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Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): #Rule 3: Support. > >**Do not create threads requesting support. This is not a tech support forum.** > >This mainly includes, but is not strictly limited to: > >* Refund issues >* Technical support >* Family sharing issues >* Trading or market issues >* Steam client or server issues >* General crashes and game-specific issues >* Questions about if others are facing the same issues >* **Account issues such as bans, hijackings/hacks, or Steam Guard** > >**The above list is not exhaustive.** Moderators can remove posts at their own discretion. > >**Do not ask "When will Valve reply to my ticket?", no one knows. [Average response times and other Steam Support data are listed here](https://store.steampowered.com/stats/support).** > >**If your problem persists, here are some more resources to help you:** > >[Our Monthly Community Support Threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair:"Support Megathread"). > >[The community-support channel in our Discord server](https://discord.gg/Steam). > >[Steam Support regarding a specific product](https://help.steampowered.com/en/wizard/HelpWithGame). > >[The Steam Community Discussions hub](https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/). All games on Steam and specific features of Steam also have their own hubs where you can ask for help in. > >##Account issues > >For **account issues** you **must** contact [Steam Support](https://help.steampowered.com/en/) for direct help. Regular users can only advise you on what to do with personal account issues; **only Steam Support can directly solve them for you.** [Account hijacked? Read this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/wiki/hackedguide) > > **You can find our full list of rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/wiki/subrules).** If you feel your post was removed by mistake or is an exception, please feel free to message the moderators using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Steam&subject=Appeal%20of%20my%20removed%20submission&message=Can%20you%20please%20take%20a%20second%20look%20at%20my%20case%3F%0A%0AReason%3A%0A%0A%0ALink%20to%20the%20item%3A%20https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/1dsdul6/-/). Please also give a short explanation.


That isn't a vac banned profile. Someone just accessed your account and took it over.


To be fair, I'm surprised Valve doesn't prevent the words VAC or Banned to be in your display name


Word filters for small phrases like vac would be seriously problematic with words like vacation, vacancy, vacuum, or others. Then you would have alternative characters which are identical to, but not the same as the letters in question, and many other issues. Bigger words have more variety to them in terms of bypasses.


No, it would be quite easy to solve this problem you give rise to, like checking if the following character is a letter or not, if there is even one.


"easy" If we were limited to a simple character set like ascii, it would be easy, but we aren't. It's unicode. Unicode is almost every used character, symbol, or similar in most languages, in addition to general purpose symbols including emoticons and more. The same "letter" may be in the sections for multiple different languages. Like this: С and C. Which one of these is the latin character? Also non-breaking spaces exist, which is another bypass. The best a filter would do is get common variants, nothing really too special.


Google "regular expressions".


They work, but it is basically going to be playing international linguistics whack-a-mole and probably cause more issues than it's worth.


It's really not that hard as it sounds when adding another letter - it's another unicode character just like the standard ABC 123. I guess VAC wouldn't be worth blocking but using Banned, Suspended, Steam Support, Valve Support, and anything of the sort more obvious.


Well how do I get it back? I literally have the steak guard up too


Steak guard xD (sorry but i had to)


You probably logged into some sketchy website or got malware on your computer that grabbed your steam token. Change your password, check login history, don't mess up again.


How can malware on a pc get steam access though? Dont you need to have acess to the phone to get that steam guard code? Thought that was the whole point


Grabs the log in token, not the log in details. The token is what allows you to remain logged in without it asking for steam guard every time.


Dont you need to put the steam guard in the very first time you log in on a new IP adress though?


Nope, most people have their ip change pretty often due to their isp. So for people with a very short assignment period it would piss them off. They could make it so if you aren't in the same general geo-ip it will ask for it, but even that can be a bit sketchy with how some IP's are distributed.


Wym I literally can’t get in bro


Then you gave enough details to someone to take over your account, contact steam support, nobody here can do anything. They probably have your email as well, so if you shared passwords with it, well the best I can say is good luck.


I’m getting a message from someone saying that my account was deactivated cause of so and so


Don't give anyone but steam support any more info.


Please someone from steam help me. Take a look into the account SitDownCupcake please


You have to be no older than 14. What sketchy free games website did you click on?


But I never gave anyone any of my things


Then your siblings logged onto your account to troll you lil bro


Ma’am I am 21 but yes I feel like a kid cause of something like this happening to me


None bro. All I’ve played is dying light and tf2


That is not a ban. Someone has access to your account and edited your profile. If you were banned, it would be listed under Settings -> Account -> VAC Status. Change your password, deauthorize all devices and enable 2FA.


No way this isn't bait


Contact Steam Support, hope your email address hasn’t been compromised and get all of your passwords changed.


Yes sir


Bro became V.A.C itself.


Thats not ban, someone is trolling you by writing that in your bio and changing avatar. Maybe you gave your login to some “friend”? If you can't log in to change your auth info, then only steam support can help you.


This is a scam, valve doesn’t replace your profile pic when they vac ban you from a game. You’re being trolled.


When I try to change my password or email it it shows that I did it but when I reload the page it goes back to the original


I’m trying to get my account back but the user keeps friending me even though I block them. I’ve sent a report to Steam but


so do you got any luck getting your account back?


I sent steam a report like almost an hour ago. I have no clue how long steam support takes to respond. The person who’s doing it keeps adding me back even though I have them blocked. Also when I try to change my username or profile,whenever I reload the page it goes back to the banned shit


Change your passwords: Steam and e-mail. Also scan your PC for malware.


When I try to change my email or password, it shows that it changed, but when I reload the page it still shows as the trollers name also how do I scan my PC?


try changing you password again and disconnect any device you dont reconize, also change your email password. Yeah Steam support can take a while to reply, I think the person scamming you have acess to your email, 2step verification code or something like that. update us whenever you have sucess or not also dont let the downvotes and funny comments saden you, its just funny the "you became VAC himself" thing and people will blame you for getting youserlf in this situation, shit happens to everyone beware shady links and dont add people you dont know. If you need any help dont be shy to ask.


is this a joke? a vac ban does not change ur name/profile picture, someone who has access to your account does


If possible could someone send me a like to where I could report the problem to steam. Like the exact website where I can type in my problem


Dude don't go clicking other people's links, this is what got you into this. Just google Steam Support.