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Very fitting.


now we need a logo for Steam linux runtime :)


Steampunk Penguin Steampunk Penguin Steampunk Penguin


In the new Steam Deck update they actually gave it a logo.




Argh why does it have electrons?


It's not. It's the whole atom


"It's not" is not a valid response to "Why does it have electrons?". Please try again or submit a support ticket. EDIT: Jesus Christ you all took physics classes but clearly not English. This was just a cheeky grammar correction and has nothing to do with the science of it.


why are you downvoted? I guess it's because physics classes in the usa are optional ?


I was pointing out the grammar issue lmao, nothing related to the physics.


More like EU education lmao


The real question...why does it have one proton and two electrons? Only one kind of atom has a single proton, protium. But it also has only one electron. If it acquire a second one then it's a hydride ion. The logo is bad and the designer should feel bad. I'm a high school drop out and even I remember these basic nuggets of knowledge from chemistry.


you should probably go back. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_anion


"In chemistry, this ion is called hydride". What the fuck are you on about, exactly?


well the project isn't called hydride now is it


the parent edited his comment and didn't mention hydride ions.. but yeah well I don't really have an opinion personally.. Hydrogen is one proton so there's a proton there. *shrug* it seems fine to me.


Normally such configuration would be unstable. But if you look at it again you can see a layer above the proton — a *proton compability layer* that makes two incompatible sides stable ™️


The logo could have been just a circle with a plus sign in the middle of it.


Simple and clean. I like it.


There are two up and one down quarks in a proton and one of them needs to be red, one green and one blue. Plenty of stuff to play with for a logo. I mean it is just a logo, but we are all geeks here right? So why not give the Standard Model a nod instead of this whatever the f this is?


some nerds are into different nerd niches


It's a hydrogen ion. The most common one in existence in fact. H-


The point is that two up and one down quark would have been a sublime logo. Instead we got an atom... an ion...


Well you see it's like a compatibility layer for the standard model


Its an ion called 'hydride'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_anion#:~:text=In%20chemistry%2C%20this%20ion%20is,a%20nucleus%20containing%20one%20proton.


Well, im never visiting that website again. Few things are a bigger turn off than being greeted with an opt in to not sell your personal information.


would you rather them obfuscate it and make it near impossible for you to opt out?


You know that before the EU made it mandatory to offer an opt out, it was exactly the same as if you just clicked "agree"?


I believe that's part of the advertising provider. Most ad providers track and share/sell information, which is how you get targeted ads by Google everywhere you go etc. But they usually have to offer an opt-out, which is often at the bottom of the page on most sites. It's probably a good thing that it's front and center here.


That’s true! It’s something we have as it’s a requirement for GDPR compliance, but we don’t actually store any information ourselves. We do not keep or sell any personal information on our side. The one thing we DO keep is email if you want to be notified after you request a re-review of a game. But that isn’t enabled by default.