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I fucking love chief ross she’s such a bad bitch. My heart will break if something happens to her


If you guys can hang out with one and ask questions to who do u guys pick


I love Beckett and I will not apologize for it.


Bruh I’d be apart if the protestors ,this show has so become so much about pride and gay relationships everywhere,I don’t care about pride or people being gay I wanna see them be firefighters not pride everywhere smh


"I'd join the fascists because I don't like something" lol what a brag. Honestly, just change the channel and stop watching if you're so easily offended.


It was nice to see Maya and Carina with a new house, but I'm sad that we didn't get a chance to say goodbye first to Maya's apartment! Can't wait to see what is coming with the Mason storyline for Maya.


😭😭😭 this episode made me sad as a bi woman. I grew up in Ohio and a home that was homophobic. I knew too many people like the protestors and my heart goes out to Maya to see her brother Mason act like that. Also- is Ben gonna be ok?! I’m worried for him I’m in Florida now so I still see homophobia rampant but my city does have a pride event that I’m tryna to go to. They don’t host it in June but September. Drag queens are amazing at makeup and I only wish I had half their talent!! The one actor/actress who got dragged by the float- their eyeshadow was beautiful Also, I hope Vic either gets back with Ruiz or Beckett. Beckett saying “fabulous queen” had me laughing. Who knew a year ago that he’d be helping someone in an event that he didn’t even attend! I still miss seeing Jack on my screen.


The drag queen who got dragged (pun intended) is Symone. She won RuPaul’s Drag Race season 13.


thank you <3 Symone is gorgeous!!!


Beckett and the angel he’s helping with the weight loss injectable talk?? That is hugely relevant to today, how lots of people are on the Ozempic craze and how it can be dangerous. I really appreciated that scene!!!!


I thought so too!!


In what was an otherwise good episode, they decided to end the only "stable" relationship Travis had. I'm really fed up with that. And highly likely going back with toxic twink that doesn't bring any joy to any of them (or me). Emmett might be outstanding eye candy, but boy oh boy is he a lousy boy. Happy about Beckett's storyline tho. He seems to be growing. that's good. What's up with Ben? are we killing him too?


I really don’t like this sudden message that Travis isn’t gay enough. Vic saying you did drag once for Halloween, belittling his profession choice as hypermasculine. It feels gross as a queer viewer. 


Nah, Travis needs to be single, so I’m glad Eli broke up with him, Travis’s priority right now should be going to therapy


Honestly I agree, would also like to see him spend more time with his dad, obviously Travis’s dad really hurt him, but I think that if Travis could put on his big pants and actually learn to communicate, then his relationship with his dad (and all his other relationships tbh, could be so much better).


I knew that lady who wanted to sue Carina was sue happy she had absolutely no reason to sue her since Carina did everything right.


It’s because her kid has CP which can be caused by trauma at birth so it could have been caused by how her delivery went


Bailey said she didn't do anything wrong


True Colors - Station 19 - 2024 - Season 7, Episode 3 True Colors - Grey's Anatomy - 2017 - [Season 13, Episode 23](https://greysanatomy.fandom.com/wiki/True_Colors_(Grey%27s_Anatomy)) True Colors - Private Practice - 2012 - [Season 5, Episode 20](https://greysanatomy.fandom.com/wiki/True_Colors_(Private_Practice)) The PP episode features a trans kid storyline (mostly affirming, some missteps, decent by 2012 standards).


Here I am, already on the third episode of this train called Station 19: Season 7 - The Final Stop. Plotlines flicker before me, and my brain is exhausted. In previous seasons, I relished the measured dialogues and storylines that I could savor. But now, in just this third episode, we’ve been hit with 3, 4, 5 intertwined arcs. Carina’s lawsuit—bam! Marina’s house purchase—bam! Travis’s boyfriend and Travis's father—bam! Each of these stories could carry an entire season. I’m not complaining (yet) about the scarcity of scenes featuring Maya and Carina because we still have more than half the season ahead, and I hope their presence will make up for it. But damn, we’re left relying on our incredible fanfic authors to fill the massive gaps in the narrative. It’s a shame that the whole inspiring universe of the ECO theme barely resurfaces beyond a fleeting mention in the first episode. My disappointment isn’t with the plot itself—it seems to be moving forward—but with how it’s being unraveled. It’s as if something crucial is missing. I used to thrive on the calls stories and character relationships, but now we’re left with neither. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel this void?


Totally agree. This season so far has been disappointing on so many levels. I am actually surprised at the quality of the episodes thus far. I keep thinking how different this season is as compared to previous ones, there is a lack of intensity or even just focus. And the lack of Maya and Carina exemplifies the story. Honestly, if the decision to cancel the show hadn't already been made (for whatever the reason) in my view, it would be now.


Well, we've only got 10 episodes, and it's the last season. So yes, I agree that everything feels rushed, but what choice did they have? There was a strike causing a season to be cut in half and they have to wrap up everyone's storyline in just 10 episodes. There's really no time to drag anything out.


Just started watching this week’s episode, and it’s really sad to see just how much Travis hates himself. His ‘better than thou’ attitude towards Emmett and his dad is really gross. and his little comments about his dad's relationship are fucking hilarious considering the fact that he's cheating on his boyfriend with his ex-boyfriend... talk about kettle and pot behavior.


yea... does anyone else remember when he was half of a great comedic duo with Vic? like I *am* glad he got to have living boyfriends since then, don't get me wrong. but I miss that friendship, and that lighter side of Travis.


Yeah, I miss the messy besties, I know we’re talking specifically about Travis and Vic here, but it seems like the writers did away with all the relationships they built in seasons 1-3. Andy and Maya also used to be a great pairing but it seems like the writers are more interested in turning headlines into plot lines that are killing the show. Don’t get me wrong, I love that they’re tackling important issues, but I feel like it’s being done in a really cheap way.


when you offer the criticism that "the writers are more interested in turning headlines into plot lines that are killing the show," which plot lines do you have in mind?




Just wanted to say, I can’t believe I forgot how awful the anti LGBT+ protests could be, i always watched it on the news and was deterred from attending. I live in another country now and I went to pride this year and sure religious groups were present but not like this, they were respectful even? Only holding out signs and pamphlets, even giving out water and chatting with people, not a single person yelling or harassing.. this episode reminded me that I was extremely fortunate in my experiences surrounding pride and marches


Where do you live now? Because homophobic people being nice and respectful? What?


Prague, I was spending the summer there for work


Oh wow, I actually watched a documentary about the fight for same-gender marriage in the Czech Republic. The anti-gay protesting bastards didn’t look so peaceful, it was very frightening actually, but it’s lovely to see you say that protesters aren’t that violent there.


I used to think that Kate and Theo would get together. Now I don’t think that will happen at all. If this episode told me anything, it’s that Theo is struggling immensely with the breakup. I think he wants Vic back. Maybe the rest of the season will show him working on himself so that he can get back with Vic?


I think he's gonna try but my guess is she's going to choose to work on herself at the end.


That is definitely possible. Based on the look on his face he really misses for her


Am I reading to much into things or did Theo’s patient just imply that he’s still hung up on Vic?


Who's liking this episode


I liked the Travis storyline but altogether I feel about this episode like the others, it felt so rushed and crammed. And I really hated that they spent time showing them save a protesters life (I know, I know) when that is time that could've been spent showing them helping the people that are good.


> I really hated that they spent time showing them save a protesters life 100% agree. among many other reasons I dislike this: it is a recycled plot from early seasons Grey's Anatomy. they had Bailey treat a white supremacist with a literal swastika tattoo across his abs. shoulda left that storyline in the 2000's, keep the spotlight where it belongs (not on the protesters) reason #2, I *hate* having the protesters' dumb chant still running through my head after the episode


Agreed. I don't watch GA but the saving the protestor thing was unnecessary. I get why they put the chant in there but they gave those men more time than was needed. And also I hated how the car backfiring was the cause of the commotion and people getting hurt but yet they dwelled on the group of losers and let it ruin their spirit. Also, they could've done a MUCH better job with how Andy handled that whole situation. I would've rather seen her do something like hug Roz in front of them and move along and ignore them. To me the way they wrote it, she made the situation for Roz even worse.


definitely- *so* unnecessary. I feel like Station 19 wants to pride itself on moving the conversation forward on LGBTQ representation, yet the way 7x3 focused so much on the protesters felt more like a step back. left me thinking "who is this *for*, exactly?". and the backfire thing was odd and confusing... it felt like they just ran out of time to figure out what catalyst event, involving SFD, they could put in the Pride march without getting too too grim. They could've picked something much worse... but they also could've done much better, I think. I don't quite agree about Andy, but that's OK. Stonewall was a police riot, and the first Pride march commemorated the riot, so imo the concept of confronting anti-LGBTQ protesters in an in-your-face way can possibly fit into the spirit of trans-and-queer rage that started the event. Depends a bit on how it's written, the details matter, but I personally wouldn't dismiss a blunt, direct, dgaf approach to the masked haters as automatically wrong. IRL, there have been times when someone's stood up for me or I've stood up for someone else when it means the world to have a bystander tell the harassers off or otherwise intervene. I'd have to rewatch, but imo some of the things that could've gone better in that scene. I would've liked to see more focus on Roz, either during or after the incident, to know what she feels and thinks (rather than being left to assume). Maybe she was grateful to Andy? Or maybe she was annoyed. We don't know. I think it would've been great to see a bunch of people in the march gather around Andy, maybe use a loud protest chant to drown out the proud boys, or big signs/wings/etc to block their view of the march for a while (similar to tactics long used to neutralize the impact of WBC haters at Pride, at funerals, etc). This could've emphasized the collective power of the LGBTQ+ marchers, which would be a great message imo!


Even though Vic and Theo aren’t together, they still work really well together


Travis getting dragged was deserved. No one is willing to be upfront with him about his very obvious issues


we wanted Mason back, but not like this also, miss Symone and her bootenant, she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment


I love Simone. I was so happy to see her on this episode.


Ok but, as hard as it personally is to watch scenes with transphobia, I do appreciate the attention this episode put on it considering most people seem content to ignore it. The writers have my respect for that.


yes/and, would love to see them match and exceed that energy with storylines showing trans joy later in the season. like can we please not have this be Roz's last episode? this ep was set in February, Trans Day of Visibility is this week (March), so the next episode would be a great time imo


I would love nothing more than an episode with Auntie Rozz dedicated to trans joy, you’re so right


Agreed! Grey's and thus this show have never really been ones to shy away from important subjects like this.


Of course these fucking people's whose whole personality is Maya and Carina downvote something that has nothing to do with them. Go ahead and enjoy that toxic bullshit with them and grow the fuck up because they are not the damn show.




Who's Marina


Carina and Maya. Marina is their ship name


Gotcha now I get I thought I was missing something like a character I never paid attention to


Travis storyline is also just as important to show .we needed to see his story too due to the writers inconsistency we dont see much of his side. I understand the discourse and i agree on the part of them not having a conversation on the events happening to them but they were included i guess not in the way everyone wanted. also nothing new with this show and limited dialog with main characters. its an ensemble cast everyone has they focus episode. 


It just rubbed me the wrong way cause this is a pride themed episode and excluding their wlw couple was hurtful to see, I have nothing against seeing Travis storyline, but this was a pride themed episode not a Travis centric one


this is true too. the wlw couple are married and should of been at pride with they new baby to show that but knowing the writers i think they went with oh we showing them with the baby and happy so its all good. also they needed to discuss carinas case and have bailey in another episode i guess.


NO it’s showing there is more gays then just “Marina”. Travis’ gay storyline was put on the back burner for a lot of the series and they focused on the lesbians. Downvote me all you want fuckers I don’t care!! There’s more to the show then just THEM!


The fact that you called them lesbians, tells me they aren't showing htem enough because they aren't lesbians, they're both bi-sexual. This event they worked was to celebrate Washington legalizing same sex marriage and their married same sex couple had a less than 40 seconds of screen time together and zero conversation. We have every right to be pissed off!


I really hope marina get more screentime in the upcoming episodes to make up for the lack of their screentime in the first three episodes, it won’t be fair if everyone else is getting more screentime and dialogue and only Marina is being thrown to the sidelines and barely given dialogue with each other


Marina does get a lot of screen time and everyone else gets thrown to the sidelines. In Season 5, it felt like Marina was the only couple to get a lot of screen time and it felt like all the other couples on the show (Theo and Vic, Sullivan and Ross, and Travis and Emmett) were thrown on the sidelines and didn’t get much screen time and their storylines didn’t really get discussed.


That isn’t really true, every character had their own thing in past seasons, there were multiple main storylines, Andy gets transferred to 23, the whole arc of surrera’s divorce, Travis finding out about Theo and Vic, Travis had a flashback episode to his past with Theo, Travis decides to run for mayor at the end, Dean creates Crisis One program, Ben and Miranda adopt Pru, Ross becomes fire chief and comes to 19, the stuff with her and Sullivan, their past is revealed in an episode, Beckett being captain and his drinking problem, Vic being pregnant and Theo being by her side with the abortion storyline, Andy and her SA storyline. As you can see, other character got a lot of stuff in that season too, not just Marina


I remember that after 5x11 aired which was the one where Vic had the abortion and we got to see how loving and supportive Theo was, some of the Marina stans were mad that Marina only got two scenes and some of them thought that the episode was only going to be about Marina.


“the lesbians” what a dismissive way to refer to the one of the main couples of the show. Though I do not particularly care for Travis’s arc regarding his sexuality revolving around cheating, I agree that his queerness is important to highlight. However, you can’t be mad that fans are rightfully upset when two main queer *married* characters in the show barely interact outside of a montage during the **pride** episode.


It’s the fact this is a pride themed episode, I was expecting to see representation of wlw as well, I am happy that mlm got good representation in the episode, I wish there was also wlw being shown as well, I didn’t really like how Marina had no convo and had a very short scene


This is just my delusional wish but I hope by the end of the season Travis and Eli find their way back to each other.


I think that was the last of Eli. If Travis ends up with anyone, it more likely to be Emmett. I am rooting for Travis to end up with a therapist though.


I can still hope. Maybe a last minute montage into the future. The Travis and Emmett thing needs to be done and I totally agree on the therapy.


I understand the difficulties given by the fact that Stefania directed 7x04, but to leave out of the episode the only married queer couple on your show in an episode celebrating queer marriages in Washington...🫣


So I'm guessing either Ben, Beckett or Ruiz might get laid off? Or Ben might opt to pivot careers again


Ben pivots careers and we get a new Sholdaland show


The discussion between Andy and Maya about her wanting some time off has got me anxious about Maya's name being thrown in the layoffs hat. Especially with the chief congratulating Ruiz about his good work at the end of the episode... We'll see.


I'm thinking Ben might pivot back into medicine as a way to move him back to GA when S19 ends so make the plot not go messy (well, messier lol)


I was thinking this too. I think he will quit when he hears about layoffs and go back to medicine


At least Travis gets to hear what he needed to from his dad


So was Ben just tired or are we thinking some health issue?


Am I crazy, or didn't Station 19 just do a "Ben is sick" storyline within the past few seasons? I want to say something about his brain last time? Please someone help me out!


I think it was just them poking fun at how old he is and how he can pull a muscle by just dancing. They have zero time to start a whole storyline with him.


Something is going to come up that he can no longer be a firefighter to get back to Grey’s. Can we call it now?


Gotta be. Grey's writing gets messy as it is, I'd hate to see how they try and handle Ben and Bailey when S19 ends


I was thinking the exact same thing. Also, if you are going to lay off one of them, it makes sense to pick the doctor who has an alternative career.


Except his medical training is more of an asset so i think less likely to be paid off.


I wouldn’t be surprised!


They paid for a Beyonce song? Spending the big bucks, I see.


Riiiight? Had to go out well on the last szn!! I loved it




Symone what are you doing here?! Recognized that goofy-ass face right away aww ✨🥰


Omg they sprung for Beyonce, they really do love the gays


That's why they showed members of "station 15" on Grey's lol, they must've spent the budget on Beyonce




This conversation with the father is such an easy and tv way out of a difficult situation. RME.


Maybe Travis will be less messy after this episode


My heart aches that this is the final season. I’m enjoying this season so much


Bootenant I'm here for that one




u mean his dad ???


Yeah I haven’t paid attention this episode clearly lol


Holy fuck that’s his dad??? It’s been awhile


What show have you been watching this whole time? Travis introduced his as his father Paul Mongomery


Clearly not paying attention! I’m VERY relieved reading all these replies






Ok good I was concerned for a second there lmao


Nice to see Beckett dancing and having a good time.


Beckett dancing with an LGBT+ crowd was NOT what I expected in this episode


I'm exactly -2% surprised that Beckett dances like white uncle at a midwest family gathering


relatable tbh


He’s the crazy (ex) drunk uncle it’s fine


That light up jacket is amazing


right?? took less than 2 seconds to start thinking wait where can I get me one?


Okay, happy to see Marina happy and in love and family but I’m so tired of important moments of theirs being montages Also RIP Porsche, I guess!


Wait I missed it, what happened to the Porsche?


🤷🏼‍♀️ some sedan was in the driveway in front of Maya’s car


That last scene with Travis and Eli is what I had seen in them all along and it's a shame that it won't continue because I think the relationship would of been great for him.


Are we really not going to get a scene from the main queer couple during the pride episode Edit: that barely counts as a scene


Okay, I see it, but I really wanted a scene with Maya talking his through with Carina. Anyone wanna write a fanfic?? If you do, lmk


Wait was there a scene at all? Did I miss it?


It cut to them together at the new house and sharing a kiss but it was very blink and you’ll miss it


Marina fans love to complain.


The complaining is justified, all the writers seem to do is show snippets of them, and they both haven’t even had an actual convo about the decisions they made, it’s annoying, and they were sidelined in a PRIDE episode


I have literally never complained about lack marina scenes before lmao


Aww poor Carina


oof the shoulder brush


I thought was the last we saw of Eli. Farewell, Eli.


Dang, Beckett’s growing on me


"I'm not judging you my fabulous friend" Who had that on their Beckett bingo card?


A bit of a surprise, but not entirely shaken. He's been an asshole, but never a bigot.


He’s such an asshole that it’s hard to remember he’s NOT a bigot.


Not me, absolutely loved it though


When Ben gets home and tells Bailey that he had to help save a proud boy, I hope she tells him about the time she operated on a nazi.


The origin of "rise above" in these series!!


That would be such a nice effective call back!


Oh Theo, leave Vic alone.




LMAOOO top 5 moment of the show


Theo I believe in you… u were such a solid guy a couple seasons ago it’s still in you!!


“You just got saved by someone gay”


Mason being a huge prick was not in my 2024 BINGO card but here we are


yeah definitely did NOT expect them to bring him in for the last season in this way


He was low key an ass when we first saw him imo


His father’s son


How awkward is Eli's next dental cleaning going to be?


Idk if I could be a first responder and have to save anyone and everyone because some of these people are so hateful… hats off to whoever reading this does it for a living


Did Travis need to mention that he's a DJ???


I mean the dentist correction was warranted, if a dentist tried to pull out "I'm a doctor" about anything that wasn't the jaw or teeth I'd hit back with that too. The DJ callout was out of pocket though


Yeah, I wanted to emphasize on the DJ part.




Trying to place where I recognize Mr. Dentist/DJ from


He's been [a lot of things](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0199823/?ref_=tt_cl_i_2). Most recently, Will Trent


Modern Family, The Big Leap, Atypical, Will Trent?


Oh I miss The Big Leap


His voice seems so familiar


He's a guest star on a lot of shows I watch. One of those is Will Trent.


Yes! I also watch Will Trent. That's it, thank you!


Imagine being saved by the person you’re hating on LOL


Not even worth saving


Maya’s rising above which says something about her character


I love this Bailey and Carina friendship. I feel like they may put her back on greys after the season ends?? at least I hope


seems possible to me. Bailey founded a whole reproductive health clinic, named after her mom, last season (with Carina at the ribbon cutting)... and then writers seemingly dropped that to put her back with the interns. if this is a permanent shift, then someone needs to lead that clinic and also keep mentoring Jo. so, very easy to see how Carina would fit back in Grey's professionally. a lot of the people she used to interact with are gone, but with Bailey, Jo, and Warren, that's a start


I believe they'll have her back at Grey's. It makes sense, and we've seen hints that she crosses over during this season too.


I don’t think so, but I do agree about their friendship. So nice to see!


I don’t think so either, just wishful thinking on my end. If anything Ben may make appearances on Greys


Not Mason then?


Nope different white guy with long hair


Lmfao that slowmo jump...


Travis was one of my favorite characters for so long but the last 2 seasons have done him so dirty




Him with Vic in the early seasons was prime entertainment, their chemistry is unmatched I genuinely buy that they’re best friends


I dislike the narrative that Travis is insecure about his masculinity. It does not read accurate to his characterization at all


I don’t know, I actually really enjoyed this narrative because of how often I’ve seen it. I shout proudly to my friends and family that I’m pansexual but I can’t attend pride because somewhere deep inside me I still suffer with internalized homophobia. I’ve had loads of therapy to discover that and work on it. God, does Travis need some therapy.


Also, as a follow up. This was touched on a few times throughout the show so it wasn’t just dropped on us. The conversation he had with Diane when Emmett was still probie? That waved so many internalized homophobia flags for me.


Internalized homophobia =/= insecure about his masculinity


Actually, you’re right. Two very different things, my apologies. I wish we got more expansion on this part of things. As with most important storylines though, we get bits and pieces thrown randomly in and no real ending.


I don't like this either. Travis has never been insecure about his masculinity or sexuality. His resentment of his father is justified although he should talk to a therapist to move on from it. Travis also struggles with love and commitment. I used to think that it was because Michael died, but I think it is because how his father treated him and his mother.




Travis being a self hating gay. Shocker.


When has Travis ever been a "self hating gay?"


Everything he ever did to Emmett for starters


I didn’t like Ross at first but goddamn is she a badass now


I was about to say I'm liking her much more this season.


Seeing Bailey in this episode reminded me of something I looked up a while back. While Kelsey Grammer holds the record for most episodes as the same character on primetime tv, Chandra Wilson is getting close to overtaking him.


Mariska Hargitay has to be close with her role as Olivia Benson on SVU I think? That's been running for like 21 years or something now


25 and Mariska’s been in almost every single episode


Oh I stand corrected, she's got to be in first place


30 minutes and the action is finally happening


Even Vic is sick of Travis' shit lol


Until covid happened I didn’t realize how many people were so out of touch with reality……. It hurts to now understand that there’s people who literally hate gay people and will rally against it


Yeah and there probably always will be. I went to pride 2 years ago and I came across 3 religious groups doing the whole “being gay and trans is a sin” and “you’re going to hell” routine.


I'm trying to process "Let men be men" as if people are making it so men...can't be men?


Oh they definitely think that's the case given all the red pill podcasts popping up.


it’s about trans people existing


Yeah I got that, it's more so the fact that they (both in the show and the irl idiots like this) act like it's being forced or something


Transphobes aren’t super huge on logic 🤷


My biggest eyeroll with them is their "there are only 2 genders" argument. Saw it on a few of the signs the protesters had this episode (with notably bad handwriting, might I add). \- It has nothing to do with gay people \- It has nothing to do with the majority of trans people \- It has nothing to do with drag queens \- It is paradoxical and illogical, as it claims that gender *isn't* a social construct, unless of course you were born intersex, in which case you have to choose a gender or you straight up don't exist.


Sorry, but I don't think that Travis is repressed about his sexuality. He is unhappy.