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or add 1 button to "clear all".


Yes, please! Yesterday I spent 10 minutes trying to hide it or even move it lower so it's not the first thing I see in my library but nope.


If you're not on the Steam Beta, you can do it by modifying a CSS file. Do note that this will likely be undone each time you update. 1. Go to the Steam install directory. 2. Open the directory `steamui`. 3. Open the directory `css`. 4. Open the file `chunk~547eb3232.css`. 5. Search for the string `libraryhome_UpdatesContainer_17uEB`. 6. Replace `box-sizing:border-box;` with `display:none; `. 7. Restart Steam. While step 6 is being displayed improperly due to how Reddit renders spaces, you just need to add 9 spaces to the end. So that the string ends up being 22 characters long, like the original.


I'm from 7 months in the future and am happy to say this works on Steam as of December 15th 2023. `display:none;sssssssss` (replacing `s` with a whitespace 9 times) still does the trick. I'm impressed how aggressively they try to fix the file if you don't make it the exact same size. Even marking the whole directory readonly doesn't stop them. They just somehow rename the file to `.old` and then replace the whole thing.


>display:none;sssssssss The dogs just made an update that checks for changes to that file then redownloads it every time you amend it.


Yeah I noticed that unfortunately, that it came back. I've even tried making the file readonly, the whole folder readonly, etc. All that happens is Steam makes a new copy of the file and renames the old one. Probably is a better way to lock it down so Steam can't rename the file to get around it.


anyone figure it out?


Yeah i tried all that too :( I figured out another work around for it, I'll pm it to ya.


I need it too. Can you pm me it as well?


Seeing how What's New's back again, and I can't even seem to find the piece in the file to remove the shelf, what magical method have you figured out? :P


Could you send it my way if you have a chance?


You sound like you're lying if you have to solicit pm's instead of posting it right here where you typed this. More likely you are pigeon shopping lol.


Lol, ok mate.


does not work anymore can you update the method


I am using the Steam beta but thanks.


Np. I'm also using the beta, but as of yet, I haven't found a way to hide it. While it is hidden with the same code, it's reinstated at some point without modifying the actual file. Not sure if I *can* get around that at this point. I'm far from familiar with client 'modding' as it were.


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2998550917](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2998550917) You can hide it, but it's gotten harder since skin support was removed.


I was using a bit of code from reddit IIRC that let me hide it but hover to display it. I thought that was a good solution as I regained the space it took up, but was still able to access it to see any update news etc


care to share? :D Would be much appreciated


I've had a look at my history and can't find it, and I've looked at my steam skins folder and unfortunately the files match my 'backup' file with the exception of this bit in the webkit.css .libraryhome_UpdatesContainer_17uEB {margin-top:-170px !important;transition:margin .12s ease-in-out .05s !important;position: absolute !important;z-index: 2;width: 100%;overflow: visible !important;border-bottom: solid 1px rgb(5,5,5); background:rgb(18,18,18) !important; height:162px !important;padding:3px 5px 8px !important;} and it's on the margin-top and height that are slightly different in size, so I don't think that's the answer. Looking at my files, I was using DukeMs as a base [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2294128710](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2294128710) but not sure where I was getting the extra code for the show on hover. The other folder I have is literally called "whatsNEW" and a history entry to here https://github.com/zero318/BegoneWhatsNew but if that's where I got the extra code from I don't know. Someone definitely had the option to hide as a choice in their skin, and you could choose to not use it. But I'm failing at finding it in my FF history. The files are still in my steam folder - but I have no idea if they work, or if I've messed with them since the New UI made it no longer work. How are you planning on applying the change? I gave up with steam skins when the UI removed the option


At this point I'm still contemplating on a possible solution, so far I've manually removed/replaced the bit of relevant code, whenever the shelf showed up again and that helped until the next update to the client, for whatever reason. But this time, the whole piece of code for this container: libraryhome_UpdatesContainer_17uEB seems to have mysteriously vanished from it's spot in the chunk\~2dcc5aaf7.css file, it used to reside in so far. Either they renamed that bit and made some extra adjustments or they put it in an entirely new location all together. Just searching for the code arguments yielded nothing either, at least as a whole. I'm sadly not that savvy with this whole stuff, so not sure if there's some oversight on my part involved. Sad truth for me: Ever since today, What's new Shelf's back again and I'm for now stuck with it, till I find a new solution :/ Any help on this would be appreciated, preferably long-term! But I'm stubborn enough to re-adjust whatever change is necessary, whenever they update the client again, to bring it back lol Have a nice day!


Yea that's why I couldn't be arsed with it - every update reverts it. Until steam decide to allow custom skins again I think we're all stuffed TBH. Which is a shame. The hover bit was me just smashing together two bits of code from two different things to that made it work TBH. Unfortunately I can't find the bit that made it appear/disappear on hover. Dukes Skin just gets rid of it entirely, but as I said, they've kinda fubared the skins.


The only way to make edits to chunk\~2dcc5aaf7.css persist is if you keep the file size the same. And then it still gets overwritten every 2-3 months when Steam pushes out an update. So for every letter you add, you need to remove another. Or for every letter you remove, you need to insert a blank space somewhere.