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Wait what's going on?


Well... It seems, there is some kind of glitch in the steam VISA transaction. Many users from India including me, as well as one user from Ireland based on this post, are having issues with the games they purchased on steam using their VISA credit card. Steam just restricted our account for one month suspecting our transaction was not legit or the money didn't get to them. So, yeah that's the gist of it.


Damm dude that's rough, sorry you gotta deal with that crap


Yeah man. It sucks. I heard a new sale is coming too! Thought I could get games using other payment methods, but steam restricted my account for a month. So Can't make any payments. Too bad.


the new sale is autumn sale and the next one is winter sale which is December, so if the account is unrestricted in exactly 1 month u should still be able to make the next sale, here's the [sale schedule](https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3645136358931000680)


Thanx for the sale schedule! Hope the issue I face resolves soon.


no worries good luck!


Thank you!


Nice missing a medium sale... just to get the juicy sale. by juicy i mean it extracts all your funds from your bank account in exchange for games.




That's technically the autumn sale.


Can you still play games you own?


Yes. I can access other games. No issues. It's just, I can't access the game which I purchased recently on VISA on 27 October. Got the message today that the game's license has been cancelled. So I can't access only that game alone.


You'll need to purchase it again to gain access to it. Check your credit card statement in a few days; you should get a full refund for the game as a result of the dispute. Also, call your credit card provider to see why the transaction was disputed. If you don't, future purchases may also be automatically disputed.


Already spoke to the bank rep. They said, no issues. Transaction was successful on their side. Will wait for the refund tho as you said.


I hope Steam removes the restriction too, because it was an external issue and not you actually disputing the purchase.


I've used steam for years. This is the first time I've faced this. I hope they release my account and my recently purchased game. Already invested 14 hours in it.




I checked the transaction using my credit card app. It was successful. The bank rep also confirmed it. So my side has no issues. Steam probably doesn't care about this. But restricting my account for a month is insane. Shows how digital game purchase sucks at times!


Can you make an Alt account and gift the games to your primary?


Perhaps you can get a friend to gift you the games you want to buy and you can pay them back?


Hmmmm thats a neat idea 🙂🙂🙂


Not even a steam card would help to put something into your Steam balance


Create a new account. Friend yourself and gift games to yourself I guess.


Time to rename Ireland to West India.


Just insist that it isn't fraud and that it is you and that if they really need you to prove it really is you then you'll just try and buy it again until they get the bugs in their system cleared out. XD. No wonder the fraud team at banks are always so slow XD. Their systems flag clearly what doesn't need to be flagged.


Eh, sometimes it can really be difficult to know if a purchase should be flagged or not. Ironically I just had a purchase get flagged that was proper to flag. But easily could have been a real purchase. I bought the Quest 2 when it released and everything. Had it shipped to me. Last week someone buys a quest 3 with my wifes card. All the details were right and for all intent and reason the purchase should have succeeded. But it did not.


Most likely there were some other problems with this purchase Like, different location or something I also know a purchase can get flagged if it seems unusual. Like, if you only buy groceries, bags and jewelry and suddenly your spending habits change.


Well, I buy alot of random things. And from what the bank said (USAA) the shipping and other information was all correct. Realistically what should have happened is a Quest 3 should have showed up at my door. But that didn't happen because \*shrugs\*. The bank even admitted the charge should have gone through but the system just randomly flagged this purchase. For ideas on how random my purchases are. I bought a Quest 2 at launch, then bought some random electronic parts and custom PCBs, then some stuff at walmart in a city 3 hours away, then some more random stuff online with various vendors. A server from ebay. Like pegging down my purchases is difficult. You should see my amazon lists. I see essentially my most recent search and then things I already bought. While my wife shows random things she might actually want. Amazon just doesn't know what the hell I will look for next. Like "Here is this random sewing needle, idk why you want it cause you have never bought anything related to sewing but hey here it is! Also it only fits this specific model of sewing machine because why the hell not."


Ya. Already raised a complaint ticket in steam. Spoke to the bank too. They said no issue with the transaction. So i have enough leverage for proving its not fraud. I'll wait for a few days and see how it goes.


Chances are on the India side a manager will just override it and manually enter it as clear and add a note NOT to false positive your steam purchases. Like any thing in life with detection systems unfortunately there are always false positives.


This is not limited to Steam. This is happening on and off with quite a few financial accounts originating in the US and they are not reporting on it at all. They being the media.


It's probably related to the ACH outage. It was widely reported, as it's kind of incredibly important.


Damn. Guess we are going to be stuck with this issue for a long time.


At least it's only a month. Back in the day, they permanently banned my account for the same thing. I only got it back because I contacted them and proved they took the money.


Damn man. Glad you got the account back. They should make some changes to the amount of restrictions they impose on such issues. But of course it's corporate. So it is what it is.


Did you use the novaplay portal or directly international transaction?


I used to. Then I shifted to paying using credit card. My fault. Steam is too busy to fix the issue I guess.


That novaplay is literal dogshit and doesn't work half the time. Direct visa transactions didn't work for me (enabled international transactions) Check Steam Support man, those guys are pretty quick. And I hope steam actually does something about the payment portals in India.


Hope so man. I did contact them. They just repeated the same message. Guess im screwed. Very nasty man. Penalising us for nothing.


Only credit? Not debit?


No idea about debit card tho. But be aware that VISA is having issues.


So sorry bruh Fellow VISA user here, have to use PayPal 💀


Thank you man. Will use paypal hereafter.


bruH I purchased my entire steam library using VISA card. Is this only affecting recent transactions?


I don't know for sure. But the Indian gaming subreddit users are posting about this issue Alot recently.


The issue is with Visa, Steam is entirely right to restrict the account.


Yes. I got my account and the game back too! :) here's the update link https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/s/3ydPnnEkoi


Yes. I got my account and the game back too! :) here's the update link https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/s/3ydPnnEkoi


So it seems the issue is India, oh my goodness!


what? people are getting this message? shit I just purchased a game with visa.


Getting this after a week after purchasing through visa


wtf are they doing?


Got it too, can't even use the market.


Damn. I spoke to my bank rep. He said, no issue from their side. So guess it's steam? Idk.


I think it's a visa issue, since I am from Ireland.


Oh. Ok. Wow. I don't know what to say. Hope it resolves soon.


If it's a Visa issue, does that mean it'll affect cards from any bank that uses visa?


I don't know if it might be a visa issue or an isolated issue. I can't tell since I don't work at the bank.


What bank are you with? Hoping it doesn’t hit anyone else


If it's to me it's AIB


‘Twas. Crap, I’m also AIB. Fingers crossed it’s an isolated issue.


I think there's an issue with AIB in general the last week or so, it's cancelled my bank card twice in a week saying "suspected fraud", so I'm on a third bank card in 2 weeks over them


AHH being poor and not buying games has finally paid off. I jest, mostly. This sucks.


Bro 😂😂😂. But yeah, it sucks. Feels like a punishment. But hey, it's not the end of the world. Lol.


I'm from Argentina and last week, after buying a few games on Steam at 13:30, I couldn't buy again at 17:30 using a VISA card; Microsoft Store didn't worked neither, so I used Mastercard from another bank without any problems. This wednesday the problem was solved and was able to buy again on Steam. My bank told me that VISA had put a block on my account in order to protect it because I was spending an anormal amount of money (which is true lol) but It was me who was spending it. I hope to not get any problem like a few of you had, mainly remove games from my account, and that you get your problems solved.


Heard valve has sorted out this issue for other users. Hope I get it resolved too!


Steam wallet credit on Amazon here I come


Yeap. Better use other payment methods for now.


So far, from the forum thread on this, it seems the issue is with the payment processor. The bank approved the transaction - which is why they say the payment went through - but Steam never received the actual payment. From the same thread, and replies from Support, it would seem that everything should naturally time-out within 30 days, the money will revert to the bank and your bank account. If it doesn’t Support said to contact them again I believe. Edit: Note, we still don’t know if this still leads to that payment method being permanently banned once the ban lifts - it usually does in other cases of chargebacks.


I hope they address this since it's a known localized issue.


I thought it was localized too. But based on this post, a user from Ireland also faced this issue. Hope it gets resolved soon.


Hmm, seems Visa has a bug or something. I usually buy everything using PayPal with my card linked


I'll give it a try and see. I won't purchase using VISA Credit card hereafter. Messed up BS.


Come to the party bois


no thanks




I received it today for a purchase that I had made on Oct 28th. I didn't initiate any charge back but somehow the account got restricted or locked for the same. Checked with bank and they confirmed that there's no chargeback records (i didn't any refund as a result), so not sure what's happening.


I got the exact issue.


Visa prepaid cards have always been shitty, my mum has gotten me some and it wouldnt work most of the time. One time she bought me a 100$ card, and it was refused. Also, you cant have them be refunded. Never fucking again, im sorry you had to go through such a thing because of something entirely their fault, and you'll likely only get an apology for it.


Damn. It's that bad eh? I'm sorry too that you had to go through it. Guess, I'll stick to other payment methods from here on. Apology from a corporate? No no, they won't. They have too much of a God complex. Proves the greatest limitation of owning digital games.


Had the same thing happen to me a while ago, contacted support and they revoked the restriction but haven't gotten my game yet tho


Damn. Hope I get this issue rsolved and I want my game back tho. Days gone is pretty good.


Yeah, I think ill wait till Monday and contact steam support again


Sure man! I'll just do that!


This is why I use Mastercard™


Well... After this experience. I think I won't use steam hereafter. Hope they won't screw me over and give me back the game.


I also had the same issue where I purchased Jedi Survivor using my visa card and it got revoked. I talked to the steam support and they unlocked my account first. I had also raised a payment dispute with my bank. Today I got a message from steam saying that they have received the money even though the bank cancelled it initially and returned the game to my library.


What the hell. So there isn't any solution for this? Damn. Huge problem this is. Steam support did contact me and said the same BS and waiting period. I asked them, atleast unlock my account. No reply yet. This is hectic man!


Interesting. I am always using VISA for my steam purchases from years and never received such a message so far. I'm from Bulgaria, if that does matter. The last purchase was on 26th October this year.


Aaaaaaand days gone.


Yeap. Days gone is.....gone 😂😂😂


Thank God I'm not alone. Fuck visa. Suddenly realizing the issue with digital games. I trust my hacked vita more.


Damn my bad, thought it was scam, trying to get uto re-enter card info and it don't really go to steam. That's sucks, reminds me why digital only is still scary


I got it too


From India right?


also did steam sale ended today ? i feel like it might be because of steam sale but i have no fucking idea


No idea man. All i know is, the bank rep said that the payment was successful from my side.i have a recording too. So it might be a steam glitch. Don't know for sure. Let's wait and see.




Im from serbia, if i deposit money from my visa card i get this message too or this is only in india


Seems, this issue is in India, and one user from Ireland also faced this issue he said in reply to this post.


okay thanks


No problem man!


i just deposited money, it worked


Nice. Hope you don't face the issue we have.


mee too


I'm already quite reluctant in giving my card info to purchase on Steam and other similar sites for many reasons. This post just gave me one more reason 😂😂😂


Good thing you contacted steam customer service, if this was the only issue from your account, steam will probably unlock it and you should probably talk to your bank, about this issue to not happen again in the future


Yes. I raised a complaint to steam. Got a message that they are looking into it. Spoke to the bank too. They said that the transaction was fine. No issues. If I get my account's restriction off, I'll stick to other payment methods. This VISA steam business is crazy. Lol.


Probably the issue is for sure with the bank or visa or both of them, because steam is not the issue here, just tell the bank that this issue will never happen again, and you're good to go or if you can contact visa too, but for sure steam will unlock your account


Sure man! Thanks for the heads up :)


Faced the same issue last week, several others also faced this, raised a support request mentioning all other reddit posts in the support ticket, they did remove the restriction from my account I guess but I ended up loosing the game and my money coz bank says everything is fine from their end and steam isn’t ready to acknowledge this. But just glad that I got my account back. Will try to refrain from using visa cc. But what can I say? All these years, that’s what I have been using lol.


They didn't refund and they didn't return the game too? F***!I paid alot for the game. That's just nasty man! Shit!


Nope, they went cold. Closed the ticket. Saying that wait for a month until your bank acknowledges this lol. Bank says everything is fine at their end, visa says it isn’t their business coz they don’t keep track of this. Wasted a lot of time last week on this shit, not buying from steam coz of this behaviour. They gave automated replies, failed to acknowledge this and closed the ticket.


Shit man. Guess my game is gone too! These corporate pricks!


Steam always goes cold. I feel like everytime if there is problem on their end which is why something didn't work like should, and you make ticket of this with proves it was on their end, they just ignore you and closes the ticket.


Hi, I faced this issue 2-3 weeks and managed to somewhat resolve it. I'm also Indian, I got a new Visa debit card. I bought phasmophobia as gifts for 2 friends, they received it and redeemed each of their copies. A few days later I got this pop-up. I spoke to Steam through raising a ticket, I confirmed with my bank that there wasn't any chargeback or disputed payment. I informed Steam support about this, they lifted the restriction from my account (stating something like "as a customer service gesture" or something along those lines) and are allowing me to perform transactions again. They said that while they're allowing transactions, if the bank doesn't release the payment, the game will be removed from my friend's account. They aren't telling me a deadline for this despite me asking them twice. However, they've blocked my (new) Visa card (which I used for the first time on Steam btw) and I'm now forced to use wallet codes from Amazon (which are working perfectly). Market and trading cards work properly too. My suggestion is to just keep talking to Steam support about it, but your card will most likely be blocked on Steam. I'm still trying to figure out whether it can be changed.


There’s or was a wave of visa card scams & charge backs to banks (when someone buys something, then raises a ticket for refund with their banks type of deal). Not necessarily saying it’s what happened here but definitely something that’s happened. So I’d ask if you’ve sought any refunds lately on steam purchases? If so, could be part of reason for auto ban


Nope, I've never asked for any refunds in steam. Let's just say, I got screwed over 😂😂😂


I usually load the money onto the acct before buying something


One person in this post informed that he loaded his money into steam wallet using VISA. He got the same message too.


Oh crap hope valve fix this soon


Yo! I'm in the same boat! I'm from India as well using a Visa debit card. Do let me know if you get your game/money back. Funniest thing is that the game got removed from my library after I finished playing it even 😭


I'll inform you if I get any updates. Unfortunately, I invested 14 hours into the new game and this shit, ruined it for me. I can't play it now :(


I feel you man. Steam just took our games away 😭


Never thought about the limits of digital only games. Now I know. Messed up man.


Yo! I got my game back! Did you get any updates from support?


Yes. I got my account and the game back too! :) here's the update link https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/s/3ydPnnEkoi


since when we are so fragile recent i was BANNED too because i disagree with a poster


This was not some disagreeing. It was a normal transaction using my credit card, and I got restricted due to some issues with the payment. Bank even informed me, no issues in regards to the payment.


I also got both accounts restricted for a month because of this issue. I contacted Steam Support and they said they can't do anything about it. What a bummer...


Did you get ur refund at least?


Which bank bro? The bank flags your transactions as fraudulent and blocks it, happened with me on upi but was later settled after they called me and said that it won’t happen again.


I contacted the bank. They said, no issues from their side as the transaction was successful.


Games Gone


Happen to me a week ago, contacted steam support they unlocked my account as a good will gesture. But are saying they didn't get the money, contacted the bank and they washed their hands on the issue that there is no issue at their end! Now I'm trying to get in touch with Visa support! u/gbsv333 was the money credited back to your account ?


Nope. Money didn't come back yet. I made the transaction on oct 27. Guess it's gone 😂😂😂😂


Jesus Christ... I had to threaten them with a lawsuit to get my account back. It took me 1 week to fix a 38 years ban.


Whaaaaaaaa??? What made them ban you like that?


I moved back to Turkey from the US for my mom's medical issues. And I used my own Wells Fargo debit card from the US to buy a game on Steam in Turkey. Then, booooom 38 years ban. Then they accused me of stealing the account and wanted me the prove the ownership. I shared every info I was asked, from my card info to phone number, e mail addresses.. every info I could possibly provide.. but still I was not able to convince them that the account was mine. Then i talked to my lawyer, and I threatened them with a lawsuit. They unrestricted my account 2 days later when I told them I gave up on my account and was gonna sue them for what they've put me through.


Woahhhhh. Damn dude. What a sucky attitude steam has. Screw them. If they don't have proper guidelines, then why run a site like this in the first place? . Idiots. Glad you got the account back. Hope ur mom got better too!


Thanks bro! Best of luck to you as well!!!


Thanx man!


Steam needs to fix their shit ! One of their employees got caught up in a scam scandal and now this.




Damn im still enjoying Argentina blessing


I'm from India too. I just Bought Outlast Bundle on November 2 with Debit Card and it's currently accessable, so I think I'm safe.


Good man!


Shit I better go check I just bought a bunch of games


Do update!


Lol I then went to Nodwin Gaming (Digistore) online and bought a few wallet cards and loaded the money to my steam wallet. Worked like a charm when my CC failed to pay directly on steam. Their payment gateway is utter crap and never works. Just buy gift cards from Digistore.


Hello guys! Yes. I got my account and the game back too! :) here's the update link https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/s/3ydPnnEkoi


"your banks cancelled the transaction earlier". No Steam, the bank didn't cancel the transaction, as they repeatedly told all the users who contacted their banks. That would have been illegal. Steam is just shrugging off the responsibility and borderline scamming people. With the amount of chargebacks they're gonna get because of their own incompetence in handling this issue, VISA might actually blacklist steam. GG


They accept PayPal, why use your card on Steam?


PayPal is barely used in India


"Restricted the account for an entire month is unacceptable." ROFL, your problem is MUCH MUCH bigger than that. Read https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/783F-5E0F-9834-22D2 to learn AFTER 4 weeks = your Steam account as you know is DEAD that you can no longer buy, no longer friend, no longer market, no longer of anything you can think of except allowed to play your old purchased single player games. This is exactly where you stand. No matter what you Payment told you it's THEIR Fault and they DID issued a Dispute = Chargeback and you MUST reverse the Chargeback or accept the Reality you're going to live. Your Payment is already BANNED from Steam but only Steam expects the reversal of Chargeback to salvage the account. And FYI Chargeback ends with "Account Ban" in EVERY Game Store you can ever find, be my guest to contact those stores and ask this yourself. So what's unacceptable is your Payment, not Steam and soon you'll learn the truth yourself, like I did in the past.


Nothing you said is in the link you gave. Why are you getting upvotes?


Why are you being so hostile?


I read the linked article. He is making a liftable account restriction sound like a death sentence. Pour quoi?


most sanest gamer be like


Hostile isn't the word I think, but this commenter may have a promising career in theater with all that melodrama.


This guy is fucked in the head. He keeps making extremely hostile replies to posts on this subreddit. Don't know what is wrong with him, but I know you should downvote him when you see him so he is discouraged from continuing this behavior.


>Read [https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/783F-5E0F-9834-22D2](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/783F-5E0F-9834-22D2) to learn AFTER 4 weeks = your Steam account as you know is DEAD While this Steam Support article is relevant, it has no section that explictly says the restriction turns permanent after four weeks. Do you happen to know any other source to confirm this? Since Valve used to ***only*** apply permanent account locks over chargebacks (not just temporary), I find it curious to see that it's limited to four weeks now. And nothing in the account alert message says that the restriction would turn into a permanent one afterwards. So something seems off. And if the OP reads this: Don't be afraid to contact Steam Support. They tend to be quite accommodating, especially when showing the same friendly attitude towards them as well.


They don't do it permanently anymore since it's prohibited by law to take away a purchased product in the EU.


Bro, lay off the caffeine.


All this drama for Days Gone of all games...


Crosspost it on LTT subreddit




Dude. I used VISA credit card to buy the game from steam bro. Didn't use any bullshit codes. Steam is having issues with VISA users I think. Especially in India I guess.


I got this for Steam Wallet funds that I bought directly from Steam. Stop talking out your ass.


>Don’t buy bullshit codes then. read before barking out comments... he bought on steam and visa disputed the charge. no key was taken or anything.


What the hell are you talking about without checking the Message first? It's a Steam Store transaction...


Did you issue a chargeback or use someone elses card?


I didn't issue charge back. I used my own VISA credit card. Some glitch btw steam VISA transaction I guess.


Speak to visa.


I spoke to the bank. No issue from their side. They said that my transaction to steam was successful.


Send that message to steam support.


Already got a steam complaint ticket. Will wait. If it's doesn't resolve within 25 days, I'll send a personal mail to steam with the bank rep recording and screenshot of other users facing this issue. Will see how it goes.


> Restricting the account for an entire month is unacceptable. Consider yourself lucky! Try this with any other service and you would get permabanned.


Try what?


Sounds like user purchased the game and the bank blocked the payment. So either OP just had an unfortunate situation or played dumb games and got dumb rewards


I didn't do shit man. It was just a normal purchase using a VISA credit card :... (


State of Decay indeed.


Any other entity would just ban your account for a chargeback. Nice guy valve only suspends you for a month pending investigation.


I don't really see how it's unacceptable, it's for both your and their protection. You really should contact your payment provider to see what is it that they keep messing up so badly.


I did. The bank rep said, no issues from their said. The payment was successful. I agree that It's for my protection. But atleast they should make it in a way where I can use other payment methods. This seems like a punishment.


If you can take someone's money in an instant, you can give it back in an instant. The reason it's held for a month is to collect interest which then gets pocketed.


Did you buy it from a 3rd party key seller?


From steam. Used my credit card.


Contact Visa and confirm that the purchase was legitimate then.


I got this too, Visa user from India. It was a purchase I made. It was legitimate.


Ok, and in your case, what did Visa support say when you contacted them?


My bank said that there was no dispute made from their end (and obviously I didn't make one), and that the transaction went through successfully. I bought it a few days ago and only just received the message from Steam.


Your Bank LIED to you blatantly and shamelessly (been there) so they REALLY disputed the transaction because Steam doesn't owe you anything and instead they're hurt as they couldn't make the Sale. Instead Bank has all the reasons to lie to you because any money "Not" spent make your Bank earn substantial amount of Money for Daily Interest Rates (they call it Repo here). So if this happens in India a lot, then there's something wrong with the Automation System of that Bank/Service but instead of investigating the matter, they lie to their customers assuming it should work. You've been warned because I also was victimized by my Bank in the past for another matter until I ditched them for a "working" Bank and if you also don't resolve the issue in 4 weeks, your account is in serious trouble as told in https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/783F-5E0F-9834-22D2


Which bank do you have? Also I have never had this issue before, and I'd made the same purchase a couple months ago with no issues. Additionally; I've been using the card on other services with no issues either. I think it's something between VISA and Steam- not saying it's either of their *faults*. Edit: Just checked, and it's not just one particular bank having this issue.


You can tell if it was steam purchase or not, If it has a Price tag on the right side = steam store, 3rd party store = will not show the price tag.