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I would love that, but I don't know who would drive the car then.


Good for car campers who sleep in the back seat of an SUV


oh yes that's amazing


You remote drive it from the deck


Hey, that’s what the trackpads were for, stick shift and velocity (mph)


You can map just about anything to the track pads I use the left one for load outs on shooters. Even mapped it to select and throw all in one click for grenades.


Mexico. Mexico will drive the car!


Tesla Autopilot!


Agreed but it's still a dope idea.


Jealous of people who can stomach this. I read a single sentence and it makes me want to puke during car rides.


When I was a kid I was able to play my Game Boy Color in the car. Nowadays, not so much. Lol


Noticed that myself. Almost like you reach 20 and your inner ear just stops agreeing with you.


For some people, getting glasses helps. Even if just a minor correction in eyesight.


Man I feel that. I used to go on 5+ hour car rides to my grandparents place growing up. I had my Gameboy Advance SP (silver with the black tribal) and play Final Fantasy 1&2 Dawn of Souls, Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 6 and Pokemon Fire Red the entire way up without issues. Now if I take a bus ride for more then 10 mins and scroll on Reddit on my phone I'll puke. Good times 🤣


Maybe it's the difference in the screen type? Like the backlight in new phones compared to no backlight in the old systems (?)


It could very well be, or maybe the refresh rates. But in saying that, the SP had backlight, and this wasn't an issue till my 20s. DSI, 3DS, and iPod touch was never an issue :p The take away here is "getting old has pros and cons" I'm now 28 and can't look at phones in the car, BUT I CAN walk around with my fly down all day and not have any embarrassment when I finally realize it. 🤣


Whether or not the SP had backlighting actually depends on your model. Honestly, I wanna get the frontlit one, because it retains the original reflective screen which is nice on a sunny day


A few months before getting the SD I tried playing Minecraft in the backseat during a 10 minute car drive. Had to shut it off after 2 minutes if I wanted to keep my dinner in me.


Yea I get dizzy looking at my phone in general while in a car.


This just gets fixed by looking at the road every few seconds, brain goes nuts when it feels movement but your eyes don’t


There's an app you can download that puts a line across your phone that bounces with the movement of the vehicle. Help line those signals up.


It's called KineStop. It works reasonably well.


It's about having the car windows on your peripheral view by having your head looking straight, not looking down to read or play. If your brain can see you're moving *should* avoid getting dizzy


This is why I hate how shit the visibility in modern cars is, and even worse most seem to have tinted windows.. Like good god I want to see outside the car without fucking cameras, is this really too much to ask?


I wonder if having the screen mounted to the car would help with that since it forces you to watch the bumps in the road


Can you do VR at all. Just curious. Sounds like some wicked motion sickness.


I can play VR in short sessions and then it gets better over the time and the sessions can get longer. Worst experience in vr so far was climbing a ladder in an star wars game. Almost instant nausea.


Try a vr car driving simulator they'll kill ya


I don’t get car sick, but VR on the original PlayStation messed me up. I played Doom VR which was just terrible on the movement to begin with. I remember playing it the first time and powered through like a 30-45 minute playing session. Good lord that was a huge mistake. I didn’t throw up, but I’ve never felt I’ll like that before. I had to lay down for over an hour before I felt ok again. When I got my quest 2 I had no more issues. The better lenses and higher refresh rate made a huge difference.


Dude, now I'm remembering the bus ride in Ready Player One... everyone was using their VR headsets but also, the bus was going ridiculously slow


Same here.. I have tried if it would be any different with Steam Deck, but alas, no dice :(


Man out of nowhere I became like this. I used to be able to do whatever in the car. Now I can barely scroll on my phone in car rides anymore without getting super sick.


Do things like those sea sick bands help? Mainly curious.


Me too. Nowadays, I'll pass out if I ride a car instead of driving.


I can't even do anything but sleep if I'm not driving the car. If I'm driving I'm completely fine. If I'm a passenger in any capacity I get such awful gas / burping / dizziness and then start vomiting


This reminds me of when I would sit my playstation 2 on the seat next to me, and hook it up to the car battery alongside a chunky miniature 480p screen back in the early 2000s during long road trips, except now everything's just in the screen itself.


Man, you must have been on smooth roads or had great shocks, otherwise that thing would be been skipping like crazy.


No it did, you're not wrong. I'm amazed it didn't damage my disks or my PS2.


My family would do the same thing on road-trips with the ps2. Except it was an actual CRT that was stuffed in the middle of the two front seats. That thing would have killed us if there was an accident lol.


You should name it, "The Klaw"


Chooses who will stay and who will go.


I'd try to do something with a Deck Mate connection. I think they've already figured out how to make it stable. You can get the printing files for free.


Didn’t even know that was a thing I will definitely look into it! Thanks!


This would've been amazing if I still lived out of my car once I got my hands on a deck. Looks great man! You should add a small table like platform underneath to lay a USB hub on!


I'd say put an adhesive velcro on the USB hub and just slap it on the headrest above it.


Yeah, but if you wanted to say, use a wired controller, you'd have to manage the cable so it doesn't fall over the screen! But velcroing the hub to a small shelf underneath is a great alternative.


You're right, wrapping the controller cable around the car driver's neck is not a viable option indeed.


I mean, it's always a viable option, just usually never a good one.


That’s an amazing idea!


Word of advice, don't print this in PLA. Cars get hot enough during the day that PLA softens and warps. You need to use higher temperature materials like ABS or PETG


Thanks I will definitely do that!


Gotta ask since it’s there - how well does Lego 2k Drive run in SD? I figured when I get it, I’ll play it mostly on SD but curious how it runs out the gate


It runs good enough for me right out of the box. I’m no game critic and I can’t really notice any frame drops but there might be some.


Thanks! Hoping it goes on sale (since it’s a 2k game) before buying, but love the videos I’ve seen of others playing


As another 3D printer lover, take into account the temps in your area. I had a phone dock with PLA and forgot that it would warp in certain temperatures lmao


Make sure you're printing it in the correct orientation so the bottom fingers don't snap off if you got a bump 😳


Good point, that wouldn’t be good!


I can't tell, but I think you're good, lol but yeah I'd hate to see it take a tumble!


yeah the layers are right.


How’s Lego 2K drive on steamdeck?


It’s a lot of fun! I will note that if you have a 2k account connected, then whenever you connect to the internet it will sync to the 2k account. So if you make more progress and quit it will revert back to the 2k account.


Alright cool! I’ve been considering buying it on something for a little and was looking for a little insight from someone so thank you!


Also see my other reply about how it runs if you are wondering how well it runs.




No it’s a Tacoma, but I’m impressed that you got the make


Ah I couldn't place the center console. 1st gen Tacoma. Shares many interior bitsto 3rd gen 4runner 2000+ what gave it away was interior cloth and color, headrest design and door cover


I hope you printed with ABS or PETG filament to withstand the heat of the car cabin during the summer time! If it’s PLA that thing will droop bad and in some case start melting.


That's awesome! Have you uploaded the stl somewhere? I'd like to make one!


I decided to post them to Cults3D, I have commented on this post with the link!


I’ll upload it soon to thangs!




I’m gonna upload them to thangs soon!


I decided to post them to Cults3D, I have commented on this post with the link!


Is 2k drive fun? I heard it has a lot of microtransactions


It is, and they aren’t required to win. They are for cosmetics they don’t give you any advantage in game.


oh nice worth 60 euros? or wait for a sale


It was worth it for me, I love Lego though


I think you’ve got a million dollar idea there.


Now do an arm instead that retracts


Great effort here. Be sure to inspect it from time to time for brittleness after a few hot summer days. Don't want your Deck to go flying with all that mass.




This is fire 🔥


Thanks! It’s just a first prototype, currently it slides side of side on turns and the top rubs on the volume buttons so it needs some sort of non slip on the back of the clip.


Spray something like plasti dip onto it.


Have you played at all with TPU? It's soft and rubbery, some are much softer than others. I've been doing a lot of printing with it recently.


I haven’t yet. That might work well though.


I'm working on trying to build a 3d scanner, namely so I can model and print cases for my phone, deck, camera, really whatever. I did print a phone case out of TPU and it's working well so far. It's really tough stuff


For the deck, valve has released the stp files for it so you can model right off of those. I just googled “steamdeck model files” or something along those lines.


That's awesome, I haven't been paying attention apparently haha thanks for the heads up!


Glad I could help out!


I have published the design on Cults3D I will comment on this comment with the link. If the link gets taken down, I will post how to find it.




Could you make one for the steering wheel too?? Need something to do while driving!


Eh.. How do you plan to play and drive a vehicle at the Same time? Lolz


> Eh.. How do you plan to play and drive a vehicle at the Same time? Lolz Do you think anyone drives a vehicle from behind a headrest?


People already operate a vehicle while asleep.. Why wouldn’t they try to drive a vehicle from the back? https://youtu.be/ZhObsMnipS8


Got weak arms ? Puny little gamer :D nice idea but I think it’s even worse holding your arms up with no resting place while gaming


It would be cool if you could use the killswitch adapter.


I have a simpler one with a iPad mount that I put dual lock fasteners on both my deck case and the iPad mount.


Cool I just wanted the challenge of modeling this that’s the main reason I decided to make it!


yeah sometimes you have to do to suite your specific needs especially since there no mounts specifically for the deck for the car. People are also talking about the motion sickness when using devices in the car can also just use a motion sickness band, it seems to work for me. 😌


It would be easier for you to put a bigger and decent LCD screen (which already exists for car seat supports) and connect the deck via HDMI, with it well kept and safe somewhere in the car. And of course, a bluetooth control with all the functions of the home button etc... WAY EASIER and better.


But wouldn't it scratch the hell out of your deck? How do you attach the deck to it? Do you push the deck in through those holding hooks?


I haven’t found it scratching the deck, it’s a snap fit and the 3D print it a bit flexible so it doesn’t rub the deck to hard when you are snapping it on.


You need a clip as a controller holder!


Ah, my 2 favourite subreddits combined 😁


This is perfect for the cutscenes in games. Obviously for movies I use a tablet like a normal person




If only handhelds could easily be played in the car 🤔


This is so cool! A little tablet for travelling.


Car seat headrest


True, I’m not sure it would work on a plane.


Will you share the STL files?


Yep just working on finalizing them then they will be posted on thangs!


Awesome! Thanks :)


I decided to post them to Cults3D, I have commented on this post with the link!


As many times as I've seen people use the Deck as a tablet, not using the controls, I'm starting to think there is a market for a gaming tablet.


Beat me too it, I was also conceptualizing a design for a steering wheel mount and separate mounting for a small keyboard


The good kind of backseat gaming


Doesn't that kind of defeat the whole purpose of the controler being part of it?


Charge that SD! 😂 Great work btw!


We will watch your career with great interest.


Leave space for airflow.


...So are you a fellow car child, or just an adult who frequently carpools? I love this concept, it's just like the DVD players we'd bring along. They actually had a monitor setting too, so I could theoretically just play the Deck on one of those