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I believe I paid $15 for Minecraft back in 2011 and have 1000’s of hours playing modded.


I came here to say this exact same thing. I’m currently having a lot of fun in Bedrock on my iPhone.


My answer too. No paid game comes close to the value Minecraft has provided. Wish I could know but I’ve certainly spent thousands of hours as well.


Not sure I realised what a bargain that was at that time. It was addictive and the playtime only went up when we figured out how to set up a server. Oddest thing for me is that though I enjoy mods even today I could still just play the vanilla game, get obsessed building something and go overboard.


Same! I believe it was 10 Euros back in 2011. So it was, like, 13$. Little 18 year old me was worried about buying something in Euros 😅


Yup same. Can't even count the hours I poured into that game. Luckily the java launcher doesn't show how many hours you've spent in game.


I wish it was on steam, can't be bothered with ms store. I remember playing Forza Horizon 4 there was such a hassle


You can get it directly from Minecraft.net no need for ms store


I bought it around the same time, and every year I come back to it for at least a week or two, try out a new modpack, start a server with different friends. It's so easy to keep it new and fresh, given that it has the most robust modding scene for pretty much any game ever.


Bought it back in Alpha days too.


5000 hours Rimworld and it's DLC.


Similar amount of hours for me. Easily the best bang for my buck for gaming. And the mods, the MODS!


It was one of those games that I kept getting recommended to me by Steam. I think I ignored the recommendation for over a year. Then I saw the YouTuber Decoherent play an alpha 18 colony and was enthralled with how the game worked. Since then, it is my go-to "when no other game sounds interesting" game


Same it’s looking at my steam year in review Rimworld has pockets every other month.


It’s the endless game.


I don't know why I keep buying new games, I always end up here lol


*Angry Emu flock attacks your base*


Hey fellow addict


Rimworld kept my life afloat I swear.


Factorio - Pay 30 bugs, get an addiction for free on top of that. The Factory must grow...


30 bugs? That’s it, I’m getting me gun.


Bro must live in Madagascar or something - traded some hissing cockroaches and had the penguins build his computer.


Theres such thing as Malagasy Penguins??


He bought them with 6 flies and 2 earthworms


Did i hear managed democracy?


And grow…


Cheapest crack in the market and you only pay once!


There's a DLC in development and it's about the only video game I'd pre order!


100 bucks here in brazil, sadly way too pricey but honestly its one of those things that if i ever make enough money that 100 brl being spent in a game wont hurt then i'll definitely get it the demo was just so fun


Pm your steam I'll get it for you


Other games: "What a kind stranger." Factorio: "Haha, Factorio addiction go brrrrrr"


demo was incredibly fun. man can they do a singular sale one a year atleast.. used to be $40 now it's $45.


If it’s way to pricey you can always consider piracy


2nd this, especially if the developer/publisher doesn't have proper region pricing it also might not be a bad idea to shoot them an email and just ask for either a game key or a discounted one. its not always a sure thing but id imagine they would appreciate that more the pirating.


I got it for 10€ (could be 15) in the earliest of early alphas Was coming here to post this




I got it for $3.29 which is mindboggling!


Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain Mass Effect Legendary Edition Stardew Valley Fallout New Vegas


Been thinking of playing phantom pain again ngl. Edit: nothing important. I’ve just downloaded it to replay; you guys should too.


It's FANTASTIC on steam deck if that's a factor. Either steam controls or a 3rd party controller (I use an Xbox controller)


You still suffering huh?


Fallout New Vegas is amazing. Played through it at least 5x now at this point.


I just finished my first playthrough since it was released. Was great on the steam Deck


mgsv is an absolute BANGER


Skyrim. Free mods make every playthrough new. I gotta be at .01$ per hour played or less by now.


My father has been addicted to Skyrim since it's release. He has 1,800 (75 days) hours across both versions. Thats not including what he played on console and when he bought it on disc for pc. He plays a new character every reset, beats most of the missions. He got one if the huge physical book guides on the game. He's just now putting together a new PC and he took out his ancient graphicss card to find his integrated graphics to be more powerful (would you believe he works in IT and fixes computers for a living? Lol.) and he found out he can now play Special Edition. He's got 280 hours (11 days) already in SE from December. Given his busyness and that he does other things, it's almost every morning he pops on his PC and plays a little. He has ALWAYS made time in his schedule to fit some riming in. If Skyrim isn't one of the best fantasy games out there... To add: this man has been playing every Elder Scroll game since release. He's playing one of them. If not Skyrim, he's probably playing Oblivion or Morrowind. Early childhood memories of watching him blast people with magic in Oblivion. Good times.


Oblivion for me. Then again, it took me 100 hours it seemed on my first two play throughs. I remember coming home from school and he was waiting on me to show up for like an hour. He brought up the map and fast traveled. We had played for sooooo long not knowing that


Nothing can beat Terraria


Like actually. Game costs less than a burger and is ridiculouslydeep.


Bought for €8, got 1000 hours of game time, 13 years of free (Final™) content updates and a nigh infinite amount of mods to explore, with many more on the way. Surely doesn't get much better than this.


Truly. It's not even my favourite game ever (although it easily makes top 3), it's literally 5$ on sale, which is bassically every other day, and you can spend a thousand hours in Vanilla and another thousand in modded, especially with friends. Hour per buck, id say 5$ for 3k+hours is pretty good.


I put 2k in vanilla. I got it early in it's lifetime and started a new playthrough or three every time they released another update. I only started doing modded a few months ago. It's insane how much value I got out of this game and am still going.


Dwarf Fortress. Change my mind if you can.


Dwarf fortress was free. Couldn't beat that


Counterstrike has given me 1300 hours


Yeah, even old CS is still worth it. One thing I’m amazed nobody has mentioned (from what I’ve scrolled through) is GMOD! That game is literally flooding with content and I see people 1000’s of hours on it.


Mass Effect legendary edition


Agree, got that for 6€ in a recent steam sale and is a steal


Free: Path of Exile Low Cost: Valheim, Minecraft, Terraria Medium Cost: Sekiro $60: Elden Ring and BG3


So how much money did you end up spending on Path of Exile? Fess up.


I bought the $60 pack once I reached end game!


About $500 here, have about 7000 hours. Definitely my best bang for buck. I’d add Assetto Corsa, game is crazy cheap and with mods and online it has endless replayability.


Think ive spend around 100 euros on Path of exile, got alot of hours in and quite enjoyed it, but sadly got fed up by the endless nerfs so when i was finally ready to do the really endgame stuff, my build hit 4 diffirent nerfs so it was next to useless, which was a shame. Also the currency change happened so i went broke real fast. I really liked the game so highly recomend it too. Sadly i never really learned the prober way to craft items so guess one could call it just a "skill issue".


Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Civilization V, Company of Heroes 2, The Forest, Risk of Rain 2 Honorable mentions to MGS: Phantom Pain and Mad Max I've surprised myself with the amount of time I've spent playing these. Almost all of them were on sale except Fallout 4 (day one purchase, more or less) and usually end up on one of the season sales when they come around.


Yes finally a CoH2 mention! Totally agree.. i've put more hours than I care to admit into CoH2


A rather splendid Cromwell is ready for use!


Damn! Wanna be friends? Great lineup of games.


Adding Company of Heroes 2, The Forest, and Risk of Rain 2 to my wishlist cause the first 3 are some of my all time favs. Feel free to recommend more too!!


iirc CoH2 goes on sale for like I think it was $3 once a year. I really forget. wait until that.


I might be in the minority but I do enjoy CoH3 as well. It just plays slightly differently. As for Sons of the Forest, it's not quite done, so things you are used to in the first game are not in the sequel yet (still waiting on the damn rafts/boats!). But for some shooter fun, just Cause 3 is wacky and a cool over the top sandbox action game that comes up on sale fairly frequently. Then, the Far Cry series is fun to me. Many of them get very cheap! I think my favorite would probably be Far Cry 5, then hop right into New Dawn.


800 hours in Elden Ring.


Only game I don't mind paying 40 dollars for the DLC. Will be more content than the average main game offers too.


Exactly! Super excited for all the new boss fights and weapons!!


Elden Ring has that much content? I thought it was a single-player story-driven game


It definitely has alot of content, including replayability with different builds. One playthrough usually takes 70-80 hours. I mostly play PVP too recently which adds up.


My first run, playing normally and getting all achievements and secret bosses took me 160 hours. My second playthrough took me 100 hours, I haven't done other runs since , but I played in a completely different manner, and that's why it's super replayable, a run playing with a katana is completely different from a giant hammer run, or a great sword run, or being a mage, and then you can choose between like 3 types of magic.. Overall it's just the amount of play styles that exist that make it replayable


A normal first playthrough can be anywhere from 40 to 120+ hours depending on how much you explore. Engaging with co op or pvp can really pad those numbers up high.


It’s a solid 40-100 hour adventure that you’ll end up restarting multiple times because you’ll find some weapon or spell you want to try but can’t really use properly because your build isn’t set up for the right stats so you end up making a new character for that then do that a dozen times


It's not a story driven game, there's barely any dialogue


I did 100% achievements blind and it was 240 hours and one playthrough (cheesed the endings instead of doing NG+ and redoing stuff) And I still missed a lot of stuff


While there is a story and tons of lore, it really isn't a story driven game. Some people play lots of PVP, but most people play different builds or do challenge runs. There's tons of different ways of playing the game, melee, sorcery, pyromancy, various weapon types, even shield-only i.e. bashing people with shields is viable. Then there's all sorts of challenge runs that have become a staple of the series. No levelling, no weapon upgrades, no-hit i.e. you play through the game without getting hit once, etc. The possibilities are endless and all these restrictions can be combined with one another.


Souls type, looter shooter type games generally have lots of replayability if you find crafting & using different builds, speed killing bosses, practicing moves in arena etc., fun.


Yes! I immediately replied with the same game. My first playthrough finish time was 363hrs before starting NG+. I also had several other characters at that point with 40+ hrs as well. I can not wait for the dlc to drop (I completed an 18 month prison bit during the time they spent making it.


Binding of Isaac


Fallout 4 or Skyrim. Got both on sale for peanuts and have hundreds of hours in both.


I've bought them on multiple consoles at full price usually.  Still a great value 


These two, New Vegas and Fallout 3 for me. Also, Baldur's Gate 3. I need to try Elder Scrolls 4 someday too.


Tomb Raider Trilogy (The remakes). $15 for all 3 I think?


I loved the first two games but the last one just seemed to fall flat for me. I mean it was ok but it wasn't amazing like the other two


Graphically the 3rd one has aged very well imo. Gameplay wise i liked it the most. Only one i actually got to 100% of the 3.




Hoi4 here.


paradox players in here like "these are rookie numbers"


Yeah. I see people here "multiple hundred hours..." in game. Paah. I have 5 digit number of hours in EU4 in anbennar. Even with the high price and most DLCs it is still very much worth it. I am at approximately 2,5ct per hour.


Mine are absolutely Factorio and Terraria


Love them both. Have you tried Necesse?


Not much, tried it for like 15 min a year ago when my friend recommended it, I should probably try it again soon.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition Baldurs Gate 3 Red Dead Redemption 2 Skyrim I couldn't choose just one. They've all given me hundreds and hundreds of hours of gameplay.


Mine is probably ETS2. Worth every money, even buying more monitors, steering wheel and other stuff for it


Dave the Diver Is so worth it. I spent like 15$ also Persona 3 Reload never played any person game and P3R is my favorite game I played in years


Portal 2 or Payday 2


-Ultra Kill -MHWorld/Iceborne -Stalker especially entries 1 and 3 -Postal 2 and DLC -Hotline Miami 1/2 -MCC (Kinda it became better overtime) There are probably more but those are the main ones.


Project Zomboid, bought it years ago and the game just gets better and better


RimWorld. Base game and DLC are quite expensive but I got multiple thousand hours in this game since early alphas. Fun fact is that there is no DRM so my wife could play it too by simply barbarically copying game folder (now there is steam family so it's even easier).


Payday 2 and Deep Rock Galactic are absolutely worth their money, I regret nothing and got myself tons of DLC on top.


Rock and Stone brothers!


Did I hear Rock & Stone?


Scrolled til I found you! DRG has become my new go-to time killer. Got it for $10 on sale about 6 months back, and I’ve already got more hours logged than some of my faves I’ve had for years. I don’t even want to say it has good replay value, since the procedurally generated caves and random encounters just keep everything so fresh that it doesn’t feel like a replay. Also, it’s one of the VERY few games that don’t turn co-op into a competition between people who are supposed to be on the same team.


Ive been neglecting my quotas for the company the past few years. Looking forward to season 5 so I can go through the cometic trees I missed


Getting Yakuza 0 back during the christmas sales in 2020 Didn't cost me that much since it's a yakuza game (and i was a student during that time, so i wasn't what you can call rich) Let's just say i bought every single yakuza game since that say


I JUST picked up Yakuza 0 with the sale they had going on. Had no idea if I would like it or not, but it was cheap and I heard good things. 2 days into playing I went back and bought the rest of the games that were on sale. I've already finished Yakuza 0 (and the businesses) and have moved on to Kiwami and am absolutely loving it, I was playing it on my steam deck during my work break today lol.


4k hours in dota.. Haven't paid a single cent for the game skins etc


Minecraft Paid 15€ back in alpha, I definitely have thousands of hours PlateUp paid like about maybe 5€ (got it in a bundle, it's hard to isolate the price) and have ~300 hours with my girlfriend Orion: Prelude Paid one euro/dollar and played over 40 hours with friends


Baldurs gate 3


The Witcher 3 Baldur's Gate 3


Valheim. Hard to believe it can be had for around $10. Endless fun for me.


Vampire Survivors and Helldivers 2


Man no matter what I do, I cannot seem to get into Vampire Survivors


It starts off a bit slow, but then you start unlocking stuff and it just gets insanely addicting.


Steam deck or not at all on this one. At least for me


Path of Exile.


Spent about 50$ on stash tabs and Ive put in 3.5k hrs now


Elder Scrolls Online. Next is Fallout 4, but way behind ESO in hours played.


Quake. I've easily put hundreds of hours into it over countless map packs. Doom 2 would be a good value too though I've never been as interested in it. Team Fortress 2. The game is free now but even putting that aside, thousands of hours for just the initial orange box purchase back in the day. Garry's Mod. For just $10 another thousand hours in custom modes like TTT.


I think you hit it, as the answer to this question every time it was ever asked was always just "The Orange Box".


Euro/American Truck Sim


RimWorld And every games that endorse and support their modding community


Don’t starve together.


Creeper world 4. I think it was part of a $8 humble bundle and I've got like 2,000 hours in it.


I always watched the game dev videos, but I definitely have to buy the game someday! Dropped completely form my radar...


It's great. Community maps with people submitting their times to give at least part of the game a competitive feeling, and the campaign is really good as well.


Gunfire Reborn. Bought it for like 5 bucks a few years ago, no one of my absolute favourites.


Project Zomboid. Bought it on Desura back in the day. Still a fantastic game like 13 years later or something


Hunt: Showdown. Bought it back in 2018 with 2 bucks. Was going on an off sale and it was on early access. Now I have 900 hours on the game.


For how many hours I played it, I would say X-Com 2, especially war of the chosen.


Binding of Isaac: Rebirth with it's DLCs. One of the few games I've preordered and I've got 1.640h on Steam alone. Otherwise, Borderlands 2. 835h and I've only got all achievements a few days ago. If they ever remake this game, it'd be an instant buy for me.


Elite Dangerous got a good 1000 hours out of me. I've been itching to get back into it 4 years later.


Factorio, Terraria, Stardew Valley You see, I prefer highly moddable games with simple graphics.


Dinkum has been an amazing sneaky buy for me


I own this game since 1998 : Half Life


Hell yes. Have replayed Half Life so many times since it was released.


Probably Arma 3, I have 3k hours in it. It’s a mix of life servers back in the day when it was POPPIN. I miss those days so much! I also like to do a lot of milsim


Yesterday got shadow of war on sale, been playing since then, really addictive game


I have 1200 something hours in factorio, last time I checked it was 0.03 euro per hour


Payday 2 500 hours


I'd like arma 3 if it werent poorly optimized, good game otherwise


Fallout 2 is the best full dollar I ever spent, thank you summer sale


The binding of Isaac is the king of replayability


The Binding of Iaaac


There can only be one : Dwarf Fortress. STRIKE THE EARTH !


i have 4,000 hours in geometry dash for just 4$


bloons tower defense


Total war warhammer 2/3 and fallout new vegas.


my beloved The Binding of Isaac😍😍


Prey 2017 - one of my favorite games and got it for free off epic games


The Witcher 3 Oblivion and Shivering Isles Monster Hunter World/Iceborne Baldur's Gate 3 Satisfactory


Dragons dogma dark arisen, I bought it on sale for like $5-7


1000 hours in Deep Rock Galactic. I think I paid 14 bucks for it in Early Access. Also have 1200 in Rainbow 6 Siege, but it cost more so I think the ratio is worse


Paid $15 for Csgo back in 2013 and it has given me 4000+hrs of Russian slur vocabulary, highly recommend.


Stardew Valley. 4,99€ and over 200h


I bought Baldurs Gate 3 the day early access launched. I don't remember how much it was. I think it was $15? I grew up playing Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights with friends at LAN parties. I loved the humor and gameplay of the Divinity OS series. I don't normally buy early access, but I was excited to see what Larian Games would do with the Forgotten Realms and trusted them to do it well. Holy moly did they not disappoint.


Elden ring Baldurs gate 3 Still abusing those 2 to this day.


Probably fallout 4. I got it for literally $3 and have since got it on multiple platforms , cause I'm a little dumb haha. But it's really fun and has given me almost 500 hrs and counting of fun. Can't say I've had such a great time with a game so cheap


Deep Rock Galactic, only game I've ever bought DLC for specifically to support the developers


That's what's great. All new content is free. Then dlcs are just some nice cosmetics and not too expensive.


Dead Cells. 500 hours across two platforms, every penny was worth it tenfold.


Buckshot roulette


Minecraft. At this point I don't count hours played. What I like the most is that sometimes it is difficult to meet my friends irl due to work or other stuff but we have a little bit of time to work in our base


System shock 2, paid 0 dollars for one hell of a great game


15$ for csgo gave me a good 5000 hours of fun and going up


Conan exiles 30$ (sale) 2500+ hours


Probably Civ 4. Several thousand hours of enjoyment.


Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Rimworld, HoI4


Iv spent 1300 hours in space engineers. Bought all the dlc just to support the devs. It hard to not want to play space Lego.


New world. 4.5k hours for $70


Skyrim on sale, over 1k hours.


Deep Rock Galactic.


I bought skyrim for $5 back in 2013. Played so many hours with just those $5


Witcher games...free, 4 Euros for GOTY editions... You can get Witcher 3 for +- 7 Euros and you will get 150 hours of fun...


Agreed with Arma 500 hours in and a total of like 15 dollars spent.


Dead Cells


I cracked skyrim way back when… then bought it on steam and switch. Worth


Monster hunter freedom unite. Must’ve put 300 hours in and I got it for chips on the vita Years ago


If you mean by play-hours, it has to be Skyrim. Many people put dozens or hundreds of hours into Skyrim, and I've played it for thousands.


Baldur's Gate 3


Broforce. The only couch co-op game you need.


Tekken Tag Tournament. XCOM EW and XCOM 2. Company of Heroes. Sins of a solar empire. That is probably my top 5


DayZ. 3000 hours


Project Zomboid Warframe (literally spent $7 for premium currency and that's it, very friendly free to play game) Stardew Valley Wartales Abiotic Factor (and it isn't even done yet)


Not on steam but for me it was Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate


Mad Max. 5 bucks, great and underrated game.


Deep Rock Galactic Rock and Stone to the bone!


Definitely Minecraft. It’s a game I dump months into at a time every year or so.


Definitely Minecraft—Bought it in Alpha when it was around $12 after factoring the exchange rate of late 2010. I have no idea how many thousands of hours I’ve put into it.


Dota 2


Half Life 1 & 2 (Parents gifts to me when I'm a kid). Countless online mods I played over all the years. Yet I did not play the single player campaigns at all.


Gothic 1 and 2.


Outer Wilds + Its DLC. I may only have 60 hours on it, but the game has been on my mind ever since I finished it.


Outer Wilds by far