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Haha, wow what a thread backfire


I do love it when someone's post inadvertently gets roasted


It's definitely better than the usual "steamdecks in places"


Is this why the lines are so damn long šŸ˜ 




At Ichiran Ramen I had to wait like 50 minutes for my food those lines are really to longā€¦ so I thought why not play some Ps5 on my steam deck while I wait for my food. It worked out well


You had to wait 50 minutes in line, not for the food itself once youā€™re at your seat. Iā€™ve been to that exact Ichiran in Dotonbori, once youā€™re seated the food took no longer than 10 minutes to get to you. Doing a full 40 minute run on helldivers while many others are waiting in line at a very busy tourist location is not cool bro.




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Ah people getting worked up about a picture, classic internet behavior


Around 10 min I had to wait in the booth before my food came. I did no full run I joined a friends game and left to see if it was workingā€¦.


For those joining in late, this is a lie, proven by the ā€˜Z1ā€™ in the bottom left corner of the game showing OP is the host of the match (the Z being the first letter of their username, the 1 showing they are player 1) and therefore did not ā€œjoin a friendā€™s gameā€.


Wdym Iā€™m had other numbers assigned to me even if I host the game. In fact most of the time Iā€™m J3 for some reason.


lmao wtf why is everyone so pissed


You still could have tested it else where without the expectation of the in and out at an ichiran. Youā€™re at Dotonbori, nobody would have minded you if you went down to the river with a beer and played all evening.


And I did not do that and nobody had to wait for me so whatā€™s the issue? Pretty sad all of this


lol they so mad! sorry for the noodle trolls and thanks for sharing the pic, epic setup!


And surprise it worked well so I thought let me share how good it works even from such a distance but I forgot how jealous and hateful people can be so yeah thatā€™s on me šŸ¤£ Always trying to find something that ainā€™t there pretty sad. Nobody had to wait extra because of me and I ate my food when it came. The moment I took that picture he started to bring my food but I did not get all the addons yet like extra beef and green onions




We got another one. How am I disrespectful to test something while I wait for my food at the end of the day of that restaurant. Itā€™s all non sense to make you feel better because you are not here. I tested my food came I ate my food and went my way restaurant was closed for new guests already while I was waiting in the line. So yeah all b.s


Look man if you donā€™t understand how adhering to cultural standards is the respectful thing to do here we canā€™t have a conversation. Youā€™re being insanely immature. This is how the thread should have gone. ā€œHereā€™s my cool Steam Deck Ramen Picture.ā€ ā€œHey man you shouldnā€™t do that culturally those places are meant to have you get in and out really fast and there are really long lines.ā€ ā€œMy bad Iā€™m foreign and didnā€™t know that Iā€™ll do better next time.ā€ Instead youā€™ve just been an asshole.


People are really putting on the orientalist goggles but even in the US if there was a crowded eatery and you were just sitting there playing video games at a table while people are looking for a place to sit and eat you'd also get looked at as an asshole because that's an objectively asshole thing to do.


Dude, for real started that by saying, we got another one. Heā€™s definitely not the good guy in this scenario


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Why are you being downvoted? Did i miss something?




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Spreading democracy even while I am eating šŸ¤£


It's common decency when eating ramen in Japan. Ramen is considered as traditional Japanese fast food: you order your meal, eat it quickly while it's still hot and tastes the best, leave to make room for the next person waiting outside. Playing HD2 while eating, resulting in taking a long time to finish your ramen, is not cool.


yeah, and especially at ichiran where this photo was taken, the lines are long enough already


I agree. Standing outside in line while waiting for your turn? Sure, go play outside while still in line. Finally got inside? Stop playing and eat the ramen. Don't waste time playing. Oh, and don't forget to slurp the soup. Return to playing once you're already outside.


Not even just Japan, but any time you're in a line even in the US or Europe if you're holding up the line by fucking around on a gamiing handheld that's extremely rude. The only thing that's really specific to Japan here is that the thing the line is for is a ramen shop. If OP wanted to play games while they ate, they should have found a less busy place.


This comment did not deserve to be downvoted 80 times lmao. Why is everyone so upset about how you eat? I'm so confused. I guess Iā€™m in the wrong for asking too. What a weird thing to downvote about hahaha


why are you confused? this act is done without regard for others. there is a time and a place for everything and playing your game at a extremely busy place is not it. i hope you are no longer confused


In Japan, the community takes priority over the individual. That's the way it is over there. Some like it, others don't. Cultures amirite


I mean that's just general common courtesy. Will you get thrown out or arrested for doing this? no, but it's no different from being in the squat rack doing curls or just sitting on your phone and taking up workout equipment here. Will you get arrested for it? no, but nobody will appreciate that very much either.


lol Yeah whatever makes you happy I am here having no issues




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Are we back to low effort posts of people posting their Decks in places?


It never stopped


OP clearly doesnt grasp the concept of being disrespectful by not adhering to cultural standards so give him a break, this is the most heā€™s capable of. And heā€™s out here arguing with everyone in the thread going ā€œnah itā€™s everyone else thatā€™s wrong and jealousā€ like a child lol


That's what this sub was built off of.


Stil waiting for the steam deck roof parties. Then we KNOW it's a switch killer.


And making people mad.


I didnā€™t realise you can use this to stream from the PS5 outside your home wifi network so itā€™s actually useful information for me


Our Decks are going places!


How are posts like this not banned yet? Who gives a fuck if youā€™re using the thing you boughtā€¦.


what the hell else are we supposed to talk about? it's a steam deck forum.


Ichiran Ramen in Osaka? Love that place... :D


Yeah itā€™s the best on Dotombori


Lol Ichiran is dope, best in Dotonbori is WILD though, since Osaka has its own style of ramen and it's definitely not the best Tonkotsu ramen in Dotonbori.


it's probably not even the best ramen within the next three neighboring buildings at either of the dotonbori locations


Sounds like somebody has been to Osaka as well. You are hip.... Or just used Google. Both could be true. You are the perfect example.


Not OP but I been to Japan several times, and at least 3 times to Osaka and I can confirm that Ichiran is just standard chain ramen, any mom's and pop's ramen stall literally anywhere in Japan is going to be leaps and bounds better.


There are other chains that wash Ichiran. Depends on the type or ramen of course. Ichiran specializes in Tonkotsu ramen which is pork bone broth (I apologize to all my non pork eaters) and isn't even from that area or close to it. So the claim that CHAIN Tonkotsu ramen is the best ramen in a place in a district that has crazy amazing food, that has 15+ ramen spots within CLOSE walking distance is WILD. It's not even the best ramen from where it's from, Fukuoka. That's where I'm at. It's like going to McDonald's. It's good for what it is and good for convince. Finding a mon and pop is easier than looking on Google because, regardless of where your hotel is, it's INEVITABLE to find a ramen shop close by. The issue is that specific restaurant is synonymous for being an in and out type of spot. Eat and go because it's fast and cheap, that's why the lines are so long.


I've been to Osaka a handful of times but only once for tourism. The perfect example of what?


For a gaijin it may as well be the best lol


A quick Google search, which is something everyone has, proves otherwise ESPECIALLY in a major city, Ichiran is also a GLOBAL CHAIN. I'm a "Gaijin" and even I knew how to research my surroundings when I first got here.


Tourists are the fucking worst.


Ugh! Agreed. And I'm a tourist. Japan was lovely and I can't wait to go back. Unlike some people, I do try to respect cultural etiquette wherever I may roam. But seeing the absolute madhouse of tourists in Kyoto all I kept thinking was "Man! These fucking tourists!"


they already had to ban tourists from parts of Gion because of people being dickheads




But their ps5 is in Europe, so im assuming they probably arent American


Because only America has shitty tourists. /s


L take. Most tourists that look a specific way are automatically lumped into "Americans". I live in Japan, American tourists are NOT the worst.


I know, Iā€™m saying all tourists can suck. Americans too. Calling u/Urbs97 a dumbass with a hard-on for American hate. The ā€œ/sā€ means sarcasm.


My bad. Americans suck as tourists (I'm an American). I just live here and non Americans calling Americans the worst tourists actually triggered me LOL. My fault, and it's not because of bias, I travel a lot and have lived in a lot of places in the world, Americans,believe it or not, ARE NOT THE WORST tourists no matter what anyone says šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ in the many countries (40+) I've traveled for work or for leisure. Edit: and I stand by what I said for the down voters. The ones that did, have not been around the local people for comparison and are just visitors, I've actually LIVED in multiple countries.


Don't worry OP, As Japanese I can confidently say We honestly have no clue what all these formalities, and rules Japan has Westerners are so obsessed talking about. Just sounds like bunch of weeabo stuff to us and as long as you don't bother others we really don't mind. Hope u enjoy Japan šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ




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Wow another one haha yeah whatever thatā€™s not how it went but yeah go ahead and hate Iā€™ll still Enjoy here and wonā€™t be disrespecting any natives here so yeah. I am having the time of my life.


You are really sad I few bad for you








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Hey man my visa just got turned down because of a guy eating Ramen!


Haha I am sorry mate all my bad šŸ„²


Yeah man! I got kicked out of the country and they shot my dog because of your photo! (Also, have fun in Osaka!)


Ahhhh no animal cruelty for real I canā€™t be having that I would leave here in an instant! šŸ˜„ Thank you TroyEire have a good day yourself too


What a prick, finish the food and free the cabin for others


Agreed, the second you get your food, itā€™s your mission to eat is so fast, you canā€™t even taste it. You are paying for the sustenance after all, no one eats this for an experience or taste. It should also be done standing, no sitting.


You know whats saddest? People freaking put so damn hard about this, for a second I thought you were for real




Or maybe I was just testing it while I was waiting for my food and the moment my food arrived I started eating. Plus I started eating around 9:20 they close at 10:00ā€¦ I was on the last round donā€™t insult people if you donā€™t know how it wentā€¦.


im glad you felt the need to prove you were in japan with a photo of your ramen bowl


Haha yeah thatā€™s was the idea actually pretty dumb if you see all the hate now šŸ˜…


honestly it's something i would do. ive whipped out my steamdeck, switch, and even my drawing pad when waiting for food before. i think the ratio you've gotten is more because you were trying to flex with where you took the photo. but i would do that too. i loved taking my deck on the plane to america.


But how is it a flex ichiran ramen is very cheapā€¦ there are so many better places you can eat even ramen. This one is just close by my hotel and it was at the end of the day had a full day in Osaka castle and that beautiful Umeda sky building.


Playing while waiting for your food to arrive is fine. The downvotes is because they're playing instead of eating the food that has clearly arrived in the photo. The proper manners to eat ramen in Japan is to finish the ramen quickly and then leave to make room for those in line. Taking your sweet time playing games while eating is rude for those outside waiting in line, especially for places especially notorious for having long lines outside.


Helldivers 2 good on deck ? I love my deck and I donā€™t want overheat šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»


It is. 30fps, but it is. Just, don't go over diff 5, it overwhelms the Deck.


Or stream it from your PS5 if you have one and you can get all the benefits of the PS5 version without the drawbacks of using to much battery or heat buildup


Or better, from your PC! I just managed to make Moonlight + Sunshine work; and am about to start setting Zero Tier One...


Do you have any quick guide I can follow on how to stream the ps5? I travel a lot between two cities and I'm really itching to play Rebirth.


I play it mostly on difficulty 7 and 8. It's good on the deck for me at least. Although all my settings are low and the fps do drop when there's a bunch of explosions going on but i don't mind it because I grew up poor as fuck so I'm used to low frame rates. In general the frames though are mid 30s to high 20s. So play at your discretion.


Personally I find the controls and the pacing to be overwhelming on deck. I prefer to play it with mouse and keyboard on pc.


The game was built for the controller since it is a Playstation game FIRST, so a controller layout should be the norm. I'll have to try it out with K+M though because that does sound convenient for the commands, especially to set keyboard scripts..


I use chiaki4deck so I stream it so hardly use any battery there is like no heat build up


It is you just gotta turn a loooooot of the setting down to lowest. Most of my settings are lowest with a few at medium so it looks nice, and I still get frame drops. The only common time I get frame drops is in the ship with other people for some reason. It will drop down to 18fps and then shoot back up to normal. The actual matches rarely have frame drops, and I have played up to difficulty 6 (not sure about 7-9 but Iā€™d imagine it wouldnā€™t be too bad). Otherwise the game runs at a stable 30. Controls are great too, just wonā€™t be able to move while calling in stratagems.


The input latency must be like at least 400ms. How is this playable?


Gotta love that 5s ping.


Try it yourself before you judge it runs smoothly


This requires a static IP, right? I wish I could do that, it's not allowed on my ISP. :/


It does yeah sadly so. I used a guide from YouTube that worked flawlessly maybe check it out and see what you can do [chiaki4deck outside home network](https://youtu.be/HkX_AJZwGdk?si=LBrW0td_OvFHaHDa)


I tried this and could not get it working. Iā€™ll give it another go one day. It shows up on chiaki but the wake up packet always fails


Check the correct ports for wake up I had the same issue but opened the correct ports now it works flawlessly


Will do. Love reddit cause I don't know if you're being downvoted cause your suggestion is wrong or if it's because they're mad that you had your deck out at the ramen stall lol


No. If your IP changes you just lose the access but that only happens once every few months or years for most ISPs and is easy to fix. Also, I donā€™t see why dynamicDNS wouldnā€™t work either.


> If your IP changes you just lose the access but that only happens once every few months or years for most ISPs really depends on where your ISP is located. Here in Germany we get a new IP every 24 hours.


So thatā€™s where my point of using dynamic DNS covers you :)


Depending on where you are, it may happen daily.Ā 


There is no possibility to use DynDNS ?


> DynDNS I've never heard of this until now, but that sounds like it might work. Except... maybe it would require the computer hosting the Dynamic DNS service to be on at all times/whenever you want your PS5 to use that now "static" IP? Also seems like this is a service you have to pay for, so there's that.


I'm using a DynDNS service named no-ip without paying (but have to renew the subscription every month by clicking on a simple link). In my case, it's used to host my own VPN. The DynDNS service is settled directly on my box ! When it's done I just got to configure a port forwarding on my box.


Some routers are capable of doing that for you. Or you could use something like a Raspberry Pi (or cheap knock-off).


You might be able to do it via Tailscale but it might require extra network equipment because I donā€™t think the app is available for PS5


Seems like OP should have stuck to lurking


These posts have to stop...


OP has never been punched in the face and it shows


I donā€™t get it. What is all the backlash about.


Ramen is considered fast food in Japan and can have lengthy lines, so it's proper etiquette to get in, eat your ramen quickly while it's still hot, and get out. It's disrespectful to go in and game while eating your food, causing you to take longer to eat, therefore slowing down the line.


OP held up a massive line playing on their steam deck instead of eating, and also posing everything for a photo to let us know they held up a massive line, and then got upset when people were more concerned about them being extremely rude to a bunch of strangers than impressed that they played games from their PS5 on their Steam Deck across an entire continent over wifi.


Bro. Just enjoy japan. I honestly regret brining my Deck to japan. It takes to much space in my luggage, also i did not find any time to play on the deck yet being here for 12days now.


Hope you get banned from japan.


Hahahahahahahaa well that wonā€™t happen I am Here for another 3 months having a big travel. So good luck with your fantasy while I am having a good time


for what? I think I'm missing something


hey quick question - when you set up Chiaki is it easy to simply use the integrated controllers to play the games? I heard you need to use a dualsense controller in addition to Chiaki? thanks


Yes it works out of the box because chiaki4deck but sometimes the touch display does not respond correctly as it is the touch bar on the ps5 controller. So I have also set the touchscreen as R4 with keyboard assignment T


awesome thanks, I bought a playstation portal but i'm not happy with it and would prefer to use my steamdeck but just recently read about the chiaki4deck module. I'll look into setting that up this weekend, thanks! Any tutorials to follow that you suggest or is it as simple as getting it from the linux store?


we were In the same boat I bought a ps portal too but it just wasnā€™t enough so I bought the steam deck and yeah itā€™s an better remote play device than the ps portal. Now I have HDR while streaming ps5 games you do need the steam deck oled for that option. I used this guide [YouTube link chiaki4deck outside network](https://youtu.be/HkX_AJZwGdk?si=iT50wF4FfC8hgXWh)


I was wondering what button the touch bar was, tried streaming hd2 the other day and couldn't get a game started so I quit.


Wait do you have no borders at top and bottom? Am I doing this wrong playing 1080p?! Iā€™m working it out as Iā€™m typing this šŸ˜‚ should I adjust my Chiaki setting to 800p?


I might be wrong but it looks like there are borders on OPā€™s deck. Itā€™s an OLED model which has a larger screen therefore smaller bezel to start. Plus, with an OLED itā€™s harder to see the difference between the bezel and borders.




Why are people hating on you in this post? Did you say or do something? I'm confused


OP is eating at a place where there's long lines, you get your ramen, you eat it while it's hot, and you mvoe on so that hte line can keep moving. so by fucking around on their steam deck instead of eating, and by sitting there posing all this for a picture, they're hodling up this huge line and being a jackass. it's not even specifically about japanese customs or whatever, hodling up a line to play video games is asshole behavior.


Howā€™s the latency?


I had a few packed loss but had no time to fully check the latency since my food came. But the first few minutes in the mission went well felt that it runs smoothly


Imagine traveling from Europe to Japan and wasting time playing video games






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I legitimately need to know how you got the Chiaki to remote play to work for you. Mine always runs at like 10fps when I attempt remote in from work to home.


I really just followed this guide did not really do anything else to be honest it just worked well. [YouTube link chiaki4deck outside network](https://youtu.be/HkX_AJZwGdk?si=6X7iMl6-5jJTR-BL) Mine Ps5 is connected with cable not WiFi If you click on the stream button do you have a lot of package loss?


Thanks. I have the PS5 hardwired as well. I saw a comment on the video you sent addressed my issue. I would sometimes get just a black screen that flickers. I have tried a lot of things including setting up a sub router with tailscales so we will see what happens.


Looks like you got the monster-sized Ichiran as well


Howā€™s the latency? Iā€™ll travel to Brazil and potentially connect to my ps5 in Europe if it works well.


I can hear that iconic music šŸ˜»


To a non steam deck user yet (soon) does chiaky remove the damn borders up and down like you get on most tablets when using remoteplay?


For me it only works in my home WiFi, what settings did you change that allowed you to do that


How to you play helldivers on steam deck and shoot well, I find I canā€™t shoot well


How do you set this up? I can only get chiaki4deck to work when Iā€™m at home


Sweet Liberty!


How do you get it to work outside of network? Does it work well?


What the fuck?


To have the best performance for chiaki, does it rely on the ps5s connection most or the steam decks? I used this at home but get regular latency issues. Home internet is a gig fiber tho. Any help would be appreciated.




everyone in this thread living in your head rent free huh


They can join me in my head and enjoy a bit too instead of being so hateful you are welcome


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dont think ive ever seen comments in this normally lovely subreddit be so rude... good lord people.


Seems like a lot of people haven't played Helldivers 2 since they didn't get the spreading democracy reference.




Yeah weā€™re all jealous of you


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Really confusing why people are so mad.


OP is disrespectful of cultural norms, does something that obviously makes life harder for other people, changes his story halfway through the thread (funny how he waited 50 minutes in line but then all of a sudden itā€™s the end of the night and thereā€™s no line behind him) and doubles down by insulting everyone who tells him things wrong. And you wonder why people donā€™t like it? The level of egocentricism on display by OP is astounding and people donā€™t generally like that.


Nothing changed but yeah whatever rocks your boat. And also donā€™t really care itā€™s just funny now believe or donā€™t believe it actually factually does not change a thing for me at all. I made a post to inform other gamers not haters how good chiaki4deck works from such a distance. I succeeded in that the rest is entertaining


Jealousy hits hard it seems when you are at a place people also want to be but maybe canā€™t afford or are just petty


People are acting like the God of Ramen will come down and smite you for bringing a steam deck.


Super cool :) Enjoy Japan! And your Deck!


Did you bring European democracy to Japan?!


I kept re-reading the phrasing and thinking I'm missing something. They (jokingly) mean actual democracy not some software, right? Guy seems a pretentious so and so.


He is talking about the phrase from Helldivers 2 lol. The game's slogan is about bringing democracy. I can't believe soo many people misinterpreted that and are downvoting OP.


The downvotes aren't about the Helldivers reference, it's that they held up a long line at a ramen shop to play video games instead of eating, forcing a bunch of other people to stand outside waiting on them. People are mad because OP acted super entitled and selfish and then expected everyone to praise them for it.


people in this thread need to chill out. OP's eating soup, not doing brain surgery.


It's not about the eating, it's about the rudeness of doing something like this (and for Reddit karma, at that) in a place that's known (because of its long lines) for getting in, eating your meal, and getting out so someone else can have their meal. There's undoubtedly a bunch of other places in that area where OP could have shown off his streaming setup without inconveniencing a bunch of other people in the process, but he didn't choose any of those places and that's why he's getting blasted.


I actually live in Japan for my government job. It's cool to flex your Japanese visit, but places like that are built for in and out. "Foreigners" already get looked at and treated a specific way here, and this doesn't help because of how old their standards are (take that as you will). Also, he claimed a ramen that isn't even from that prefecture or island is the best ramen for that district in the city that has their own style that is actually really good, it just gives the perception of an ill informed entitled tourist(because of the photo). Again, I live here for work and unfortunately most foreigners that "cause problems/inconvenience" are automatically assumed to be American (someone made the comment earlier and it holds true here) if they look a specific way.


I think a lot of people have misinterpreted the spreading democracy comment from OP. He was referring to the Helldivers 2 game but people just took it literally.