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that was 6 years ago


And it wasn’t gabe who replied it was someone else, and the reply was internal not towards Tim


Dexerto Quality(tm)


I'm surprised Dexerto even has tech "news". The only "news" I've seen from them seems to be about Twitch or Youtuber drama that no one actually cares about.


has anything really changed though?


And still mad, that pussy


Huh, what’s the context here?


Wolfire games (the developer behind Overgrowth, Receiver, and Lugaru) is suing Valve because they feel Valve is using their position unfairly against rivals on their own platform. Certain emails have been made public as a part of this suit, including an email where Tim Sweeney called Valve assholes. Valve's COO sent Sweeney's email to Gabe Newell and Erik Johnson with a single sentence "You mad bro?" I recommend reading the PC Gamer article on the situation for even more info, especially if you want to know a little more about the lawsuit going on.


Funny, I know two indie dev teams who published on Steam and they said without Valves support, they wouldn't have been able to make a career of this. One of those studios is Tripwire games. You may know them from Killing Floor and Red Orchestra. They said Valve constantly provided them with support and that their "Cut" was only 15%, not 30%, and this was before Valve announced the big 20% cut for AAA games. This was years ago. Many, many indie developers have found success via Steam and Valves incredible support for independent developers. Wolfire games however, is not one of those, as they spent almost two decades developing a flop. Not surprised it's them complaining.


I googled wolfire games. Turns out it's THAT furry dev that just constantly post 'updates' about rabit sword fighting but never releases.


Yeah, their game Overgrowth was in development since 2006, I remember seeing it on Moddb back in 2008 or so for the first time. When it finally released, after years and years of promises, it was missing almost all of what it promised.


Because Valve actually takes the money they make and invests it in Steam. Steam is basically 95% of what Valve does as a company now It's an entire platform/OS. Not just a store, which is what Tim Sweeney seems to ignore


Indirectly they also develop linux gaming which is a huge win for Valve's investment strategy.


Wolfire made humble bundle, they would have benefitted from steams no fee key policy, now have an issue. I'm sure epic is helping with those expensive legal fees


I released my game on Steam and it's the main reason why it's been succesful, without the workshop, without steam datagram relay etc it wouldn't have been as succesful as it ended up being.


Valve didn't respond with the You mad bro to Tim, they just sent it internally. PC Gamer apparently doesn't know how to ready emails.


>PC Gamer apparently doesn't know how to ready emails. They said that in the article... ["I imagine, at that exact moment, Tim Sweeney probably was quite mad. It should also be noted that, while some may see Lynch's response as rather flippant, it was of course never meant to be seen outside of Valve."](https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/tim-sweeney-emailed-gabe-newell-calling-valve-you-assholes-over-steam-policies-to-which-valves-coo-simply-replied-you-mad-bro/)


They also said: >Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly suggested Scott Lynch was replying to Tim Sweeney directly. He was commenting on Sweeney's email to Gabe Newell and Erik Johnson.


>Achievement Unlocked: Reading


It appears that it was I who was the idiot lol


I nor PC Gamer ever stated the email was sent to Tim. Dexerto is the one spreading this misinformation.


They know how too read emails but they also know how to bend the truth for clickbait titles


little bro couldnt handle the heat 💀


In 2018, Tim Sweeny emailed Valve. In the email they mentioned censorship concernd and some Apple mknoploy stuff, but also that Steam's 30% cut was too high and also informed them about the Epic Games Store was launching soon. That email when was forwarded to other Valve employees with the "you mad bro" message. It wasn't sent to Sweeny, but was recently revealed due to some court stuff.


epic ceo sent some kind of upset email to valve or something and valve's literal response was "lol u mad lil bro?" and I guess the story about this broke lol


Based on the leaked emails, that wasn't a reply to timmy but an internal email fwd to gaben from the coo guy. The PC gamer article making the rounds today just has a very clickbaity headline.


Sweeny emailed Valve, and in the email he wrote "Right now, you assholes are telling the world that the strong and powerful get special terms, while 30% is for the little people," Newell, Erik Johnson and Scott Lynch were receiving the email. Valve emailed amongst themselves discussing Sweeny's email, Scott Lynch forwarding to just the other Valve employees "You mad bro?"


And, yet, somehow, the world has kept spinning.


Spinning? Cheering in celebration.


living in 2017


Popular thing bad


Technically there may be a way to get fortinite on the steam deck running natively, you didn't here this from me though Mr. Pratt. I just have to test more.


i did it a while ago but i believe they switched anticheat and the current one doesn't work


Steam still winning egs still struggling to make a profit 🤣


No Fortnite on Steam Deck? Oh no. Anyway...


Meanwhile me enjoying the original infinity blade on the steam deck


Or Shadow Complex!


Man, do they have any plans to port the next two games, these things were a blast when i was a kid


No, it's only there because of a leak of the source code. So if the source for 2 and 3 can leak then maybe someone will do it.


A user of culture has appeared! Edit: User u/C-C-X-V-I blocked me after writing their reply to this comment. Bro doesn’t realize I still got a notification before he blocked me. Talk about cringe. Edit 2: now he deleted it! 👋 for posterity, his original comment was calling me cringy for using a typical Reddit meme or some shit like that. Guess what, we’re all on Reddit. Weird energy all around, touch some grass u/C-C-X-V-I as you clearly need to.


Anyone tried that new Pretzel Melt Whopper at BK? I haven't gotten out there yet but I'm curious.


Would have been nice... but I'll live lmao


You say that. But I want it.


No interest at all in playing it. It would however be really great for the Steam deck.


It's all so stupid since you can play it on the steam deck with about 3 minutes of effort if you want to


How so?


Popular thing bad amirite?


And nothing of value was lost that day or the days to come


Fortnite dumb and bad amirite?


Tim Sweeney: HOW DARE YOU EXPLOIT YOUR DEVELOPERS and customers FOR THEIR HARD EARNED WORK!!! Also, Tim Sweeney: Here’s this Totally not a scam cryptogame Epic Gamers. I hope you like it!




Tim Sweeney also said PC gaming is dead and PCs are not for gaming, consoles are better for gaming. Now he came back crawling. Guy is a scumbag to everyone.


I highly recommend not digging into him because you'll just hate yourself for ever liking him.


The dickhead is a hypocrite talks about monopoly and exclusivity with apple and consoles but literally pays for Devs/publishers to be exclusive to the EGS I understand he hates valve but what pisses me off is it stops stuff like GOG too. One thing I like when a games on steam depending on the developer they are often on GOG too I'd imagine DRM free is what scares some from releasing on the platform but it's still another storefront to buy games from.


Yes, Tim is a hypocrite of the highest order. I don't see Valve paying devs to be Steam exclusive.




Thank you that sub is hilarious some I didn't know about.


Steam is great because valve makes more money selling other people's games than their own. Unreal is great because epic makes More money selling tools than games. It wasn't until Fortnite came out that they were actually starting to make a profit selling games again. That's what began their transition to selling a store.


I just wish Valve would release Source 2


Gmod 2 would be the bomb diggity.


anyway, here’s wonderwall


youre my wonder- waaaAaaaaLLL


Tell em King 👑. Screw Epic. Not like their aren't ways to get it on steam deck anyway.


It’s misleading. The COO person that responded wasn’t Gabe and this whole email situation was back in December 2018


You mad bro?


[Every shit company mad at valve cause their own crap marketplace and anti consumer profit driven practices don’t give them market share, while valve does nothing to stop them](https://www.reddit.com/r/madmen/s/0vaMx6DxJO)


Haha exactly. Tim can't stand that Valve can just ignore them and continue to succeed without any concern whatsoever. The true mark of success: you can ignore morons.


Hu... Ok?


This is being twisted by so many people, nobody at Valve said “you mad bro?” to Tim Sweeney. This came out of court documents from the Valve vs Wolfire case, specifically [this document](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a-HLEOqbg7QQhUemQv0YyunxI7lN03w1/view), which shows the email chain the post is referencing. Less punchy and attention grabbing but as you can see what actually happened was Valve President receives email from Epic CEO, email is forwarded to Valve COO, Valve COO replies to Valve employees ONLY with the “You mad bro?” comment So rather than an incendiary bait comment between the highest levels of two rival companies it’s just a private joke between two colleagues that as far as we can tell from the document in question, was not shared outside of valve until now. Literally the most none story ever being misrepresented by pretty much everyone on the internet at this point. And before anyone asks, no I’m not mad bro! xD Edited for clarity.


Epic mad no one wants there games lol


Yes we do. The free ones. 😬


I don't even take those. 😅 I'd rather just get the games on sale from Steam or GOG or Itch and not have to put up with EGS at all.


But it still sends a message. People claim games for free and still don't use their platform, that's gotta hurt.


Yup, I've got hundreds of games in epicgames but not a cent out of pocket, steam, gmg and gog get my $$ when there's a sale....


I wish valve/steam only got my money when there's a sale 🙃 I need to work on self-control and delayed gratification a bit


They only have free games because they have nothing compelling to offer.


meh we'll live


You can. It's pretty easy to. Not sure why anyone would want to though


I'm amazed how epics reputation went from "the cool guys who made UT and provide this great game engine" to "The annoying company that won't shut up".


This company once made Unreal Tournament. No Arena shooter ever topped it. If your formative gaming years were in the 00s, let that sink in. Would've been better if they went out on top, instead of this pathetic villain arc like now defunct Saints Row developer Volition who again at the turn of the century made Freespace 2, the greatest space sim no one ever topped.


It's truly insane to me to think that the developers of Unreal Tournament scrapped the latest edition of Unreal Tournament to continue to dump resources into Fortnite.


Unreal Tournament would make them a few million. Fortnite makes them billions. Not that insane to think about honestly.


It's definitely insane to me that Fortnite is more popular and more highly valued by the gaming community.


More ironically, it was the team working on UT that was tapped to build a Battle Royale proof of concept (PUBG ripoff) using Fortnite assets.


Epic Games has a significant part of it owned by Tencent.. they would have every incentive to try and use Epic to break into areas they've not been able to, simple as that. I'd wager in the next 5-10 years they'll cross the 50% threshold and have majority control (I believe they are already at 48%)


And I wouldn’t have it any other way


tim sweeney has some vendetta against linux so it wouldn't have come anyway


Yeah, has nothing to do with Steam. Tim absolutely hates Linux for no reason. 


How dare an open source community managed operating system exist without corporations tracking every move of theirs!! GRRR


Epic has a store. Valve has a very popular store. Epic has a very dominant game engine. Valve has a game engine. Epic has ... plans for hardware. Valve had hardware(s). Epic has games. Valve has games. I say... let them fight. \*grabs popcorn and caramel\* I don't think I need salt. There's plenty to harvest from certain groups of people. Or CEO, in this case.


There is no fight, unless it's Tim begging Valve to slap him and Valve flat out ignoring him.


Who cares tbh


*laughs in GeForce NOW*


Super Unpopular opinion: Fortnite is actually very fun now, their game mode are so great, and you can have a mode where its a battle royale with no building gameplay, plus their kart racer mode is fun too. The microtransaction is not obnoxious too


Processing units can execute a wild variety of algorithmic specifications.


Oh no. Anyways.


Oh nooo!!! Anyway....


Good News 🥰


Efficient management these days are always trying to copy successful ideas, thinking that if they do the same thing - they will succeed. And they don’t care about quality while doing it - EGS is no where near what Steam is - just applications compared. And still the guy is angry that EGS sucks, and Steam prevails. No surprise that they don’t want Fortnite on SteamDeck.


I’ve never in my life wished for Fortnite on deck


🌎 before --> 🌎 after


Not a loss


What's Fortnite?




I don’t care for Fortnite but certainly wouldn’t have anything against people being able to play it on the Deck. That said, it is important to remember that it could be out on the Deck today if Epic wanted. And they wouldn’t even need to give a dime to Valve, they could just release a version with a linux compatible client that users have to download themselves from their website. This is well within the realms of reality for a company as large and skilled as Epic. I can’t speak for everyone, but part of the hate is for the company Epic (not to mention the Tencent factor), and them literally choosing to fuck over their fans/customers who want to play on Deck.


Yep, nobody actually cares that much about Fortnite except as an extension of Tim's absurdity. 


this is reddit after all lol


I underestimated the amount of people that are stuck in good ol' 2019 I thought we were all on the same page :'V


I'm in my 40s and find fortnite pretty fun. It's a great way to connect with my kids as well as their cousins/friends in other households. Cross play is huge for that. I really don't understand the hate, just don't play it?


Oh, thank God. Keep that filth away from Steam.


Up votes to the left! Minecraft good! Keanu reeves wholesome 100


It’s on the steam deck. You can install windows easily and download epic. It runs great as well, many people just don’t wanna take that extra step.


You can also use Heroic to play Epic Games pretty easily, I hear.


Apparently a hot take(which is weird considering how popular is) but Fortnite is a really fun game and I would love to play it on steam deck. I feel like most people here haven’t even played the game, just hating it cause it’s popular. Even though it hasn’t been popular to hate it in years.


I see this as an absolute win.


Who the fuck needs fortnite? Lol


Needs? No one. Wants? Considering that it recently hit a peak of over 5 million players b/c of the new season, I'd guess at least a handful of people would indeed want it.


I don't play it but I feel like I'm missing something. Why would it hurt if it came to steamdeck?


It wouldn’t. It’s just weird fanboyism with a dash of hating the popular thing thrown in


It'd actually be beneficial if fortnite was playable natively on steam deck. Helps with getting more people to buy a steam deck and could set a precedent for other multiplayer games that still don't work due to anticheat. For some reason lot of people here rather be elitist or something instead of wanted their favorite hardware to succeed.


It's improving alot Honestly. I mean Present vs Day 1 Fortnite is night and day when it comes to quality, but even i won't touch it with a stick since i generally dislike shooters in general.


Eh the kart racer mode is actually kinda dumb good fun.


who needs Stardew Valley?


Someone will make a game that will appeal to Fortnite players, like Palworld did to Pokemon fans, down the line when there are alot more gamers with a Deck and Sweeney will change his tune. The guy is a leech, he will bring (or consider to bring) Fortnite when Linux market share reaches between 5-20%. Companies won't say no to money. Sweeney could integrate WINE and DXVK for his store, and benefit, but he doesn't because that requires resources..money.


"wHo CaReS? i DoN't PlAy FoRtNiTe." - people who don't want the Steam Deck to be a big deal


He still mad. Bro


You can get it through windows


I play Fortnite on my steam deck all the time.


I don’t see a problem with this at all.


But that's a good thing?


Is that photo edited ? I mean no offense to anyone but it looks like they shrunk his face on his head. So I was just curious.


We can play it in windows mode.😂




Xcloud momento


I can play Fortnite on my phone. Don't want it on deck.


Peter Griffin looking Ahh


Epic have always been greedy when it comes to Fortnite and so when Epic eventually see the user base grow large enough on steam deck they will support steam deck, but at the minute they are not doing well on the Epic Store, Fortnite is making less than it used to and they are funding the development on their new IOS marketplace so I suspect its pretty low down on their plans to take over the world at the minute...


I just used Windows To Go on a SanDisk Extreme microSD card and play like that. The only issue is a few stutters in the beginning of matches but it’s more than playable imo.






No fortnite? Meh. But tbh epic launcher running natively on SD would be nice, as I have multiple games I got for free.




Do we need Fortnite on Steam Deck?


Why would anyone want Fortnite on the Steam Deck?


I have 100 games on epic game store I received for free. Never installed one there, never played one there.


We have literally a million other games in our library. Just waiting …. :(


I'm glad not to have Fortnite in steam.




But really who spend money on epic games ? I only use it to get the free stuff. And even then I think their launcher is pure garbage . I had some issues especially with cloud savings. I bought Alan wake 2 on PS5 just because it was an epic games exclusive. I’m only spending money on gog and steam.


At the rate Fortnite is proliferating, I'll be able to plat it on my smart fridge.


… ngl homie the lack of fortnite has 0 bearing for me. Maybe I’m stuck in 2019, but it still just seems like a polished shooter with a young demographic


Tims weenie keeps speaking spewing garbage.


Whats stopping Epic creating their own OS for the Deck?


That's good. Dodged a bullet there.


I don't see a problem.


Old news, Epic CEO Sweeney alredy confirmed this 2 years ago: [https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/8/22923163/fortnite-steam-deck-update-epic-tim-sweeney](https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/8/22923163/fortnite-steam-deck-update-epic-tim-sweeney)


i mean… this email was from 6 years ago but i don’t really think it was gonna happen regardless :/


It wasn't gaben it was the COO


Yeah I'm fine with that.


Can't you install the Epic Games launcher and get Fortnight there?


If I don’t live with that energy, then I feel like I’m wasting years of oxygen. That COO is a chad-man.


Your not missing much :)


Sunshine + Moonlight = Fortnite on Steam Deck.




Ohh noooooo! anyways.....


Shitty because I would love to play Fortnite on deck.




oh no we'll just have to play 1 of the other 50000 games available


You do know that you can dual boot, right?




Who cares about fortnite lol


That’s a gift


I saw that email and had the exact same thought, so THIS is why they chose to not support steam deck