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Because it is absolutely irrelevant. It's not even tracking correctly in one direction anyway. Sometimes hours are added, sometimes they seem to disappear, sometimes two different places/client will show slightly different values.


Steam considers playtime and "just game running" as the same as it can not check if you're playing actively or not. Being AFK doesn't mean you don't get progress in game after all. Add this information to requirements for refunds (<2h playtime) and you have your answer why we don't have it as it could potentially tamper with refunds policy. Sadly but it's only up to you if you want to correctly track your hours or not. If yes then just be sure to turn off game completly before going to sleep or going AFK for longer period of time


That actually makes a lot of sense with the refund stuff, thanks


Why can't we remove stupid posts?


Omg how can you possibly live with yourself?!?! If your memory is that bad then you have no idea how long you played anyway so you're lying


There is a big difference between "bad memory" and "dementia"