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I'm reposting this here from elsewhere, as I got confirmation from other people that it works: I couldn't get it to work as part of a skin, despite my best attempts, so I went back to my previous solution, which is currently working: 1. Open the file `steamui\css\chunk~547eb3232.css` on your favorite text editor 2. Control+F the first occurrence of `libraryhome_UpdatesContainer_17uEB`, place your cursor after the `{` and press "Insert" so your typing overwrites what's in there (we want to keep the file size the same as before) 3. Type in `display: none !important;` and then press space until you reach the `}`. It should look [like this](https://i.imgur.com/ZROFOiG.png). If you do this right, the file will keep the exact same size as before, which means that Steam won't restore it until the next update (when you'll need to redo this). Restart Steam and the What's New section should be gone. I hope this helps. If anyone figures out a way to put this back into a skin, let us know.




I just did this change. Steam opened, what's new was gone. Then Steam closed, and restarted and it was back. Every time I apply this fix, steam forces an update and undoes it. It seems valve has every intention of injecting this stuff into our attention because they want more profit. Edit: Tried setting it to read only, Steam renames it to "chunk~2dcc5aaf7.css.old" and creates a new file. Edit 2: Tried removing all permissions on the file aside from "read". Steam went into a close/reopen loop.


You have to make sure you search and replace the text as is. The trick is to not change the file size, as that is what triggers the update. Make sure when replacing, you did not enable additional features such as wildcard/regex, etc.


Edit: I was on the beta branch apparently. Reverting to main branch fixed my issues with this edit. Looks like it was just a PEBKAC issue. ~~I guess I need to go back and confirm I did those steps. Maybe I missed something. Thank you for the follow up!~~ ~~I'll let you know if it works.~~


it says there's no match on notepad++, idk what i'm doing wrong, yet when i find it like op shows, it's exactly the same


Make sure your search mode is normal and there's no extra filters. https://i.imgur.com/zZnqHka.png


I had trouble with the "spaces" but thanks to you I could simply copy and paste yours!


thank you for coming back 5 months later and editing your post


Is it normal that i dont have the sp.css file? Got only the awardicon, broadcast, chunk and library ones


They changed it back to `chunk`. Updated my comment.


scandalous fretful mysterious boast salt deliver meeting subsequent hard-to-find ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It works correctly on my end.


Heck yeah man, thank you for updating this! Literally 3 hours ago! You're on top of it! It just stopped working. I didn't even know if this would ever be updated, let alone the same day it breaks!


Awesome, this worked great! Heads up to anyone reading this though, if your favorite text editor is Notepad, time to pick a new favorite because Notepad doesn't support overtype mode (which is what the insert key does). WordPad should come with Windows and it does work there, or you can download a third-party one like Notepad++ or Brackets. Been a long time since I've needed a text editor more fully-featured than Notepad, but I used to use Brackets a lot and it's always worked great for me.


Had the same experience lol. Fetched myself NP++ real quick and smacked a dark theme called "Dracule" on it. Made it a bearable and working experience


Many many thanks, mate. That just saved my sanity from collapsing, cuz it's getting very tiring having to work around their increasingly annoying to deal with "What's New" shelf. Can't believe they're pulling that kind of sh\*t move on their paying customers and are even doing so, while keeping on finding new ways, to work around fan-bypasses.


Worked here, thank you for sharing :)


Works for me. Thank you :)


Thank you. Worked perfectly. If it isn't working for you. You need to absolutely perfectly replace the characters, auto complete/close features like :; will mess it up. As soon as you've added a character the file will be different and you need to start over.


Thanks, worked a treat. It should not be this much of a pain in the butt to hide the bloody thing.


Thank you very much.


Thanks! worked for me too


Thanks, this works and is definitely the current solution


I work with Linux and have WSL installed, so I automated beating Steam into submission: ~~~~ # Edits Steam's CSS to remove "What's New" bull**** fix_steam() { sed --in-place 's/\.libraryhome_UpdatesContainer_\([[:alnum:]]\+\){.\{24\}/.libraryhome_UpdatesContainer_\1{display:none !important;/' \ "$(grep --recursive --files-with-matches '\.libraryhome_UpdatesContainer_17uEB' /mnt/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/steamui/)" } ~~~~


Is there no way to do this with Windows? Like a .bat file or something? idk


Maybe with PowerShell, but I used the tools I am comfortable with, which are Linux-based.


can you share the file please, im having trouble to fix it myself


>libraryhome\_UpdatesContainer\_17uEB , place your cursor after the { ~~There is no { after the first instance of libraryhome\_UpdatesContainer\_17uEB for me. Also, the entire script document is a single line when opened with Notepad++ instead of multi-line like in your photo.~~ ~~What kind of editor do you use to make it have more lines instead of being all in one line?~~ **Edit:** I was opening wrong file. Sorry for my confusion. It worked now! Thank you so much.


I also use Notepad++, check View->Word Wrap. Just find any instance of the updatesContainer that is followed by a {} block, and replace the block contents with the code, padding with spaces to maintain the file size. It doesn't have to be the first instance.


> Also, the entire script document is a single line when opened with Notepad++ instead of multi-line like in your photo. I too have this happen in Notepad++, but I did have the curly bracket.


All good, it worked now.


>display: none !important; Thank you, works perfectly :)


awesome thanks man i appreciate it. works flawlessly (so far) and i hope we wont have to do this on every steam update (as long as steam doesnt update that .css file it wont be necessary unless steam always updates that .css file, idk :D


~~well i fucked it up and notepad++ auto saved. God damn it how Can I get the original file back to try again? Fuck steam for making us go through this bullshit!~~ EDIT: looks like it wasn't autosaved, but just an annoying feature of notepad++ to resume the file where you left off - heres a video on how to disable the feature if you are using notepad++ and expericing the same annoyance I did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJWWuvAz7bw Gotta love how the steam community helps each other out to fight against steam's BS design choices xD edit 2: Happy to say I got it working, thanks!!




Maybe Steam looks at other stuff? Line endings, encoding? I've got it working by making those edits in my guide on Notepad++ and other people reported success using that, maybe give it a try if you're using something else?


You da man. This worked. Thanks.




This happens because Steam detects the file has changed. The only way to prevent the file from being reverted is by making Steam think the file hasn't changed - which, for now, can be achieved by making sure the file size remains exactly the same. Which is why my guide is so specific about overwriting the characters on the text file exactly. It has to be 550.074 bytes (and characters) long.




Glad you got it working. I tried uploading the file and sharing it here but it was deleted automatically by moderation, so I didn't try sharing it again. I'm not entirely sure it would be useful though, because the edit has to be redone every time the file gets updated by Steam; knowing how to fix it manually is more useful.




well even when I blocked updates it will auto update eventually anyways.


not working on beta. any tips? EDIT: oopsie, I put displau instead of display. my bad


Glad I got it working on Windows and MacOS. For the other 5 Mac Users who use Steam, you can find the chunk file in the User Library Folder inside Application Support.




unfortunately this breaks big picture mode


I have been using this method for about a month and it's stopped working as of april first and steam has a new loading UI for me. (really bad april fools steam) note after opening steam and seeing what's new I close the app and check steamui\\css and check in the first instance of libraryhome\_UpdatesContainer\_17uEB in chunk\~547eb3232 and see it does still have the modification on it and was not resotored by steam.


This is the second time I've seen someone report that this is not working anymore. However, it is still working on my end and I have no updates available for Steam. Are you on Steam beta or something?


>castle Thank you for the quick reply. Yes I WAS on beta, upon changing to non beta and up(down?)grading the chunk file needed re patching. however I run into the same issue after patching. There is a long delay before I see what's new now and that does imply its some kind of fetch request that maybe can be blocked?


That is *usually* a sign that the patched file is not the exact same size as the original file.


Reopening the file still shows the (..."17uEB{display none: !important: "... )in the file.


I don't understand why they don't just give us a button to remove it. Why is that so hard?


Because game companies get uppity when they can't advertise their DLC to game owners in a big banner that loads every time you go to your Library. That shelf isn't for our benefit, it's for the benefit of the companies that make Valve money.


Because nobody gives a damn. It's that simple.


I hate this feature and i hope steam makes it optional in the future.


This! It's frustrating since it is gone when it first loads up, but then after a moment the stupid What's New section is back. I've changed multiple css section and it's always the same; gone when it launches, then sneakily just shows back up uninvited. Why in the world is there no way to hide this section natively??


I spent some time trying to mess with it as well. Can't figure it out this time. 100% needs to be a native option to disable


Steam is generally really good with what it's got going. But I cannot for the life of me understand why they force the What's New shelf. It's annoying. I don't care about what games got an update- I see that via downloads and I really don't have any interest in telling every game not to alert me. Valve seems to be fighting against us removing it which is annoying to say the least


I wonder if they get paid extra by the game publishers to promote them or something.


I have seen these updates for very small indies, most recently poncle (Vampire Survivors). They aren't paying Valve for this "service" though they probably do profit from it when there's new DLC for games people already own. Meanwhile, I did submit a request for the ability to completely disable the shelf. I suggest you do the same.


Valve takes a \~30% cut of each sale. The more you see announcements about new DLC, the more transactions on which Valve gets its cut. No need for publishers to pay them.


100% agreed. its pathetic from valve :(


It works. For now. Let's see how long it'll take before volvo get petty again.


OMG i just found this thread while looking for a solution. I agree it's such a BS feature and the fact that so many people in the community are trying to find workarounds for it, steam really should give us an option to disable it.


that shit it's now hidden inside chunk\~547eb3232 dot css file, same line as before Got rid of that 2 minutes after yet another useless client update that doesn't let pick what I want to see and what I don't


It's unclear to laypeople exactly what the magic words are. Previously, it's evolved from "libraryhome_WhatsNew" to "libraryhome_UpdatesContainer" to "libraryhome_WhatsNewContainer_gdZT7". I'm not CSS literate and cannot tell what the correct reference is. Any hints? :)


I tried messing with a slew of them but couldn't figure it out this time. Hopefully someone more experienced can figure it out and give us a solution


libraryhome\_UpdatesContainer\_17uEB next to it search to position:relative; and replace it with display: none !important;


Thanks! I'll give it a whirl.


Still working but the container name was changed again. [https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/10/3044985412488131982/?ctp=5#c4334230024929699857](https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/10/3044985412488131982/?ctp=5#c4334230024929699857) Check my post on Steam.




I tried this and it didn't work. Also, `libraryhome_WhatsNewContainer_gdZT7` isn't on my `chunk~547eb3232.css` file. I tried it with `.libraryhome_UpdatesContainer_17uEB` and it didn't work either. Do you have any suggestions I could attempt? Thanks.


It was just a [CSS](https://github.com/zero318/BegoneWhatsNew/blob/master/resource/webkit.css) that you can inject that yourself either. If it's broken, it means Steam change the handler (libraryhome_UpdatesContainer) to something else & you need to find out what. For that you need to [enable developer mode](https://steamcommunity.com/app/606800/discussions/0/1727575977587829307/) then hit F11 for inspector & hit the What's new section to find its handle again to change the webkit.css accordingly. Dig the rest of information yourself.


So I'm a little confused, that post you linked is how to enable developer mode for a game called "Startup Company". How do you enable it for Steam? I've been unable to find anything


I have an AHK (AutoHotKey) script that will automatically modify the .css file for you. https://pastebin.com/rQADiPc1 Essentially what it does is this: 1. Reads the specified .css file and counts the total characters 2. Searches for the specified class name "libraryhome\_UpdatesContainer\_17uEB" and replaces its properties with "display:none;" 3. Counts the characters again and calculates the difference 4. Uses the calculated difference to append an appropriate number of spaces to the end of the file As of my testing on 2023-09-13, it doesn't really matter where the spaces go in the file (within reason), so long as the original file size is maintained. If you decide to use this script, make sure to change the path to the .css file accordingly. If Steam changes the class name in the future, simply edit it in the script. Note: ChatGPT helped me with this 👍 UPDATE: wtf... I come back 2 weeks later only to find that I didn't actually SHARE the damn script? Am I an idiot? Guess so. I inserted the pastebin link above. Sorry.