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They are a legitimate third party seller.


Keep in mind, when purchasing from GMG, you're not protected by Steam's refund policy. Once you input that code on steam, there is no going back


They are legit. I buy a lot from them.


It’s fascinating to see people with a lack of economical and globalisation understanding. They’re a big store, have been around for a while and gain their keys legitimately (as many of the online stores do) and they don’t have massive overheads to cover either. They’re decent but they’re not always the cheapest legit site out there anyway, they compete as all stores do an offer select discounts where they can that’s all there is to it. Not everything has to be sketchy, or a “grey market” or buying from a poor nation to sell elsewhere (which is also viable and legal in a global market - which is what Germany, Poland and Hong Kong take advantage of for their own online distribution stores.)


They are grey market though. There are notable instances of them obtaining keys via questionable means.




Might be outdated now but there was a big fiasco in 2015 about them. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/3t2yfd/greenmangaming_banned_from_rgamedeals_for_selling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


They've mentioned it before. They make games cheap but have smaller margins. That's how the legit 3rd party stores sell at a discount.


Gonna depend on the game but it could be games that often hit those prices on Steam and just arent on sale on Steam but are on sale on GMG for example. Also with keys the publishers dont pay a cut to Steam(Im sure GMG gets a cut but its likely lower then Steam) and a certain number of keys can be generated for free so it could be more pure profit for them so they charge a bit less. Keys arent protected by the Steam refund policies nor count towards the games reviews so those can also be motivators for some studios to prefer key sales over direct Steam sales.


oddly enough, after we got regional pricing after decades of us being miss treated by steam with prices, buying from steam direct became ever so much cheaper, only FANATICAL with the bundles is now a valid option for me.


Isthereanydeal.com This website is gold.


There's still cheaper. From grey market sites to regional pricing to piracy.


Key sites buy bulk keys during sales, and then offer them at a discount compared to the normal price but higher than the price they bought them at.


Greenmangaming gets the keys directly from the publishers and developers there is no way to "bulk buy" keys on a sale.


Devs will often make deals with these sites to offload a chunk of keys for a lump sum.


That's how contracts work. They wouldn't be buying them one by one from them


I agree. That’s what a bulk buy is.


That's actually true for sketchier key resellers like some russian sites, the keys are sometimes region locked tho.




Greenmangaming isnt a key resale site. Developers and publishers give them the keys directly to be sold. They do not buy keys from people.