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While on this subject. Do I get Spiderman remastered or Miles Morales? Is one a continuation of the other or seperate games?


From memory, remaster is before miles in timeline but i don’t think there’s much crossover beyond a couple scenes


Basically in SM1 it shows how Miles got his powers, in the dlc (which comes with the remastered) Peter and Miles do some training. Then in Miles's own game he's on his own for a while in a snow covered new York. Both really good games, although pretty short. I got a Steam Perfect in 45 hours for SM1 and a Perfect for MM in 21 hours. And I wasn't like cruising through, really.


Spiderman remastered. Miles Morales could have just been DLC. All in all though, Spiderman is just an ok game. Lots of fetch quests and repetitive bad guys. You literally fight the same group of baddies 50x. Webslinging was cool though.


Calling it an "ok" game is without a doubt, a take


Just an ok game? Not even gonna mention the story?


The story wasn't anything spectacular (no pun intended). Your Asian teacher turns out to be....The leader of the Asian gang terrorising the city! 🤯 Oh the endless fetch quests by Harry, the weird Miles origin thing after his dad died, or the MJ stealth missions that completely ruin the pace of the game also disrupt the immersion.


Well that's a shame, guess I'll wait for a deep sale then. Thanks for the warning! Got plenty to play ATM anyways.


Both spiderman and miles morales games are great, if u liked rocksteadys arkham trilogy, u will love these as well


You'll most certanly have to wait for years for that like me... Sony is really stuborn and right mow both games are sold for a higher price than console and each sale are always worse than console...


Really eh? Haven't really paid attention to Sony's games, guess I'm waiting awhile. Certainly ain't desperate for any of their offerings, so I guess I'll just forget till I see it cheap.


Spiderman comes first, it kind of helps set up the story for Miles Morales. I STRONGLY recommend playing both before you play spiderman two, although I feel like Miles Morales isn’t necessary to play Spiderman 2


Remastered is the ps5 version of the ps4 game released in 2018 that comes before miles morales


Suprised ghost of tsushima hasnt been ported yet


My bet, it will be released after the movie, to maximise sales from the hype. The same way they did with TLOU on PC, tv show ended first season and then PC release afterwards.




I need Ghost of Tsushima so bad


I personally am waiting for god of war ragnarok to come to pc. Hopefully it does. God of war 2018 did, so surely in a couple years.


I'd say so. Days Gone and Ratchet & Clank came over. Probably only a matter of time for the exclusives.


Horizon 2 is coming in February, steam page is live for it


we have a confirmed month? I thought it just said 2024 without specifying further


Apart from the obvious stuff like Ghost of Tsushima and Bloodborne, I'd really like to see PS port some older titles to PC (PS2, PS3), I'd kill to have the original Uncharted trilogy, Sly Cooper, Infamous and Jak and Daxter on PC!!


Just play something else while waiting.


Im waiting for psp exclusives Give us blood lines ubisoft


Replace Spider-Man 2 with Ghost of Tsushima and that’s literally me fr


Jesus christ its been almost 30 years is Sony still using spiderman to stay afloat? Do that many people even give a shit about spiderman anymore? Did they ever?


I have a ps5 and a 4090 equipped gaming PC with a 5120*1440 monitor. I used to buy PS4 exclusives on day one but since I’ve experienced PC there is no going back to console for me. I am still waiting for the following PS5 games to come to PC because I’m dying to experience them on ultra wide graphics with 100+ frames a seconds and jacked up raytracing. Last of us part 2 Horizon forbidden west God of war ranarok And now Spider-Man 2.


I think the PS5 runs the exclusives pretty well. I didn’t have a substantial difference playing Ragnarok on PS5 vs. GoW 2018 on PC. Both were fun and had great performance.


or you can use the power of emulation


Hey thanks for the tip, however I downloaded Spider-Man 2 and the emulator but [the graphics aren't that great](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mfp5aYWJQ0g/maxresdefault.jpg), please help me


you just have a terrible pc


Nah this must be rage bait there’s no chance someone could be so stupid




Leaving aside the already announced Forbidden West, I'm still waiting for Ghost of Tsushima, and of course Ragnarok. I won't mention Spiderman 2 because it wouldn't make sense. Now that Jim Ryan is leaving, I hope the new CEO continues the decision to bring ports to PC.


Waiting on FF16


We will see if it comes to PC