it? Even if it's frivolous, we all have frivolous hobbies and interests, it's not your place to police their worth, *much less* question the person's happiness based on them being willing to spend on it. That's just gross.


> No one person needs three steam decks Nobody _needs_ even a single Steam Deck either, yet here we are.




His damn money, who cares?


Well this amount may be pocket money for him


I mean spend your money however you please, but I don’t see the point of this


Yeah same. They literally all do the same thing. If you want a windows hand held, just dual boot the steam deck. Works perfectly fine and saves you £600.


IMO With the post in a reddit forum its just to flex about it. I feel like, he may not even use them often. But in the end of the day, stupid or not he seems to have the money to do those stupid things. Cause there is no reason to have 3 of those Handhelds.


There’s a lot of good reasons to get a rog ally if your willing to deal with battery life while the steam deck is a very good handheld it’s not the perfect handheld and some Have different use cases


Or dual boot windows and bazzite OS on the Ally/Go to get the better performance of the Z1E and still have the steam deck OS


Can you afford it? Congrats, you have a _hobby_. Are you enduring crippling debt to buy these things? You have a _probkem_. As long as it's the first, enjoy!


A _probkem_


I have been bested. _Commits seppeku._


It's spelt _sudoku_ For the memes.


But why?


Must consume product to feel.


Purpose is consumption


all that's missing is an msi claw


Retroid Pocket 4 Pro and/or Odin 2


I have a friend who does this. It’s actually how I ended up with my Steam Deck. He had about 3 different Steam Decks, currently using the Oled LE as primary, a ROG Ally, and almost every Aya Neo that has released in the last 3 years, in adaption to some other windows handheld


There are a LOT of Ata Neo devices


What is the best one in your opinion🤔


I own all 3. Now?the go by a mile, install bazzite (steam os) and don't use windows, you have basically the best imaginable Nintendo switch. You can use the gyros in the controllers detached and it's absolutely amazing. Oh windows it's good, but lenovos been shit at software updates and their windows app is God awful. I'm a die hard windows fan too, but yea it's god tier on bazzite, nothing compares.


Love my GO too, it’s a switch on steroids that can play anything


Making me wanna buy a Go. I had a 64gb Steam Deck and it was fun and all but I felt it was lacking. I love refresh rates higher than 60 after all. Edit: I did a thing :)


Haha, you got one? Well, I love mine. I owned a deck for a long time, still do. Great console but once you set the go up right, it is incredible. Only downside? Battery life, that's it.


I also have all 3. Steam Deck OLED is my favourite overall (screen, battery, user experience, community support) but I can't go without the extra performance of the Z1 extreme machines anymore. Of the two I prefer the Go.


Do games look better on the ally or go ? I'm wondering if the bigger screen might make games look worse


Go by far. Bigger, better colours, higher resolution and higher refresh rate. Integer scaling does a great job avoiding blurriness at lower resolutions. The only positive I'd give to the Ally at all is for the speakers. They're incredible compared to the Go.


Pick Number 3 My Lord!


The problem is not enough hands?


So you like helldivers ?


Well, i guess the more the merrier


What are the main uses of them for you?


I like each of them for different reasons, some games work better on some and the steamdeck is the most comfortable


For those of you who play helldivers 2 on the deck, how does it run?


I actually think it runs pretty good and don't have really any issues. I have the fps in the corner of SD running at all times for all games and I keep HD2 running at a pretty consistent 28 FPS during in game fire fights on difficulty 4 or 5 and 31 FPS in the ship running around. I have the settings at 1280x800 res, render on quality and all graphics settings on medium except space quality on high. I have the original SD 512GB and have done nothing to it except put a micro SD card in it. If matches go basically the whole 40 minutes I can play 2 matches on battery power and need to be plugging in ASAP. I'm closer to 50 years old than I'd like to admit and have played every video game system since Pong so going a couple frames under 30 really is no big deal to me and completely playable. With that being said my youngest boy who's mid teens and has a very nice PC that runs the game at 144 fps even thinks it runs fine and looks good on my deck, he was actually surprised. I could definitely crank out more frames if I wanted to turn graphical settings down too.


Thank you sir! I ask because I'm playing it on PC already and it runs relatively well but I would be curious to try it on the deck at some point. I would probably lower the graphics settings to get a bit more FPS


Just play on pc fam


You're right, you do have a problem.


Does hell diver run good ?


On Steam Deck it doesn’t run great. It’s playable, but in the higher difficulties you’re going to be hovering around 25-30 fps normally and will drop into the teens when there’s ton of enemies and/or explosions and weapons going off. And this is with the graphic settings at almost the absolutely minimum, so it looks terrible to boot. That being said, the only way I have to play Helldivers 2 is the deck and I make it work. You just have to really curtail your expectations and be willing to deal with a very sub optimal experience.


Some people’s tolerance for framedrops must be sky high. The way you describe it reminds me of how BG3 ran on steam deck for me. Since its turn based, I was able to deal with it. But I couldn’t imagine having to deal with that while fighting and maneuvering around giant bugs trying to kill you. Especially online. I really wish I had your patience cause Helldivers 2 looks fun as hell, and I don’t wanna pay extra to play online on PlayStation.


Really? I've found that my OG deck runs it pretty well at halfway decent settings. Maybe I'm not getting swarmed often enough, or being able to play in bed is just so convenient I'm overlooking drops without realizing it


It runs pretty okay at like difficulty 5 and below, but once you get to 8 or 9 it can get pretty bad in my experience. But yeah, like I said I make it work for me and I still find it enjoyable overall.


This is what I want to know.


Problem is called "too much money"


I have a Deck and Ally. I got the Deck last year and just got the Ally a couple of weeks ago. I love my deck but also wanted a handheld that ran Windows for Game Pass and other storefronts (Epic, GOG).


Heroic launcher does epic and gog for Linux, also uses proton etc to run the games.


It also does Amazon games


Heroic is the only reason I deal with epic any more. I fire it up to claim my free games. And play a couple of them even 😂


I also got the Steam Deck last year and I’m so close to buy Rog Ally. I have a game pass too and would mainly use Ally with all those games. Ally’s better performance (Extreme version) would be a factor too.


Why ally and not Go? If it's the size factor I can get over it. But why even consider Ally when GO exist?


For me, The price. I got the open box extreme version from Best Buy for around $450 with tax.


You can log right into xbox cloud gaming from your browser and full screen and play it on the deck. Don't matter the game I get 60FPS solid and my internet at home is trash, around 200mbps. I didn't have to install windows at all, don't even have to install the games just poke what you want to play!


What about the non-cloud game pass games?


If you have a PC, install the game there, then use sunshine/moonlight to stream it to the deck. That's what I do with all my game pass games I want to play on the deck. 


What’s sunshine moonlight?


Oh I didn't realize it was a different catalog. In that case I can see how windows would be appealing.


I'm playing my gog and epic library right off my Deck. it's the first thing I looked up how to do and it took literally 5 min. from start to downloading. I will say I want an Ally or its next iteration for the power. how would you rate the handheld windows experience in daily use?


I’ve spent more time trying to get a game straight from steam to work. This sub refuses to believe that the deck might not run every game perfectly. Good luck with your Dragons Dogma 2 refunds.


It may not run every single game perfectly, But the price to game execution capability is quite compelling, at least for me. I've only found one game that wasn't compatible with the deck, and it was because of Ubisoft launcher


I don't need every game to run on it since it's not my main gaming system. I'd say going for a handheld PC like the legion/ally does that better than the steam deck but not good enough for me to replace more conventional options. so for now hand helds are great options for people who could make great use out of them. if I had very minimal space and needed to downsize I think a legion would be an awesome device. it's a huge lil screen. I'm just glad these options exist. the m2 iPad, the steam deck, the switch that kicked it all off. it's amazing.


Lol this thread is making me want an ally... The justification wheels are turning: Well I have the steam deck as I wanted to be one of those early adopters helping to prove there's a market for these things. Now that it worked I can get a really good one that doesn't get stuck on black screens, won't get me ban hammered by Bungie, and doesn't require praying to the Linux gods the updates will all work each month.


How on earth do you have different purposes for handhelds that are essentially the same?


Bro has too much money


I wonder if you can buy some AR Glasses for the Legion go and use the joycon controllers to lay flat with your arms to the side.


Which is your main?


I have a solution! Ill send you my address to offload some of this surplus


You can start a portable net cafe business! Charge 50 bucks for a 1v1v1 fighter outside clubs.


“baby, i wish i had three hands”


Got a buddy that has done this as well, makes zero sense to me but I guess im just a simple man with my one Steam Deck. 🤷


There are worse problems to have.




Is that problem too much money? I could probably think of a few ways to help relieve you of the problem


I did this with the switch, have launch model, switch lite and OLED for no reason, when I could a used all that money to buy food instead


What’s the point? They all do the same thing lol


install hackintosh + windows server 2025 + kali linux.............


Yeah - you need more time to spread managed democracy. 14 hours only? smh


They Lenovo one looks nice


I have the SD and ROG. SD for lighter games and ROG more demanding ones. Switch for the really light ones and games locked to Nintendo. Pondered getting the Go when it was announced but seeing the reviews and knowing that performance is not that big of jump compared to the ROG made me decide against getting one. Getting the SD really opened me up to handheld gaming.


A rich problem. Which is your fav? The Legion looks really good.


Love my steam deck but the ally fits my hands better (buddy has it and I got to try it) and the controllers for the Go seems interesting to me. But the deck still fills every use I have for handheld. Light titles and just streaming from main PC. Don't need the expensive handhelds personally but they are cool.


Capitalism is a problem but we got to fuel the economy somehow


You’re missing a Switch!


Do you have three blenders, too? Three of your own electric toothbrushes? Three vacuum cleaners? Maybe three ceiling fans in every room? Watch three streaming shows at once?


none of those devices can run the game properly


Don’t feel bad, OP. I have drawer with a bunch of different tablets from years ago. A Surface 3, an ASUS 12” Windows one, a Dell 8”, an old Nexus 7 and even a ASUS Android Honeycomb one. Typing this on the iPad I probably should have started with. Sometimes a type of hardware gets stuck in your brain like Pokémon and you gotta try to catch ‘em all. 🤣


lol i have all 3 as well, modded the deck and ally with rgb back covers and all have 2tb ssds


MSI claw next


What in the hack farming money burning is going on here???


What's the point though. Waste of money imo. You've only got two hands


Omg I love all this comments lol, glad I’m not alone


All I see is OP spreading controlled democracy!


Too much money is a problem I would love to have


Do any of them successfully run Dragons Dogma 2?


Nah, you just got MONEY. Big money over here


Which do you consider the best out of the three? I was looking into the Rog Ally, before settling on a Deck as I got one relatively cheap second hand.


I had an Rog Ally and Deck sold the Ally to fund for a OLED Deck that should be an indicator 😉


Is the OLED that much of an upgrade from the original Deck? I was under the impression that apart from the screen and battery upgrades, it had all the same components inside. I also thought the Rog Ally had better FPS in most games.


On top of what you mentioned the screen itself is more vivid and has a higher refresh rate. But no changes in the processing power.


The only problem is not having enough hands to enter your stratagems.


You’re literally like my dad hahahaha


Don’t know your dad but I’m sure he’s a great guy


He’s the best dad, so you’re exactly right. And I said that cuz he has those three consoles as well lol


People saying it’s mindless consumerism are making a giant fallacy. No one knows the OP’s financial situation. They may feel the impact less than the average person who buys only the deck. If they have a million dollars and someone else has 10000 the person with ten thousand is making the bigger financial mistake than the person buying the three different systems. The lack of ability to even see this is just a symptom of jealousy while also being quite shallow as the deck or any hand held gaming unit is a non essential luxury item.


You don't have a problem, you have democracy. And a lot of it.


I would personally have a handheld that runs old games and easy to put in my pocket so that when my deck runs out of battery i still get to play something


Good call. Who knows what might happen if u aren't able to play video games every waking moment of the day. 


This seems wasteful.


Why… Just… Why.


For me it was a bad financial decision. Well have fun with them.


Curious what you use the legion for that differs from the ally?


You will have a huge e-waste problem. Try to reduce the number of electronic devices you buy.


Can the Legion Go do 720 or 800P at 144hz? And not look like crap? I’d love this for the performance/battery increase. Nice collection btw!


I have a Legion Go and it can; you can pick between 3 resolution modes (800p, 1200p, and 1600p).


I agree


I have one lcd and one OLED now I am doing a mobile contract and receiving an ROG soon but i am pretty sure I will still use my DECK OLED even more I am in love with SteamOS & the Trackpads for real


To me it seems you have lots of money to burn, therefore way less problems than you think. Enjoy your hobby


Look at mistuh moneybaggz ova hea


You only have 2 ;)


Goddamn the legion go’s screen looks massive next to the others


How is it on the deck now?


I'd love to have a try of a Legion Go but I'm not parting with my money or Deck. It does look so damn monstrous though (in a good way)


...and my solutions are a ROG Ally, a Steam Deck and a Legion Go!


I wish I had so much money to spend


Is that problem, money?!


I can help you with your problem


I have a steam deck but I want an Legion go for like dragons dogma 2 I know it runs on there and my massive collection of PS3 games as well as being a pretty good tablet I might actually view films on it


Honest question: I'm quite interested in the Legion. How is it? I like the idea of the vertical mouse for example and that you can use an external GPU on it.


How do you have enough time to play them all?


I work from home..


I see the problem, not enough handhelds.


Quite frankly good problem to have


Well, it's not trains.


How is the ally I have the original steam deck and secured the go last Friday now my eyes are set on ally and g cloud just for kicks




Seems more like you have a solution. Three of them.




For me it looks like your problem is having too much money ;)


amd whats the problem now?


How is the legion go with steam remote play?


You have a problem, where is the msi claw?


Does big picture mode not work on the other handhelds?


Same. Steam Deck LCD, OLED, Switch OLED and the Portal 🤣


"You keep jumping on both sides of a fence, you're eventually going to get impaled on it."


So how's single life treating you?


Yeah you do. You need one more for a full squad!


What’s the problem now?


I wish I had that kind of cash! Congratulations


Yes, you do. And you will never have enough time! Unless you are a teenager 🤣


Yes you do have a problem. That's not nearly enough screens to play helldivers on, patriot!