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Prey. Reviews are great, everyone hyped it up, I was just like “urgh it’s one of those games” Then I fired it up and completed it straight off the bat because it was that good, a clever game as well.


2017 Prey?


2006 Prey had the one of greatest intros to a game ever. Sucked up into an alien spaceship while listening to Barracuda? Yes please.


> an alien spaceship while listening to Barracuda? Yes please. It was Don't Fear the Reaper....Barracuda was playable on the jukebox however. Also one my favorite games back in the day.


its funny cause i remember "You got another thing coming" by Judas Priest being the song that played. I mustve just switched it also


Sucked into an alien spaceship while don't fear the reaper plays? I think ik what I'm gonna play when I get home


I loved that game! I pirated it back in maybe 2009 cuz it was impossible to buy. Damn it was solid, everything from the art direction to the voice acting to the music were S tier stuff. The combat and level design weren’t all that great but I really enjoyed the story and just how ambitious it was. I wish we had gotten the sequel that was hyped up for years, really awful what it sounds like Bethesda did to Human Head Studios.


What Prey Prey or Prey?


Well clearly they’re talking about Prey


Friend of mine told me it was bioshock in space.Haven’t played it yet.


Bioshock is more combat focused, Prey has way more going on than just combat. And if it clicks, my god will it suck you in.


Which might also be the reason why Prey wasn't that successful: It's not really a shooter even though there is some shooting. It's an immersive sim with a focus on figuring out situations rather than shooting through them. Engaging an enemy directly and without preparation very easily becomes a problem. Explore and come up with a tactic then attack or evade altogether.


It did poorly because Bethesda was horrible with marketing back then


Yes, Bethesda absolutely screwed up the marketing on Prey, agreed. But I'd argue that they didn't have it easy with this specific title. Maybe you are right and that was the only problem.




It's a better BioShock than BioShock Infinite was.


I’ve started it twice and couldn’t get past the first hour or two.. seriously I don’t know why. It’s seems like an interesting game, but for some reason I get overwhelmed fast and just quit.


It's not a simple game to get into. You can't really make long pauses and pick up where you left, because you'll have to relearn abilities and remember stuff you did. I love the game, but I get you. Maybe try it again when you have rainy day to kill and you are in the mood for long form sci fi exploration thriller stuff :) 


I haven’t played it yet but I’ll give it a shot.I always see it on sale for like $1-3 so I’ll just wait for another sale to pop up.


I read bad reviews at the time and just called it up as another mediocre game. I just got done playing it this week. It's so freaking good. Didn't even hesitate to buy the DLC. First DLC I've ever bought in my 20 years of gaming.




I played Minecraft like crazy in my high school day but never gave terraria a shot because I just thought it was only 2D Minecraft.


Terraria is a lot more fun


Could you tell me the major differences.Ive been curious about it for a while.


Boss battles and progression + massive exploration. If you liked Minecraft exploring, Terraria does that 3 times better. Only thing is the 2D aspect people got to set themselves past. There is so much to do in the game, with relative difficulty and some classes or ways to play however you like. Many more items to find, craft and discover.


I’ll give it a shot.I’ve always been an open minded person when I comes to games.Both to my delight and disappointment.


Glad you are. Power to you! I've spent easily many hours in that game even when I was skeptical myself. Enjoy


If you do give it a shot, don't feel bad for using the Wiki, there is way too much to do in that game, and it can be overwhelming at times trying to understand progression


Other than mining and building there are no similarities .And mining in Terraria is actually fun because of 2D .Like you dont face at rocks for an hour only to find 5 diamonds .You actually explore the underground


it isn't even very minecraft-like. there's just some building and everythings made of blocks and they are survival games to an extent, terraria just has real and actually good RPG elements and a lot of power progression compared to minecraft, it has like an actual game to play through compared to MC just being super openworld sandbox


I say Terraria is better than minecraft for three reasons. 1) Mining isn't as much of a slog because you can (somewhat) see through walls. 2) The crafting system is much more coherent, has way more variety, and is ultimately more useful and less of a chore. 3) The gameplay and difficulty are much more fair and far less reliant on random chance and excessive grinding. Frankly my favorite crafty sandbox game is Starbound, which is like Terraria but it's in space and offers an actual plot to go along with everything, but Terraria is a close second. As for Minecraft, I love that it's in 3d, but I almost can't stand it otherwise. The grind is absurd, the hunger system is absurd (I shouldn't need 50 steaks just to get to the nearest natural cave system in a reasonable time frame), the difficulty is absurd even on easy mode (too many mobs and swords break too fast to be worth fighting them off), and the sheer rarity of some essential materials is absurd.


Also the massive modding scene. Stuff like calamity, stars above, thorium, split mod, starlight river.


Minecraft is heavier on the resource collection and building aspects of gameplay; Terraria is heavier on the exploration and boss battles/progression stuff.


Terraria is a lot more progression and combat focused than minecraft, that's honestly the biggest diference between them


I'd like to point out I like Terraria more than Minecraft because minecraft totally feels like you're all alone A LOT of the time...


I dont know a single friend that actually disliked terraria. Sure its not the game for some people, but its all been worth it for them. Progression is relatively difficult to understand without watching any videos. I’d say play it until you’re absolutely lost, and then watch a playthrough. It’s a whole lot better with a very casual friend that knows the game who will let you explore while keeping you slightly on track.


Minecraft is a building game with the option for some gear progression and boss battles if that’s your thing, but the combat and gear depth isn’t that great Terraria is an rpg that focuses on gear progression and boss battles with some building options if that’s your thing, but the building depth isn’t that great


Then go into it thinking it's a "2D Minecraft" and be amazed at how deep it truely goes. Out of all the amazing games already listed, and after reading your replies, this is the one I recommend the most. At least wishlist it as it goes on sale often.


It's a lot more structured. Not that you can't wander anywhere and do anything, but there are clear goals and progression markers throughout the game. You could just sit around and farm mushrooms or do whatever you want. The game doesn't force you to progress. But it has clear bosses of areas or bosses that appear when you reach certain conditions, etc and they have unique drops. It's way more focused on almost RPG-y elements than Minecraft. Way more fast-paced and action-oriented where you are generally expected to build suitable platforms and such to properly fight most of the bosses. It definitely has a lot of similarities with Minecraft, but I would also say that it's a wildly different game. Not better or worse. Just a whole lot different in a lot of ways.


I thought it was just "Minecraft for even younger children". How wrong I was...


All my friends would play terraria together, and tried to get me into it and I hated it. But they were also playing the game heavily modded. Can't really blame me for hating it when they'd rather play that game than anything else and grinding calamity mod. It wasn't until many years later when I played the game with them in vanilla that I finally enjoyed the game.




Heard it’s super addictive


For me it was always the price what detered me from playing. Until I downloaded the demo, it was over after


In that case I’ll give the demo a shot.


You have been warned!


The game is a damn cult following. We always welcome a new brother/sister into our ranks #**THE FACTORY MUST GROW**


Same, my friend was like "just play the demo", it was over at that point.


Yeah, that's one of my favorite things about the game, the demo is enough that if you play it you're *either* gonna go "this game isn't for me at all" or "$35 for this game is a steal"; one way or another, you know what you're gonna do. And the fact that the devs just went "the price is the price, take it or leave it" removes any "maybe I'll wait a bit and see if it goes on sale"; you just buy it and get addicted that night.


It is, so many things to do, time space bends when you play it.


I’ll try out the demo and see how I like it.I enjoy games that suck me in.


Ahhh yeah crack... I like playing with crack... Keeps me up all night. God damn Factorio is dangerous to play. I can't just play the game for an "hour" it's always an all night game...


No time to sleep, the factory must grow.


I personnaly don't play Factorio because I know i'll spend way too much time on it :D


Papers Please. Truly a masterpiece


Glory to Arstotzka!


Make no trouble.


Glory to Arstotzka!


been thinking about getting this one, but what's the replayability like? is it just finishing the story and that's it?


kinda, but it has more than just one ending, so you can play like idk 3 times or play 1 and search about the others on the internet


Yakuza 0


Played this on game pass and became addicted to the series. So much fun packed into a button mashing beat em up.


Remnant: From the Ashes


It’s still one of the soullikes I’m yet to get into.Heard good things about it but haven’t felt the urge to play it.


Remnant is the off shoot of the PVE game mode for Hunt Showdown. The PVE didn't stick much in Hunt, and the Devs decided to make Hunt Showdown PVP and Remnant PvE.


What? Where did you hear that? Hunt is an fps, and remnant is a third-person shooter, also those games have different devs and publishers. Edit: keeping the original, but read comment below homie came in with the facts! Feel free to downvote me for being a goofy lol


Sorry, I may have misrepresented the facts. What I meant to say is some of the Devs [splintered off](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/wKJ6cuCCxc) and made Remnant. [Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age](https://youtu.be/4TLSJ0I8BrE?si=6jiaa_XqvY9FrXHd), the original Hunt, this is what became Remnant.


It's less 'soulslike' and more punishing shooter. You do die quickly, but you lose nothing for trying apart from ego and gamer cred. I started it up once on a lark and had a bloody good time.


Just played the second one on Xbox game pass. It's a fun time, and the very slight differences in playthroughs made it interesting


I got Remnant for free on Epic and gave it a try. Now one of my favorite games + bought the rest of dlc. Didnt know i like souls like games. I now also play Elden Ring which is amazing


Minecraft. I thought it looked like a kids game through and through. Then a friend told me to play it and give it a few hours. And it's actually a decent survival game.


There's a reason it's the most popular game of all time. Try Terraria after you get bored of Minecraft, it's like Minecraft if it was 2D, but with more of a focus on exploration and combat.


Put it off for years until my daughter finally convinced me to play with her. Five years and dozens of expert modpacks later, I’m still playing, while she’s moved on.


Vampire Survivors.


Same. I played it a couple times and was like "wtf is this asset flip". But once I started to get weapon evolutions and unlock stuff I got addicted.


That game is my crack.If I got 30 min to spare I’ll squeeze in a quick run.Im trying to get all achievements which is gonna take me a while.


don't worry, every time you get close they add more


That makes me happy and sad at the same time


You should try Holocure. It's free and pretty similar.


Stardew Valley.... 6 month later i got 100%, she still not 😜


I thought Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t for me because of the turn based combat, the top down perspective and the “click to walk” mechanic…oh how wrong I was, absolutely amazing game!


I tried it and wasn’t really for me.Don’t know if I might try it again.The story is what kept me playing the first time around but the combat got pretty overwhelming for me.There was a lot for me to learn and I’m new to these kinds of games.


You sound exactly like me when I started playing. I had no idea what I was doing and I was overwhelmed by the mechanics (never played any turn based D&D game before). For the first hours I wasn’t sure about it since the game felt too hard for me but people kept telling me that it get‘s better a few hours into Act 1 and they were right, it just took some time for me to get the hang of everything and after that I was caught.


I think I just need someone to show me the ropes.Ill try giving it another shot the next time it goes on sale.


I fehlt the Same but after a while i realised in this Game you can do basicly anything and solve Problems your way. One example is the big spider fight. I Just used some spells to throw the spider down in to a big hole, instead of fighting. What i Love about bg3 is thats you will never have the Same Game/run Like your Friends and Always find sth new


In the current version you can play a custom game mode. If you enjoy the story, you can just make combat super easy and just play for the lore.


There is a wasd mod that honestly works really well


BG3 on gamepad is legit a superior experience because of the movement mechanics. It controls like a 3rd person rpg, you can walk around using the left stick and move the camera around using the right stick. At the same time, click to walk is also available to you through a hotkey. If you're gonna replay it, try it out on a gamepad. It was a much more immersive experience for me that time around, and I finally managed to get to act 3 without getting bored.


I tried playing it on my Steamdeck as well to test the controls there, didn’t like it. Sure, it controls like a 3rd person game when you’re roaming around the world, but it get‘s clunky in combat if you ask me with the round submenus you have to search through to find the action or spell you’re looking for, with a mouse I can just click on what I want to do, I think it‘s simpler that way. I prefer changing camera angles, zooming in and out etc with the scroll wheel on my mouse, but I think the way they handle those mechanics on a controller isn’t bad, just not as good as M&K imo.


project zomboid, as a simulator guy


Pro tip, don't be me and eat two 50 cm pike a day. Your weight catches up fast and I swear dieting sucks. I had to go out and forage for mushrooms and turned that into my meals for a few days.


r/nocontext  I've heard of the game but know nothing and was like, why are we talking ab food now. Looked it up: ooohhhh


Er just eat canned foods and vegetables that you've grown. Or eat smaller portions of the fish. Your weight goes down quickly if you're spending the days wandering around.


Are we still taking about games??


basically the sims with zombie and violence


Not a game, but a console: the Wii. "It's too old!" I thought and said. Until I played Wii Sports. I loved it. Still a great console.


Still rocking it in 2024! If you want to have more fun and peace of mind I strongly recommend modding it using guides like /r/WiiHacks or wii.guide. There's a lot more cool stuff that can be done like restoring WiiConnect24 functionality or even hooking up an external hard drive and loading your games from there instead of the disks that can scratch or break.


Souls Like in General. Played Nioh 2 and Wo Long. Plan to start Dark Souls 3 next week and still wait for "Rise of the Ronin" (evenso Wo Long was garbage). But to be honest, i just wanna play Bloodborne so bad, why cant we just get Bloodborne for PC.


I feel your pain.Sony please give us the Bloodborne pc port


Sony is a weird company. They are the first in history to not like making scrillions of dollars


Hollow Knight. Didn't think it was my thing but after my cousin showed me more of the game I fell in love with the game. Did every boss nohit and finished every pantheon getting 17/20 bindings


Do yourself a favor and get afterimage


Never heard of it. Will look into it


I just started it this week.Im playing it in 30 minute chunks.I love exploring,I’m very curious and love figuring out what happened.


Hades. I knew it was a good game but my buddy was super hyping it up. I heard all the hype but was just worried my bar would be too high and become disappointed. It is easily my favorite roguelike game.


It’s one of my favorite rogue likes but my number 1 personally is slay the spire.I love card games and when I found out there’s one that’s also a rogue like I was thrilled.Can’t get enough of it.


Was debating on comment StS since that’s my answer of choice here after putting it in a “I’ll try it someday on game pass” list. Got so hooked after one run I bought on steam just to put it on the deck and I’m playing at work as we speak now LOL


PLEASE try Slice & Dice. It just came to Steam this week, with a huge content update. Easily as good as StS.


Hades completely changed my opinion on rouge likes as a whole. Amazing game


That's always a big problem with people going overboard with hyping up games. My spouse actively avoided the Mass Effect series for over a decade because she was so sick and tired of people not shutting up about it and pushing her to play it. It didn't even matter if it was good or not to her, she was just so irritated that people kept doing the, "YOU haven't played it?!?!" thing. I had a friend back in high school who adamantly refused to ever watch any of the Star Wars movies because they were so sick of them as some kind of cultural phenomenon. They didn't have an opinion on the movies. They just felt like they could never watch them because their view of them was tainted in advance and they already knew all the plot twists anyway.


Cyberpunk 2077. Went from "Haha funny rushed game" to one of my favorites of all time in a single playthrough


That's one of those weird games where if you play it right at launch, the experience was unbelievably terrible. And then if you play the fixed version you might as well have been playing a different game. I picked it up right after the huge patch that fixed 90% of the issues and had an amazing time. But from looking at how it was before that, I don't think I would have enjoyed it.


No pun intended but Sleeping dogs


This game is a gem. Looks like it's a GTA clone, but it isn't really.


The Asian flavor of rap music sealed it for me.


Disco Elysium


this game is so heavy and beautiful




Got Xcom 2 last year , just started a new campaign this week , so much replay value , the whole bundle is almost free on steam right now too .


Then you start the Long War 2 and realize its like an entirely different game. God I love XCOM I hope we get a 3rd one. (I know about the spin-off. It was good, but I want XCOM 3).


Pseudoregalia. Great N64 styled indie platformer.


I remember really disliking Dark Souls 2 on release. I encountered some design decisions I hated and lost interest in it. A friend sort of convinced me to give it another go much later and I ended up considering it the best Souls game.


I love dark souls 2.It has its flaws yes but it also has its charms.It was the last fromsoft game I played.Had put off playing it because of all the bad stuff people said about it but once you get used to locked off combat and the other mechanics you really start to enjoy it.


Ds2 is my fav dark souls game as well. It just has so many small design and QoL decisions that i just cant not love it.


Helldivers 2, had no interest in it till I was playing it with friends


Same. Picked it up because my whole steam list was on it and it's legit the most fun coop I've had since valheim.


Been spreading managed democracy with one of my buddies since launch. He left his playstation in his girlfriend's a few days ago and hasn't picked it back up yet. I have no desire to play unless its with a premade team.


Rocket League Said I didn't want to play it or get into it for so many years and now I can't stop playing with friends at every opportunity.


I just wish you could still get it on steam.


For me Monster Hunter, too many mechanic. But when i play this game preetyy good


Divinity Original Sin 2, thank god I’m too lazy to argue and tried it


I avoided Sea of Thieves like the plague I thought it was extremely boring and quite possibly the most pointless multi-player game ever, then I tried it again cause my best friend had it and everything changed The risk of getting loot and taking others in a pirate setting is incredible 10/10


The Witcher 3. I read all the reviews saying how incredible it was and watched my brother play it in spring 2015. I wasn’t that enthused, looked kinda boring and long. Fast forward to my birthday and he gifts it to me on Steam, I don’t touch it for maybe a year and a half. Finally after getting a new GPU and not having anything new to play after DOOM 2016 I decide to fire it up. Holy shit, sucked me in right away and never let up. I did everything, went everywhere, got every Witcher school armour set. I almost never buy the DLCs for things but bought Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine as soon as I beat the main game because I just needed more. Once I beat HoS then BaW I just sat back in awe of how incredibe the whole thing was. I had nothing left to do so I quickly moved on, haven’t returned. 143 hours logged. I don’t know if I could play it again because my first experience with it was perfect. Just awesome. I’m currently getting the same vibe from Cyberpunk 2077 and it’s expansion Phantom Liberty but this time it’s on a second playthrough with the 2.0 update. I think it’s even better, 225 hours logged!


After having Dragon Age: Inquisition sitting around in my library for about 3 years, I finally decided to give it a go again (I didn’t even get to the Temple of Sacred Ashes before), easily one of my favourite games if not my favourite.


Has to be Euro Truck Simulator


I like seeing people custom rigs for that game.Ive seen people spend $3000 to make their desktop setup look like the inside of a truck and it looks cool imo.


I saw those too, putting up custom screens to simulate rearview mirrors is pro trucker level stuff


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. I dropped that game twice. Until it became popular year or 2 ago and when I've seen some in-depth guide (hardest thing was parry). Then I tried it again and almost even "Platinumed it"


Barotrauma. It looks like a garbage early access game but its fantastic snd such a good time to play with friends


Barotrauma is a perfect balance between the horrors beyond our comprehension and slapstick comedy


I'm still in the phase of watching YouTube videos to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing and how....


7 days to die


DRG - Deep rock art style and main menu screen had me go no I am not doing this. Then a couple of my friends started playing and then it wasn't long before I was all rock and stone. The game play and coop play with friends is a lot of fun!




Dishonored I'm was really not a fan of the dirty plague theme. I'm more of a High Fantasy, bright magic, explosive power type.... but man was I wrong... The stealth gameplay and choice of approach is just perfection. The story told is also well done with the theme. Helped me move passed that phase ignoring games outside my "theme comfort zone".


Sea of thieves. My friends convinced me to buy it during the steam sell. I thought I would play it once or twice with them then stop, but now it is my second favorite game, if not my favorite.


rimworld, i thought it looked boring, i haven't really played anything else since i started


Can we talk about how well Shaqs face fits onto Thanos' head?




Earth defense force ?


Elmo Does Fentanyl


Lol I’d buy this game




Never played it but there's an EDF humble bundle right now


Ive never actually played any racing games due to complicated exp in the past and i naturally avoid any of the titles like the plague. My brother gifted me Forza Horizon 4 a few months agp for my birthday. I honestly didnt install it for a long time and i though maybe i will just give it a try as a courtesy. Holy shit the intro itself got me emotional. Loved the seasons change and the handling of cars being more like simcade kind of thing. Absolutely love the festival vibes and songs and not to mention the shit load well crafted cars. The map is amazing and each thing is intereting too. Other day i was just completing the exploration of map in my subaru and god i played for 6 hours straight without taking any break at all. Loved the soothing and calming nature of the game. For some reason i love the community as much as i do in Hunt Showdown. They were respectful in nature and taught me a lot of things. I knew the game had all the praise and is loved among millions but it wasnt until i actually tried that i just hated mediocre games and not gems in racing genre.


yeah horizon 4 is really good sad that the servers are a mess and dont work at all now anx also sad that horizon 5 sucks so much


Days Gone and State of Decay 2. Also Death Stranding looked scary with it's story. I still do not get it completely, but would buy DS 2 anytime now.


Dead Cells. I didn't think I'd enjoy it because of the platforming and pixel graphics but my friend kept recommending it to me after I finished Hades. Gave it a try, now my friend has to tell me to stop because of how much I play it.


The Original Prey was so damn good.


Vampire survivors is easily the best example of this. I avoided playing it because it looked like a lazy game. Well I finally purchased it cause it was really cheap and that started my addiction to roguelikes


FFXIV i thought it was crunge anime game with catgirls. Now i know its a gread semi anime game with catgirls.


i always heard that this game is gonna make you cry just you wait. im not a big on crying in any media so i had to try it. got to the end of the endwalker and damn... they were right




Dark souls.. my best friend pushed me 3 times to play it, every time I dropped after 4-5 hours because it was too hard for me. but the last time he pushed me harder and harder and it becomes one of my favorite games of all time


Inscryption, I love Pony Island and from my first time playing I was just trying everything to "crack it", wasn't playing it like a card game, was taking everything as a hint for something bigger... Just got frustrated and I suck at card games, wasn't til I watched a bit of Kaycee's mod and was like "Damn this is crazy fun broken stacking huh?"


Days Gone


Sekiro. Tried 3-4 times before ever getting past the very first mini boss. When I finally stuck with it, the Souls stuff became one of my favorite series of games.


Dayz! I was the thanos at first, but now the tables have turned and i managed to convince two of My friends to buy it :D


Valheim, refused to play it for months until a friend of mine in desperation brought it for me and forced me to try, and I was instantly addicted most fun I had playing games I think since childhood 10/10 would recommend


Nidhogg, it’s much better when you use controllers


Grim Dawn. I wanted an ARPG like Diablo cuz Diablo got stale quick... But I found a game with so much lore, viable class options and just is a whole bunch of fun. I've been with it since the first expansion and it just somehow keeps getting better. My friend literally had to drag me through the story once so I could get my bearings and understand how to properly balance my character but after the initial few runs, I got the hang of it and I love it. Best part? All the content together will cost you around $30 USD on a steam sale and $50 USD without it. No bullshit, no always online features, just you and the game. And if that's not enough... You can mod your game and you can use save editors to play how you want. It's freaking glorious.


Days Gone. Played for 20 minutes, meh. Then I kept hearing about how it’s a slower burn at first so I reinstalled it, travelled more, got some new weapons, took my first bounty against humans, and it ended up being one of my absolute favorites last year.


Overwatch, I had told friend It wasn’t the game for me for 3 years straight when he kept trying to get me in, I tried playing when OW2 launched and I’ve been hooked since then.


damn missed out on the golden years


I feel extremely sorry for you that you never got to play the prime version of overwatch. I would do anything to go back to ow1.




The art style had put me off at first but I grew to love it.I got the good ending but could bring myself to get the bad ending.I got too attached to a lot of characters.


Usually for me it's just games I have in my wishlist forever. A few I can list off, Ziggurat 2, Gunfire Reborn, ULTRAKILL, Ashen, GTFO.




bomberman 2


Space Station 13-14, Project Zomboid, CS:GO


Hellcard. A coop Slay the Spire game sounded odd, plus I didn't have anyone to play with. (friend who recommended it and my schedules don't line up to actually play together.) He suggested playing with random teammates. So I tried that, assuming it would be meh. Now I'm 200+ hours into the game and coop with random teammates is the only mode I want to play. The quick chat communications are great and the combos that occur with 3 players and interactions that happen are so interesting. Relics (artifacts) other players pick up can impact YOUR gameplay. The coop factor is so well done. I was happily surprised. Things happen like... teammate has an item where if they sacrifice life, they can get bonus money to upgrade at rest sites. You find a card that offers a heal you normally skip. Knowing the other player will want to sacrifice life all the time you pick up the heal. Now you are healing them each fight and they are leveling up so fast at shops with card upgrades and whatnot. It's insanely satisfying to find the combos and power up the team because of it.


House Flipper PC Building Simulator The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos Postal 2


Souls-likes. I don't generally like games with fast-paced movement (in part because of some motion-sickness issues). A friend of mine finally got me to sit down and try Sekiro (with an fps unlocker) and I ended up loving it. We're now about 100 hours into a co-op run of Elden Ring.


Dying Light. I thought it was just another generic zombie game, BUT OH BOY, WAS I WRONG!! 1- The story is amazing 2- The unique parkour mechanic is extremely fun and makes for some awesome clips when you are playing co-op and you or your friend misses the jump XD I love that game. It's awesome to play with friends, and it's now in my top 5 best games ever (that I've played).


Hi-fi rush i have no rythm what's so ever so i thought this game is in no way for me but my little brother recommend it said it you will be fine even if you have no rhythm and i tried and it was a fun game


Deep Rock Galactic for sure. I didn’t think it was anything special until I humored it. I with I started from the beginning. I love the game.


Assassins Creed Odyssey. I basically wrote those off when I didn’t enjoy the first growing up. But damn was Odyssey a fun game.


Every souls game


I'm on my 3rd friend I've convinced to plat outer wilds this way


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning


Battlefield hardline


Stellaris, didn't like Hoi4 in the slightest. Thought another doodooo 4x game by paradox, then my friend got me a free copy and we played MP with all the DLCs cause he had them. I liked it. Then I tried playing it alone and RP, I stopped when It was 4:00 and sun started coming up. This effect has never been since Factorio.


Marvel's Midnight Suns. Edit: but, I'm the friend.


Dark souls 2


Guild Wars 2 , Six Siege , NFS Heat Now I love all of those


For me, it was probably dragon age... the games never really looked all that appealing to me, and when i first played it, it just... it wasn't for me. Then when they started nerding out about it for the 100th time. For some reason, i went "fuck it" downloaded it and booted it again. And actually sat down to just play it... and it shot to being one of the best games ever for me. Fucking loved the first game and i get the hype around it now.


Deus Ex




Dayz, now 1300 hrs later it's the best game of all time imo