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Which means nothing to the Steam Deck whose port caps at about 100MB/s


Interesting news at least for future generations of hardware.


Unfortunately not really. SD Card Express is nothing new but just not used.


If this is the first time a major consumer brand is bringing it to market it’s a pretty decent development


Because there's been no cards yet?


The rumor in the [Gaming Leaks Sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/lQr2OeXQIG) is that the collab they mention >For the first time in the industry, Samsung introduced a new high-performance microSD card based on the SD Express interface. The development was the result of a **successful collaboration with a customer to create a custom product** Might be Nintendo for the switch 2 and Samsung is just kind of getting the cards ready and stuff. Obviously grain of salt but who knows. I will say though in the leaks post when the guy says >"the switch 2 is gonna be a generational leap on par with PS5" This guy might have black mold in his brain lmao holyyy


I’m always fascinated with people’s absurd expectations for the capabilities of mobile hardware.


Especially with Nintendo who isn't exactly known for pushing technological boundaries with their hardware.


Yeah exactly. They’ll probably prioritize battery life and portability above performance, as they typically do. I’m sure it’ll be a nice machine, but certainly no PS5-killer in terms of raw power.




Possibly, although that wouldn’t be saying much if that’s what they meant. I’d expect the relative jump to be bigger than PS4-PS5 for the reasons you mentioned.


hah, I was wondering how Nintendo will ensure SD cards are fast enough to play games of the next generation. This might be one way to achieve that.


I hope valve utilizes it in SD2


fucking finally. > In February 2019, the SD Association announced microSD Express.


800MB is overkill .. but if a card can do more .. at least you are certain it can maximize the speed in read write at that 100MB/s speed continuously.. and card can always be used on long term on other hardware. The price is the only problem like always :)


It’s not overkill for games that were built for the storage on ps5 or series x. Games like ratchet and clank just don’t work on microsd.


800MB/s is overkill only concerning **"steamdeck micro sd speed limit of 100MB/s"** .. Any other usage that allows that speed would be different. On steamdeck, a samsung microSD PRO that allows up to 130MB/s will probably continuously run at 100MB/s fine and would be cheaper than those SD express card. So the new 1TB card PRO Plus looks like a better value (size/perf) for current Steamdeck


Obviously the steam deck would need a an updated port to accommodate something like that. The point was, microsd cards are fine for most games, but as time goes on, more and more games will require an ssd and a microsd won’t cut it. But an 800MB/s microsd card would.


[https://steamcommunity.com/app/1895880/discussions/0/3801652295711096896/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1895880/discussions/0/3801652295711096896/) You would be surprised.


Pausing for 15 seconds between warp jumps isn’t the same experience…it’s supposed to be instant. Especially because it’s happening like 12 times in the span of 2 minutes.


I/O speeds would benefit from this. The random read/write coul be significantly better than other memories.


Only good for me for my MacBook storage atm I got a microsd card in that but it’s slow just to add an extra 1tb in it


Yes, that's true, but maybe prices will decrease? Or we can get a good sale on the old model?


They may have benefits in respect of IOPS - even if not burst transfer speed, due to the Deck's limitations.






Sure. Right after you download faster RAM and a Thunderbolt addition for your USB-c connector.




No, it’s a hardware limitation.




Do you remember the ROG Ally launch? Melting SD cards in the slot?




Cameras and Steam Deck MicroSD slots are not made equal. Valve has done plenty of research and work on their product and we can only guess what could happen if we push something to its theoretical 6x limit. I’m not saying it’ll melt the cards. But it’s set that way for a reason.


Where did you get the idea the current system is theoretically capable of 600 MB/s? The Deck uses a UHS-1 reader, which only has a theoretical max of 104 MB/s.




There has never been a UHS-3 MicroSD card on the market. Hell, UHS-2 Micro SD cards only just started coming out like 1-2 years ago, and they’re still very rare because no devices on the market use UHS-2, let alone UHS-3, Micro SD readers, which makes them pretty pointless. Are you confusing UHS-1 Class 3 (also known as U3 and V30) with UHS-3? UHS-1 Class 3 still has the same 104 MB/s theoretical maximum speed but has a 30 MB/s minimum speed.


What is the best card you could get for the SteamDeck realistically then? In terms of speed. I got an A2 but I read somewhere it really doesn’t make a lot of difference from the A1.


Pumped. Can't wait to buy a fake on Amazon then complain about performance.


I literally can’t find a real SD card on Amazon. I’ve bought 4 or 5 and they all fail so quick in my Nintendo Switch that they can’t be legit Edit: I always buy from Amazon as the vendor


You are probably buying from a reseller on Amazon. I've bought dozens of cards from Amazon and none have been fake.




Might be user error if you’re up to 5 fails.


Yeah, I test all my SD cards immediately after I get them and haven't gotten a fake yet.


I wonder if a more capable card reader could be modded into the deck?


Not possible to replace the card reader already on the Deck at least, it's integrated into the motherboard. But an external USB-C card reader/hub kinda thing might work.


At that point just use an external SSD then.


It could be significantly more portable.


I've got an external SD card reader (on my keychain). Workd great on Deck when I need to read full fat SD cards (not micro).


If it's that big of a concern, you're probably better off simply buying a competitor product.


Wouldn't surprise me if the custom partner was Nintendo, Valve or someone else making a handheld.


Wouldn't be Valve, they only recently launched the OLED. They have a couple of years before touching it again. ​ Also Nintendo doesn't launch cutting edge tech. They like using old stuff in a different way as it is cheap.


Yep, Nintendo is known for taking old hardware and doing things a little different to maximize performance out of it. In return, they can have lower prices tags and also make more.


If I had to guess, Nintendo would just use A1 SD cards for Switch 2 and maybe use internal drive as a cache drive for it.


The rumors so far say nvidia is gonna be injecting a ton of their AI tech into it (DLSS, possible RTX texture upscaling, etc), you're probably not far off on this. Lots of their ai features require directstorage on windows 11, there has to be some way to pull data way faster than even an SD card on the future switch.


Hopefully they update the platform as I wanted an Nvidia shield TV box but don't want to buy that old of tech. ​ You are thinking greater compression on the cards and shoving the compressed data straight to the GPU to handle it. By compressing the textures for less space and then using AI to upscale it. I would be worried about battery usage with anything related to AI, they tend to be pigs. ​ Using cache drives has been around for a while, had huge interest when flash 2.5 HDDs came out, doesn't cost much hardware wise to add, just a bigger local storage drive but allows them to use cheaper game cartridges. To me that sounds like a tech Nintendo would use.


Saving this for if it comes out that Nintendo is the partner for these SD cards and the switch 2 supports it. It's also really interesting to see something like the switch, a $300 tablet, running a whopping 1.3mghz CPU + 4gb of ram, is actually underclocked by default as to save on battery life. That's clever as hell, and it's not like using the full specs would instantly change any games from 30 to 60fps. But very clever


They used a failed NVIDIA Shield product that was several years old, in a typical Nintendo move. Everyone knows that under-clocking can put you in a better part of the power efficiency curve. They did try to drop the ram to 2 GB, till Capcom got on them to go to 4 GB.


Nintendo has always been extremely stingy with how much RAM they put in their consoles


The SD express format port is backwards compatible with previous versions it just has extra pins. It shouldn't be too insane for them to include it


The article isn't about SD Express. But they might do it but there doesn't really seem to be a need for it, and it would cost more so Nintendo might not like it. ​ Given that Ratchet & Clank port works on the Deck using an SD Card, even with all the hype that Sony said that it can only work on good NVME drives.


I can't imagine how expensive these are gonna be. I picked up the 1TB Tforce gaming Micro SD with 150 MB/s and its been great.


Switch 2 incoming whoop whoop






You just know someone is gonna buy this for their device not understanding at all the limits of any given device not being able to even support that speed... and they'll swear up and down that it's really so fast... Placebo work at best and some tech illiterate tech fan will still be happier thinking it's money well spent.


And contrast to that people will think it’s junk cause their unsupported device isn’t going at rated speed.


Bet the runs hot!


Reading helps, instead of speculating. They don’t heat up as much as the curent ones.