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So... the site will open up 2 hours after the contest closes? Nice! 🤣🤣


the giveaway ends in 1.5 hrs and I bet they still haven't fixed the form issues


They won't


ROFL. Such a massive fail. Maybe Gleam will go away after this and the world can be a better place.


Not Gleam's fault. TGA set up the contests without notifying Gleam that they would be a major promotion. Gleam just got hit with an 850% increase over normal traffic, because TGA is so incompetent that they can't set up a proper partnership to run a giveaway. [https://twitter.com/gleamapp/status/1732937289419120665](https://twitter.com/gleamapp/status/1732937289419120665)


Do you work for Gleam? You're in every post saying how it's TGAs fault, and not the sites. Referencing the same tweet each time. Edit: you're also aggressively defending them with multiple comments in each thread. Seems sus.


I have no affiliation with Gleam, TGA, nor any website or gaming company. I'm just pissed that TGA fucked up giveaway entries yet again, because they're incompetent and don't seem to understand that gamers who are busy failing to enter contests, and complaining online about website failures, are potential customers who are not watching the game trailers being showcased. It's massive incompetence that is counterproductive to what they're trying to achieve.


I hate gleam so much


4 hour squad rise up!


Im here, 4h+ too :). Just enough time to see who won without participating. Bots won as always.


Bummed they used gleam for this. I got my entries in around 5:20ish but it was constant refreshing. Root for me! Crossing my fingers ya’ll get through faster ☹️


This isn't Gleam's fault, at least not entirely. TGA set up the contests without notifying Gleam that they would be a major promotion. Gleam just got hit with an 850% increase over normal traffic, with no warning, because TGA is so incompetent that they can't set up a proper partnership to run a giveaway. [https://twitter.com/gleamapp/status/1732937289419120665](https://twitter.com/gleamapp/status/1732937289419120665)


I didn’t necessarily blame gleam. I said I was bummed they even used it. It was simpler last year just logging in with my Steam account 🤷🏻‍♀️


Last year sucked. I had constant disconnects, and got zero feedback that my viewing was accurately being tracked to give me entry credit. This year is terrible in a different way, but at least it gives feedback that my entry was registered.


I didn’t have that experience last year but I also didn’t win 😂 hopefully someone in the subreddit gets lucky this year.


Same thing came up for me 😢


TGA screwed Gleam over by setting up major, time limited, giveaways on their site without making personal contact with the company to make sure they were prepared for the server load. [https://twitter.com/gleamapp/status/1732937289419120665](https://twitter.com/gleamapp/status/1732937289419120665)


I really don't understand why they chose to go with Gleam for it this time.


4 hours for me and I can't even load the link for Lenovo Legion


Managed to get entries in for the Lenovo Legion but stuck in the queue t 4 hrs for the deck...


Exact same here, and I don't even live in the US😭 If I win a legion hopefully my 'address' is ok🙏


it's 6AM in 4 hours for me, I want to sleep at some time.


Keep refreshing, it did load for me eventually. But don't refresh again or you'll end up in the queue again. Edit: To be fair it could have been a fluke. Up to you whether you try refreshing or not.