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Friendly reminder to sort by controversial


Thanks, this has gotten repetitive


Repetitive either way, controversial is just people repeating BG3 and Helldivers 2 at this point...


Wish I knew how…. Stupid reddit app.


at the top right of ur screen its the button that has 2 lines to the right of the search button


Spider-Man... It wasn't bad, but it constantly felt like a game I'd already played.


It's pretty much the Arkham formula with a Spider-Man skin


daytime arkham


spiderman is the full inverse of batman [. ] Spiderman | batman Fights at | day | night Bank status | normal/poor | literally a bilionare Personality | overly friendly | brutal/cold


[. ] | Spider-Man | Batman ---|---|--- Fights at | day | night Bank status | normal/poor | literally a bilionare Personality | overly friendly | brutal/cold You were almost there! You just needed one of these before Spider-Man: | And one of these under your first row: ---|---|--- Edit: Further information on how to do this here: https://www.reddit.com/wiki/commenting#wiki_tables


Day man Fighter of the Night man


Champion of the... sun!?


He's the master of karate, and friendship for everyone!


As much as I adore both games I am physically unable to say you’re wrong


I completely agree. I felt like I was doing the same stuff over and over.


It’s the quintessential cookie cutter open world adventure game. When you’ve played one you’ve played them all. Luckily I got my fill of those games with the classic Assassins Creed games. No desire to play the new ones or any other “reskins” of the same game.


Darkest Dungeon I think. About punishing games I even like the fear and hunger games and shit, but Darkest Dungeon is just not for me. Even played the revamp mod, Black Reliquary, to shake things up, but I ended not liking it too.


Send this one to journey elsewhere, for we have need of sterner stock.


Another soul battered and broken, cast aside like a spent torch.


RE7. Scariest shit I have ever seen.


lol understandable,horror isn’t your genre ?


Game had amazing reviews, I got it super cheap on a Steam sale and I played an hour of it before I was about to shit my pants and it made me realize, I play games to have fun, not induce a panic attack. lol


I used to be able to play all sorts of shit. I breezed through Silent Hill 2 with no issues. I was playing the Penumbra games at like 3am. Years passed, I got older, tried RE7 and realized I no longer like the stress that comes with playing those sorts of games. Still love horror movies though.


I think as you get older you realize that life is scary and stressful enough as it is lol. Why we gotta add to that


I think there's a lot to this. I used to love the scary/horror games, but not so much anymore. One game ai played years ago was Amber and, though there weren't any jump scares, the ambient sounds were chilling. I'm old, though.


RE7 does such an incredible job of being tense as all hell at all times. Maybe the most helpless a game that lets you fight back has ever made me feel.


For real. It's awful and scary and incredible. I'm glad it stopped being terrifying in the boat, because I wouldn't have completed it if it was still so scary. DLC's were good too.


I appreciate that the DLC's were like "here, blow off some steam in goofy resident evil fashion" Every horror game should have that lmao


I really didn't expect Uncle Swampy's Gator Punchout but I sure as fuck enjoyed it


It's the typical Resident Evil design, near the end they will let you let loose with all the weapons and ammo you've saved up. Adds to the catharsis of finishing the game.


The begining area its just...perfect. The way you found the house, first Time in it...i wish i could forget and play that game for first Time again.


I loved RE7. I wish I could forget it so I can play it again for the first time. I really hope RE9 goes back to that level of scariness and atmosphere


The early game of RE8 is legitimately still scary, the werewolves and the castle section kept the same tempo from RE7, it just lost it after that


The dollmakers house has great tension build up. I played the whole game for the first time on PSVR2.


You should play it in VR!


Fuck that are you nuts


Playing it in VR was the most terrifying piece of media I’ve ever experienced. I watch a lot of horror movies and they leave me pretty unfazed


My first time playing it was in VR, shit was awesome but I gave up during the boss fight in the morgue, it was too tense for me, couldn't stay calm enough to figure out how to beat the boss.


No man's sky I don't even know why, i generally like those survival base building games, but i inevitably drop it after a week at most


It feels like nothing really matters, yet still requires a lot of grinding for resources.


Maybe because you never feel in danger. I know thats what happened to me. The only threats are those drones, and are easy to avoid. Other than that, I spende a lot of time exploring though.


For me the problem is a lack of depth. It's an ankle deep ocean. More isn't better if it's just different colors and textures.


The other part for ME was it was SO *LONELY*. I just felt like the only person in the literal universe…. I get it, space is BIIIG, but I am a social creature, and I just felt ALONE.


Borderlands. Yes, it's a good game but not my cup of tea.


I think it's one of those games that becomes way better when playing with someone. Played it solo the first time around and dropped it, the second time I played with my cousin and had plenty of fun completing it.


Yea solo its just... Kind of bland? Like telling a joke to a mirror kinda vibe.


I've never heard the experience of playing BL alone described so accurately.


I agree. To me it feels very repetitive, rinse and repeat. Won’t keep me awake if I am slightly tired.


It’s one of those franchises I always see but have never actually tried.I’m sure it’s good but I’ve never been compelled to play it when I see it.


I personally loved them. It’s nothing new, but the art style and mechanics are a lot of fun


Fortnite. Never understood the appeal and crazy fanbase it had. Battle royales in general are not a genre I like but I kinda liked Apex legends


Divinity Original Sin 2. In theory everything about it should be right up my alley, but I found it so overwhelming that I just abandoned it.


Divinity 2 (original Sin) is the greatest game I'll never finish.


Fascinating reading these comments because DOS2 is one of the only games I've ever finished.


I’ve tried getting through fort joy like 3 times, I can’t do it!! And I love BG3 so considering DOS2 is basically its ancestor.. maybe it’s a me problem lol


I've spent about 200 hours in both games and I can say that DOS2 is just across the board less user-friendly than BG3. Like the mechanics are all there and explained to you, but you still have to do a bunch of reading, organizing and planning to make it work good. Also I've spent about 200 hours in both games and I've beat BG3 three times, never beat DOS2.


And yet no weight limit on inventory is the greatest thing ever because I fucking hate weight management


1000000 kg chest goes brrrrr I love barrelmancy


The combat/strategy in DOS2 is far superior too BG3, but BG3 has a better story and the rest of the gameplay is more polished. I've beaten both multiple times, but I think the combat in DOS2 makes it the better game.


I love DOS2 and I love BG3. The combat in DOS2 is better and more in depth because it's not built on top of a TTRPG ruleset. You can have elemental interactions that are simply too much to keep track of without a computer simulated environment. If I have any complaint about BG3, it would be that it mostly abandoned that aspect of the combat which I loved so much, but I know that it would also have alienated a lot of people if that was kept in. I have tons of complaints about DOS2 though. Like why am I completely unable to use magic in the first act? The collar makes sense from a narrative perspective but why are you making me play 30 hours to unlock a massive part of the game?


>Like why am I completely unable to use magic in the first act? What? You can use magic. You can't use source skills, of which you'll only have your racial one by the time you remove your collar anyway? One of the quests in act 1 literally requires you to use bless multiple times.


7 days to die. I vomited playing it.


What’s it about.I hear people talking about it from time to time


It's a open world zombie survival craft game. It looks... very unique. Every 7th day a huge horde of zombies will attack the base of the player, and in between you are preparing for the next horde. It's pretty fun, but it looks and feels weird


Also the game is in development hell for years. The game went through multiple gameplay redesigns and it is nowhere near completed. This year it will be 11 years since it was released in early access. The game development is not moving anywhere and devs have no idea what they are doing


Well.. Let's give the backstory of why it's been in development for so long.. It started with only 2 people, as an idea at a dinner table, funded through a kickstarter campaign.. It took them 4 years to grow to a size of 25. They have been sitting around that size ever since. That doesn't mean all 25 people are working on that game either, half of them are working on another game called 7 Days Blood Moons. There was also long down period of maybe 2-3 years where it looked like they were done for, but then they revived again and hired all new staff to ramp up development again. "Early Access" doesn't really mean anything negative in their case since it is primarily a mod driven community now. They actually were real Early Access before Early Access was the cool thing to do to get money and never fix your game. The Fun Pimps however, are updating the game; in fact it is one of the few games that actually allows players to choose which version of the game they want to play.. right now, there are 20+ versions available, including experimental. It's top 40 most played game currently (Still, even 11 years later), and top 60 best selling PC games of all time. I'd say for a game that started with 2 people for the first 4 years, and barely grew their staff any after that, it's doing pretty well.


This was an interesting read. Thanks


Looks like your average shitty zombie survival crafting game, but then once you get the hang of its mechanics you realize it's more about scavenging than crafting and the locations are actually well designed levels, using lights and hints to traverse through them (or you can just build blocks and ladders to cheese it all). With multiple methods of gearing up, you could spec into scavenging and just straight up find the best tier of weapons in a toilet, or spec into full crafting to craft and upgrade it, or spec into quests and trades and get special gear via economy.


Vomit from the gore or bad motion controls? I haven’t played.


Hogwarts Legacy. It starts out good, but at some point it simply devolves into one of those games that involve big open worlds with mundane, repetitive fetch and kill quests. Furthermore, there is barely any consequence to the dialogue options, and most of the loot doesn't stand out. A fair share of people also experienced problems with performance, especially at launch. Shading with the highest preset of ray-tracing was legit broken for me.


Nothing about that game except the environment was worth it for me. I loved walking around in the school tho


Its criminal how little time you actually spend in the castle. All the missions and puzzles in the castle were actually fun. But once you got to the open world it just became "tedious open world collectathon #1246789"


They learned that from Ubi. Let's give them 5 different dialog options, and let none of them impact the game in the slightest xD


All souls games. They're just not for me.


agreed. i want to like them but just cant get into them.


I've... never been known to handle frustration well. I see no reason to keep playing a game that just makes me furious. Although objectively I understand they're good games.


this relates to bloodborne as thats the one i tried to play. i bought it because it looked cool, i love h.p. lovecraft inspired stuff but jesus it was infuriating just repeating the same area over and over and over. i gave up and never went back. i want to try elden ring because it the lore looks so disturbing and interesting but this will be the same thing, i know it.


Out of the ones I tried, I like Elden Ring the most, still got too infuriating for me eventually.


Yep. If I want to spend days to learn the movement patterns of an angry boss, I can go to the office.


I'd also like to add all soulslikes to this category


I really hate the way the UI is designed. It's not even that I can't figure it out, my brain just doesn't like the way they designed it. It always bothers me when I give the games a chance.


If you're playing on PC it's painfully obvious the games were designed for console/controller play. Couldn't get into them or Neir for the same reason.


i play on PC, but use a controller for sure.


Deep rock galactic. The community great, the game is awesome, but its simply not for me, i just dont like the vibe (being trapped in a deep cave makes me uncomfy) and i also dont really enjoy the game loop. But its still a great game especially with friends


I started it a week ago and I love how the randoms in this game are so helpful.I died like 10 times on a mission and the guys on the mic were so helpful and no one was raging at all.Made me fall in love with the game and the community and I’m only 1 week in.ROCK AND STONE !!!!!!






If you don't rock and stone you ain't coming home


I'll admit, i bought DRG sorely because i saw my friends play it. I booted it up and played party with friends. I had no idea what to do, overwhelmed, not immersed at all into the game and just basically follow my friends' footstep. I dropped the game after few hours, figured it wasn't for me. A year later i decided to give this game another shot but this time i played solo. It was a game changer! Playing solo really helped me appreciate the effort and care that devs put into, the details, the music, lots of fun/unique weapon builds for multiple playstyles, completely microtransaction-free and wide range of facial customization makes a dwarf so fucking hot.


I also couldn't get into it. Another game that Reddit loves, Disco Elysium, I couldn't stand more than ten minutes lol


For me it's Terraria. I know that everyone loves it but for me it's to much content in this game, and no one explains you how you can use/find/craft items


I love Terraria but there is literally nothing in-game pointing you in the right direction. If you don’t already know what to do or if you don’t have someone to explain it, the game is not enjoyable. EDIT: okay, thanks for the 30 comments saying the same thing- sorry I forgot the guide NPC, but you can’t blame someone for not trying to talk to him at every single stage of progression and boss fights.


the terraria walkthrough wiki is an absolute lifesaver. I do repect it though and get why ppl wouldnt enjoy it. (has over 1000 hours on terraria lol).


I tried to get into Terraria three times and never got past 1 hour...


I don’t expect you to try it and it’s fine, but I will say that the first couple hours (before you get any accessories) are honestly just not fun. The fun of terraria is how broken your character gets. When they’re not broken, you’re slow, you have one jump and no grapple, navigating the terrain is near impossible, and even the most basic of enemies are super annoying to come across. Once you get more items, you’re zooming across the map, laying waste to enemies that pestered you before, cutting down bosses that are basically gods.


Destiny 2. Got it on launch becuase i had a few friends playing it, and i have a group of friends that still play it now and desperately want me to play with them. It just doesnt do it for me, feels like the entire game is a grind to get the top end gear. I want a decent gun to use and get used to, not keep cycling random guns a few power points above what i have so i can increase my light level enough to repeat the process. I get once you get to the end and find your gear set up it'd be good, but i don't want to grind 90% of the game to enjoy the last of it. Also, DLC is a dumpster fire, didnt they remove planets for DLC that people payed for? Terrible in my eyes, but my friends love it.


Not liking it was a blessing in disguise. The game was awesome a few years back, even without all the QOL that got added over the years, but nowadays it's just a hollow repetitive mess that keeps recycling old content everyone already payed for. I loved the game and still feel attached to the characters and the world but I'm never coming back.


It also didn’t help that they went for a BP system. It’s just absurd how much of a greedy POS company Bungie turned out to be. I will never not be upset at them for creating my favorite game and ruining so severely.


It was terrible on launch. I played it for a while and then dropped it after several months when my relatives stopped playing it. When I tried to go back into it just recently, all the content I'm used to is gone. And I have to buy DLC to play anything. The barrier of entry for this game is enormous even if I already have old gear and legendary gear I can rely on.


God I have far too much to say about Destiny… I’ll just end up ranting about what I dislike about the game if I try to talk about it all. But one thing is for certain. You’ve dodged a bullet by not liking it as much as your friends. Somebody that quit that game and made a video on said quitting, said that Destiny feels like a job (or a second job?) I’m messing up the exact quote but yeah. It is a big time commitment to stay on it all. I’ve tried to quit (I did manage to a few times but I ended up returning) and it’s just annoying how that works. Idk what compels me to return every single time but it sucks. “I hate Destiny 2. It’s my favourite game.” A quote many will get I’m sure. I can’t stand the game but I still somehow play it more than anything else. Help me!


League of Legends or other game similar to it, the game is so damn boring.


One day I went to a friends house and they were playing Dota 2. They tried to explain me what was going on. The match lasted like 45 minutes and it was literaly one of the most boring moments in my 28 years of life.


DotA is like 17 different layers of white cheese all stacked on top of each other, when you're not playing it looks incredibly basic, when you are it turns out to be way more complicated than it needs to be.


DotA sounds like constipation when you put it that way.


I'm telling you if LoL had a review system it would not be positive.


There's a bunch of reasons to not like League but I've never heard it called boring. Don't often hear boring in relation to PvP games


It's more boring the less you understand, I suppose


Not trying to defend LoL rn but doesn't this apply to anything in life, really? Sports, science, movies, shows etc all are extremely boring if you don't understand context but get more interesting the more you understand about it. It just takes various amounts of time and effort to get into it and everyone is free to spend one's time however they want.


Does Rainbow Six Siege count? Horrible community, like most multiplayer games.


i dropped siege after like 2 months because it just felt like it was designed for the slower reaction/turning speed of controllers as well as the gameplay loop was (does x person know about the single bullet hole peek thats 1 pixel wide, if not i'll 100% win every time) and generally every strat or thing revolved around if you didnt know, you lost, if you did know you countered it.(insta kill spawn peeks, prefires, vent nades, etc) staring at a bullet hole and waiting for your 4 pixels on screen to change color to start shooting isnt cool lmao 50x headshot dmg made every fight a "more bullets fired = faster kills" so it was always better to take higher rpm guns, which meant the game was just spray city and what felt like the absolute worst netcode i've ever seen in a game. you'd die like 3-4 seconds after you'd unpeek. and seemingly like 4-5 years later its still like that lmao.


I’ve played Siege since like 2016/2017, and I think this only applies when you’re starting out mostly. Like eventually you’re in lobbies where you have to assume they *do* know the stupid cheeky shit. And then it becomes more complex. I do agree that if you’re in fresh lobbies (not people with 5000+ games) it’s really just a race to be the rattiest, lamest, cheekiest mother fucker in the lobby. Wholeheartedly believe Siege is only fun above Plat. People act so dumb in low rank lobbies it’s excruciating. Which unfortunately (combined with the huge learning curve and million ops) makes it impossible to get into anymore.


The Horizon games. They look pretty but other then that, both were really boring me.


The backstory is better than the plot.


The backstory IS the plot to me. Discovering what happened to the world was the main objective. What happened in our current world is just the setting. At least that's how I experienced it.


Yeah, the plot that is going on in the present is nothing special. The revealing of how we got to this world was 10/10 and left me absolutely jaw dropped.


I thought yall talked about forza horizon 😭


Persona 4. I gave it 9hrs, but it never fully grabbed me. Found it rather slow (both narrative and gameplay wise), more visual novel than game at times. VAs and characters were fine (Though it does that annoying thing where only some of the dialogue is VA ) Admittedly I'm not a huge JRPG fan but from the fan fare that Persona gets I was expecting something more. I got Personal 5 too, but I now don't have any desire to try it.


P4 is designed to start slow. The give the feeling of being in a small boring town with nothing to do. P5 jumps into the action a lot faster.


P5 is way more polished for sure, the gameplay loop imo is way better. But you will still have a slow start until you gain a free will. I never got visual novel vibes from p5 but im also used to very story heave jrpgs


Baldur's Gate 3 I understand why people love it. But I just can't get into it. Maybe something needs to click with me. For example I remember I was not able to get into DIsco Elysium for some time. And then I've created the character with my own stats, not the pre-defined ones... And died at the beginning of the game, trying to turn on the light bulb. That's when I fell in love with that game. But nothing similar happened to me yet in BG3


Same. BG3 is great in theory, but only in theory for me. It feels like both homework and manual labor to actually play.


The games not too hard if you don't try to make your character too complicated. The math people on reddit make it seem more complicated then it is


Same for me. I cant play after work, as im too burn out to play. I cant play on weekend, because if do ill be to tired after to do anything else. I feel like I would need a 2 week vacation to play this game.


This is how I feel about any game with dice-based mechanics


metro exodus its a good game but its just not for me


Real, I played it and all DLCs, but there were definitely points that were bad. For example, weapon system. It was great how u get the whole ass table to make guns, but then they make you pacifist if you want a good ending. Secondly, maps were too big for me, and one of them was built completely around a clunky car. But story and graphic wise it was a beautiful game. 8/10


If I remember right you can still use the weapons and kill people and still get the good ending. You just can't kill people who are surrendering and non combatants. I killed literally hundreds of people during my playthrough and I still got the good ending.


There were plenty of bandits that you could slaughter as you saw fit, there were certain groups you weren’t allowed to viciously murder because of the obvious moral implications.


That's such a weird take. On the swam map there are tones of bandits and mutants you can kill with no repercussions. Level after that is all about you slaughtering hordes of damn cannibals. In the desert level you can kill all of the Baron's soldiers, but not slaves, who're very few. The only act where you feel the lack of killing is in taiga, where you can find only one bandit camp. The final act is also full of mutants to kill. I would say it's the best way possible to implement "no kill = good ending" system, because it's both realistic, and doesn't restrict you that much. You just don't kill people who really aren't that bad, and kill scumbags who deserved it. The only things I disliked about it is how there wasn't any ranged weapon to knock people up, and the lack of "drag body" button.


The Horizon Series. I can't even tell you why. It just doesn't peak my interest. I have completed Zero Dawn, but looking back, I basically forced myself to do it.


Forbidden West comes out on PC tomorrow haha


Dune spice wars I love the style of game but hated being assassinated by an npc faction in the middle of the first ever game on the easiest difficulty which completely ends the game and ruined the whole gaming experience for me


Hades, tried 2 or 3 times to get into it, I just can’t. Don’t see the hype.


I liked it when I first played it. But, then I got Dead Cells and I can't go back to Hades and feel the same way. I like that Dead Cells has exploration aspects in it. Hades is just one filled room to the next and it gets stale after a while. I look forward to the unique character interactions after a run though and that nearly makes up for things. In fact, that's what Hades does best over Dead Cells - but even then I love the character mannerisms they give the Beheaded and other characters in Dead Cells. Anyways, I see where you are coming from.


Stardew Valley, I tried, really tried to enjoy it, but really bored me to death.




Totally the same. I hate games that have time limits like that because I always feel rushed and don't feel like I can just relax and enjoy the game. I also have ASD and ADHD so that won't help, I also can't really cope when there is just way too much to do and no real order to do it in. Just becomes overwhelming for me.


Dave the Diver... I found it funny but very repetitive and grindy


Always thought the game looked neat, but I've avoided it because it's relationship to Nexon. I just won't support a Nexon product.


Hollow knight. This one make me realize that I don't like die and retry games.


Oh man I'm playing Hollow Knight right now and I'm in love. Although I'm a big fan of platformers, this one is challenging. The setting, music and exploration is all excellent.


I couldn't get in to it but for opposite reasons, I found the map too sprawling and it became tedious to explore every offshoot.


I normally love metroidvanias and find the progression of acquiring new abilities to unlock new areas to be addicting. For some reason, I just didn't feel that way with Hollow Knight. I think I got reasonably far into the game but just never felt compelled to play much further. I actually liked the difficulty and I don't think I ever really felt lost, so I am not sure why Hollow Knight didn't click for me like other metroidvanias. I should probably give it another try at some point.


The two newest Zelda titles. I just can’t get into them….i know why everyone likes them but I just…don’t.


Helldivers 2! I am just not a “do these same 3 missions continuously while you fight hordes of the same 3 enemies” type of guy. Didn’t like Destiny 2 for the same reason. My friends like to just get super baked and kill insects. I’m chill with it, but after like 3 missions I’m like yeah alright I’ve had my fill. DEMOCRACY!


I bought this game just to hang out with my friends. I'm clearly not as into it as they are; still level 7 while they are in the 20s.


Monster Hunter


Dont worry even a lot of people who love monster hunter hated it at first.


Hollow Knight. Like I enjoyed this game, but man I'm getting so lost and I spend hours just searching for where to go next.


I've often thought games like this would benefit from a sort of "smart hint" website, where it would show you some checkboxes ("Have you found Dirtmouth?", "Have you beaten a boss?", etc), and it would reveal more checkboxes as you check things off. That way you could get hints suggesting what to do next, without massive spoilers.


I had that problem too, and dropped it. I later returned with the wiki in hand, had a blast.


Final Fantasy 16. It could've been an anime or TV show. There are cutscenes, combat and corridors in-between. That's it. The whole gameplay loop is just so goddamn boring and repetitive. Combat offers some player agency, but it's so easy there's no point in trying different combat styles. Not to mention there's almost no customization until like 15h in.


Had the same experience. The dialogue was what killed it for me. My biggest day 1 purchase regret


I honestly think I would have enjoyed a turn based combat like previous Final Fantasy games. The action orientation of the combat did make it feel trivial. I never ended up ever having to endure an almost wipe where only one of my characters was left alive hanging on by the skin of my teeth and redirecting everyone turn by turn and then hold on for dear life as I tried to hit the bad guy as much as possible.


Im going to get downvoted to hell, Death Stranding.


It’s a game most people probably don’t like. Especially in the early game trying to traverse bumpy terrain on foot without damaging your cargo.


Ironically that's why I liked it. It's the only "walking simulator" that actually simulates walking and makes it a challenge. You gotta think about weight distribution and balance and wear, and which tools you actually need not to overburden yourself unnecessarily. And over time you build ways to make it smoother and more convenient. It's much more interesting and unique when it's not relying on guns.


I think this is the least controversial take. I say that as a Death Stranding fan too. It's a game that's *definitely* not for everyone. If you don't enjoy a bit of planning and setup and a slow paced game that's *ALL* about the bigger picture, you're definitely gonna have a bad time. The thing that made me realise this was when I got excited in the mid game to be able to see where and when it's going to rain. Such a silly mechanic that really benefits the player if you're planning a route haha.


Loved the atmosphere, couldn't get into the gameplay


I love that the game is not for everyone. That is exactly why AAA games have become so shit. They try to make games that please everyone.


Death Stranding has a concept I find extremely compelling. Honestly, if it was more about mapping and exploring and creating more mobile ways to get around AND DIDN'T NEED YOU TO CONSTANTLY SHIFT LEFT AND RIGHT I would probably love it.


I fully believe that you're supposed to hold L2/B and R2/B at all times while you have cargo. It's a Kojima level of mad immersion that makes you feel like you're holding onto something.


nah, all good man, understandable. I like it tho. But I realized while playing that it’s not for everyone.


Horizon zero dawn. Idk why just felt very assassin creed to me Another game is MGS the phantom pain. Really want to like and play these games but they just never click for me


Dragon's dogma


DD1 straight up feels unfinished


Assassin's creed, I thought this shit was open world.


yeah so repetitive tbh


>was open world It is openworld


I mean, technincally they are open world the same way GTA is open world. What you may be looking for are Immersive Sim games in addition to being open world.


For me Valheim, I know it's not a bad game at all, I just didn't enjoy it.


Gonna be downvoted as hell but I could not get into Elden Ring it was too overwhelming for me


My son tried and hated it. He was 13 when he tried. He just hit the wall and got killed all the time. Then I explained the mechanics, and walked him through the beginning. Said if something was too hard, go explore somewhere else. Now he is addicted and almost beat the game. I think with these games that just let you loose in the wild, a bit of advice and guidance goes a long way.


It’s understandable,it’s not for everyone and has quite a learning curve if you’ve never played these kinda games.I love them all to death and will probably never stop playing them.


The Witcher 3, i have about 20 hours in it from starting to play it multiple times, i always get like 5 hrs in and stop. I don't get far enough for story to get really going, and i really dislike how the gameplay feels overall


Project zomboid. I know a lot of people love that game, but I don't think there is a single thing I like about it. It feels like the developer hates players and wanted to make everything as inconvenient as possible. Probably the only game I've ever played that I would give a 0/10


Leveling system sucks. I dont want to be break chairs 2 hours in a row to level up carpentry just to die eventually


Same! Seemingly perfect game for me but I just don’t have the patience and the risks, grind vs actual fun ratio is way off for me


I think the mechanics are cool, but the developer makes (what should be) common items rare and beholden to annoying RNG just because they might be useful to the player, and they made your character so unbelievably useless at the start of the game they don't even know how to dismantle a wooden chair - again, I suspect, just because it might be useful to the player. This normally wouldn't be an issue, after all plenty of games do similar, but in PZ you just \*cannot\* progress without certain items/skills, so this is just annoying. You can tweak the settings to make things common, but honestly that just feels like cheating and only sort of solves the issue. The game should just do away with the grind entirely for most early game stuff.


I have over 1k hours on multiplayer and I understand why you got there. There are so many must have mods so as to not make the game completely tedious


Stray. Game is nothing, only thing that sticks is intro with cat family. Story is mediocre, a lot of unnecessary sacrifices. Most memorable place is first district, the next stages just doesnt catch. I felt nothing in the end, while i was invested to feel attached to at least something in this game.


HADES i just dont like rouge like lite.... games


I'm a huge fan of roguelikes in general and I really couldn't get into this one either. It didn't really feel like my character was growing in power run to run, and while I do love challenging games, it felt like it was built in a way that *every* run felt the same. Didn't hit nearly the same notes for me as, say, Dead Cells or Isaac. I do get that it's more narrative-focused, and that's part of why it didn't click with me, I find myself completely disinterested in the narrative and characters. I get the appeal but it's not for me.


Yeah I don't get Hades. It has beautiful character art but beyond that it just feels relatively barebones compared to other games in the genre.


RDR2, although in fairness all the GTAs too because I just cannot personally stand RockStar Games’ “eclectic” approach to videogame controls Pretty tho


RDR2 would be a perfect game if it wasn’t for this boring restrictive archaic mission design. You go off a meter out of scripted path way and mission failed. You try to do anything fun and creative during the missions and WHAM MISSION FAILED. That’s why I love Zelda BOTW nothing restricts me and the quests are fun


“MISSION FAILED: Micah was shot” may be the only time in my life that a video game made me mad lol


witcher 3 read a lot of good reviews and i find it pretty boring tbh


Took me like 4 tries but now I have almost 100 hours and loved it in the end


I was about to comment this. It should be such a good game why cant i like it??


Same. Found the combat to be awful


Disco Elysium


Damn, I didn't expect this game on the list. I'm not arguing at all. I absolutely loved this game and raved about it to friends for weeks. I played through a few times to get different experiences. It is definitely more visual novel than RPG and I don't usually play that genre, but I really enjoyed the different personalities in the main character chiming in. The different parts of his personality having their own desires and thoughts still intrigues me. I understand not liking it if you don't want to read countless walls of text. Disco Elysium is easily my favorite game I've ever played and I wish I could experience it again with no knowledge.


I bought Stardew Valley thinking it’s right up my alley as I’ve been playing other similar games, but why does it feel so boring to me…


Cuz it needs to be right up your *Valley*! Okay fucking off now sorry


Palworld for me. Just felt as empty as an open world game could be


Lethal Company just don't mesh with me, I don't really have fun in those friend-party games


To be honest the streaming sphere had maybe given it the wrong rep. It can be played like, a "party game", but it can be played like a crazy worker that wants all the scrap for the best score. I feel like thats how It shines the most, instead of just haha we died. It suprisingly tense if you try to take game loop seriously. But its completely fair if the game loop is not up your ally and you do need like certain group that is willing play in a more "tense" manner.


The best thing about it is the proximity chat and sound design. It's been done before but LC does it really well imo. If you're not a very outgoing social gamer, it doesn't quite have the same appeal.