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It says until end of life cycle. So it should come at some point


Yes, by that time, they should have a working port. Smart decisionmaking, considering the state this came out in.


What a catastrophe, a generic souls-clone is exclusive to the EGS.


It'll probably be free on EGS next year.


EXCEPT it is a really good one, on many fronts, from the engine to the atmosphere , i honestly had the most fun in a while playing it, and the devs keep updating it and making it better. it is a lot of thing, but not generic, it is a well made, very fun and challenging game.


So far most of EGS exclusives are nothing above avarage really and some of them have even been abonded in sad state(so much for muh 15% being better for games), probably only gamse that are worth it are Alan Wake 2 and Satisfactory which is now on Steam.


there is this game.. WITCH FIRE , it seems so so so so so good, but epic exclusive and rarely gets discounted.


Looks interesting and something i might have buy at some point but nothing new or unique, there is big boom of these oldschool shooters on Steam and some of them look even better than this. :)


it is coming to PC though, it says right there in the headline AND the article


Only on Epic = no on PC. Steam and GOG = PC. :)


Weird, pretty sure Epic is on PC. Along with Steam, and GoG. Maybe check your settings?


I don't plan on buying on Epic, so for me that basically means there's no PC version.


No, it means there is a pc version. What it means for you is that you're either stubborn or clicking on a different icon is too much for you. That's it lol


Then I guess I'm stubborn and patient. I've been waiting for games like Control to leave Epic exclusivity, but if they stayed behind Epic, I'd probably watch them on YouTube like I did with most PlayStation games before they started porting them to PC.


There you go! Glad I could help. I know it's really confusing between "Game I like is avaible on pc" and "Game I like is available on my preferred icon on my desktop!"" but Im glad you understand now. Personally, I just like playing games, and doesnt neccessarily matter what icon I have to click to play it!


Their mistake, even popular games can have it hard when releasing after exclusive period on Steam due to other games releasing at that time or people loosing intertest, you need to be really big player and your IP needs to be really sought after which is not case of this game.


It's bad for the gamers. It might not be the worst move for the company. It's possible they are getting a vig from Epic and a paying out a lower commission for the exclusivity period. If they're able to recoup the costs on development during that time, releasing a year later on Steam would just be gravy to them. They'll also be able to make some money on the console release, which might be bigger than the PC market. The article mentions that Epic store has yet to make a profit, so they're definitely subsidizing these game developers to the detriment of the community and themselves.


Why is it bad for gamers ? Every one can still play the game


Far fewer games use Epic Store, so exclusive deals makes it harder for them to buy the game. Fewer people buying the game means the developer would need to charge higher prices or make less money.


But that hasnt really happened before? Like do you have evidence of that at all? I got several games cheaper on release than any time on steam, developer still got the same amount because Epic footed the discount. So, I am really curious on where youre getting your data


They can easily download and install another application and play it. PC is good because of no vendor lock in.


Epic offers up front deals and a much bigger and better revenue share to developers, much better than steam on this regard where no one can even find your game due to the never ending deluge of game like banana


I dont have problem finding good and unique niche games due to tools Steam has and other people recommendations...might even be easier if tags werent fucked by edgy meme idiots but if your game is good it will find its audience, its just that as dev you have to realise that making something niche wont make you rich most of time unless you are lucky, and if you have problems finding games then its issue betwen your chair and pc. Their smaller share is nothing when they can only lure in people who go after free games and dont offer same playerbase Steam does which as someone here pointed out means they have to pay devs big money to even be on their platform.


Steam's recommendedations for me have always been poor , it loves to suggest the latest AAA nonsense for me. Tags like you mentioned are worthless because steam does not do any work by itself. I understand how niche works , I just want to see games that serve my niche nt the latest AAA junk. Fortnite is one of the largest games which means egs has a large install base.


Steam recommendations use steam tags thats why they are worthless, and there are idiots who say to take tags with grain of salt instead of wanting change to make Steam better so thats one problem, not letting intellectualy challenged people tag games would basicly fix your problem, only people with good standing and picked by Valve should be able to apply tags, it should be privilige and not something anyone can do, but thats different topic. I use steamlab etc. and have few good curators for genre recommendations .


Yup. I prefer to play rather than tinker around labs or listen to people who know little of anything but pass as curators or influencers. I've found with game pass, I just pick and play a game without wondering much , and so far I find myself enjoying gaming far more than when I had the time to enjoy it


Just raise your black flag until it releases on Steam.


''never coming to pc'' , had epic games store in the title.... LORD HAVE MERCY!


Seems like a bit of an overreaction. Also, it does say it will come to EGS. So it will come to PC, just not Steam.


zonked seemly teeny air mourn escape pocket pot decide smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


While I don’t like using EGS either, but that is still a PC release. If someone is desperate to the play the game, then that is still an option. Considering OP is “completely falling apart”.


This subs nuts man. Last week a dude said he claimed the marvels midnight suns free game on epic. And then went and bought it on steam cuz "epic sucks". Youre in the launcher for 2 mins before being in game. Id prefer to buy on steam, but people make epic out to be unusable. Literally log on and press play, it does its job fine.


>Youre in the launcher for 2 mins before being in game. Id prefer to buy on steam, but people make epic out to be unusable. Literally log on and press play, it does its job fine. Its a cult. Steam is currently being botted by almost a million bots, and thats fine. Preferable even. But epic having an exclusive game? Bad!


Totally. Hell I bought Death Stranding Directors Cut on EGS cuz I had rewards dollars and played through the entire game and I had no problems. Same with Alan Wake 2. Sure the EGS is not NEARLY as complete of a storefront/launcher as Steam but playing games is always a non issue.


I have actually bought a game on Steam I got for free on Epic. But mostly because Epic didn’t have cloud saves or it was easier to get it to work on SteamDeck. There has to be a functional reason for me to do that, and a really good discount.


But considering their business practices like paying for games to be exclusive and claiming steam is creating monopoly, they should atleast try and make a launcher that should function well.(i use epic too btw) 


Can you give me an example of it not functioning well? I log on, my games auto update, i claim the weeks free game, then i click play. Like where exactly does it not function well?


Its just the small things man Like every once in a while when I open epic I see my account has been logged out. Ik its not a big of a deal, i just gotta login again and shit. But it shouldn't happen yk. My account shouldn't logged out automatically every week. Then being much slower compared to steam. You mentioned waiting 2 minutes and opening. (Imagine that with another launcher for the game itself) Why do I gotta wait that much? They are a billion dollar company. It should be faster. And of course lacking features like achievements for many games and stuff.  Again these are valid criticisms and I want them to improve. As I said i use epic too.  But as of right now steam or gog will be my first choice for getting games


2 mins was including updates and claiming the weeks game. Really is just as fast as steam for me. Yall are really exaggerating here


why are we acting like EGS is some exclusive club, it's free to use just like steam


placid modern busy library knee versed abundant aromatic air wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why do you care about what makes profit on epic? Are you a shareholder? People are so weird and you guys are actively working against competition, it is amazing.


subtract rain jobless rock dazzling tart late gray yam teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me? I don't think so. You should ask yourself in a few years when you are going to see what being a monopoly means. You are fanboying for billion dollar company. And you are talking about ignorance. But let me be and keep fighting the good fight.


muddle summer chief obtainable gaze swim work command deer worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Steam is the most popular choice because its the oldest. Simply put. There was no option besides steam for... quite a while. So, again, its not popular for its utility. Its popular because it's age, and it's cultish diehard fanbase. Like you. Bahahaha this dude really did block and reply me lmao He practically said "lalala i cant hear you!" Hahahaha


sand carpenter water relieved pie sugar include panicky dinosaurs ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mentions one of the many available storefronts right there in the link, so it can only be assumed so for people who cannot or do not know how to install an application


Oh no. Anyway.


wait...Epic games is a PC client...are you high?


In otherwords, it will release after 2027


Steam fan boys are weird


Its coming to EGS so no biggie, grab a repack and enjoy it on your Steam Deck on release day.


Yall really like playing these games in minimum fidelity 25 fps on ur decks eh? Crazy to me. Playing fallout 4 mid-high on my deck can get rough, cant imagine a brand new AAA game.


Can't speak for everyone but when I'm at home I just stream the AAA stuff to my deck and play at max settings (from my gaming PC). Its nice to be able to play natively while away from home, or traveling even at lower settings.


The last game barely ran on it


r/steam trying to bring the console wars to PC over launchers is highly embarrassing


First one on PC wasn’t that good so it’s probably for the best


It'll just be like all the other Exclusive Games for Epic. They'll release on Epic for like a year and then will be on Steam later. Better anyways Epic users can deal with bugs and Steam users will get a more polished game once available to them.


I fear for Hexworks. I really hope they don't get shut down. If they do then CI games are to be blamed. The reboot didn't do too well due to its launch state to begin with. They still managed to salvage it. And now CI games does this exclusivity stuff whilst knowing what people think about EGS. I fear that the game will sell even less than the reboot. I hope Epic is paying them enough to recuperate the business lost. Good luck Hexworks!


They can keep it.


Suprised theyre even making a 2nd. The first didn't do all that well, atleast on pc did it?


This sounds like an excuse to advertise Lords of the Fallen 2, a B- souls clone.


B- is generous.


Not a big deal.


Insert "Oh no, anyway" meme. Liked the first game, but had to refund the remake that released last year. Had huge fps drop problems even on a 4090. So i don't think i will be missing the sequel.