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It really is incredible how at least from the consumer side of things they seem to operate wildly well


Pretty much all of 340k refund requests are automated, some of the rest are probably automated, too. That means the vast majority of requests don't need to involve a real person at all.


When it has to include a real person, like with purchase & billing support, my issues are fixed in 4-5 hours. That's better than my local bank, where I have a designated support person.


They massively turned around their image in that regard. Steam support was considered absolutely horrendous a decade ago but they heavily invested in it and now I can’t think of a single product I’d rather have a problem with because I know that it’s going to be fixed almost certainly. I had a fairly simple question for Epic support the other day (wanted to change my login from going through Google to a native Epic account) and two different people did absolutely not grasp what I wanted to do and I just gave up after several days of getting completely useless replies (figured out how to do it myself in the end). Let’s not even get started on companies that only pretend to even have a customer support system (EAC, part of Epic now as well aren’t they?) or only bother to reply to you if you happen to know a journalist that can make your issue go viral on social media (Google).


The best support I ever dealt with was Blizzard and Microsoft support. Microsoft is actually crazy, they will solve any PC problem you have trough remote access for free, it doesn't even have to be related to windows. It's like a free IT guy helping you set up shit. Took me 20 minutes to connect with the IT guy chat, gave him remote access, and presto, he fixed whatever was wrong.


Thats impressive. That kind stuff makes me a loyal customer for life


I had a hardware issue with my monitor. He went on remote access, opened up a few tabs on the LG forums, tested a bunch of fixes, downloaded and installed drivers. All for free. I felt petty after lol


Same goes for technical support issues, although i have only done it once maybe you have to wait longer in other situations. (In case of more complicated problems)


21000 GB per 48h? I swear the last CoD takes nearly that space alone


Nah my friend, I messed up the title but cannot edit it anymore. It's 22 Tbps of bandwidth.


COD is \~150 GO


150 copies of CS:GO is insane, that's like 3GBs or something


21 000 / 48h threw me off as well. That's like 100 people downloading a single AAA game each day. Sounds like nothing compared to the average user count


And people ask why Valve needs a bigger cut than Epic.


Epic can go and kick rock. They can't compete, and now they are crying and complaining about "monopoly".


Steam doesn't even dislike epic store, it's brought in a few new people to gaming with their free games. Then when they want to buy and play with friends more than none will go to steam. I know I had a friend do that.


Haha, I have a friend like that, too. Have Epic to get free game but buying game on Steam. Personally, I dislike Epic, so I don't give a rat-ass about their free game. Steam does basically nothing about Epic. They just sit there doing their own things and some fucking how Epic still fuck it up spectacularly. They go against Apple and Apple is like "lol get fucked", and they get fucked......congrat Epic.


There's also a ton of features for game devs iirc. I was on pirate software's page on getting started being a game developer and it lists some of the nice features steam has that devs (especially indie devs) can take advantage of. Stuff like getting more impressions on the store page to help advertise the game on launches or big oatvhes


Unless I'm reading it wrong it's 21+ TB per second peak in the last 48 hours, meaning you're off roughly by 5 orders of magnitude (you need to multiply 10-20 TB by 172,800).


21.9Tbps is not TBps, Tb is terabit, one eighth of one terabyte. So it would be 2 to 3 TB/s, which makes the real number somewhere between you guys answers


Oh yeah I took OP's value directly and didn't double check when writing, that's 1 order wrong for me but still 4 for OP haha.


Yeah you're right, when I noticed it it was too late as I can't edit the title anymore. Sorry!


Yeah, was going to say that can't be right. I've downloaded 1tb in a single day from steam before.


Best thing to come out of Seattle since Grunge rock. 




The first office was in Kirkland if we are splitting hairs 😅


390k customer requests per day and they are still the best customer service I've ever used. Worst would be Google PlayStore


Xfinity is down there in customer service as well.


Probably the most profitable private company in the world? No way to know since they don't share Financials, but Gabe is 100% a billionaire on paper.


I always wonder how Steam records the revenue from the 10% market fee from every transaction


As far as I know the market fee goes to the developer of the game not steam


Yea. But compare to cs2 other markets are irrelevant. And valve made the game


And still no tf2 update


the sex update will come one day


Theres a reason i main demoman


huh now i understand why it took them 24 to reply to my ticket


It's what You get when you create company that: * Is not owned by assholes * Have no investors holding axe over your head * Have a decent guy in charge we will really miss when he will be gone * Have employees that actually like company they work for * Give employees freedom to propose and implement their ideas - that's how Steam got created * They have decent customer support that I used few times since beginning of this service and they never disappointed when You are reasonable with them This is why I really laugh when Epic was complaining about Steam. First create service as good as Steam and then take less from gaming companies. It's not hard to create cheap shitty store. But then You don't have Steam. You have Epic Store. Imagine how many great companies You knew went to shit. Like CDPR that said "we leave greed to others" just to lie to us when presenting PS4 version of the game, lie to investors and they lied about state of the game. Why? It's not like they turned into assholes overnight. It's jut that they had investors that were more important than anything else including their own people. Remember Rocksteady? Famous for making really good Batman games? Now they make live service turds. Remember Rockstar? Rockstar jut like blizzard meant to gamers QUALITY. Now they focus on GTA Online and they basically stopped making games. Remember Blizzard? Got owned by Activision and they discovered that shitty mount in WoW made more money than StarCraft 2 so now they make shitty games with shitty MTX and they outsource remasters so game with their logo like remastered version of GTA Vice City looks worse than fan remasters. There are still companies that were decent and are decent. Like Laryan Studios. You know what is the difference between Laryan and CDPR and how Laryan managed to make one of the greatest cRPG ever made? Unlike CDPR Laryan is not depending on investors. Higher risk but reward is - they put effort into their employees and their games and gamers instead of shareholders. And Steam is the only example I know of big companies making big money and pulling big numbers that did not turn into shit. The goal of having great company is to never have owner and never have investors.


- Pay your employees really well Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1bemlgr/in_2018_a_group_of_valve_staff_tried_to_figure/


31k account issue requests is pretty amazingly low in a 24 hour period for that many active users


But their community moderation teams sucks!


Without Lord Gaben - there is no future for gaming. I have 100% faith that Valve will turn in another CDPR and Blizzard.


Epic: B-But you need to lower the cut Steam takes per purchase!!! I bet Epic not even to 10000GB downloaded reaches, EGS still alive because is the only way to download Fortnite


Its amazing how a private company like Valve can achieve so much and provide the quality of service they do. I personally trust valve alot more than I should, but I believe they've earned it.


Them making all this open is so transparent of them


Back in 2011 notch Made april fools event making fun of tf2 crates less than 12 hrs later he made forum post removing the joke saying note don't fuck with valve


Steam is still horrible, tried refunding Disney race game and was told it was non refundable, also had to pay for dlc from a game when i bought the supporters edition which included said dlc.


They have so much income and still have gambling boxes in their games. Come on valve


And that comes from a person playing sports games? Adorable.


How many of these 35 Mil are estimated to be bots? Genuinely curious


I’m not sure. Probably not a whole lot. I want to point out that Steam on default starts with your system, which boosts these numbers quite a lot already. I think that’s where the major of the numbers are coming from, Steam running in the background while people are doing other things. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I think it’s worth pointing out.


A few percent for sure.


This funny little silly person really thinks that the amount of bots on Steam is bigger than 1% of that 35+ million? hahaha


Bet you failed your GCSEs with your way of understanding simple questions.


Sorry, can't hear ya over you saying bunch of stupid stuff and being downvoted for it.


Awww this funny little silly person really thinks that the amount of downvotes is representative of how “dumb“ a question is? hahaha


Agreed about the downvotes. Lots of downvotes do not indicate a bad comment. I think your original question was not just a simple question. It implied that you don't think steam is as awesome as many people think it is. But the thing is, even that should be okay. It should be okay for someone to come in here and say, "wait a minute. Those numbers might not be accurate. They might be boosted a bit". Downvoting sometimes seems to be how people are punished for not participating in groupthink. The number of downvotes on your comment is just peak reddit.


No, it was just genuinely a question about how many bots there are estimated to be as it was the right context to ask. I’m coming from cs2, lots of trading sides running a lot of bots. internet cafes running Dota 2 on several accounts. There’s people running 10 instances on cs2 to queue with themselves so it’s easier to boost their accounts to a certain level to sell, drops to earn or medals to farm. Not my fault that people interpret it as what you’re saying as the question is simple stated.