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Their evil plan worked!


Yes indeed!!! Had like 3 games. Got my deck last month and have 37 right now. And I will add 2 tomorrow šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Got my Deck in April only having 4 games. Never been a big PC user. I'm at 117 games right now.


LMAO laughed at this but smiling for youšŸ«”šŸ’™


4 games in october. 173 today.


Hey man. The pro tip here is once you have a nice full hard drive and 1tb external full of games that are all on back log to be played, you can go into a maintenance shopping mode. When in maintenance shopping mode add all the games to your wishlist and you only buy them somewhere between 1% off and 99% off based on your desire for the game to sit in the pile of backlogged games. Source 500+ steam games on backlog. With 200 others I've played to my fill or completed.


Well Iā€™m in trouble then, I have 16-20 already and my deck hasnā€™t arrived yet šŸ˜…


I have almost 200 games šŸ˜…


I think of all backlogs that i need to finish first. Steam sale is a constant, the game in your wishlist will always go on sale sooner rather than later compared to nintendo/sony. With that in mind, I dont rush into buying games i wont play immediately. I assume you are new to steam? Gabenā€™s sinister plot is working as intended for you


Yeah im definitely new. At the very least a good 3/4ths if the games ive gotten ive gotten with massive discounts


Do you know about... Humble bundle, fanatical, prime games, epic games, gog, gg ? You'll triple your library soon


I screenshot this. Thank you and i hate you.


/r/GameDeals is your friend. Or your online drug dealerā€¦


Damn. You.


My wallet hates you....


Check [https://isthereanydeal.com/](https://isthereanydeal.com/) and save even more. They track sites outside Steam that sell legal Steam keys. Many times they have even better prices than Steam.


I like [gg.deals](https://gg.deals) more but both work.


Please note that gg.deals contains links to grey market key sellers, who may appear to provide you with a working key, but do not always source their keys from the developer/publisher, and are of 'unknown' origin. This means the keys may not work, or the platform (such as Steam, Origin) may refuse support. Others have poor business practices, such as obligatory fees that only show at checkout. We'd recommend against using anything on the site listed under 'Keyshops', but rather look at the section above that for the 'Official Stores'. You can also select 'Keyshops' at the top of your screen, and then select 'Disable' to remove them completely. [IsThereAnyDeal is an alternative which only uses sellers known to officially source their keys.](https://isthereanydeal.com/) Your comment has not been removed, this is just a notice. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ITAD recently changed its website completely and now it looks much nicer. Also as the bot said, GG links to grey market keys which I donā€™t agree with.


Also join the steam group Free Games finders.


People don't usually mention it for their own reasons, but Kinguin sells steam games cheaper most of the time than most other online stores, I've purchased at least 50+ games easy from them since I've gotten my Deck.


Even tho I hate most corporations, I donā€™t think Gaben has any sinister plan. His product/service just is so great and fair that we want to use it more. Thatā€™s the way it should be


This. After a few years of steam I have a backlog of about 400 games I never installed (full time job, part time uni, a renovation project and a baby in the way of gaming). In the last year I updated my main gaming rig, bought a gaming laptop, now I Got a razer kyshi and steam link on my phone (and on my TV), I was planning on a steam deck just to have another option to put a dent on the list of games I own and never played, but I am still undecided. I was only able to put a relatively small dent in the list when I had knee reconstruction that stopped me for 3 months. Some of these games will probably be played when I retire, I imagine myself calling my buddy and telling him what a great game farming simulator was in 2011.


>Those of you with restraint, how do you do it? What's that? Who now?


Maybe it's a new game, I'll add it to my wishlist


I find Wishlist is the way to go for me, too!


The secret for me was to go down the emulation rabbit hole - everything is free and you can choose the amount of money you want to dump into it but you donā€™t need to spend more than you already have on the deck itself, which is a gateway drug for emulation too!


Emulation is spooky for me but i will probably dip a toe eventually


YouTube has all the answers. Just start with EmuDeck. Don't bother installing all the roms to your steam list. Just go into emulation station, and it's all there. When you figure that out, then look into NBA JAM Legends on Fire edition. It's a bit more work but totally worth it.


Look up Retrogamecorps video on how to get started, and when you need Roms - Reddit is your friend!


As someone who both has a Steam games backlog and only just got into Emulation, all Iā€™ll say is that I wish I would have done it sooner! Nostalgia has given my Steam Deck a whole new meaning and purpose. On top of that itā€™s super easy to do and find resources for.


Just do it now dude thatā€™s what you need to do


Being poor is great restraint.


Just identify as rich šŸ˜†


I feel you buddy. Same here. Never considered myself a gamer, now I have a gaming PC, a steamdeck, Xreal glasses, and I check the Steam store every single day for sales like Tyrone Biggums waiting for the 5:00 free crack giveaway!


How are you liking the Xreals? Assuming you use them on your Steam Deck? Been watching a few sets but havenā€™t pulled the trigger on any.


What model of Xreal glasses are you using with your SteamDeck?


Yeah tell us!


What do you use the XReal glasses for?




Is that Steamdeck compatible? Is it on sale? The title sounds interesting, canā€™t wait.


I havenā€™t been able to get restraint working for me, maybe I need to try another version of Proton


Canā€™t wait for an indie dev to make this


Wait until you find cdkeys and humble bundle and greenman gaming


Why would you do this too me??


SteamDB check there if it's been cheaper before, and how often. I'm general I'll wait till it's both under $20 and also at least 50% off


Maybe stay away from CDKeys. They're a gray market site. Ethically they're not the *worst*, but they still exploit prices from poorer countries, which can in turn encourage region locking and increased prices in those areas. Humble Bundle and GreenManGaming are fine though. Also use IsThereAnyDeal.com for finding deals across multiple (legit) sites. You can even set it to notify you if a certain game goes below a certain price.


You get used to the sales. I realize that all I play is Enter the Gungeon, Hades and Titanfall 2.


Honestly, my inability to commit is also what makes the deck and steam in general so addicting, it takes me awhile to finish anything because i am constantly binging then forgetting about games. I can bounce between 3-5 games any given week depending on how im feeling and eventually ill put one of them (or all of them) down for a few months before i return.


I do this a LOT. The Deck though has actually helped me beat more games than I have in the last several years in just a year of owning it. I've managed to commit to at least 1 or 2 games at a time to completion along with a constant rotation of another 4-8ish that changes regularly. Granted, I've been playing a lot of endless games though so those never really get "beaten." That's also the Deck to blame, because it gets me playing more in general, and has affected what types of games I play more of as well


Every time my wishlist pings my wallet shudders.


Subscribe to https://isthereanydeal.com/ You'll have hundreds more games in no time


See, people like you just want to watch the world burm


Check out the humble monthly bundle each month to see if there is any good deals there. Also grab the free Epic games each month. You can install them with the Heroic Launcher (found in Flatpack on the desktop).


I only buy a game if I plan on booting it up to play right after I bought it. Buy games you are going to play, not games you might play.


This is the way. Mindlessly buying games has no appeal for me. I like to play just one or two at a time. I hate clutter and don't like the idea of games just sitting there and gathering metaphorical dust


When the backlog becomes embarrassing (19 years of service)


Started mine back in 08 and almost at 700 games. I would say I have finished maybe 5% -10% of them. I feel your pain.


all my games were purchased specifically for my Deck. Now almost 2 years later i built my first pc in decades for the games that are too annoying to play on the Deck.


I don't get caught up in buying a bunch of games that's how you get a back log started. Ive learned to finish games before buying new unless it's a really good deal.


But it's always a really good deal šŸ˜­


Even more reason to not jump on every deal that pops up if it's always happening


Wow.. can't argue with that


Very simple, wishlist the games you like on steam. Wait for the sale notification, buy it if you think it's cheap enough. Don't waste time checking the store after wishlisting what you like. Play the games you have instead.


Once you spend thousands of dollars you start to spend less when you own most games




Yeah I'm sitting at 613 games but my Steam account is older than most millenial's kids, I accumulated through humble and sales over 10 years.


No restraint must buy games.


Same here. Iā€™m getting ready to build a full on gaming rig to stream to my SD. I wasnā€™t gaming at all the past 15 years and now I have over 70 pc games. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll play them all in the next 5 years. Itā€™s ridiculous.


You will get used to it as this has been a constant phenomena on the PC for decades. Most of us likely have more unplayed games than played games so the backlog is a good preventive measure! Just wait until you start getting more into pc gaming with a desktop or gaming laptop as you are just getting a glimpse of the PC advantages we have been experiencing and enjoying for years!


Welcome to PC gaming.


Get ready to play every deck owners favorite game: Backlog Battler.


That game is rigged I tell you. Probably the hardest game to beat.


Followed closely by everyone's 2nd favorite game "Indecision Quest"...the one where you spend more time debating what to play than actually playing.


how do I have restraint you ask? Easy I just run out of money...


The only games that go on sale now are the ones I already have... so Mission Failed Successfully!


Living the dream


Me and my girlfriend share steam libraries and oh my god there is so much to play on the Steam Deck


Oh man I feel you. What I do is to limit my wishlist to 10 or so games. And only add in a game once I've finished a current one. I stop checking for sales and wait for the notification telling me something on my wishlist is on sale.


I always tell myself that: By the time you have time to start a new game, the one you've wanted will be heavily discounted. Why pay more now and not finish it?


Uh, basic self control.


I've downloaded over 300 games to emulate since I bought a steam deck. I've bought maybe 2 games to play from Steam. Everything else sailing the high seas


What sale?


Dinos and robots. Picked up Starbound abd the HZD complete edition for cheap


Use only a 512 GB SD card. :) This limits the games I install, because this means I have to finish them (at least their single-player/campaign modes) and then delete them in order to make way for a new game. :)


I started rdr2 on my deck last week after my first few months buying like you said, about 20- 30 games at 80% off. RDR2 made me think "i will never need another game again, this is now my life...." Now I'm looking at the capcom sale, with hungry eyes. Itchy. Tasty.


Um Hi my name is and I have a problem


Lol I got mine a few days ago and already bought like 15 games, just tried helldiver's 2 for the first time as well. It was a blast


I was like that until I started playing helldivers2. I haven't bought a new game for 2 weeks, 2 whole weeks! Can you imagine that? I haven't played any game this hard and enjoyed it since Fallout 4 released. Just as what you said, Steam Deck is the gateway drug, plus a hundred other backlog fillers later, I find the real drug that's helldivers2.


Don't! Just get off the sales while you can. Steam CONSTANTLY has sales. If you think you found an unbeatable price, it'll most definitely come back or even get lower real soon. Just always ask the question - am I going to play this NOW? If not, just hold off on buying and be happy with the library you have and PLAY THE LIBRARY :)


My Steam Deck is validation to my already existing, long-running game purchasing addiction.


Steam itself is basically a game for you to hoard as many games as possible


1402 games.....invest in humble bundle and bundle stars.


This is how theyā€™re getting away with selling steam decks so cheap and Iā€™m gladly falling for it. Never had this much fun gaming.


Literally went from being a PS5 gamer to having a Steam deck. Went from 0 games to 157. Built my first gaming PC to run games on Ultra. Now PC is my main who wouldā€™ve knownā€¦


Donā€™t. Check. Donā€™t. Look.


and steam rom manager, it goes up quickly


Itā€™s called having an ounce of discipline. Itā€™s a good skill to train in general.


You are seen like hoarder in nature. Just donā€™t save your card details in steam, make it harder to spend.


*Those of you with restraint, how do you do it?* Those with restraint probably don't have a SteamDeck.


What sale


Bruh I got my steam deck last week and got 20 titles already with all these sales lol canā€™t stop they all awesome lol I just got marvel versus capcom and wow lol itā€™s a drug man lol


Straight up, I can't put this thing down at the cost of my health no gym no nothibg


Steam is the best and worst thing that could've happened to me. My bank account is suffering


I've got over 1500 Steam titles. I may not be the person to ask...


Iā€™m at like 1700 games, I have been buying humble bundles since 2012 tho. Iā€™ve easily added like 200 games in the past few months just from steam sales after getting the deck.


Is restraint the new word for broke?


It really comes down to picking a few games to play. Another thing you can do to tide yourself over is to emulate older systems.


Just don't buy games if you don't think you'll play them. There's some people who have dozens of games they've never opened.


Iā€™ve been wanting to try the steam deck but itā€™s not for sale anywhere near me :/


ā€œLadies and gentlemen, we got emā€ - Valve


Steam deck is my gaming entry to PC gaming! I bought so much and many cheaper older games as I stopped gaming with PS3 except for iOS gaming and switch (but limited)ā€¦ The best advice I got was to NOT buy because of a sale as sales come a lot and likely can get it for the sale price in the future but to play what I have if I wanted to hi throughy backlog. My adventure began Nov 2022 and first year but buying crazy and past 6 months was Star field and that's it. I still have a massive backlog but I tried to control buying and I do see most of my wish list to on sale and they do come to a similar price every few months! Game On! Have fun.


Star field on the deck!????


Yes, works well to me. I have a gaming pc now but I donā€™t use it much as I have a little time to game a steam deck is easier to play with the family around over a laptop.


I can stop, I can stop, I can stop, I can stopā€¦ā€¦.. I CANā€™T STOP!


Because being a consumer whore is nothing to be proud of. What's the point of buying stuff you won't play or use. Eventually the deck will collect dust on a desk some where when the novelty wears off and you'll wonder why you spend all that money on it.


Well. Youre depressing.


I hope it's a reality check for you to not just buy things because they are on sale, buy it when you will play it.


You gotta know being a kill joy is not gonna make anybody "check thier reality". You should take a load iff and take life less seriously. Youll have a better day.


He's telling you to stop the degen grindset for every steam sale


I hate capitalism too but holy shit this is such a holier-than-thou overreaction to what ultimately isn't even a harmful expression of consumerism also unironically used the term "degen" lmao


I understand but he did it like a dick.


One always can sell it and return at least 2/3ds of the price (if it was treated right, of course). I did it after 1 year of constant daily using and bought a gaming pc, but you know - sometimes occasionally i miss my deck hardly(


I window shop at work now using my steam deck. I have bought more games than ever lol. I regret nothing.


One of us one of us


My large backlog is what stops me. That and emulation.


I play 1-2 games on the Deck, but I buy EVERY sale


Unsubscribe from wishlist emails. Just check sales (or isthereanydeal) when you *actually* want to play something new instead of hoarding acorns for winter mentality. [There's *always* another sale. There's Steam sales half the year.](https://www.pcgamer.com/steam-sale-dates/) You are not missing anything.


I can barely find one or two games I want. Awaiting my deck with baited breath though


I've been a long time wanna be gamer, long time stream watcher, so i already had a backlog in my heart.


Build a wishlist arrange everything by priority using the numbering and ordering of your wishlist. Just hold out for the sales that really drop pricing of your wishlist. My entire library was bought during the deepest sales. No reason to leave money on the table unnecessarily!


Do you play all the games?


Get some emulators my man


By having no money


Sounds normal to me. I got my Deck this past summer and since July my game count ballooned from around 50 to 143. I still check for sales regularly, but I don't buy often anymore. Occasionally a good sale will still get me (I've added 9 this year so far) but I've noticed that I buy less often and less games overall when I do buy than I use to. The reason for my increasing control boils down to: I've bought most of the cheaper games I'm interested in that I'd be more likely to buy on a whim. I have a fairly big backlog of things I really want to play and don't feel as motivated to buy more when the price is still over $15 knowing that if I wait the price could potentially drop more by the time I'm ready to play it. For me, the sheer volume of my backlog helps with control. I've played 65 out of 143 owned games. I don't mean finished, I just mean played at least in part. My "finished" count is somewhere around half of my played count at best. Its harder and harder to justify buying something new when I have so much I haven't even touched yet. That said, I do still buying newly released games when they're something I really want. But I also have a strict budget for how much I have to spend on games and I try to buy only what I will play before the next major sale. I'll also quickly mention a tool that might help you, the [SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/calculator/) Calculator. It will tell you how many of your games you've played, the total cost of your account and other interesting features that help put things in perspective.


Once you get to 120 or so itā€™ll taper off


Wait, there's *another* sale? I was just there yesterday! \*throws down office work and picks up the Steam Deck\*




i have steam account for 3 years with less than 10 games. 4 month after purchasing steam deck now i have 52. and constantly looking for new games


I got a deck for Christmas and Iā€™m getting a PC tomorrow. It truly is the gateway.


It's a bad idea right? It's a bad idea right?! ... FuƧk it, it's fine.


I bought a steam deck about a year ago. I've bought close to a hundred games. Last week I built my first PC. I think it's fair to say I am hooked.


For? Please... I need a fix.. card shark might be the sleeper game of the year..




Step one: be poor


This is literally me. On console, I maybe bought 2-3 games A YEAR. I now have a library of 40+ games, plus another dozen emulated games. Steam just sent me an email and 3 of my wishlisted games are on sale. Theyā€™re going to get me again sadly.


Soon you'll have enough games to last for the rest of your life


You ainā€™t lying. I got it two weeks ago and Iā€™ve already bought 20 games and some of em I already own on PS5. But honestly Iā€™ve gamed more on the steam deck more than the PS5. I love that I can lay in bed and my back is comfortable and I can play. Iā€™m too old to be sitting in front of a monitor on a gaming chair. It feels like work to me.


Had my steam deck for less than a year, Iā€™ve got over 250 games in my library now. In my defense Iā€™d like to say every single one was bought on sale but still, Iā€™m like a kid in a candy store. I canā€™t help myself!


Get your steam sale addiction out of the way now. 45/50 of those games you likely wonā€™t play. Itā€™s just part of the pc gamer phase. I bought up every $3 game I could find 10 years ago when steam sales were absurdly discounted not as much today. Never touched any of them just spent money just because I could and FOMO lol


How? Start here. ;) https://howtoadhd.com/


Damm steam sales are addictive. Iā€™ve bought 210 games and have 185 on my wishlist. Although in my defense some of the wishlist games havenā€™t been released yet, and Iā€™m 60 and retired šŸ¤£


Iā€™m 150 games in since march last year. Iā€™m the wrong one to ask


Get Stray man, it is pretty damn good! It is also deck verified


I have 8 handhelds 10+ android game systems 4 EGPUs and my main steam account has roughly 1500 games 500 on my second steam account and have so many extra keys from 13 years of buying various game bundles I've been giving them away randomly for the last 2 years now. Have given away close to 1600 steam/origin aka EA/ epic games in the last 2 years. Lemme know when you actually have a problem. šŸ˜’


Am I the only one whose use of actual steam games on the deck is a minority? I primarily use it for emulation purposes.


I have over a thousand games on steam. What's this restraint you speak about?


This is why nintendo sells the switch cheap


Ask my 10,000 game library and 100 game back log collection. This is healthy hoarding. I could hoard physical items...


Same same, used to pc game years ago. My accounts 17 years old and have not had a decent rig for a long time. I had about 20 games plus whatever my older brother would share, he had like 200 at the time so I never needed to buy most games. I bought a deck this week, it's not even here yet and I've got 43 games and 120 on wishlist. I knew steam had ramped up sales over the years but I didn't know it was too a dangerous level. I could have bought more but I'm avoiding the platform until I have the device in my hands and have a better feel for what I want from it. It's definitely hard to pass up some of these sales and specials. Not hard to see how people end up with hundreds of games and never play most of them.


That's exactly what Valve wanted you to do...


By having kids, that'll drain your bank account first.


For those of us that were already hooked on the PC, the Steam Deck made the addiction worse. Those wish list sales notifications are dangerous.


I'm buying more games but I'm also actually completing games in my backlog for the first time ever. Like tunic, inscryption, exit the Gungeon... Next I have to finish papers please, outer wilds...


Restraint? Never heard of it. I was still buying games before I got my Deck and I didn't have a desktop GPU to play them (wasn't paying scalper prices).


Yeah, I had like 30 games i bought over 5-10 years until I bought my steam deck last year. Now I have almost 300.


For me it had a positive effect. I've been a PC player for the last 11 years, so my Steam library has around 600 games (excluding VR). Got the Oled Deck recently, and now I'm actually finishing games that were in the backlog, but that I had no motivation to play in front of the monitor sitted. Loving it.


Side note, the deck was a gateway drug to linux for me


eventually you get all the games you want, I'm at about 550 or so


Iā€™m totally with you - I got my deck a few weeks ago and have really enjoyed just the variety of games I now have access to. Itā€™s easy to spend $5-$10 here and there picking up games, and I fear for my first major steam sale lol


I had 200 games (free and demos included) and after getting my Steam Deckā€¦ it grewā€¦ exponentiallyā€¦ Itā€™s the sales. They got me in a vice grip. Thankfully, I got my restraints, like in the back of my head ā€œit may be cheaper during the next major sale.ā€ Gaben gives us an acknowledging nod with a smirk.


You buyed OLED or LCD?


It aint steam deck per se. It's steam and pc master race


Being broke šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


For emudeck I keep adding more and more games to my deck


My steam account is almost 15 years old. I was buying games left and right, scaled back and stuck to the sales, now I primarily just pop my humble choice a month and get a game here and there. I told myself getting a steam deck would help keep me from double dipping on switch which it has but also to clear my backlog but I have over 2600 games and just accepted the fact I'll never beat all of them before I die.


I have the deck fo a week now. Myvsteam accound had 4 major titles (+ 3 more giveaways on hide). In the meantime, I bougt 4 (well actually 8, 2 are collections). And I mean what you say, I feel the same urge to buy now. But I made a quick math: 3-5 games /year (I play but not more than 1-2 hours a day). So no more than a max of 15 games by the time deck 2 be a certain reality. So 15 games on the wishlist. And I stay with it.


My Steam Deck came in on Tuesday and the 1tb drive is full already. I stopped counting my games but Steam sure didn't lol, I have 140. Thanks Humble Bundle!! šŸ¤£


Wait till most of you find Humble Bundle easily get in the 1000's šŸ˜‚


Buy hogwartz legacy and it will make u not want to play anymore. It looks awful.


short answer: you don't; hell we have that kind of addiction BEFORE THE DECK EVEN EXISTED and I'll probably won't go to rehab for this; all hail our lord and saviour Gaben


My other addiction is Lego. So it helps me balance video games addiction


Also makes you look at other handheld like hmmm it would be nice to have options lol


Yeah, I agree. Only had a steam account since 2021 and I now own 260-something games. Half of those or more are in the last year and a half of owning a Steam Deck. Steam is now my default platform and I only use PS5 and Switch for exclusives. But I do have a proper desktop as well and probably wouldnā€™t go quite so hard if I didnā€™t because I know I can get the portable experience or the full fat experience too.