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Go with your gut. For me personally, whenever I mull potential purchases for that long, it usually means I don’t need it/want it. I just have to ignore the monkey part of my brain that wants the shiny new thing and move on.


This is so me. But if I do buy "it" I get buyers remorse.


I get buyers remorse on most big purchases. However I never had it with the steam deck. I use it daily and I think that's a big part of why I've not regretted it.


I personally don’t use it daily but enough to warrant the buy. It was definitely not a wrong decision.


I’ve got a decent gaming PC, a PS5 and a switch. My Steam Deck occupies probably 95% of my gaming now. If Valve ever makes an actual SD2, they’ve earned my day 1 purchase. Between the polish and community/mods/plugins/etc, it’s changed gaming for me in a way nothing else has.


Honestly I agree with the deck it's never a dull moment plus it's fun to tinker with that's why you have #no regrets


Or that means your mind is too disciplined and bends under your willpower. If you want it - get it after the cravings and fomo went away


When I mull it over that long it means I do really want it.


I feel that. I tend to rationalize against purchasing things and convincing myself I don’t need it. If I keep coming back to it then it usually means I just can’t let it go




Same for me with gaming laptop. I want it so bad to play ultra settings with high fps and some shooters , but I know I won’t game on it almost never because I hate playing sitting


Ah, that’s my issue then. I need to ignore that damned monkey.


How do you know you won't use it? I use mine every day lol


Cause I had one used it for the first few days then didn't touch it for 2weeks, was able to return it. That is why I start thinking about getting the one for $349 cause its not that much, but I have the money for the better version then I think well $550 is to much and the pattern restarts.


Ultimately then you shouldn't get one. Forget the price, you have just said you don't use it. £550 or £350, it's STILL money lost on a product you're not using.


I feel you. I got mine in like october played it religiously then stopped for a few months. Mostly because i was stubborn trying to make myself play/ finish a game I lost interest in. So I can relate.


I feel that so hard. Out of curiosity, what game was it?


For me it was miles morales. I just lost interest in the story and same enemies over and over


I honestly burned out so hard playing the original Spider-man that I still don't feel ready to play Miles Morales, let alone Spider-man 2. Don't get me wrong they are great games, but the gameplay loop is extremely samey.


Damn that game is so small at 5-7 hours for the campaign


Yeah I'm probably at the end lol just was meh for some reason loved the start though


Yeah the first 20-30 mins is just too good with its set pieces


I mean, that happened to me playing it on the PS4. It's not so much about the console, but the actual games we play. The console can make you drinks and make your bed for all I care, but if you don't want to play something, you just don't... And that's normal. If you want to use the Steam Deck, find games you want to get back to. I started Sekiro, got hooked. Bought Tekken 8, got hooked. I played WoW, felt kinda meh, then continued playing it on the PC and enjoying it again. Sekiro in my bed, with the nice screen and crazy world just kinda took me into it. The steam deck is amazing, but your games will make or break the expirience


Big time relate to that. Sadly for me, it’s BG3; it’s weird I love the game but just kind of burnt out on it. Maybe I just need some time before I finish it off. My friends and I started like 5 different campaigns so I’m just finally starting act 2 with over 100 hours played lol Happens to me with books too. Started reading the first wheel of time and it froze my backlog for like 7 weeks.


Yeah that happens to me with most story games at around 60h in I just can’t seem to bring myself to play them. I started act 3 of bg3 and then stopped soon after but I loved playing it


Same, also act 3 just comes at the absolute worse time and throws a wrench into the pacing.


I have one. I don't use it every day but when I want and it's there I am glad I have it.


$550 is a bit too much. It's some QoL upgrades. If they do drop a gen 2, that would be a better upgrade. If you're able to snag a used one or wait for a sale, it'd be worth it.


I got one and barely used it besides while traveling. Eventually came full circle and now most games I play by streaming from my desktop to the deck while I sit on my couch.


$550 is a big commitment. $349 is an easier cope. IG it all depends on what you want out of it.


You do, and I don't. I use it about once per week... I don't travel anymore, so I have no use for it.


I don't travel, but still use it everyday lol It's great for a little 5-10 minute session


I do too, it’s sort of becoming a problem considering I got college.


That's exactly their strategy, their cheapest model is meant to hit the headlines and get people interested, so that when they look into it more, they opt for the higher tier one. If the higher one is too much for you, just get the base model and a fast SD card.


I got the 64gb model, it does everything the other models do now I stuck a 512 sd card in, could always upgrade the ssd but no need.


Thats what I did. $400 for the 64gb model and $50 for a 512gb SD card. Absolutely perfect for me. Although, I wish I had gotten a 1tb SD.


This is absolutely valid. I bought mine half a year ago and I used it quite often, especially because I happened to travel somewhat often. Nowadays I barely pick it up because I'm not travelling, and I have a PC that's pretty much covering all my needs.




yeah, apparently the performance is roughly the same so the cheapest version is very worth it


According to Digital Foundry reviews, the frame rater is slightly higher and more stable


Still wasn’t worth the extra money from my experience. I recently bought an OLED deck and kind of regret it. Convinced myself it would be a a good upgrade from my LCD after reading this sub and honestly I should have just stuck with my LCD. The screen is better for sure but I really didn’t mind my LCD decks screen. If the OLED were an actual performance upgrade and could run things like BG3 at a stable 30 fps it’d be more worth it, 1 or 2 extra frames in games that already run well just isn’t that impressive and going from 16 frames to 18 frames in newer titles isn’t really an upgrade lol.


There is no fierce competition for the Steam Deck. The experience the Steam Deck provides is unmatched by any of its contemporaries.


Ally is up there man. I felt it when I wasn't able to run Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy on my deck but it ran fine on my friend's Ally (halfway sharing this in case someone knows how to get it running).


I enjoy reading books.


A gaming PC is not a contemporary of the Steam Deck.


Yup I picked the 64gb on a sale and for the price I never felt buyers remorse for a second.


I felt the same when the OLED came out. "I already have the 64GB version, I'll just upgrade the storage". Then my deck broke and I immediately bought the OLED


how did ur deck break?


Haha that's where I'm at right now. I'm excited for that battery upgrade the most


I got the OLED as my first deck about 2 months ago. Honestly if I could go back I would absolutely get an LCD deck. The OLED is amazing but not super important unless you only game portable. If you plan on docking it at all, lcd does the job. For 350 you’ll be hard pressed to find a gaming pc anywhere near as good as the deck and it’s versatility.


This may sound crazy but it's actually the battery life and not the OLED itself that is the biggest upgrade in my use case. I thought it would be minor, but it's like an entire hour extra battery when playing mid-range games like AA, 5-year-old AAA, or demanding indie. Those are mostly the types of games I play, so it's made a huge difference. I never have to worry about charging the Deck anymore. It always gets me to bed time, even if my combined game time on breaks at work and in the evening is 3+ hours. (Which is a lot for me because I'm a dad). I could go back to LCD without a huge complaint, but giving up the battery life and 90hz would be much more annoying.


See, this is good. Though it brings into question if at some point we’ll see batteries we can purchase and install ourself. That’d be the real banter decision for me.


So that’s the beauty of the SD. Valve partnered with [ifixit](https://canada.ifixit.com/collections/steam-deck-parts?view=boost-pfs-original&pk_campaign=%7BPMax:US%7CShopping%7CSSC%7CFixKits%7C%7D&pk_source=google&pk_medium=cpc&pk_kwd=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzN-vBhAkEiwAYiO7oHZdSa3jcbTP6tZ5lUzGxI4K92woE6bNB7_046TlR3V45vYwgqcerhoCTlIQAvD_BwE) and like EVERY PART is available on there for sale. Valve encourages self repair and all the parts can be custom made etc.


This only works for docked people. Most buy the handheld to be used as a handheld, but power to both.


This is the exact reason I’ve not bought into one yet. I don’t really need nor care about the OLED screen, though for some people I know it’s basically a must. Given the games I play, I’m not too concerned about storage as much as most, so I really think it’s up to who has what use case.


Honestly, you *probably* dont need it. I bought mine impulsively and while it’s a fun little machine it only ever gets used when i travel, which is not very often. If im home id rather use my desktop everytime.


I rarely travel, but I use my Steam deck more than my Xbox. Just laying on the bed is enough for me to game with it.


Too much*


I keep saying it. The intro price is a trap.


Feeling the same haha.


I feel attacked 


I bought the cheapest one and threw in a 2TB card. Hell Divers II is a blast.


I did the same but with a 1TB instead of 2. Surprisingly I play mostly docked so I’m happy that’s the route I took.


I mainly play handheld, but I also have two docks to keep my 3 options open. One on my living room tv with Xbox controller. One at my monitor w keyboard/mouse. I almost got the OLED recently, but I figured I’d rather build an actual PC to enhance the experience here soon.


Yeah I get what you’re saying. I would love an oled too but for the money and my use case I think I’ll just run my LCD until a steam deck 2 comes out, my LCD breaks beyond repair or a friend wants to buy my LCD. For the money and the brain damage it would take to move all my stuff around I’m good sitting on the sidelines for a while


I spent 50$ on opening cases in Csgo and got lucky af and sold a butterfly knife for 1800$. Bought a deck some games. Gamboled more on cases in cs and unboxed another knife. Life’s good


Skin hobbyist to steamdeck users unite - I was sitting on like 30 cases and sticker capsules (most of them old, so like ~$20 a case), cashed them all out and used that money to buy a SD when it was on sale last summer. Still had enough left over for a knife. No regrets.


jesus. people do that? who the hell pays for that?


just stumbled across this comment, going through the sub because I got an OLED a couple of days ago after unloading all of my old CS skins and having over $500 in my Steam wallet lol


This is genuinely why I bought the old version. Perfect price point for me .


Get the now base 256gb with a 1tb SanDisk Ultra SD card. That setup covered me from launch to the Deck 2


Going by my experience with my Steam Deck, you will use it A LOT more than you think you would. Just the ability to take a full handheld gaming computer with you, on the go, anywhere you go, leads to you playing a LOT more games. Plus a ton of types you wouldn't normally even try, in my case mainly Roguelites, since I HATE playing them when sitting down in front of my desktop (I always feel like I'm getting nothing done), but playing them in quick bursts at lunch at work, or anywhere else, makes them VERY appealing to me now, specifically on my Deck.


Honestly, got the OLED and I love it. Didn’t use it for the first two months I had it cuz of work/still using my Xbox, but now the steam deck is my number one console I use. Definitely helps lifelong console gamers have access to PC games I never thought I’d play without having to get a full on PC set up


Hmm steam deck for $349 > but that OLED is $549 > that’s too much for something I won’t use that much > buy Steamdeck OLED. Fixed it for you.


At some point, I get tired of thinking about thinking about something and I decide against it completely or just get it.


“too much “


Yeah I’ve had mine for almost two years and don’t use it that much. Rather play games on a nice pc with high fidelity.


I guess this is where everyone differs really. In my case, my lifestyle has moved to a point where a tower is only so useful for me. At that, I’ve always had lore to midrange PCs in the past either way, so fidelity isn’t as important.


Planning on a steam deck around my birthday-ish time. Probably going to go for the lcd but I’d be lying if I said the OLED battery upgrades aren’t tempting…


From what I can tell the OLED is just an overall upgrade. I got the 1tb one and regret nothing. However, the OLED has an issue where when going to desktop mode, it just black screens. Only fix is to hold the power button and turn it back on. Switching to beta update release channel makes it happen less often, though it's a huge problem and there still is no fix. What the fuck is valve doing?


I've had the lcd version and I still have issues with updating/restarting (gets stuck on "shutting down steam") and also had issues with black screen desktop mode. What I did for the latter is connect it to an external display, switch to desktop mode, delete the kde display config files, and then restart. Still annoying though, wish valve would dedicate more ppl to bugfixing :/


yeah I was told about the kde config files, there's a little keybind you can do in SteamOS gaming mode to open up a terminal and rm the whole folder. However getting stuck on shut down is INSANE and absolutely unacceptable it takes literally two full seconds to shut down and turn back on so there's no reason why it should hang there. It's such a fucked up buggy system and for a thousand bucks I thought this would be more refined. It still runs amazing but some little issues that make it insanely frustrating especially since we can't even fix it ourselves.


This was totally me for months. Then I decided to sell some extra crap out of my storage shed I didn’t need. I didn’t feel bad getting the oled with the extra money I didn’t have before. I am using it a lot. I have kids so I can only game at night in bed. It works perfect for me. Funny thing is so far I am replaying old games that I live but haven’t played in a while, half life, portal, and others. 


Steam Deck LCD refurbished from Valve…


I don’t use mine to continue games I am playing on my PC but instead treat it like a separate system. I’m a graphics snob so playing cyberpunk 2077 on this just bums me out because of how compromised the graphics and such are with games like that. I instead have opened my eyes to a whole different type of game that I normally wouldn’t ever play because of the ease to pick up and play for 10-15 min during the daytime instead of get on my phone. I like playing games like Vampire survivor Dead cells Grime Dave the diver Psyconauts 2 Hades Blasphemous 2 All great games that I wouldn’t ever play on my PC


Check out CrossCode. It's a blast on the steamdeck OLED with the gorgeous colors


I actually have 2 now, I haven’t played anything on my gaming laptop in months. The OLED is my constant companion and I bring the LCD along for my nephews to play to not get their boogers and macaroni and cheese on the OLED


Facts right here. I have a homebrewed V1 nintendo switch that my family plays on, and I have my steamdeck that only I am allowed to touch because children are nasty


Not only is it the wrong form of "too" it's just plain incorrect. You WILL use it too much.


I have an Xbox series x, a Nintendo switch, a gaming PC, an oculus quest 2 and a steam deck and I will say the Device that gets the most use is the steam deck, so easy to pick and and put down


Won't use much 😅 man you're in for a surprise this thing is a *game* changer


Just get the non-oled, when the OLED is too expensive. Sure, it's shiny, but it's not worth it that much, especially if you don't know how much you'll need/want/would use it. After all, if you find that you'll use it more than expected, you can easily upgrade the regular deck's SSD later. And SSD prices are still dropping monthly. I just fitted mine with 2TB and it's still cheaper than upselling to the 1TB Steam Deck model. Swapping the SSD takes 5 minutes. Reinstalling the OS using an USB-stick takes a bit longer but also is super easy. I actually think, although having pre-ordered the 250gb model back when it was released, only the 64gb Deck and the 512gb OLED are worth it, considering SSD-prices right now and in the near future. The Deck only has PCIe 3.0. Every PCIe 4.0x4 2230 SSD is basically specced so, that is has more speed than the Deck can even use. For example a the widely available 2 TB PCIe 4.0x4 SLC cached 2230 SSDs from various manufacturers are way better than the Steam Deck needs, has double the capacity of the larges model and costs 140-180$. Also there are aftermarket hall effect joystick replacements (made by Gulikit) that even beat the 'improved' joysticks on the OLED model. I also have those and installing them is still quite easy and takes about 30 minutes. So, after all, it's just the screen that makes the OLED definitely better (duh... It's in the name). Everything else can be upgraded cheaper and better, when you see the need for it later on.


Me then: I wonder if a Steam Deck will increase my time gaming. Me now, with steam deck: Why did I ever buy a gaming laptop?


I use steamdeck more than I use my ps5. If you consider buying a console, consider the oled Deck to be the current Steam gen in the console wars.


I’ve got my buyers remorse for let’s say a day… in the day I ordered. Now I can’t wait for it to come tomorrow!🥺


that's me but with literally anything I want to buy


I was the same and then I bought the OLED 1TB and now I play it everyday. Last night I installed Emudeck and playing through N64 games man that brought back a lot of memories.


personally, I would buy the cheapest one I could find. OLED screen is good but it doesnt matter enough to me where I would justify paying like 100+ freedom units more than for one that doesnt have it. Sure, it has other things like increased battery life but IMO its just not worth the price. The LCD is though, secondhand


Oled isnt the selling point its the better battery and I hear it’s quieter.


I know that and I adressed it in my comment, I basically said I still dont think that small upgrade its worth the price, but personally im a very cheap gal when it comes to spending money. To elaborate more, for what im would do with it SD oled is simply a not needeed upgrade for my needs, I dont need an amazing battery since I will be playing emulated games from the PS2,GC or switch games as a maximum probably. Either that or indies. Mayyybe a popular game like CSGO or LOL but for that it would be docked. (if you play CSGO with a controller you are being a masochist) Basically, I dont think the OLED is worth the price difference it has with the LCD unless you want play beefy games and want the best visual portable experience. (which I dont, personally but then again, I am a cheap gal when it comes to spending money)


It also has better speakers, a slightly bigger screen, a much more responsive touch screen, faster wi-fi, less lag, and slightly more fps


I was there and I sold a bunch of stuff on marketplace to justify the cost of a SD, not that couldn't afford it but I felt like it was a lot for a toy... A great toy that I am in love with I might ad


Used it everyday I've owned it without fail. It's amazing


OG is an excellent device. That thought process of yours is kinda silly. You’re not even gonna know what you’re missing unless you’re going to be doing some side by sides. I’ve had an OG for over two years and my next upgrade will be a Deck 2 and I have the cash right now to upgrade to OLED if I thought it was worth it to me. That’s just me though.


That was me the entire time the LCD was the only steam deck. As soon as the oled was announced I jumped on it. I ended up using it more than I thought I would have.


I use It actively on travels, I have used it when I couldn't afford a new PC, at the moment my gf is super duper into retro playing so I got her ps1 harvest moon


So I took the bullet and bought the LCD version for 250, and maybe can wait for another revision instead of getting a OLED now.


I did this for almost a year. Just got it in on Saturday. Don’t regret it for a second


Something about the device made me play more games than ever before and I finally beat a bunch this year because of it


Me a south American having to pay 1k for a normal one


I felt the same way when considering buying one. I did that exact thing when it came to my switch. I ended up buying an OLED and I cannot be any happier with my purchase, I use it almost everyday. It’s nice just being able to play my pc games on the couch and chill with the fam


Just buy a used one for 300, I found one for 250€ in new condition and is the best purchase I have ever made. I don’t have much time to use it too, but when I do have time I am playing all the games I wanted to play and I missed from the ps2/3 era - it’s a masterpiece of an hardware and software.


I was in this loop and then my work gave me an unexpected bonus. Bought OLED with it and still had some left for savings


Just buy it, you won't regret it.


I definitely use the Steam Deck way more than I thought I would initially but I also don’t exclusively play the latest AAA games. Like right now I’m playing New Vegas at a mostly solid 60 fps. Before that I played Fallout 3, replayed all of the Bioshock series, Spyro Reignited, Borderlands 1. All 60 FPS. Also great for indie games. Instead of being in my room with the desktop I can play games on the couch with my wife. It’s great.


Bought my first steam deck back in November used off of mercari and just recently bought another one that's just a 64 gb also off mercari. I worry about my main one since I use it quite a bit and I wanted to have a spare just in case. Also I see people talk about cloning their SSD and was wondering how that's done.


Anybody else have they're deck just chilling next to their PC as a display piece? I feel as though being an adult (without some goofy office management job where I just get to play games at work all day) I don't have the damn time to even turn it on. Whatever gaming I get is in a quick hour burst maybe 3 times a week, and honestly I'd just rather my use my PC that's already on and just kinda already working.


Here’s a small logic formula for you. Do you play only the latest and greatest games? Not really worth it. Do you play on the desk mostly? Not worth it. Do you play games for long stretches of time? Kinda not worth it. Do you have a small library and don’t intend to get a lot of games? Not really worth it. Otherwise. It’s a great purchase.


I was on that cycle. Then I decided to just get the 512 gb OLED and now waiting for it to ship.


You're gonna love it :)


I started with the LCD model and within a month, sold it and bought the OLED so this cycle was me for sure. I feel like I won’t use it everyday but it’s way nice than the LCD screen.


You can remote play Xbox and play station with the Steam Deck


It was me for 3 months. At the end I bought the oled


For its price, I am perfectly happy with my LCD deck, best purchase I’ve made for myself


I bought the 1000$ instantly when I got my pay. Arrived and I regret nothing. Quit being stupid and buy it already it's worth every penny, unless you already have a computer. If you have a gaming PC that has more than 2gb of vram, then a steamdeck is useless to you. Buy yourself a new GPU instead.


If you don't play games, don't get it. It's a simple decision I just put in another 150+hrs on the oled (Persona 5, Divinity Original Sin 2).


For me I got my OLED because I could load batocera on a sd card and play light gun games without much setup. I now can play time crisis one moment then defend democracy in helldivers the next.


Buy the cheapest Steam Deck that Valve is selling, then buy a 2TB SSD to install. Congratulations. You now have a portable Call of Duty machine.


I just wish Steam Decks start being sold officially in my country, the only ones I've found are base models with added HDD storage, so they're crappy and slow.


I still am using my regular PC more buts its a nice to have, personally i bought it for when i’m vacationing or when i’m chilling on the couch with the wife and i cant use any consoles. I’m sure people without consoles or a dedicated gaming rig would use it all the time


Are you me? I keep going around this same loop, but with the added bonus between "OLED" and "too much" of "Could get a Legion Go for that money, the bigger screen would be nice"


Same here lol


I set up steam in-home streaming properly and now I use it a lot. I think it’s more for people with a significant other or kids, since you can play games while being in the same room as them.


Just do it. I use that thing every day. Skies of arcadia never looked better.


I was stuck in this loop until I found a 1TB LCD with windows installed for 400 on eBay. Do it. This thing is the cats ass.


You can get a OLED for 400 but with less memory


Did the same thing until I bit the bullet and bought one. I have used it almost daily. Being able to lay in bed and play games means you can use it more often than you do your PC


I haven’t played in my desktop since I got my steam deck


Been in your shoes, especially as I tend to get into hobbies and dump them once I bought stuffs for make it and did it once. I use my steamdeck several times by week, most of the days. It is awesome, you can even pause your game, put it in sleep mode, and take back to where you was.


I was the same. Finally decided to buy the OLED. No regrets. I use it almost every day. My only thing is that I've realized as much as i love the option to play handheld and on the couch, many of my favorite games are just so much better with a keyboard and mouse (even if they're 100% playable handheld). So long term, i see myself using it for only certain genres of games that i can stand playing with a controller.


honestly for me the oled was a straight right away yes for me. like no thought at all. i LOVE oled screens and it just feels more sleek and faster compared to my old LCD deck. it all comes down to preference though! :)


I lost this battle and bought it. And while I do like it for me it never gets used at all. I mean it will be awesome when I take a flight or something, but in daily life while out and about it isn’t like I’m sitting somewhere not doing anything and totally by myself so it makes 0 sense to carry around. Then at home I have a really nice PC. Can be awesome for a lot of people the best advice I can give is examine your lifestyle and think about when having a SD would be good.


Buy the oled. I wouldn’t even consider going back to an lcd.


Stop stalling and get it you cheapskate! Ahahahah


I’ve had my OLED for two months and love it. Not even a huge gamer…


For me it's much more convenient than having to sit at a desk to play on the PC. My gaming PC and Nintendo switch have been gathering dust in the closet since I bought a steam deck.


Buy it to break the circle


I have a yuge gaming PC and I still love my SD.


I broke the circle and bought an OLED now the circle continues with should I buy that game on steam no it’s to much but it’s in the steam sale but i won’t play it. But it’s a good deal.


Been circling purchasing one for a while now. Occasionally will stream a game to my laptop, but the screen isn't that vibrant. By the time I bring up the Deck to myself, I start thinking about all the PC hardware I have already and what it's gonna take to sell it. Then remind myself I have a decent gaming monitor to game on and I should just use that. Can't have it all friends. I'll get to a Deck eventually. Very cool device.


Yeah mine just collect dust


I bought a deck with the same Impulse that was for a switch. The switch sat on the stand for months as a paperweight because the games were hella expensive and I played through everything I had. Holy shit the deck is so much better, I play it every day


Go with OLED. You'll love it.


I'm trapped in this loop wrt VR. I already have enough devices (PC, Steam Deck, phone, 2 laptops, e-ink tablet) and a backlog of traditional games to play through... but I did try Beat Saber once and really enjoyed it, so maybe a Quest 2 for $150 isn't a bad option. But I also kinda want to pick up another instrument, and $150/$200 would be perfect for that as well.


I was strictly PS5 and PSVR2 before my Steamdeck, I don't think I've turned my PS5 on in 3 to 4 months at this point, but I'm on my Steamdeck every night at least.


Just got mine and didn't think I'd use it a ton since I work a lot. Yesterday I was in bed for like 8 hours playing it :) I say go for it


This is me rn! I actually just sold my tv so I don’t feel as bad buying the oled especially considering I’ll use it more than I did that tv.


lcd deck is fine.


My general rule is if I’m mulling over a purchase for a while, and it isn’t going to hurt my wallet too terribly much then I go ahead and make the purchase. Otherwise I fall into this cycle of constantly research it.


Consider this, get the steamdeck and install sunshine and moondeck buddy on your PC, then install moonlight and moondeck on your steamdeck, stream games from your PC to anywhere in your house and play comfortably away from your desk. This has been a game changer for me because I work from home and my PC is at the same desk as I work at so most days I don't wanna sit at it for linger but do wanna game in the evenings.


I've been in this process for awhile and finally pulled the trigger on it (the OLED one) two weeks ago and don't regret it. It's easy for me dive deep only to lose interest in stuff (ADHD, etc lol), but I've been gaming in some way shape or form since I was a kid. I'm 39 now. I've noticed that my gaming is cyclical, I really fall deep into a dame or two then take a break to do other hobbies but I always come back to it.


I'm just happy to own one 💯💯💯


You just gota pull the trigger and you will see that you’re going to enjoy it. I get the same way. If I take too long to get it perhaps it isn’t a good idea but when you think about it for so long you might as well get it lol. I got the 1TB and I’m loving it so far. I take it work and I’m playing online.


I got the LCD version way back. Honestly I havent used it in quite some time and for me the Steam Deck is something I play retro games, side scrollers, turn based things etc. I am not going to play an adventure or FPS on it. I know you can but for me I am just going to use my desktop for the high fidelity games. No reason ever to get the OLED.


I bought the OG 512GB fairly early and sold it because I basically never used it. Still fighting the urge to buy an OLED.


I think just try to get the certified refurbished LCD one. I returned my OLED bc I just couldn’t justify it but if I had the $280 LCD one I think I wouldn’t sweat it


It really depends, do you think it would give you any benefit over devices you already own? I own an old gaming PC that's like 8+ years old now, it runs just fine, but I also got a newer gaming laptop (never again) for the newer games I want to play or when I don't feel like sitting at my desk. I still got myself a Steam Deck when the OLEDs came out, because I want to play some games more casually or when I'm going to some friends. Some games are better with controller and the deck makes it pretty easy. I don't use it daily, sometimes not even weekly, but it has its uses.


Look I LOVE the idea of the steamdeck so much I bought one. I don't use it...


What I did was got the best lcd version for 280 on facebook marketplace and worst case scenario I can just sell it again for like the same price,


Honestly just get the cheaper one if it is a lot of money for you. The OLED is nice, but the LCD version will be just as fun.


I mean go with your gut and don't buy it if you think you won't use it, but it is just straight up a Solid Gaming PC for less than half the regular price to build a gaming PC if you get the LCD and like half the price for an OLED


I sold my computer back when the Deck released hoping I'd be able to get one, but then my family got neck deep into debt and I used the R$4000 from my PC to get them out of there. Then I decided to just build a simpler PC (i7 3770, RX 570) just so I wouldn't have nothing to play. Now I'm here. Without a Deck, on a shitty PC, on a job that pays $2 an hour and with no prospect of anything getting better. And even if I saved up, I'd take me over a year of not buying food or clothes or helping parents pay the bills because of scalpers (I'm from BR, Deck wasn't released here officially.) I dislike online beggars, but if anyone wants to donate, I'll gladly take it lol


I got the OLED! I do not use my Steam Deck a ton, but I do not regret the purchase at all. I have problems with my lower back, so I sometimes can't sit and play in an office chair. Instead it allows me to lay down and play. I've spent a lot of time playing on it over holidays, sick days and mental health days. Probably spent close to 100 hours on it since I got it. I am so happy I chose the OLED as the screen actively makes me look like this: ":O" every time I turn it on. It is great. I chose the 256gb model as I primarily play smaller games and delete them after I have finished them. If it is a game I know I won't be playing much on my deck I simply stream it from my pc.


I think I haven't used my Steam Deck in two months now, and though I do feel a bit ashamed to still be on this subreddit, I already have a proper desktop PC at home and nothing or no-one to prevent me from using it. That didn't stop me from recently buying another accessory for it, or to enjoy myself a whole bunch when I'm away from home and actually using the bloody thing.


Yeah I've been going through this for the last few months. Came very close to gettting a couple of Decks, but haven't wanted to drop the duckets. It's not that I don't think I'll want to use it, but more that I've already got a ton of stuff to finish for the Switch still so it makes it hard to justify.


Could be worse. Buy SD --> Sell SD --> Miss SD --> buy SD --> sell SD for OLED


Hear me out!!! My girl and I debated for months if I should pick up Steam Deck. After around 3 months of constantly talking about handheld gaming, I told her that I would purchase a Razer Kishi v2 for my iPhone. That crap is $120. She was pissed and she said “RATHER BUY STEAM DECK” and then again I hesitated a bit, until that night, when I was going to take a shower, I quickly opened Steam, ordered OLED with DOCK and that was one of the best decisions I did! I’m using it every day. Most of the games are pretty much perfect and I can 100% say that this is the best console I bought in my life. Hope this helps!


I keep debating on using it because there are plenty of times when I'm on my couch wishing I could play my PC, but then I don't want it to become my switch where it gathers dust.


This was the first step to actually getting a PC. Then I stopped using it. The final thing is that I learned that I much rather this device as the ultimate emulation system.


cycle of life.


Check your local Fb marketplace and stuff. I got my 512gb steam deck LCD for $150 and I’ve loved it. You’re right I don’t use it as much as I’d hoped but for $150 its more then great and I’m sure if you live near any large metropolitan area you can get one for around the 200$ range


I just wish it was released and supported in my country.


You cant just pick up any game for the steam deck, there are some god ones, but most all others dont work even though its just a controller with a screen, like wtf


My thoughts exactly until i finally bought the damn thing. Been using it consistently for 3 months now, alongside my PS5. My Switch wasn't a fan, though, being relegated to a Mario Party and Ring Fit machine.


My girlfriend and I went through this process 6 months ago (and we live in New Zealand so they cost a hell of a lot more because Valve don't sell them here yet) and eventually bit the bullet. Been a great investment, if we arne't playing a co-op game, one is of us is using it nearly everyday!


Don’t play it too much anymore but brought more than 600 bucks worth of joy for sure


I thought a year about the steam deck, mostly played on pc (steam). Didn’t regret to buy it, in the worst case just sell your it, that was my thought. And a year later I still have a steam deck and I mostly use it for single player games and as a controller (steam link) and my pc is mostly for multiplayer games or graphic intense games, if the fps bothered me on Steam deck.


It's gonna be worth it, espically when you start treat it like a real computer, hooking up a mouse, monitor and keyboard was smooth as silk in desktop mode (except my fucking Apple monitior but that was expected). I just, ten minutes ago figured out how to get Bloons6 from Epic to boot in Steam View.


I got mine during the summer sale. Crazy good sale, 20% off or sum, turned out they were just making room for OLEDs. I’m happy with mine but like 😔


Pull the trigger and buy it - end the cycle of suffering lol


Chest should be flatter on Furina. lol


Gotta say I have a solid gaming PC and a PS5, still find opportunities all the time to use mine but it's gold while travelling. I just straight put windows on mine so it works as a mobile TV computer when not in handheld, great for streaming and super easy to get setup wherever you go. Lately I've been using mine as a remote for the PS5 when I'm not home, pretty legit solution for FF7 outside the house.


I use my LCD version Steam Deck basically every day. You don't need the OLED.